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Giving up on Trump? Ryan focusing on saving GOP majority


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1 hour ago, Merzik said:


Yes we covered the Pendergast story and I showed you Trueman was closely tied to him and his machine... and not based on some Hollywood movie.


I can not keep up with everything on this thread because it is about 6 to 1 now. ?


I expect Clinton to do what wikileaks and Bernie Sanders people know she did against him...CHEAT. Will I be picking up a gun and shooting people or any other violence ? Hell no !! I think there will be a peaceful pushback to any widespread election fraud however. 


Pendergast again :passifier:   


I can not keep up with everything on this thread because it is about 6 to 1 now. ?


Hey you're the guy who tried to come on like gangbusters. So I have license to mix metaphors to say stop biting off more than you can chew. The usual rightwhingers are off scrambling onto the lifeboats so when a newer one comes on in a full throat we tend to turn the spotlight on him. Good all the same to see you reaching for a life vest.


The fraud in this election is Donald Trump.


Regular Republicans in certain states used to be happy to try to pass racist laws to preclude or restrict voters they don't like going to the polls -- blacks, Hispanics, Asian-Americans. Their law after law have nonetheless been thrown out by the federal courts.


Trump and his fanboyz are entirely different however. They are now openly on a slash and burn assault to destroy everything before them between now to include through election day. So it turns out Donald Trump is a banana republic thug and his fanboyz are nothing more than 2nd Amendment rednecks riding hard in one posse after another in one stadium after another.


Trump wants to put the losing side in jail. After which he wants to join forces to cooperate with his mentor Vladimir Putin. In the Putin-Trump relationship, Trump is what CIA has always called a "useful idiot" to a foreign hostile (nuclear armed) power. Your hero(s).

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1 hour ago, vaultdweller0013 said:


Voter fraud is a non-issue.


The total number of cases is in the order of the low 1000's across the entire US in each election, and has a near zero change of affecting election outcomes, at least at the federal level. Moreover, most of the voter fraud is with absentee/mail-in ballots, not in-person voting, so the patrol of the voting stations won't prevent the very limited voter fraud that does exist. Even FOX news had to admit it really wasn't a problem after trying to tout it up:


Source: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/09/12/double-voting-even-triple-voting-found-in-us-elections.html


But then again, we are in the post-fact era, so go ahead an carry on and continue to feel that voter fraud is a problem.


Could care less what NeoCon HQ Foxnews says. JFK won against Nixon in 1960 and close elections have been swayed due to election fraud despite what the MSM says. 


"Did alien voters steal the 2008 presidential election for Obama?  There is troubling evidence that they may have.  A disturbing 2014 study published by political scientists at Old Dominion University showed that a significant number of them actually have voted in recent years—6.4 percent in 2008 and 2.2 percent in 2010.  As the authors point out, that is enough to have swayed election outcomes in some states.  The study states:    

“There is reason to believe non-citizen voting changed one state’s Electoral College votes in 2008, delivering North Carolina to Obama, and that non-citizen votes have also led to Democratic victories in congressional races including a critical 2008 Senate race [in Minnesota] that delivered for Democrats a 60-vote, filibuster-proof majority in the U.S. Senate.” 

Fitton puts this so-called, one-state abberation into perspective:  

“If this study’s results are accurate, the implications are startling:  Obama became president as the result of election fraud.  We have Obamacare because of election fraud.  We have the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act because of election fraud...."

Read more at http://americanactionnews.com/articles/will-another-presidential-election-be-decided-by-voter-fraud#Cld7E6k4B1bvxyKK.99


We also have liberals in the Huffington Post concerned about past elections:


"...Numerous politicians, investigators and authors, including Robert Kennedy, Jr., agree the 2004 election was stolen, not only in Ohio but in several other battleground states. Tactics included purging of legitimate voters and the use of nefarious voting software — but when even these actions did not yield the required numbers, Republican election officials simply changed the vote tallies in several states, all without a peep from the Democratic Party...."



Bushes and Clintons and others cheat. Period.


Edited by Merzik
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2 hours ago, Silurian said:

For me, this seems to be a major concern. Will Trump followers heed the call of Trump's Dog Whistle to make sure they "police" the voters to make sure there is no "cheating"? What will this mean to the average Trump follower? How will they define "cheating"? And what methods will they employ to prevent it during election day?


