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Side Effects of Marrying a Much Older Man


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14 hours ago, upside said:


Funny you mention Joan Collins as well preserved,  she's been dead for over a year. 

And though humorous, slightly misleading. I think you'll find Joan Collins is fighting fit and that it was her sister, Jackie, who passed away.

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11 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   My point was that females find wealth attractive, more so than good looks .

Also, this thread is about felang guys in Thailand , nothing to do with when you were at school and your situation or the situation in your home country 


Well I think you have conveniently forgotten the point you started arguing with me, which was about women being SEXUALLY different than men, not caring about looks and age, and you seeming to think women are sexually attracted to money/men's cars, etc.


You keep switching the examples back and forth from Western situations to here when it suits you and then try to eliminate me from the conversation when I make a good point. 


I already agreed with the men here about relationships and money being an issue. I disagree with other aspects and think women are skilled at making their "much older and if ugly" men feel good about themselves, that "we women" don't care about these things.  Just like you men lie to us and say you never look at other women/never cheat, never talk locker room talk, or whatever standard lies some of you engage in.

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I don't believe it  I am 63 My girlfriend is 37 and we have been together for 9 years Had some fights but then everyone does

We seem to be good together

She makes me happy and I know I make her happy

So then whats the difference Age for the most part is just a number Maturity on all levels is the key here not age


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14 hours ago, sanemax said:


    Now, be honest, you wouldnt be extremely rich would you .

If you actually have, then you really need to stop listening to younger girls conversions .

If you spent all your time listening to the opinions of girls in pubs in central Newcastle you would get a very distorted view of the views of the whole of UK females. 

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I'm 66 and my fiancee is 37. I often wonder how she really feels about me. She has a sales job and works very long hours and does have a college degree. She's not a hooker, but I certainly end up paying for many items which she could not afford. She treats me really well but I do wonder what the situation will be later on. I find it difficult to believe that she is  sexually attracted to an old goat like me,but I don't give it too much thought. I just enjoy the relationship. Thinking too much is deadly in Thailand.:D

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5 minutes ago, amykat said:




You keep switching the examples back and forth from Western situations to here when it suits you and then try to eliminate me from the conversation when I make a good point. 




   Maybe you are getting me mixed up with someone else .

Other posters keep referring to Western situations and although I have replied to those posts , I have stated that this thread isnt about Western situations and could we stick to the thread topic .

   So, I am just replying to other peoples posts and its not me who is switching examples , but anyway, my examples still hold true for Thai woman, just as it does for Western woman

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While living here I once lived in a house next to an old german guy and his much younger Thai-girlfriend.


My wife often talked with her, because the girl had many problems with her partner (him treating her like Shxt) She often wanted out of the relationship, but was under strong pressure from her family to keep in living with him, so she could support them. The times she did want to get away, she was refused to come back to the family.


When we left the area, she was still living with him and you could clearly see the sadness in her face. My wife says she is still there and holding out hoping the guy will just die soon, because her family (mainly her mother) does not want her to leave him. The greed and cruelty of some Thai-families never stops to amaze me. And nor does the way some Farangs threat their partner.


Is she experiencing "side-effects"? I am pretty sure! 





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15 minutes ago, amykat said:


Well I think you have conveniently forgotten the point you started arguing with me, which was about women being SEXUALLY different than men, not caring about looks and age, and you seeming to think women are sexually attracted to money/men's cars, etc.


You keep switching the examples back and forth from Western situations to here when it suits you and then try to eliminate me from the conversation when I make a good point. 




   There is some confusion .

This thread was about Thai females marrying older Felangs Males in Thailand , a poster then used an example about Western females in the West looking for a one night stand .

   Two very different situations and it has led to some crossed wires

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17 minutes ago, realenglish1 said:

I don't believe it  I am 63 My girlfriend is 37 and we have been together for 9 years Had some fights but then everyone does

We seem to be good together

She makes me happy and I know I make her happy

So then whats the difference Age for the most part is just a number Maturity on all levels is the key here not age



Great you are both happy and I am sure those relationships do exist.


Just wondering if you would say/think the same, if she was 89 years old?



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5 minutes ago, khunpa said:


Great you are both happy and I am sure those relationships do exist.


Just wondering if you would say/think the same, if she was 89 years old?



If everyone was happy then sure why not. Love is Love

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11 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   There is some confusion .

This thread was about Thai females marrying older Felangs Males in Thailand , a poster then used an example about Western females in the West looking for a one night stand .

   Two very different situations and it has led to some crossed wires


No, Bullshit ... I never said Western females at all, YOU did.  And look at the title of this thread.  There is no restriction about Thailand nor about Farangs specifically.  This topic can be discussed in general ...women who marry older men ...women and sexual attraction ...do you think Thai women and Western women have different laws of physical attraction on a scientific level?


Why are you trying to control everybody?

Edited by amykat
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1 hour ago, sanemax said:


   My point was that females find wealth attractive, more so than good looks .

