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Strange Event


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The 50 Rai behind my house used to be a lush green rice field with hedgerows everywhere that containes a wonderful aray of widlife and many many beautiful birds.

Over the last 3 months they have completeley flattened it and are filling all the uneven bits with earth.

Thet have now reached my back wall which is the furthest point..so the whole area looks like an arid plain.

I stood on a pot to get a good look at what the lorries behind my back wall were doing..then I saw something I have never seen before.

What seemed like a tornado started to swell up in near enough the middle of this new "Desert" and grew to about 50 feet, carrying soil , empty food cartons and plastic bags, it slowly moved around the land picking up more and more debris, The Lorry drivers saw it and stopped. The tractor drivers flatteneing the earth that the trucks were ferrying to them stopped.

I rushed to get my Wife to see it, when She did, she calmly announced that it was the work of Ghosts who had previuosly occupied the land venting their anger at what was happening to it.

We stood together on the plant pot watching it until it moved behind the other houses on our Moo Bann and out of sight.

Ten minutes laer it was business as usual and I could hear the trucks and tractors working again, so it obviously petered out near the end of the land.

Has anyone else seen anything like this in LOS?

I have to say that what my Wife said made sense to me, that land has been a farmed with small huts on it for probably 500 years or so. The cattle which always grazed on it until last week have now been relocated as there is no grass left

Anyone any thoughts about this?

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We used to call them Dust devils but same concept. We used to chase them on our dirt bikes as kids trying to get into them.

You are definitely thinking like a Thai if it seems to be a ghost. I have never seen one but I have many friends who absolutely believe in them. There are lots of things in the world I have never seen and they still exist. Who knows? Not I.

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,

Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

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well i would go with the ghost story.....

spice it up a bit and then buy the land when the price drops accordingly.

and just hope some meddling kids with their stupid dog dont show up in a van to foil your plans

Unlikely to happen, I have not said where the land is, except that from my details one would know I live in Chiang Mai and only a handful of folk who read this forum know exactly where I live.

Anyway its all supposition, I am just asking opinions :o

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well i would go with the ghost story.....

spice it up a bit and then buy the land when the price drops accordingly.

and just hope some meddling kids with their stupid dog dont show up in a van to foil your plans

Unlikely to happen, I have not said where the land is, except that from my details one would know I live in Chiang Mai and only a handful of folk who read this forum know exactly where I live.

Anyway its all supposition, I am just asking opinions :o

Not likely the developers will Stop developing it......especially when they can just buy an extra fancy spirit house to put in the corner and be covered. Kind of like ghost insurance. :D

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I think is probably a “dust bowl” aka dust strom.

This is an ecological disaster caused by decades of inappropriate farming techniques, for example slash & burn, clear cut technique (withnot covered crop during off season). Once the area topsoil was exposed through removal of grass during plowing, then during the drought and dry seasons, this fertile topsoil dried out, became dust, and blew away eastwards, mostly in large black clouds.

Lines of trees and hedges would have prevented so much of the soil being blown away once dried out. Unfortunately once an area has suffered this type of damage it is very difficult to repair and almost irreversable.

Edited by teacup
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I've not seen this phenomenon in Thailand, but "whirly winds" or sudden column-like mini tornadoes are common enough in dry regions of Australia. Something to do with heat differentials?

The ghost explanation is very appealing in that it recognizes the irreparable "loss" and damage caused to the earth by environmental degradation.

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I've seen it many times...

Issan- people call it "Lom baa", crazy wind/storm. They also believe that throwing a knife in direction of such a "Mini-tornado" prevents you/ your place from getting hit by one :D .

It's not done by the "Chao Tee", more likely the creation of a " Pee Lii Loon" :o

The next "Buddha-day" you can offer some (vegetarian) food, sweeties and 9 insence- sticks to these "Homeless ghosts" outside of your place to ease the situation.

Or ask Miss Pauly what to do :D

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Thats nothing!

Spare a thought for the poor people of Aberystwyth who yesterday suffered a tornado demolishing chimney stacks and damaging electricity cables. Winds of 120mph were recorded in the town and the A487 was closed for 4 hours while debris was cleared away.

Source: London Times today.

I wonder if they attribute it to the spirits?

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Thats nothing!

Spare a thought for the poor people of Aberystwyth who yesterday suffered a tornado demolishing chimney stacks and damaging electricity cables. Winds of 120mph were recorded in the town and the A487 was closed for 4 hours while debris was cleared away.

Source: London Times today.

I wonder if they attribute it to the spirits?

Can't see the difference of some people saying that something was an "act of god" really.

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adjan jb

on pot

on the plant pot

there is no grass left

well i would go with the ghost story.....

spice it up a bit and then buy the land when the price drops accordingly.

and just hope some meddling kids with their stupid dog dont show up in a van to foil your plans

Easily taken care of goldenmile,

Scooby Snacks!


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adjan jb

on pot

on the plant pot

there is no grass left

well i would go with the ghost story.....

spice it up a bit and then buy the land when the price drops accordingly.

and just hope some meddling kids with their stupid dog dont show up in a van to foil your plans

Easily taken care of goldenmile,

Scooby Snacks!



scooby snacks, haha.

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