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A military unit in Battambang province is now turning to the public for help in alerting Prime Minister Hun Sen about their issues with their commander, dropping hundreds of leaflets asking the premier to force their leader to resign because of corruption. Alleged members of Battalion 52 in Garrison 5 of the army scattered “anonymous” leaflets in Battambang town center on Sunday listing 11 reasons why the soldiers were dissatisfied with Commander Mey Seounghorn, who they say has led them “immorally” and with an overarching plan to use the state budget for his own personal expenses.

Among a host of claims, the group says Mr. Seounghorn raped a woman, took 36,000 riel in food stipends – designated for them by Mr. Hun Sen – from each soldier, and changed positions within the battalion “inappropriately.” “This commander is immoral and incompetent in managing the forces. Moreover, he blames us and insults us with bad words in front of the soldiers,” the leaflet said.

“A cook who is the wife of a disabled soldier, who sacrifices to cook for the deputy commander, was forcibly raped by this commander and spread this throughout the brigade.” The leaflet goes on to say that even the battalion’s fuel was kept under strict guard by Mr. Seounghorn, who they claim restricted its use solely to his own personal vehicle.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/30619/leaflets-slam-corrupt-commander--/


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