Also, this thread is about felang guys in Thailand , nothing to do with when you were at school and your situation or the situation in your home country 

Tired of seeing you writing "felang"  the word is "Farang"



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13 minutes ago, amykat said:


No, Bullshit ... I never said Western females at all, YOU did. 


  I didnt say that YOU said "Western Females", I stated that a "poster" did , I didnt state WHICH poster, because I cannot remember who posted it,  BUT , I didnt say that you did !!!!!

   A poster mentioned Donald Trump and Kissinger and whether females would be attracted to them and thats when I replied with Western female examples , because Trump and Kissinger live in USA and not Thailand

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25 minutes ago, amykat said:


 And look at the title of this thread.  There is no restriction about Thailand nor about Farangs specifically.  This topic can be discussed in general ...women who marry older men ...women and sexual attraction ...do you think Thai women and Western women have different laws of physical attraction on a scientific level?


Why are you trying to control everybody?


  Although this is a Thai centric forum and the topic of this thread specifically deals with older felang guys  and younger Thai females .

   I do believe that generally Females are attracted to wealth, more so than good looks, the world over .

Although in richer Countries it is less apparent because most First World Western Females are either self supportive or they receive social gov benefits .

   But this thread is about Thai Females, who generally cannot support themselves and receive no gov benefits and their attraction to richer Western guys .

   I have no idea why you are saying that I am trying to control everybody .

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On 10/10/2016 at 1:37 AM, KhonKaenKowboy said:

How come Mary and Joseph are the most celebrated couple in History, if age differences matter so much?  Was it 12 and 92?

KhonKaenKowboy, from what I understand Mary was pregnant at 15, she was about to be stoned for adultery( they buried her up to the neck ready to stone her according to the law at that time). Joseph saved her by taking her in as his wife.

But when Mary told the story of angel Gabriel's visit and declared herself a virgin, the jewish elders asked two of their mid-wives to check on her. One after another these 2 mid-wives put their fingers into her vagina and found Mary hymen was still intact despite being pregnant.

Oh, Joseph was not 92, he was something like 72,  the 92 year old guy was Abraham. Abraham was 92 when Sarah his wife got pregnant. It was said Abraham ate lots of desert honey (from a special breed of bees) this was very potent 10 times the power of your today's viagra and no bad side effects. May be if you go to Yemen today, you go to the remote area you could possibly buy some of these honey from the tribes men, that is if you survive the trip.

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23 minutes ago, Docno said:


You are mistakenly assuming that the primary interests of the two genders are identical when, in fact, research conducted around the world shows that they are not. In every population studied, men prefer younger women while women prefer older men (I don't mean 20 years older, but I'll come to that). There are solid evolutionary reasons for this that I won't go into. Men value good looks much more than women, while women place more value on resources (or earning potential), kindness, ability to protect, and indicators of intelligence (which mat be a proxy for earning potential). [There are some added complexities if you are looking at preferences in a long term partner vs a casual partner, but again I won't digress]. I could write pages on this stuff, but I'll just say that asking a man to envisage being with a woman 30 years older than himself is apples-and-oranges because men and women are looking for different things in their partners. And given what both genders are looking for, there is no reason that a younger woman could not be perfectly happy with a much older man, but the reverse is much less likely.


Today I visited the house of a young 70-year-old American friend and his 29 year old wife (and their two kids, aged 3 and 1). They are as happy as any couple I've seen.      


Don't you think it would be pertinent to this kind of long term research to discuss the fact that men have had the power over all the resources and earning potential forever and women were stuck at home, saddled with 10 children, had no birth control, etc?  So wouldn't women have been forced to have evolved to value certain things in such a manner while men have had the luxury to value what actually comes natural for them?

As we can see, as the financial power between men and women becomes more balanced, some men feel "left out" and resentful.  Some men move to SE Asia and seek to find the same power imbalance their grandfather's had in a family relationship but without the 10 kids.

Do you think if this "study" were to begin in an truly equal society, and then run for 100 years, that the results would be the same?


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6 minutes ago, amykat said:


Some men move to SE Asia and seek to find the same power imbalance their grandfather's had in a family relationship but without the 10 kids.




   Some men move to SE Asia because the Females are feminine and they act like Females, unlike Western Females who act quite masculine .

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We may be old ourselves and not long endure the company of other old.


This was exactly my case. Honestly, I came to Thailand to continue a life of joyful single and especially avoid pensioners clubs of any kind.


Note that I have always lived like a grasshopper and do not have any economy. Fortunately, my pension still allows me to live here decently.


The surprise was that young GF beginning were OK with me and generally wished to settle in my furniture.


A nice day (or rather night :kiss01:) one of them, finest, more sedate but still 30 years younger and Pattaya Gogo-girl wanted too. So I left out all my principles and we married.


For almost 6 years now.


And all is fine.

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58 minutes ago, fishbrando said:


What if he were Mel Gibson (age 60)?


Honestly, it would make no difference. A 19 year old girl should not be with a 60 year old man. Most are not and there is a natural reason for that.


(Please remember this is MY personal opinion. I am sure there are loads of 60 year old men out there, who believe something else)

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