Will we see violence between Trump followers and other voters during the election? If this causes polling disruptions, how will this affect the election outcome? If people see this violence, decide not to risk harm to vote and stay away this could be a major factor in the outcome. Could this be a way for Trump to influence the election indirectly?


Silurian, that's a valid concern.  Trump the cheater knows he can't win, so is going to lose as messily as possible - like Saddam leaving Kuwait burning with 1,000 oil fires.   The election and the following day will possibly fraught with law enforcement issues.  Every law enforcement officer should be on duty that day - and not tolerate any bullying or disruption from Trump fanatics.  It wouldn't be out of line for National Guard to be posted at key polling places (Ohio and Florida, for example).   

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52 minutes ago, Merzik said:


Could care less what NeoCon HQ Foxnews says. JFK won against Nixon in 1960 and close elections have been swayed due to election fraud despite what the MSM says. 


"Did alien voters steal the 2008 presidential election for Obama?  There is troubling evidence that they may have.  A disturbing 2014 study published by political scientists at Old Dominion University showed that a significant number of them actually have voted in recent years—6.4 percent in 2008 and 2.2 percent in 2010.  As the authors point out, that is enough to have swayed election outcomes in some states.  The study states:    

“There is reason to believe non-citizen voting changed one state’s Electoral College votes in 2008, delivering North Carolina to Obama, and that non-citizen votes have also led to Democratic victories in congressional races including a critical 2008 Senate race [in Minnesota] that delivered for Democrats a 60-vote, filibuster-proof majority in the U.S. Senate.” 

Fitton puts this so-called, one-state abberation into perspective:  

“If this study’s results are accurate, the implications are startling:  Obama became president as the result of election fraud.  We have Obamacare because of election fraud.  We have the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act because of election fraud...."

Read more at http://americanactionnews.com/articles/will-another-presidential-election-be-decided-by-voter-fraud#Cld7E6k4B1bvxyKK.99


We also have liberals in the Huffington Post concerned about past elections:


"...Numerous politicians, investigators and authors, including Robert Kennedy, Jr., agree the 2004 election was stolen, not only in Ohio but in several other battleground states. Tactics included purging of legitimate voters and the use of nefarious voting software — but when even these actions did not yield the required numbers, Republican election officials simply changed the vote tallies in several states, all without a peep from the Democratic Party...."



Bushes and Clintons and others cheat. Period.



The group that collected the underlying data actually provides background as to why the conclusions from the link are wrong. They actually specifically addressed the study by Richman that you are referencing. But once again, don't let facts get in the way of your feelings.


Hence, a 0.1 percent rate of misclassification [citizens as non-citizens] —a very low level of measurement error—would lead researchers to expect to observe that 13 of 519 (2.8 percent) people classified as non-citizens voted in the election, when those results are due entirely to measurement error, and no non-citizens actually voted.


This example parallels the reliability and vote rates in the CCES 2010-2012 panel survey. From this we conclude that measurement error almost certainly explains the observed voting rate among self-identified non-citizens in the CCES—as reported by Richman and his colleagues

Source: http://projects.iq.harvard.edu/cces/news/perils-cherry-picking-low-frequency-events-large-sample-surveys


As for the Huffington Post blog/opinion piece: well if "numerous" people hold a belief, then it must be true. Its not like anyone would hold a belief because it is convenient and aligns with their feelings, even though it is not supported by a factual basis. Oh wait, that is my entire point; people do do this, and come to wrong conclusions. Democrat or Republican, it doesn't matter, they are both wrong, and there is essentially no evidence of voter fraud effecting elections.


If you want a good, short, 33 page read on the level of voter fraud that actually occurs:

https://www.brennancenter.org/sites/default/files/legacy/The Truth About Voter Fraud.pdf


(As an aside, my goal is not to convince Merzik or people like him. I might as well try to convert someone's religion. My objective is to provide more quality information to the record for people who actually have in interest in reality and want to try to use than information to make better decisions.)


