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Trump slams GOP ahead of debate, raises Clinton scandals


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Trump slams GOP ahead of debate, raises Clinton scandals



ST. LOUIS (AP) — His presidential bid in chaos, a defiant Donald Trump slammed Republicans rushing to revoke their support for him as "self-righteous hypocrites" and signaled he may try to turn Sunday night's crucial debate against Hillary Clinton into a referendum on her husband's treatment of women.


Trump will take the debate stage under enormous pressure. Even before the new revelations of his predatory sexual remarks about women, Trump's campaign was slumping. But the release of the 2005 video, where Trump is heard bragging about using his fame to "do anything" to women, left some Republicans convinced the damage was insurmountable.


Even Trump's most loyal supporters struggled to defend him.


"They're remarks you certainly don't want to hear from anyone, much less a presidential candidate," Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor, said Sunday on CNN. "I think he made a full and complete apology for it. He probably is going to do it again tonight."


Clinton has stayed largely silent since the video was made public Friday, though running mate Tim Kaine accused Trump of engaging in a "pattern of assaultive behavior."


"I think there's kind of a piece of the jigsaw puzzle missing in Donald Trump where he does not look at women and consider them as equal to himself," Kaine said on CNN.


Trump's troubles have almost completely overshadowed the release of hacked emails from the Clinton campaign that revealed the contents of previously secret paid speeches to Wall Street. Clinton told bankers behind closed doors that she favored "open trade." Such remarks were at odds with her tough public comments.


Trump allies desperately hope the businessman can keep his focus in the debate on Clinton, raising questions about her trustworthiness and pushing his own populist economic ideas. The candidates will face questions in the town hall-style setting both from moderators and undecided voters seated with them on stage, a format that typically rewards candidates who show empathy and connect with the problems facing Americans.


But Trump suggested Sunday that he had other priorities. He tweeted a link to an interview with Juanita Broaddrick on the pro-Trump Breitbart website in which she describes what the site calls "brutal rapes" by former President Bill Clinton.


Broaddrick's lawsuit against Bill Clinton accusing him of rape was dismissed in 2001 and criminal charges were never filed. Clinton has denied the allegations.


Trump has long hinted he would raise Bill Clinton's sexual history at debates. In what was billed as a videotaped apology for the 2005 videotaped remarks, Trump said "Bill Clinton has actually abused women" and Hillary Clinton "bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated" her husband's "victims."


Giuliani pushed the same accusations hours before the debate, saying Clinton was the "leader of the attack" against the women her husband "sexually assaulted, sexually abused."


Clinton's campaign appeared unconcerned by the prospect of Trump raising Broaddrick's allegations.


"If that is how he chooses to spend his time in the debate then that's his decision," Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri told reporters. "I'm not sure that's what voters are going to want to hear."


At a fundraiser in Chicago, President Barack Obama called Trump's rhetoric "disturbing." Obama said "it tells you that he's insecure enough that he pumps himself up by putting other people down."


Trump's risky move comes as he tries to save a flailing campaign facing unprecedented opposition from within his own party. His own running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, declared he could neither condone nor defend the remarks in the video.


Other Republicans took the extraordinary step of revoking support for their party's nominee. Among them: Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte — both are running for re-election — and the party's 2008 nominee, Arizona Sen. John McCain. Some called on Trump to quit the race.


"I thought about years from now when my daughter Kate is old enough to know what is in those tapes and to understand what he is talking about," Ayotte said of her 12-year-old daughter during a press conference Sunday. "I want her to know where I stood."


Trump spent Sunday morning highlighting Twitter messages from supporters who slammed Republican leaders for abandoning him. In his own message, Trump said, "So many self-righteous hypocrites. Watch their poll numbers — and elections — go down!"


Republican leaders scheduled a rare Monday conference call for House GOP lawmakers, who are on recess. An email obtained by The Associated Press doesn't specify the topic, but rank-and-file lawmakers believe it's about Trump.


The latest firestorm was sparked by the 2005 video obtained by The Washington Post and NBC News. Trump, who was married to his current wife at the time, is heard describing attempts to have sex with a married woman. He also says that when you're a star, "you can do anything." Trump adds seconds later: "Grab them by the p----. You can do anything." He said of his impulse to kiss beautiful women: "I don't even wait."


The Republican National Committee is considering how to move forward. One possibility: re-directing its expansive political operation away from Trump and toward helping vulnerable congressional candidates. Such a move would leave Trump with virtually no political infrastructure in swing states to ensure that his supporters vote.


Pace reported from Washington. AP writers Steve Peoples, Laurie Kellman and Kathleen Ronayne contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-10
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It is ridiculous how this ass clown just goes on the attack for his own mistakes. He shoots himself in the foot with his big mouth and con man lifestyle then says others are bad and he is the only man that can save the world. What an amazing A hole!!


The one thing he did get right however is that the rep are hypocrites. They all knew what a scumbag Trump was after his verbal and physical assaults on women (incl his wife that filed raped charges against him), his assaults on the handicapped, mexicans, muslims and anyone else that got in his sights, yet many of them backed him anyway.


The republicans helped to create this monster of an idiot now they and their members will be dealing with the fallout from this for a very long time to come.


You make your bed you gotta lay in it. Sum num na.

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From what I've read Trump kicked Clinton's a*se in the debate. I find it amusing that so many republican leaders now oppose Trump, toss in the most of the press and the pitiable billionaires club and what we really are seeing is the Establishment.


By opposing Trump they are endorsing Hillary, for democrats are any of you even getting a slightest notion that Hillary is the Establishment, she is pro-war, pro-Wall St, pro-MIC. As such she is not is pro-America or even the slightest bit interested in the working and middle classes, in fact she holds them in complete disdain.

