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More senior Republicans dump Trump


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More senior Republicans dump Trump




WASHINGTON: -- More than 30 senior Republicans have withdrawn support from Donald Trump after his obscene comments about making sexual advances on women were aired across America.


But Trump remains defiant just hours before Sunday night’s second presidential debate.


Senator John McCain, who in 2008 was the Republican presidential nominee, is perhaps the most prominent defector. “There are no excuses for Donald Trump offensive behaviour, Cindy and I will not vote for him,” he tweeted.


But there’s also former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice who wrote in facebook: “Enough! Donald Trump should not be President.”

House of Representatives speaker Paul Ryan was booed at a Wisconsin rally where he spoke of a “troubling situation” and of “an elephant in the room”, adding that he’s sickened by Trump’s comments.


Trump was due to attend the rally but Ryan said he was no longer welcome.


Another former Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney has also defected. “I was offended and dismayed by what was said and done by Mr. Trump. I think it’s degrading to our women to our daughters our granddaughters, to future generations,” he said.


Now the question is being asked, can the Republican party somehow dump Trump?


Reports suggest party leaders discussed exactly that on Friday night. But according to the party’s national committee it is only authorized to make a change “by reason of death, declination, or otherwise of the Republican candidate.”


And it’s that vague word “otherwise” that may now be offering a glimmer of hope to those who oppose Trump.


Trump’s lewd video has been a gift to Clinton’s campaign. Apart from damaging him, it has drowned out media coverage of leaked campaign emails that suggest Clinton says one thing to the public and another to Wall Street.


Leaked comments made by her to banks and big business appear to confirm fears by supporters of Democrat Bernie Sanders, whom she beat to the nomination, about her support for global trade and tendency to cozy up to Wall Street.


Clinton, who needs Sanders’ coalition of young and left-leaning voters to propel her to the presidency, pushes for open trade and open borders in one of the speeches, and takes a conciliatory approach to Wall Street, both positions she later backed away from in an effort to capture the popular appeal of Sanders’ attacks on trade deals and powerful banks.


The excerpts of remarks by the former secretary of state, made in 2013 and 2014 in closed-door meetings where audiences paid to attend, were published online on Friday by WikiLeaks, which sourced them to the email account of John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-10-10
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Now the question is being asked, can the Republican party somehow dump Trump?


No. He can only remove himself, and if he did the GOP could never get through the legal minefield to get someone else named in time. Pence is a running mate and was NOT up for POTUS.


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 He is not suitable for POTUS after showing that he is a)human B) has a sense of humor and c)is an alpha male? Ridiculous storm in a teacup promoted by the lying barstewards at msm outlets to take the pressure of his opponent who should be being crucified as we speak for the utterly damning revelations pouring out of wikileaks. A sickening scharade and one that is doing more to convince the silent rural majority that the only sensible vote is for Trump and against the evil establishment.

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2 hours ago, jaidam said:

 He is not suitable for POTUS after showing that he is a)human B) has a sense of humor and c)is an alpha male? Ridiculous storm in a teacup promoted by the lying barstewards at msm outlets to take the pressure of his opponent who should be being crucified as we speak for the utterly damning revelations pouring out of wikileaks. A sickening scharade and one that is doing more to convince the silent rural majority that the only sensible vote is for Trump and against the evil establishment.


Yeah, sure.  He's just human, etc. 


I wonder how many of the fathers and brothers (and husbands?) of these women that he spoke about would agree with that. 


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40 minutes ago, disambiguated said:

Nobody seems to remember Bill Clinton's and Vernon Jordan's 'locker-room banter' . . .

america has turned into a bunch of p#$$ie$. along with the rest of the western world they get offended about everything. they can destroy countries around the world and not care while getting upset about something a guy said many years ago. remember what bill clinton the serial sex pest got away with?

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3 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

america has turned into a bunch of p#$$ie$. along with the rest of the western world they get offended about everything. they can destroy countries around the world and not care while getting upset about something a guy said many years ago. remember what bill clinton the serial sex pest got away with?


"america has turned into a bunch of p#$$ie$."


Up for grabs, then?

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1 hour ago, disambiguated said:

Nobody seems to remember Bill Clinton's and Vernon Jordan's 'locker-room banter' . . .

You mean that same banter the conservatives said discounted Clinton from office? Well if that sort of banter made Clinton a poor choice for president, why is Trump a good choice?

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29 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

america has turned into a bunch of p#$$ie$. along with the rest of the western world they get offended about everything. they can destroy countries around the world and not care while getting upset about something a guy said many years ago. remember what bill clinton the serial sex pest got away with?


It seems Bill Clinton got away with a lot more than just loutish comments. He is accused of some serious sex crimes. But the hypocrisy shown by Hilary, a self proclaimed women's rights campaigner who attacked his victims to protect him. Was she doing this from love, family loyalty or to protect her own image and future ambitions? 


I pity Americans having to chose between these two. A non politician with some good views, some outrageous views and some outright loony tunes views and a serial liar and hypocrite whose agenda is only self and family interest and benefit coupled with her paymasters.

And I pity America that will get one of these undesirables as President.



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6 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


It seems Bill Clinton got away with a lot more than just loutish comments. He is accused of some serious sex crimes. But the hypocrisy shown by Hilary, a self proclaimed women's rights campaigner who attacked his victims to protect him. Was she doing this from love, family loyalty or to protect her own image and future ambitions? 


I pity Americans having to chose between these two. A non politician with some good views, some outrageous views and some outright loony tunes views and a serial liar and hypocrite whose agenda is only self and family interest and benefit coupled with her paymasters.

And I pity America that will get one of these undesirables as President.



we are in  for a show thats for sure if trump wins. more of the same b#ll s#it if hillary wins. i loved living in america in the late 90s. not so sure i would like to live there now.

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