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Prednisolone getting off it


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I need help I can't get off Prednisolone.  I have almost die twice.  Doctor doesn't take it seriously.  I am not sure why he put me on this in the first place if it was so dangerous.  Inflammation of a nerve.  I trusted him and I didn't know.  


I was put on Prednisolone 5mg 42 tabs prescribed 3 tabs twice a day


Take 3 tabs twice a day for a total of 6 tabs per day for 60mg/day for 7 days


Went and saw the Doctor on the 7 day had me go immediately off it.  No tapering

Was good for the 8 day on the night day woke up with a acne broken out and very very very sick felt close to death sick.

Mid-afternoon toke 2 Prednisolone and symptoms went away felt normal.

Called Doctor told me to take 2 in the morning and 2 in the Friday evening and slowly go off

Told don't want to make it about this.

Saturday toke none felt great.  Sunday morning felt as thou I was going to die.  Pain RT abdominal 10/10, pain in jaw 10/10, and pain RT sinus 10/10 screaming pain.

Finally, 3:00PM I toke 2 Prednisolone and it all went away with slight pain.


Went to the Doctor Monday didn't seem to concern.  I appealed to him.  Still not to concern.  Told his mother was on a lot stronger dose and went off it quicker then me. Gave some statistics. BS I told him many people on the internet have huge problems getting off of it.  He told me that's for a stronger dose and longer period of time.  Not according to what I have read it's for 5mg and 7 days many.


Told me to take 2 for 3 days, 1 for 3 day and then 1 every other day.

I think it should tapered day over 2 months a lot slower.


I told him I don't think that's realistic.  What do I do if the pain comes back live with it according to him. 




1. Should I have been taking immediate off of Prednisolone?

2. Is there any Doctor anywhere that has a clue and will take this seriously and help me?

3. What should I do if I can't get off of it on his schedule.  He doesn't listen.  Should I go die in his waiting room.

4. What is a realistic schedule.  I feel as thou I could die.  Should I just believe him.  Isn't every situation different.  Maybe there is more to my situation shouldn't he investigate that.  He has no understanding of my concerns I feel.

5. Is there anyone that will work with me to get off of this and be concerned in Thailand?  Is there any medical test to see if the Adrenal glands have shut down and much they produce.

6. Is there anyway to get off of this.  Any steps that would help.  ie. other meds, acupuncture, holistic doc, herbs, etc.  Should I take pain meds for the screaming pain when I go off of it.  Is there any medical checks to make sure my body is adapting properly to the withdrawals.

8. What damage am I doing by staying on it and tampering it off.

9.  The Doctor acts as thou he doesn't want to hear it.  He got me in this mess already was seriously sick.  Not his problem now.  Horrible!  Absolutely Horrible!  That's my opinion.

8. Think he is a good doc but brushing me off and not taking my concerns seriously.  What should I do.  I will start with his schedule tomorrow.  What if I do all of it and have a reaction.


According to Clinical guidelines below.


  • If high doses were used for six to 10 days, reduce to replacement dose immediately and taper over four more days. Adrenal recovery can be assumed to occur within two to four weeks of completion of steroids.


According to this.


During this recovery time, the patient is vulnerable to adrenal insufficiency during times of stress, such as illness. While suppressive dose and time for adrenal recovery vary widely, clinical guidelines have been devised to estimate potential adrenal suppression and recovery, to reduce risk to the patient. The following is one example:

  • If patients have been receiving daily high doses for five days or less, they can be abruptly stopped (or reduced to physiologic replacement if patients are adrenal-deficient). Full adrenal recovery can be assumed to occur by a week afterward.
  • If high doses were used for six to 10 days, reduce to replacement dose immediately and taper over four more days. Adrenal recovery can be assumed to occur within two to four weeks of completion of steroids.
  • If high doses were used for 11–30 days, cut immediately to twice replacement, and then by 25% every four days. Stop entirely when dose is less than half of replacement. Full adrenal recovery should occur within one to three months of completion of withdrawal.
  • If high doses were used more than 30 days, cut dose immediately to twice replacement, and reduce by 25% each week until replacement is reached. Then change to oral hydrocortisone or cortisone as a single morning dose, and gradually decrease by 2.5 mg each week. When the morning dose is less than replacement, the return of normal basal adrenal function may be documented by checking 0800 cortisol levels prior to the morning dose; stop drugs when 0800 cortisol is 10 μg/dl. Predicting the time to full adrenal recovery after prolonged suppressive exogenous steroids is difficult; some people may take nearly a year.
  • Flare-up of the underlying condition for which steroids are given may require a more gradual taper than outlined above.






