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THAI TOURISM: Security advisories 'may hurt tourism'


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Security advisories ‘may hurt tourism’

The Nation 




BANGKOK: -- MANY TOURISTS may not visit Thailand if their countries issue travel advisories after intelligence reports warned of possible bomb attacks in Bangkok, tourism associations said yesterday.


"The tourism sector may suffer a huge negative impact if many countries issue travel advisories in relation to the warnings of bomb threats raised by the Thai police," Thai Travel Agents Association president Suparerk Soorangura said.

Many foreign travel agencies and hotels are including Thailand in packages for the upcoming high season, so it is too soon to judge the number of advance bookings or cancellations, he said. If the government is unable to control speculation or ensure confidence in the international market, many tourists will shift their trips to other countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia or the Philippines, he added. 


Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Security-advisories-may-hurt-tourism-30297555.html

-- © Copyright The Nation 2016-10-13
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3 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

Typical but sad attitude.

To hell with security just don't interfere with tourism.

Unfortunately it may well be that in the not too distant future tourism will be rocked to its core ! 


It's that attitude that may be what harms tourism in the long-term.  Given the increasing frequency of security incidents in Thailand, lack of transparency tends to make foreign governments more likely to issue travel warnings.  If foreign governments have a high degree of confidence in the government's abilities and the government communicates effectively with foreign governments, they're more likely to be restrained in issuing travel warnings.  

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“...The tourism sector may suffer a huge negative impact if many countries issue travel advisories..."


Yes, but imagine the impact if an unfortunate incident does occur, and it ensued that prior knowledge was "officially" suppressed. 


Suparerk deserves to be severely censured for his comments. Especially for suggesting that speculation should be controlled. 


The speculation is NOT the problem.


Lack of confidence in the country's ability to protect tourists is the real dilemma for Thailand. Unfortunately, it seems that there is still very little being done to reassure others that this country is up to the task. 

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12 minutes ago, trogers said:


Like a previous government who covered up news about the bird flu epidemic?


I don't care what government does it.  It seems like a losing strategy in the long-term.  



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11 minutes ago, useronthenet said:

It's all about the money isn't it, nothing else seems to matter. 


True and everybody can see be hide the fake smile these days .. anyway Thailand will never be the same again after 14 years of unrest and poor control of with what have hit the world news headlines .. yet every Thai think the glory days will come back no bloody chance ...   

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exactly guys - they don't understand that more damage will be caused if they are not open and honest about possible threats, as I have said before - it is important that the public are aware of what is going on so that they can be extra vigilant - it also helps if they have an idea of what they should be looking for


What they should be focusing on  is demonstrating that they are able to deal with possible threats effectively - that also means being open and transparent and involving the public.


If there was a threat in Pattaya for example, I would want to know about it including the type of threat

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If tourists come to Thailand which has the worlds second largest road fatalities, I don't think a little bomb scare will prevent them from coming. Traffic kills more people worldwide than malaria or TB, and almost equals the number dying in AIDS. But that doesn't deter people from going out in the streets or driving a car or motorcycle.

Bombs in Paris, New York etc... I think it is becoming part of the normal "going about your business as usual".

Those travel warnings various countries put out is mostly for political purpose, such as if something happens to their citizens, someone will call them on it and ask "why didn't you issue a travel warning?"

Edited by AlQaholic
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30 minutes ago, Chao Lao Beach said:

Just means Thailand has cheaper holidays, or adventure holidays.


Don't know about that anymore but other Asian countries are more friendly these days plus cheaper compared to Thailand  truth be told

..  And offer you similar stuff to what Thailand has to offer ? Even Thailand can't do much to wow the Chinese or the Russian who are supposed to back in there numbers even i call it bs these days even some of these awards what have been  award for best travel destination is bs comparing to other Asian countries like Japan or Singapore and Hong Kong has me  scratching  my head when you compare stuff to a city just makes no sense..  




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Islamic extremism terrorism is everywhere around the globe. I don't think that Thailand should worry to much about any image problem. It can hit you same in Thailand as walking at some Beach promenade in South France. Those Jihadist are everywhere Only safe place to avoid them is probably a holiday at the South Pole right now :D

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3 hours ago, trogers said:


Like a previous government who covered up news about the bird flu epidemic?


Like previous governments: bird flu, AIDS, rabid dogs and monkeys, serial killer airport taxi driver, Charles Sobhraj, scams and a host of other nasties spanning decades and govts of all persuasions.

When a terrorist bomb site is reopened within 24 hours with victims' body parts still hanging from trees, the priority is clear.

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'Travel advisories' are about as outdated and useless as public phone booths, embassies, pekingese dogs and Victoria Principal.


When it comes to influencing peoples' decision to travel or not travel somewhere, the Internet has totally overidden travel advisories, and mostly for the better.


So the relevant question is : what image does the Internet globally convey, at the moment, about Thailand ? How much of it is positive and how much negative ? That is what TAT should be concerned about. The latest security issue is just another brick in the wall ...

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16 minutes ago, SoFarAndNear said:

Islamic extremism terrorism is everywhere around the globe. I don't think that Thailand should worry to much about any image problem. It can hit you same in Thailand as walking at some Beach promenade in South France. Those Jihadist are everywhere Only safe place to avoid them is probably a holiday at the South Pole right now :D


Exactly, and boy, are those South Pole beaches ever pristine ...

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1 hour ago, fruitman said:

What's the use of a securityguard without a gun? Why don't they get that? Will he drive over a terrorist with his segway?

as with many things in thailand security is just for show. only takes a day to train a security guard to ride a segway. it takes weeks and thousands of dollars to effectively  train someone to use a firearm. also it is hard to find a security guard who has enough money to buy a decent firearm.

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"..... many tourists will shift their trips to other countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia or Philippines.... "

Vietnam -- more dangerous roads and motorcyclists than Thailand (from what I hear). 

Indonesia -- take a noise cancelling headset if you stay in Jakarta. The loud speaker prayer music is deafening. Beware if you are not a Muslim. 

Philippines - get robbed, maybe decapitated or scammed. 

I still prefer Thailand. The chance of being in the wrong place at the wrong time is so minuscule. 

Bombs threats be darned. 

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you are a bunch of wimps, mention the word terrorist and you all pee in your pants, you have more chance of being hit by lightning than being killed by a bomb in Thailand. Yes i know it has happened before but so have road accidents. Look on the bright side,it's safer here than in Afghanistan or on the streets of London.

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