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12 hours ago, keemapoot said:

As a few posters have dared to predict this, it's now time to talk about it. The Democrats running the table. White House, Senate, and House of Representatives. The Trifecta. The Triple Crown. It now is in the discussion among political commentators as the White house is certainly lost for the GOP, and with Trump waging war on the GOP as well as Clinton, more Republicans are in danger of losing their seats.


There will be lots more written about this, and it's going to be interesting to see the Vegas odds develop on this. 




Here's an indication of what's going on now in the House races that is suddenly sending Speaker Ryan scrambling to save his 31-seat incredibly shrinking Republican majority.


We remember Cong. Darrell Issa as the very nasty and very rich Republican who'd been chairman of the committee that had an embarrassingly unsuccessful inquisition against the IRS.


WASHINGTON, DC - DECEMBER 09:  House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) (R) talks with ranking member Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) during a hearing on the Affordable Care Act in the Rayburn House Office building on Capitol Hill December 9, 2014 in Washington, DC. Massachuestts Institute of Technology Economics professer Jonathan Gruber, who was a consultant paid by the authors of the Affordable Care Act and the Massachusetts universal health care program, called voters stupid and said that Obamacare would not have passed if lawmakers had really known what was inside the legislation during an academic conference earlier this year.  (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

California Rep. Darrell Issa (R) snarls at Ranking Minority Committee Member, Democrat Rep. Elijha Cummings of Maryland during Washington hearing December 9, 2104.


In 2014 Issa won reelection with 60% of the general election vote. In 2012 Romney won Issa's district 56%-42% against Pres. Obama so Issa ran ahead of his party's nominee for Potus.


Issa in a poll last week was leading his Democratic party opponent 45% to 42%. That is a huge 15% off Issa's vote of two years ago. Moreover, HRC in Issa's congressional district leads Trump 46% to 41%. This is a solid red congressional district in the very red suburbs of San Diego, CA.


Marine Corps retired Colonel and Democrat Doug Applegate is going at Issa in his first run at political office. Issa is showing the impact of Applegate's heavy artillery incoming against him to include Issa shutting of Democratic Rep. Cummings microphone during one IRS hearing, at which point Cummings hollered louder than anyone being heard using a mic.


This stuff is happening all over the map in safe Republican congressional districts to include gerrymandered ones. Issa was first elected in 2000 and hadn't ever won with less than 58% of the general election vote and had won most elections with 63% or 65%. This year the multimillionaire is spending money like it's for free to just barely keep his head above the political water. Another poll last week had Issa and Applegate at 43% each.


Going in to October, Democrats were favored nationally in 15 seats currently held by Republicans. D's were considered competitive in another nine seats (24 of the 32 needed: 31+1). Now as the internal polling of each party shows the Republican House vote turning over still more, it's all hands on deck in several dozen Republican House races. (Forget Trump over in the House although half the Republicans there worship him.)


In this House election the lifeboats are being rush shifted over to the starboard side as a big iceberg has suddenly appeared moving in from 9 oclock off the port beam.

Edited by Publicus
Number typo.
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Pence fundraiser event cancelled due to "lack of interest in the donor community". Ouch.


Nebraska governor nixes Tuesday fundraiser with Pence




And yet another fundraiser cancelled starring Pence.


Mike Pence cancels N.J. Trump fundraiser scheduled for Monday in Ocean County



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Thirty-eight percent is what the right wing nut Barry Goldwater got in 1964.


A new PRRI/Atlantic poll finds Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump nationally by 11 points, 49% to 38%, with Gary Johnson at 2%.



A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal pollconducted entirely after Sunday night’s presidential debate — shows Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump nationally by nine points, 46% to 37%, with Gary Johnson at 8% and Jill Stein at 2%.


So maybe if Trump gets 37% he might begin to make Goldwater look good. He'd also make HRC look like a champ.



Democrat Barack Obama is the 44th Potus. The number of the next Republican Potus will be:

A. 68th

B. 94th

C. 102nd

First prize to the winning answer is one week with Reince Prebius. Second prize is two weeks with Reince Prebius. (Third prize will be declared the winner.)


Speaking of winners...


Donald Trump lashed out at House Speaker Paul Ryan “in a barrage of Twitter posts deriding the highest-ranking Republican for being weak, disloyal and a bad leader,” the New York Times reports.