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Was there ever a cause found for the underlying nerve inflammation ? If you still have that condition, stopping the steroid will likely make it flare up worse than your initial problem. You need to get to the source of the problem and then slowly wean yourself off as per protocol. So see a doctor related to the nerve problem first and find out what the cause was...then once you determine how to alleviate that problem you can try to stop the steroids.

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The initial problem was Vestibular Neuritis and Tinnitus diagnosed by this Doctor a GP.  A steroid is given in some cases.  I could have just done the exercises.  I didn't know.  I went to 5 Doctors at a well know private hospital and they didn't diagnose anything after $4000 and 5 months.  I had a $40.00 Doctor's appointment where I was told to go to two other Doctors.  I had a ENT do $250 worth of tests then disappear for 1 month and the best I wanted to see a heart Doctor for Hypertension made an appointment then called back by his nurse to cancel the appointment told the Doctor is to tired because he is old.  There is more.  I think I gone to hell!


I think his diagnoses is correct but the steroids weren't necessary with these risks but I didn't know the problem with getting off steroids. The symptoms of Vestibular Neuritis are gone overall and I suppose once the steroid is stop the symptoms will come back.  Tinnitus is still there at times.


When I went off the steroid Sunday my ear rang like a 20 alarm fire dispatch and my sinus around my RT eye felt like they were going to explode.  MY RT Jaw had a sharp screaming pain.  RT Abdominal had a sharp screaming pain.  If I go down to one pill and stop are these symptoms going to be there forever.  I would rather die.  Time will tell.






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  • inflammation of the pancreas (very severe abdominal pains)
  • Steroids including Prednisolone tablets can cause serious mental health problems. These are common in both adults and children. They can affect about 5 in every 100 people taking medicines like Prednisolone tablets:
    • feeling depressed, including thinking about suicide
    • feeling high (mania) or moods that go up and down
    • feeling anxious, having problems sleeping, difficulty in thinking or being confused and losing your memory
    • feeling, seeing or hearing things which do not exist. Having strange and frightening thoughts, changing how you act or having feelings of being alone
    • feeling dependant or addicted to this product.

Seems the doctor wants you on that bs. 


1. Should I have been taking immediate off of Prednisolone? Take less and stop. A few Tramadol capsules might help you, but only for a few days, not longer. It's addictive.

2. Is there any Doctor anywhere that has a clue and will take this seriously and help me? You should ask expats in your area, or Google it. 

3. What should I do if I can't get off of it on his schedule.  He doesn't listen.  Should I go die in his waiting room. You should have changed the doctor a long time ago. Who cares if his mom is on that crap?

4. What is a realistic schedule.  I feel as thou I could die.  Should I just believe him.  Isn't every situation different.  Maybe there is more to my situation shouldn't he investigate that.  He has no understanding of my concerns I feel. You need to see the right specialist and there're quite a lot of drugs that are harmless, with almost no side effects. 

5. Is there anyone that will work with me to get off of this and be concerned in Thailand?  Is there any medical test to see if the Adrenal glands have shut down and much they produce. A good doctor will guide you. 

6. Is there anyway to get off of this.  Any steps that would help.  ie. other meds, acupuncture, holistic doc, herbs, etc.  Should I take pain meds for the screaming pain when I go off of it.  Is there any medical checks to make sure my body is adapting properly to the withdrawals. As already mentioned, you easily get Tramadol, a pain killer. I assume that it would help you, but you have to make that clear with a doctor. 

8. What damage am I doing by staying on it and tampering it off. Please see above posts. That all can happen and much more. 

9.  The Doctor acts as thou he doesn't want to hear it.  He got me in this mess already was seriously sick.  Not his problem now.  Horrible!  Absolutely Horrible!  That's my opinion. Once more, run away from this doctor and never go to see him/her again. Look for a good one, doesn't have to be expensive. I hope TVF members will jump in who know more about the drug. 

