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War talk is back on Russian TV as Gorbachev warns of danger


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War talk is back on Russian TV as Gorbachev warns of danger

Henry Meyer


MOSCOW: -- Russian state television is back on a war footing as a prime-time news program warns that the US wants to provoke a conflict, and former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev warns of danger.


This time, the ramped-up rhetoric follows the collapse of ceasefire efforts in Syria  with both the US and Russia accusing each other of sinking diplomacy.


Moscow has since increased its military presence in the Mediterranean and Baltic regions and suspended a nuclear non-proliferation treaty with the US.


Full story: http://www.theage.com.au/world/war-talk-is-back-on-russian-tv-as-gorbachev-warns-of-danger-20161010-grzeqp.html

-- © Copyright The Age 2016-10-11


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Well, I suppose there are two ways to look at that. One that the Russians are a bunch of lunatics and are itching for a war with NATO, one they can't possibly win. Secondly that they genuinely fear that war in coming whether they want it or not.


Regardless of which, it is hardly an positive development.

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28 minutes ago, Rancid said:

Well, I suppose there are two ways to look at that. One that the Russians are a bunch of lunatics and are itching for a war with NATO, one they can't possibly win. Secondly that they genuinely fear that war in coming whether they want it or not.


Regardless of which, it is hardly an positive development.

Nato(US)have done nothing but poke the bear in the eyes for too long......No one will win if conflict erupts......china will back russia

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3 hours ago, Nasrullah said:

Nato(US)have done nothing but poke the bear in the eyes for too long......No one will win if conflict erupts......china will back russia


Here is one scenario.

China unleashes the lunatic from the North onto the South and opens up one front.

Putin and Erdogan and Assad open up conflict with Saudi Arabia whilst Iran teams up and they all take out Israel with the backing of every fanatic possible. A second front.

The Canadians and Australians make a surprise move and decide, for the sake of nuclear safety to just stay the hell out of it. Along with New Zealand and South Africa etc.., etc..

In the meanwhile Europe finds itself embroiled in internal turmoil and an incredibly convenient moment.

All this is good for business until someone pushes the button.  The question is who?

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Here's a link to BBC TV Drama production depicting how life in the British Midlands in 1984 was affected by a buildup of tensions between the two superpowers - USA and Russia (very similar to what is happening now regarding Syria) which within days culminated in nuclear exchanges between the two countries.

We all probably feel at this moment in the end it will never happen to us but what this drama depicts very well is how ordinary people are one minute innocently going about their day-to-day business but are then quickly thrust into the utter chaos of nuclear war.

This is not something to watch ligthtly



Edited by midas
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I see in  a HK  write up that Russia has expressed interest in returning to their old base in Vietnam, probably wont happen as this will give China a big lift in the area and Vietnam isn't all that friendly with China, they are siding more towards USA seeing as they've seen how the other tossers operate.

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With the caliber of both POTUS candidates, Brexit, the disharmony throughout the EU, continued chaos in the Middle East, increases in terrorist attacks in the West, etc., Putin must thinks he's onto a winner. I doubt Russia will have such favorable circumstances for too long, or again. 

Heading for the perfect storm.

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17 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

With the caliber of both POTUS candidates, Brexit, the disharmony throughout the EU, continued chaos in the Middle East, increases in terrorist attacks in the West, etc., Putin must thinks he's onto a winner. I doubt Russia will have such favorable circumstances for too long, or again. 

Heading for the perfect storm.

He plays a good game of chess does Putin.......the noobs in the US  actually they're smarter than him.......NOT so!!!!

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9 hours ago, Nasrullah said:

Nato(US)have done nothing but poke the bear in the eyes for too long......No one will win if conflict erupts......china will back russia

So the land grabs Putin has done in Moldova,  Ukraine,  Georgia (they even bombed Gori and killed civilians), and Chechnya hasn't fueled the problems?  How about Syria?  Even France is going after them now.

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1 hour ago, midas said:

Here's a link to BBC TV Drama production depicting how life in the British Midlands in 1984 was affected by a buildup of tensions between the two superpowers - USA and Russia (very similar to what is happening now regarding Syria) which within days culminated in nuclear exchanges between the two countries.

We all probably feel at this moment in the end it will never happen to us but what this drama depicts very well is how ordinary people are one minute innocently going about their day-to-day business but are then quickly thrust into the utter chaos of nuclear war.

This is not something to watch ligthtly



You can say that again. It makes 'The Day After' look like 'Postman Pat'. Sweet Jesus...

I remember reading about some poor bloke topping himself after watching it.

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20 minutes ago, tartempion said:

Good, the end is nigh, at last...this planet will need a few millennia to recover from the human species.



your post reminds me of the profound words of Dustin Hoffman when he was interviewed on the film set of the 1995 movie” Outbreak “ which depicted the fight against a deadly airborne virus. He had obviously had a lot of time to reflect about his role and he concluded that human beings are the virus on this planet.  

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3 hours ago, midas said:

Here's a link to BBC TV Drama production depicting how life in the British Midlands in 1984 was affected by a buildup of tensions between the two superpowers - USA and Russia (very similar to what is happening now regarding Syria) which within days culminated in nuclear exchanges between the two countries.

We all probably feel at this moment in the end it will never happen to us but what this drama depicts very well is how ordinary people are one minute innocently going about their day-to-day business but are then quickly thrust into the utter chaos of nuclear war.

This is not something to watch ligthtly



An old film, excellent at making the "unthinkable" next war into something to think about... and help to prevent. 
Carl Sagan is listed as one of many advisors, but it looks like someone went through the civil defense training of the cold-war era and compiled it into an apocalyptic film. Since the scenario remains an ongoing possibility, this is a far scarier film than the crop of "Asteroids" or space aliens movies of recent years.

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5 hours ago, midas said:

Here's a link to BBC TV Drama production depicting how life in the British Midlands in 1984 was affected by a buildup of tensions between the two superpowers - USA and Russia (very similar to what is happening now regarding Syria) which within days culminated in nuclear exchanges between the two countries.

We all probably feel at this moment in the end it will never happen to us but what this drama depicts very well is how ordinary people are one minute innocently going about their day-to-day business but are then quickly thrust into the utter chaos of nuclear war.

This is not something to watch ligthtly




That's good to watch. However it's good to remember, that the explosions and radiation is not the biggest threat to all of us. Those have quite localised effects. 


The real problem is all the fires the nukes ignite, which will fill our atmosphere with large amount of sod and dust. This blocks the sunlight for years or decades thus collapsing the food chain. We basically die of cold and hunger. Not a great way to go.


Here is a short video of the matter. 



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15 hours ago, Baerboxer said:

With the caliber of both POTUS candidates, Brexit, the disharmony throughout the EU, continued chaos in the Middle East, increases in terrorist attacks in the West, etc., Putin must thinks he's onto a winner. I doubt Russia will have such favorable circumstances for too long, or again. 

Heading for the perfect storm.

Yes but will Sterling recover?

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