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Trump stomped around the stage, spewed vitriol and complained like a baby about time and the moderators. The man hardly could finish a coherent thought without some sort of run on tangent. Definitely not a win by any means.


Hillary put "Donald" in his place a few times while still managing to answer the questions (unlike Trump). She showed warmth and understanding to the person asking the question. Hillary shines yet again in a town hall.

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14 minutes ago, stander said:

Trump took on the media, the GOP establishment, Clinton and two biased moderators and still won the debate.


His strategy seems to have paid off. He humiliated her tonight. 

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Same old, same old from DT.  So now he's threatening HRC will jail if he is elected sounding like a Ukrainian dictator.  The rest is just his repeated denial of facts that have been checked over and over. 


Hillary came across as the adult in the room, as usual.  Neither debate will move the needle.  She has been winning every single day since the nominations.  DT is underperforming both McCain and Romney.


Now that we have a quote on tape of DT denying that he assaulted women in the manner he described in the famous audio tape, it will be entertaining to hear the upcoming testimony of women whom he victimised.  As well as additional tapes that will soon be forthcoming. 


Interesting question is whether Pence will now quit since he distanced himself from DT on the audio tape issue and now Trump has put him down publicly.  I think there is a fair chance Pence will indeed quit to position himself for the next election. 

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"I think there's kind of a piece of the jigsaw puzzle missing in Donald Trump where he does not look at women and consider them as equal to himself," Kaine said on CNN.


The jigsaw is his brain - he has many pieces missing! Just a street fighter with delusions of grandeur and self-aggrandisement. Will step on and over ANYONE (including supporters and friends) who get in his way.


I remember clearly one of his early electioneering claims was to build a fence between Mexico and the USA and the Mexicans would pay for it. How was he going achieve such a payment? Or has that already been forgotten about amid all his other ramblings? Clearly a legend in his own mind (or lunchtime).

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4 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

Same old, same old from DT.  So now he's threatening HRC will jail if he is elected sounding like a Ukrainian dictator.  The rest is just his repeated denial of facts that have been checked over and over. 


Hillary came across as the adult in the room, as usual.  Neither debate will move the needle.  She has been winning every single day since the nominations.  DT is underperforming both McCain and Romney.


Now that we have a quote on tape of DT denying that he assaulted women in the manner he described in the famous audio tape, it will be entertaining to hear the upcoming testimony of women whom he victimised.  As well as additional tapes that will soon be forthcoming. 


Interesting question is whether Pence will now quit since he distanced himself from DT on the audio tape issue and now Trump has put him down publicly.  I think there is a fair chance Pence will indeed quit to position himself for the next election. 


There's been a lot of chatter regarding your last paragraph.  Some Republicans are talking about replacing Trump with Pence at the top of the ticket and adding Carson.  Wild stuff this late in the campaign.




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The hated MSM always gets everything wrong, don't they? Right guys? 


A threat to use the power of the presidency to prosecute a political opponent? We do not do that in this country...up till now. Good aggressive unique policy statement by Mr. Trump, no? Come on what's wrong with America?  That's what we need! Throw your opponent in jail if you win! The new American way! YUGE! Right guys? 


 "Everything he just said is absolutely false. But I'm not surprised." Come on Hillary, stop being so negative. The man is a genius. 


During the entire debate, Trump used his stature and position on the stage to intimidate her. Now the MSM is pointing out to every woman exactly what he was doing, causing many to share their own experiences on social media. I tell you that is a YUGE win for Donald, right guys? Is there a man in America that doesn't want to intimidate an uppity woman? Right guys? Guys? 


I just don't understand it? The MSM and America think Hillary is right? That this man is completely, totally and unequivocally unqualified to set one single foot in the Oval Office.? He can never be allowed near the levers of power? What's wrong with America that they're not swallowing Donald. How dare they? I tell you it's the MSM and Hillary and Muslim Obama that's ruining this country! Right guys? Guys? 


And the coup de gras of the evening was the truly outstanding, never to be forgotten move...the pre-debate presser with Bill Clinton accusers. BRILLIANT! YUGE! Under fire for bragging about sexual assault, Donald Trump redirected by holding a surprise panel, broadcast live to Facebook, with women who have accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct on Sunday evening, just an hour and a half before he was set to square off with Hillary Clinton in their second presidential debate!!! What a ballsy move. A sure fire winning strategy. I see the brilliant behind the scenes advice of Roger Ailes for that gem. 


Running against Bill Clinton is a can't lose strategy. Genius! Right guys? I don't think anyone will vote for Bill Clinton now!


Notable by her absence is the only known woman to have had a sexual encounter with Clinton and who didn't try to capitalize on it. Lewinsky it turns out is a real p*$$*  The MSM got to her. 


We knew Trump was going to take the low road ... America just didn't imagine it was going to be this low. Brilliant! YUGE!!! 


Trump is a genius. What is wrong with America? Why can't they appreciate the man for who he is? America needs a Trump Presidency now more than ever! This performance tonight was one for the ages. Heil Trump. Right guys? Come on, guys, right? 






Just keep doing what you're doing Trump. 



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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Republicans rushing to revoke their support for him as "self-righteous hypocrites"

Now that I have to agree.

It was okay to slam Muslims, veterans with PTSD, handicapped, blacks, hispanics, Mexicans, overweight women, taxpayers not smart enough to avoid paying taxes, etc.. But slam white women's sexuality ... and the heavens fell !

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Trump is dragging this whole fiasco down to the street fighting level where he excels. Its no longer about the economy and jobs its about slinging mud and hoping something sticks. Just postpone the election for a year and pick new candidates and start over. Its not that America has a shortage of good fresh face candidates. Elizabeth Warren the terminator comes to mind. 

Edited by elgordo38
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