8. Think he is a good doc but brushing me off and not taking my concerns seriously.  What should I do.  I will start with his schedule tomorrow.  What if I do all of it and have a reaction. He can't be a good doc, because he's not listening to his patient. And that's one of the most important parts in a doctor/ patient relationship. 


     Don't go to him again and find another one immediately. I don't think that you really need this medication, but sometimes doctors get a high provision when they prescribe a certain medication. Orr a luxury holiday for the whole family. 


       get well soon. Kind regards. 

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  • inflammation of the pancreas (very severe abdominal pains)
  • Steroids including Prednisolone tablets can cause serious mental health problems. These are common in both adults and children. They can affect about 5 in every 100 people taking medicines like Prednisolone tablets:
    • feeling depressed, including thinking about suicide
    • feeling high (mania) or moods that go up and down
    • feeling anxious, having problems sleeping, difficulty in thinking or being confused and losing your memory
    • feeling, seeing or hearing things which do not exist. Having strange and frightening thoughts, changing how you act or having feelings of being alone
    • feeling dependant or addicted to this product.
Seems the doctor wants you on that bs. 

1. Should I have been taking immediate off of Prednisolone? Take less and stop. A few Tramadol capsules might help you, but only for a few days, not longer. It's addictive.

2. Is there any Doctor anywhere that has a clue and will take this seriously and help me? You should ask expats in your area, or Google it. 

3. What should I do if I can't get off of it on his schedule.  He doesn't listen.  Should I go die in his waiting room. You should have changed the doctor a long time ago. Who cares if his mom is on that crap?

4. What is a realistic schedule.  I feel as thou I could die.  Should I just believe him.  Isn't every situation different.  Maybe there is more to my situation shouldn't he investigate that.  He has no understanding of my concerns I feel. You need to see the right specialist and there're quite a lot of drugs that are harmless, with almost no side effects. 

5. Is there anyone that will work with me to get off of this and be concerned in Thailand?  Is there any medical test to see if the Adrenal glands have shut down and much they produce. A good doctor will guide you. 

6. Is there anyway to get off of this.  Any steps that would help.  ie. other meds, acupuncture, holistic doc, herbs, etc.  Should I take pain meds for the screaming pain when I go off of it.  Is there any medical checks to make sure my body is adapting properly to the withdrawals. As already mentioned, you easily get Tramadol, a pain killer. I assume that it would help you, but you have to make that clear with a doctor. 

8. What damage am I doing by staying on it and tampering it off. Please see above posts. That all can happen and much more. 

9.  The Doctor acts as thou he doesn't want to hear it.  He got me in this mess already was seriously sick.  Not his problem now.  Horrible!  Absolutely Horrible!  That's my opinion. Once more, run away from this doctor and never go to see him/her again. Look for a good one, doesn't have to be expensive. I hope TVF members will jump in who know more about the drug. 

8. Think he is a good doc but brushing me off and not taking my concerns seriously.  What should I do.  I will start with his schedule tomorrow.  What if I do all of it and have a reaction. He can't be a good doc, because he's not listening to his patient. And that's one of the most important parts in a doctor/ patient relationship. 


     Don't go to him again and find another one immediately. I don't think that you really need this medication, but sometimes doctors get a high provision when they prescribe a certain medication. Orr a luxury holiday for the whole family. 


       get well soon. Kind regards. 

Deal with the Devil
I am quite astounded you've written this post considering I feel I'm qualified to chat about this evil drug. First, need explain why I took Prednisolone.

I acquired nasal polyps through my own sheer stupidity taking too much Aspirin. Incidentally, had a mini-stroke beforehand after living in the fast lane in the UK working as a developer, smoking and drinking like no tomorrow. The doctor prescribed me aspirins amongst other meds to thin my blood. Still drinking/smoking thought I was being clever by eating aspirins like smarties to avoid any blockages allowing me to indulge in my vices. Alas, I brought on the following:

Triad Asthma
Triad asthma is a clinical syndrome defined by three conditions that exist together:
A) Asthma
B) Aspirin sensitivity
c) Nasal polyps

My quality of life became disastrous and to describe my breathing I could write many chapters on this subject.