“Mr. Trump also appeared to be laying the groundwork to blame Mr. Ryan and Republicans who oppose him should he lose next month, complaining that it is ‘hard to do well’ without the support of his own party. Democrats, he said, are more loyal to their own kind.”



Politico: “As his fortunes sour, anger is trumping cogent calculation, and his defiance appears to be increasing in proportion to his decline in the polls.”


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10 hours ago, Merzik said:


Trump gets tens of thousands at packed stadiums for his rallies. Hilliary gets hundreds and can not fill small high school auditoriums ( but does much better with wealthy donor rallies ) . Every social media site have Trump getting far more support. Trump and his VP have won every debate . The last one by a wide margin. Only massive voter and election fraud will secure a victory for Goldman Sach's corrupt chosen candidate Hillary Clinton.


Don't mean to pile it on there pal but news is news and facts are facts...


Prof. Larry Sabato is director of the U of VA Center for Politics who's record of calling 'em is 100%. He does Potus election night returns, coverage and analysis live for the BBC in its Washington DC studio each Potus and mid-term election.


Neither has this poster ever gone wrong to cite Dr. Sabato.




Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball moves Ohio to Hillary Clinton’s column:


There has been a lot written about why Donald Trump will perform better in Ohio than nationally — we devoted an entire article to it last week. Polling in the state is showing that Donald Trump’s lead from a few weeks ago has evaporated, and the most recent surveys actually have had Clinton ahead. We’ve also caught wind of some unreleased polling that mirrors these results.


If Clinton wins Ohio, Trump has no path to victory. No Republican has ever won the White House without it, and, particularly in this election, Ohio’s demographics should make it relatively low-hanging fruit for the Republicans. So we now have Trump as the underdog in Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio, three electoral vote-rich states that he absolutely needs to have any chance to win.


Trump kaput.


Prof. Sabato has all but called the following 'battleground' states for HRC: Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Colorado.


Last one out over there kindly turn off the lights plse thx. If that happens to be you, then so be it.

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1 hour ago, Publicus said:

“Mr. Trump also appeared to be laying the groundwork to blame Mr. Ryan and Republicans who oppose him should he lose next month, complaining that it is ‘hard to do well’ without the support of his own party. Democrats, he said, are more loyal to their own kind.”


Trump has been a Democrat or a Republican several times in the past.  He's donated to both, depending on who can give him favors (tax deferments, etc) at any given time.  He's an opportunist.  He's actually only a member of the Trumpster Party.  

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Trump is proof of the adage:  "You can fool some of the people all the time...."  (= rednecks plus 'my Party right or wrong' dingbat Republicans),  ....and you can fool all of the people some of the time,.... (= people thinking he didn't cheat on his taxes, and that he's a savvy businessman), ....but you can't fool all the people all the time.  


But he sure gave it a valiant effort.  Too bad he created such deep social divisions (and pissed off many of America's foreign friends) in the process.

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It just keeps getting worse and worse for Republicans, and long term. The GOP hope and plan to capture Asian Americans, who largely have traditional values, is now a bust too, and moving steadily to the Democratic party.



Among registered Asian-American voters, the survey found Democrat Hillary Clinton had a four-to-one lead over Republican Donald Trump.



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2 hours ago, Silurian said:

Trump refunds? Is this like going to Walmart and returning your faulty toaster? This toaster is faulty, it only accepts white bread.

Major GOP Donors Are Asking Trump for Their Money Back



Here are some brief excerpts from that 'money back' article. . . . . . 


"I regret coming to the Trump support event, and in particular allowing my son to be a part of it," the donor, who had given to and raised money for Trump, said. "I respectfully request that my money be refunded."


Another donor also requested his money be returned because he is "mortified" over the leaked videotape, according to another email obtained by NBC News. "I can not support a sexist man. I have three young children and will not support a crude sexist man," the second donor wrote. "I expect a refund of my donation. Please process immediately and I thank you for your help."


Boomer responds:   ha ha ha ha ha ha, chortle, ha ha.  Let me address the donors asking for refunds:  You poor dumbass idiots.  There's been a plethora, no, a tidal wave of info on the Trumpster fire for over a year.   Did you watch the Republican debates last fall?  Did you watch any of The Divider's speeches?   If you did, and you STILL donated, then you deserve all the regret and hair-pulling you're going through.  


