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When I lived in Thailand the first time I used to go to the salon and these ladies would use a device like an old school razor to basically shave the dry skin off my heels. Now I am back living in Chiang Mai and I would love to find a place to buy one myself or know the location of a salon that does it. I ask because my Thai wife's coworker at the university told her that they don't have them in Chiang Mai which makes no sense considering I have seen them in every other city I have been in.



I would suggest you would be better off asking a mod to move this to the Chiang Mai forum for more local info.


Topic moved to CM forum for local input.



Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


On the North East corner of the moat is a place called Riders Corner. Next to it is a hairdressers/barbers supply shop. Im certain they have these in store...but its been quite a while since I was in there!


My missus tried to use one on me but I was too quick and ran like hell!


Go to Central and get a German-made heel file. Or order one on-line from Dr. Scholl also made in Germany. They look like the one in the photo. Cost about 300 Baht; Scholl about 600. Don't buy the ones in the Thai markets as they will tear your skin. Just file your heels using the two sides (coarse and fine), once a month. Works perfectly.


If anyone tries to use those blades on you - run like hell. They are cheap Chinese quality and are very dangerous.


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