To cut a very long story short. I had 3 very expensive nasal polyps removal operations in different places in succession around Bkk after I arrived over 11 years ago. After spending nigh on about 850,000 baht at these elite hospitals I began to think there was no hope for me. I noticed that every time before and after surgery I was given quite large doses of Prednisolone. I was told this was to shrink the polyps before the op and to prevent them coming back after surgery. Unfortunately, every operation was unsuccessful. I was left shattered trying to live with secretion pouring from tiny holes from the Nasal Polyps swollen within the nasal cavities with my nose under terrible pressure from expanding Polyps combined with asthma that came along at around the same time.

I hit on the idea to purchase Prednisolone from chemists in BKK buying this medication relatively easily even though it's a prescription drug. I took 4 x 5 mg per day and noticed the polyps subsided and shrank. I then progressed from 4 x 5 mg day to include the same amount at night = 40mg a day. This went on for some time until I eventually did some research since I was beginning to feel as if my blood pressure was rising. This was the beginning of an absolute nightmare.

I tried to decrease the amounts I was taking and had near to death experiences but after about 5 years got the dose down to 10mg a day. I came back to the UK 10 months ago and my Dr whom I had known previously was aghast that I was taking Prednisolone and for such a long period length of time. Him warning me I could easily acquire osteoporosis, diabetes and a multitude of other ailments. I was well aware already having become a somewhat involuntary expert in this evil legit medication.
He sent me to the hospital to meet an ENT Specialist relaying my sorrowful story about the 3 operations in Thailand on my nose the most success lasting 2 months of some breathing out my nostrils but then quickly closed back up again with all the problems coming back swiftly with a vengeance. When I told her about the self medicating with Prednisolone she was horrified shuddering at the thought telling me she was shocked and couldn't understand why my operations to eradicate the polyps lasted such a short time. 2 months agoI had a successful nasal polyps removal operation and felt wonderful for the first time in many years. I was gave a timeframe and schedule to come off the Prednisolone and finished off my last 1mg Last week.

I truly understand your hell and wholly advise anyone never ever take Prednisolone unless under Professional supervision and only taken as a very last resort. I took Turmeric & Cumin to keep my blood pressure low and to stop the terrible pain of cramps and spasms in my hands, feet, legs when decreasing the Prednisolone in increments of 1mg every 5 days then start the procedure again until I was on just 1mg per day then finished.

I hope you get well soon and please pm me if I can be of further help.


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ScotBkk, your situation differed from OP both in what the prednisolone was taken for and the dosage and length of time taken so I am going to put that aside for the moment in order top deal with OP situation. especially as yours seems resolved. (But indeed, as your experience shows, one should never self-prescribe this drug).


OP: I am having some trouble following what is written in your post. You say you took 60 mg/ a day but indicate the dose was 3 5 mg tabs twice a day which would be 30 mg/day. Which was it, 30 or 60 mg total dose? 60 mg would be considered high does, 30 mg would not. There is a very big difference!


It is not uncommon to just stop prednisolone abruptly when taken at 20- 30 mg daily  dosage for just 1 week. (I have done it myself). Adrenal suppression would not usually occur at that dosage in that time frame. In addition the problems you seem to be reporting (acne, abdominal fain,ear ringing, some sort of eye pain.  jaw pain , sinus pain and non-specific "felt very, very sick close to death")  do not really fit with adrenal suppression from prednisolone use - usually this manifests primarily as fatigue and lethargy.


The clinical guidelines you refer to are talking about high dose i.e. more than 40mg/day.  Tapering is not normally recommended for doses of less than that and 7 days duration. Your doctor followed normal protocol.


Quite separate from the issue of adrenal  suppression (which is indeed unusual if the steroid taken for only a very short time and at low or moderate doses ) is the issue of a flare-up of original symptoms, due to whatever the original problem was,. when a steroid is stopped. This can indeed occur if the underlying cause is still present, and with some types of conditions (e.g. asthma) the rebound flare-up can be more severe than the original symptoms. .  However, the symptoms you now report are not consistent with vestibular neuritis. These are just vertigo - not severe sharp pains in the eyes, jaw, sinus, abdominal etc.


In summary what you seem to be reporting now is not consistent with either the original problem nor with adrenal suppression from steroid use (which would be unusual after just 7 days on the prescribed dosage).  Nor does the array of symptoms readily accord with any other disease process I can think of offhand.    Which I suspect is why you are having difficulty getting the doctor's interest.  It likewise makes ti hard to refer you to a specialist as it seems to be a group of unrelated complaints.