I have as much sympathy for you dummies as I have for the parents who infuse their kids with radical Muslim anti-westerner hate speeches, and then regret that their teenage children sneak off to Syria to become cannon fodder for ISIS. 

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Not only will Trump lose the election, and throw into question control of the two houses of congress, and ultimately the Supreme Court Majority, but now the Trump black hole is being projected to swallow 8 high profile Republicans along with everything else.  It's starting to look like total armageddon for the Republicans.



Republican concerns now center on whether his fiery explosion will leave behind a black hole -- dragging the party's top leaders and aspiring stars into a post-Trump oblivion.



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The Republican Chainsaw Massacre of 2016.


It isn't over and already it's sliced off the Republican Party, its leaders, its members, as Donald Trump swings his chainsaw and slashes away.


It would be something if Trump ended it with a measure of honor by falling on his chainsaw. But we know Trump won't do that. Somebody's going to have to take it away from him.

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On 10/12/2016 at 4:36 AM, keemapoot said:

Woke up to prepare for an early meeting, and looks instead like I have to prepare for the end of the GOP as we know it. Trump has declared war on the GOP and will now take it down in flames in a suicide bomber mission to the election. Amazing. Stunning. Fascinating. Evolutionary.









Republicans and the right sector posters who vote Republican (when they vote, as in this time) don't say much about all of this. 


While there's a small school of Republicans who pray this election is a one-time freak event for 'em, and that they'll recover before too long after it, most rightwingers who vote Republican when they vote want the breakup. Or they will accept it to go forward with their own nationalist America first party. A white is right party by any other name.


These two Republicans have a firm grip of the extant reality....


"Is this a teardown or a modest remodeling?


"This party is in the middle of a historic realignment, brought on by the financial crisis, the explosion of non-white voters, the presidency of Barack Obama, rapid social change and the rise of social media," says John Feehery, a GOP consultant and former aide to top Republican officials in Congress. "Don't forget the hangover from an unpopular war in Iraq. So [Republican Party chief Reince] Priebus is trying to manage that realignment, but it hasn't been easy. Trump is not a one-off. The Republican establishment (by that I mean the Bushes and the Romneys) will either have to change their approach to politics or drift over to the Democrats."





"I have no idea what the post-election path is for the party," says Stuart Stevens, a GOP strategist and author who ran Mitt Romney's 2012 campaign against Obama. "After 2012, that so-called 'autopsy' pointed a clear path that reflected reality: to win presidential, Republicans must get more non-white votes. Now they are doing the exact opposite of every recommendation. I don't know if parties are learning organisms." 






It is the Republican Party that is going bust in this election cycle. 


The Democratic Party is the oldest continuous political party in the world, formed almost 20 years before the Republican Party. We can think about the Democratic Party being the China of political parties, entirely because it renews itself without civil war, which is due to the fact the Democratic Party absorbs, absorbs, absorbs.


While the contemporary Republican Party has gone over to subtraction as its paradigm, the Democratic Party has only stepped up its addition paradigm. The Republicans' compulsion to subtract will result in one party dissolving into two, or as Stevens suggests, a number of Republicans drifting into the Democratic Party. Democrats will meanwhile continue to reform and to remake their political party. 


The Democratic Party remains organic while the Republican Party has become petrified (in more ways than one). Petrifying to a number of Republicans too. 

Edited by Publicus
Unsuccessful effort to edit a uniform font.
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4 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

GOP made the bed now they can lay down and wait for the end.


Yes, that end is coming in a few weeks, but it will be too late to go back to being the GOP of old, as it will have been laid waste by the Trump movement. The new GOP is the Democrat party, the slightly center-right, hawkish, pro free global trade party. It is what the Republican party used to be before it went off into outer space.


Sure, there will be lots of efforts to bring Clinton back to the left, with what Bernie Sanders started, and with Elizabeth Warren riding herd, but the Democratic party is now the party of growth, business, and getting on the keeping America at the forefront and the still most powerful nation in the world. And on social issues, the Democrats will still take the leadership role, so overall, I think it will be a balanced party, perhaps in nearly total control of government depending on what happens in the election and then with SCOTUS.

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