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Romancing a Thai woman


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Haven't you "cracked" it even though you mention "bubble bath"?


Does she take them alone or do you sit there, look the other way, and think of Mike Tyson?


If you have, what's the problem?  You can now go and spend more time with your mates/in the shed/writing poetry in your study/at the go-go.


Remember to listen attentively, smile and nod during dinner.


Or is it just that you're afraid that you haven't gained "absolute possession", like some sort of control freak "soul eater"?



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I have been with my lady for 9 years She does not show emotion too often as well This is taught to them at a young age not to show

emotion It is frowned upon to show much emotion in public so they carry it through to a relationship

She loves what you are doing so keep doing it


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I have been dating this Thai woman for some time, less than a year. She is a professional, well educated and she speaks perfect English. We can run a good conversation and a good banter but I realize from time to time that she is an egg - white on the outside, yellow on the inside. 
One of the the way it shows is when I think I am romancing her, just to realize whatever I am doing is going over her head - champagne, bubble bath, fine dining and miscellaneous gifts. So, the question is what makes a Thai woman tick on the romance level? Would prefer for the Thai ladies in this forum to respond....

Look for a banana. Yellow on the outside. White inside
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I have been in the same situation here. Very little emotion, most don't like sex or touching. Buying little gifts, or going out to eat doesn't work. Two things really work on Thai women.  Som Tum and MONEY. The later works everytime. 

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14 minutes ago, rjwill01 said:

I have been in the same situation here. Very little emotion, most don't like sex or touching. Buying little gifts, or going out to eat doesn't work. Two things really work on Thai women.  Som Tum and MONEY. The later works everytime. 

My wife started out alright in her 40s , but in her 50s has become no kiss , no touch and reluctant to have sex .  We have discussed my having a girlfriend for sex , but I'm sure if I did she'd be insanely jealous .

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Just now, Toscano said:

My wife started out alright in her 40s , but in her 50s has become no kiss , no touch and reluctant to have sex .  We have discussed my having a girlfriend for sex , but I'm sure if I did she'd be insanely jealous .

I have been in the same situation here. Very little emotion, most don't like sex or touching. Buying little gifts, or going out to eat doesn't work. Two things really work on Thai women.  Som Tum and MONEY. The later works everytime. 


Mine is always telling me to go out and have sex, and she means it. All she ask is that I don't have a relationship and to only go to a bar girl. So now I go to the store a lot more. Anything to please my honey. 

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I have been in the same situation here. Very little emotion, most don't like sex or touching. Buying little gifts, or going out to eat doesn't work. Two things really work on Thai women.  Som Tum and MONEY. The later works everytime. 
Mine is always telling me to go out and have sex, and she means it. All she ask is that I don't have a relationship and to only go to a bar girl. So now I go to the store a lot more. Anything to please my honey. 

Same reason I've not got married and still stuck with em' 20 somethings. Never was good staying at home I commute too much and I don't like bar girls too much but only in emergencies!!!!

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 So, the question is what makes a Thai woman tick on the romance level?

Err... Thai women are not any more different or the same as any other women. And when talking about women, you can't all lumpsum them either. Each woman and each man have preferences, things that make them thick. In general people (lovers) simply love to be given attention, expressions of caring, love, that they really do mean a lot (everything) to you. How to show this really depends on you and your partner. A nice walk, sitting by some water, dining somewhere nice, hugs, sniff kisses, kisses,  tokens of appreciation such as small gifts (flowers, a postcard, a stuffed heart, ...) etc. There are tons of options to show eachother that you deeply love eachother. If you think your loved one does not thick, ask them what they want, perhaps she rather sees smaller gestures, or completely other things.  So, just talk with her and find out what she wants and thinks.


Edit: As for my girl, she really loved it when I sent her postcards from NL to TH, gave her stuffed hearts (a big one and some small ones), often bought her some flowers, simply hugging and cuddling, going for a slow romantic walk in nice scenery etc.  Many, frequent small tokens of my love to her. And ofcourse she made it known to me that I meant just as much to her. Sometimes with gifts but most often simply the look in eachothers eyes, sweet words (sometimes spontaniousin Thai so I could only understand half of what she was saying). She sparkling in her and my eyes. Great memories and really all that was needed was intuition and communicating. SImple as that, no need for silyl guidebooks or such.

Edited by Donutz
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The main way to romance a woman is with words. Men base everything on appearance but for women, communication is far more important. I don't know how good your Thai is, but the better you speak Thai, the deeper the romantic connection you can achieve. She wants to be made to feel special, laugh, discuss and everything else...in Thai. That's the way to her heart.

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What makes you think Thai women are any different to women of any national when it comes to love and romance? I think the fact that you apparently think this is so is a big hindrance to your hopes and dreams; it is probably also achingly obvious to your lady love. So many men seem to forget women's ideas of love include various organs of the body -  the ears, eyes, mind, etc as well as the heart. Why not try being honest and ask some direct questions about love and romance in Thai culture?  People will forgive clumsiness if honesty and sincerity is apparent. Much better than wasting time.

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You have to remember that this is a different culture -- when it comes to romance, your ideas are likely not the same as hers... if you grew up very poor, romance and sentimentality [if shown through a bouquet of flowers would be a terrible waste of money if the kids are hungry]... 


Chances are that you just did not watch the same television commercials when growing up... I am not kidding. The candy and flowers industry work hard to paint an image... that is your image and might not be hers... 


My wife grew up poor. She would not make a connection between flowers or a special meal and a feeling of romance. Your GF might be different. For many Thai, our Western view of romance just does not translate well. 

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9 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

This is what so many men do here - in so many ways..... Without even thinking about it - or what they are doing.... Probably the leading cause of splitting up....


The women here are gentle, soft, easy going, & want to please.....


BUT - they are strong......



Nope, I don't buy into any of this stuff.


If the girl's not into you, dump her. 


If you're struggling to find common ground, dump her.


If she's lazy, selfish or greedy, dump her.


If she's dishonest, devious or manipulative, dump her.




Genuine chemistry is rare, but when it kicks in you'll know it. 


A true romance is a breeze: it's like a walk in the park; everything is natural and nothing is forced. 






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A few tips.

1. Listen rather than talk and always try and remember what she says and weave it back into the conversation later. She will be impressed with your memory.

2. Be aware that while you are talking she is not listening. Instead her mind will be occupied with what she is going to say when you have finished. It will usually have nothing to do with what you have just said so be prepared for a new conversation thread.

3. Sex is a bodily function like other necessities of life. It has nothing to do with romance.

4. Never forget her birthday and the Thai year in which she was born.

5. Food is more important than anything else. Even more important than you.

6. Food must be eaten at specific times of the day. If that cannot happen all hell will break loose.


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50 minutes ago, jadee said:

The main way to romance a woman is with words. Men base everything on appearance but for women, communication is far more important. I don't know how good your Thai is, but the better you speak Thai, the deeper the romantic connection you can achieve. She wants to be made to feel special, laugh, discuss and everything else...in Thai. That's the way to her heart.


So true.  The OP should understand that if the woman doesn't love you, no amount of romance is going to change that. 

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