The other thing to consider is the possibility that you have an anxiety disorder and that both the prednisolone and then discontinuing it have made that worse... then reading descriptions on the web of adrenal insufficiency due to stopping prednisolone (which, as explained, does not occur with just 7 days of 30mg/day) may have worsened the anxiety further.


Best I can suggest is

(1) if you are currently  experiencing agonizingly severe pains in the abdomen go to an emergency room because something other than either vestibular neuritis or withdrawal from prenisolone is going on.

(2) aside from that, if you are troubled by persistant  pain in the sinus area/around the eye, and/or jaw see an ENT. If there is any sort of infection present, that needs to be dealt with.

(3) If  recurring or persisting tinnitus and/or vertigo, see an ENT specializing in inner ear disorders, there is a clinic for this at Bangkok Hospital.

(4) Consider the possibility that your symptoms are due to - or much magnified by - anxiety and consider seeking help for that.


As regards the prednisolone I am not clear what dosage you are currently taking but suggest you follow the doctor's recommendation and quickly taper off it. You have not been on high enough dosages long enough tohave suppressed your adrenals.  However you may create that situation if you self-medicate with extra or continued doses to treat the pain.  You may also worsen whatever it is that is causing the pain, which is not  typical of vestibular neuritis.











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ScotBkk, your situation differed from OP both in what the prednisolone was taken for and the dosage and length of time taken so I am going to put that aside for the moment in order top deal with OP situation. especially as yours seems resolved. (But indeed, as your experience shows, one should never self-prescribe this drug).
OP: I am having some trouble following what is written in your post. You say you took 60 mg/ a day but indicate the dose was 3 5 mg tabs twice a day which would be 30 mg/day. Which was it, 30 or 60 mg total dose? 60 mg would be considered high does, 30 mg would not. There is a very big difference!
It is not uncommon to just stop prednisolone abruptly when taken at 20- 30 mg daily  dosage for just 1 week. (I have done it myself). Adrenal suppression would not usually occur at that dosage in that time frame. In addition the problems you seem to be reporting (acne, abdominal fain,ear ringing, some sort of eye pain.  jaw pain , sinus pain and non-specific "felt very, very sick close to death")  do not really fit with adrenal suppression from prednisolone use - usually this manifests primarily as fatigue and lethargy.
The clinical guidelines you refer to are talking about high dose i.e. more than 40mg/day.  Tapering is not normally recommended for doses of less than that and 7 days duration. Your doctor followed normal protocol.
Quite separate from the issue of adrenal  suppression (which is indeed unusual if the steroid taken for only a very short time and at low or moderate doses ) is the issue of a flare-up of original symptoms, due to whatever the original problem was,. when a steroid is stopped. This can indeed occur if the underlying cause is still present, and with some types of conditions (e.g. asthma) the rebound flare-up can be more severe than the original symptoms. .  However, the symptoms you now report are not consistent with vestibular neuritis. These are just vertigo - not severe sharp pains in the eyes, jaw, sinus, abdominal etc.
In summary what you seem to be reporting now is not consistent with either the original problem nor with adrenal suppression from steroid use (which would be unusual after just 7 days on the prescribed dosage).  Nor does the array of symptoms readily accord with any other disease process I can think of offhand.    Which I suspect is why you are having difficulty getting the doctor's interest.  It likewise makes ti hard to refer you to a specialist as it seems to be a group of unrelated complaints.
The other thing to consider is the possibility that you have an anxiety disorder and that both the prednisolone and then discontinuing it have made that worse... then reading descriptions on the web of adrenal insufficiency due to stopping prednisolone (which, as explained, does not occur with just 7 days of 30mg/day) may have worsened the anxiety further.
Best I can suggest is
(1) if you are currently  experiencing agonizingly severe pains in the abdomen go to an emergency room because something other than either vestibular neuritis or withdrawal from prenisolone is going on.
(2) aside from that, if you are troubled by persistant  pain in the sinus area/around the eye, and/or jaw see an ENT. If there is any sort of infection present, that needs to be dealt with.
(3) If  recurring or persisting tinnitus and/or vertigo, see an ENT specializing in inner ear disorders, there is a clinic for this at Bangkok Hospital.
(4) Consider the possibility that your symptoms are due to - or much magnified by - anxiety and consider seeking help for that.
As regards the prednisolone I am not clear what dosage you are currently taking but suggest you follow the doctor's recommendation and quickly taper off it. You have not been on high enough dosages long enough tohave suppressed your adrenals.  However you may create that situation if you self-medicate with extra or continued doses to treat the pain.  You may also worsen whatever it is that is causing the pain, which is not  typical of vestibular neuritis.

Totally agree Sheryl
It was more so to warn off others the dangers to self-medicate and the time factor far differs from OP although the trauma is the same to come off this crazy medicine.

Let's be honest' it does help certain people but needs to be respected with kids gloves otherwise will come back and bite you in the arse ......

Thanks for your reply ....

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/10/2016 at 11:51 PM, dmcrory said:

The initial problem was Vestibular Neuritis and Tinnitus diagnosed by this Doctor a GP.  A steroid is given in some cases.  I could have just done the exercises.  I didn't know.  I went to 5 Doctors at a well know private hospital and they didn't diagnose anything after $4000 and 5 months.  I had a $40.00 Doctor's appointment where I was told to go to two other Doctors.  I had a ENT do $250 worth of tests then disappear for 1 month and the best I wanted to see a heart Doctor for Hypertension made an appointment then called back by his nurse to cancel the appointment told the Doctor is to tired because he is old.  There is more.  I think I gone to hell!


I think his diagnoses is correct but the steroids weren't necessary with these risks but I didn't know the problem with getting off steroids. The symptoms of Vestibular Neuritis are gone overall and I suppose once the steroid is stop the symptoms will come back.  Tinnitus is still there at times.


When I went off the steroid Sunday my ear rang like a 20 alarm fire dispatch and my sinus around my RT eye felt like they were going to explode.  MY RT Jaw had a sharp screaming pain.  RT Abdominal had a sharp screaming pain.  If I go down to one pill and stop are these symptoms going to be there forever.  I would rather die.  Time will tell.






Are you ok now?

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  • 4 months later...
On 10/10/2016 at 4:38 PM, ScotBkk said:

2 months agoI had a successful nasal polyps removal operation and felt wonderful for the first time in many years.


Who did the successful op and how did it cost?


This is often done with a scope with a camera as an out-patient procedure so I'm surprised that your initial ops should have cost 850,000B. Maybe yours were complex.

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Who did the successful op and how did it cost?
This is often done with a scope with a camera as an out-patient procedure so I'm surprised that your initial ops should have cost 850,000B. Maybe yours were complex.

I had my nasal polyps removal in top Thai hospitals and turned out to be a complete and utter farce. In fact the the English surgeon in the UK couldn't understand why bone below my eye had been removed and was aghast when I told him the the length of time I was in the operating theatre during my first op. I'm being honest when I said how successful my latest operation has been approximately 8 months ago it's a new lease of life. It was suggested I used Nasonex daily to keep any new formation at bay. Don't need it. However, my smelling potential is only about 10% and may get better but I don't care either way just glad I can sleep well and breathe like any normal person.

The ENT surgeon is in Devon England and if your interested you should mail him. I understand your condition more than most and it's a living hell. Don't take chances getting a cheap worthless operation it's paramount to your ongoing health to get it done right. I got it done for free on the NHS as returned for over a year. Can't see it costing much more than I had to pay in Thailand for one op I suppose at their so-called Top hospitals. As far as I'm concerned you pay for the decor not the medical expertise.

PM me if you want me to get you the mail address for the ENT surgeon.

Best of luck my friend.

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I had nasal polyps removed years ago in Europe and it was very successful.The difference was night and day as you mention. I think it cost 35,000B (equiv) at the time and that included an overnight stay. Mine were largely caused by allergies to mold in the walls of our old farmhouse. The op was very successful but I still had occasional trouble breathing until I moved to a condo here, at which point all the problems vanished.


But now I think the problem (or, more likely, a similar but different one) is creeping back so I would like to see a competent local specialist or three about it. The UK is not really an option, thanks all the same.

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Ginger tea has cured all my breathing and stomach problems,it takes about 2 weeks for full effect,but has really been worth it,3 cups in the morning done the trick,, so much better than inhalers and other prescribed stuff! 

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