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Lashing back, Trump calls accusers 'horrible horrible liars'


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Woman Accusing Trump Of Harassment Tried To Get Job With Trump AFTER Alleged Harassment

With infamous oft-described harassment hoaxster-attorney Gloria Allred (who also happens to be a devoted Hillary Clinton supporter) at her side, a woman by the name of Summer Zervos, a long-ago contestant on Donald Trump’s hit Apprentice TV program, is now alleging Trump groped and kissed her in 2007 at a Beverly Hills hotel without her consent. Zervos shook her head and held back tears as she read a from a prepared script recounting the alleged encounter before a gathering of media cameras"





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33 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

New York Post: Eyewitness Challenges Sexual Assault Claims Against Trump


“I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her. Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious,” Anthony Gilberthorpe said in a note provided to The Post by the Trump campaign. "



Just another phony.  They must be desperate to put these easily refutable stories out there.  :saai:

New York POST???? 5555555555555555555!

Yes, extremely credible news source. If that is your primary source of "information" I can understand why you're so confused.....:coffee1:


A few choice examples:


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I'm not a Trump fan at all, but the man has done a great service to our country whether he wins or doesn't. 


Unfortunately, he represents an existential threat to hundreds of lifelong politicians on both sides of the aisle who now see that their years of selling out, backstabbing and clawing up their respective party ladders may all be for naught.  Next time, it may be  Bill Gates, a Warren Buffet or an Elon Musk coming out of nowhere to spoil their chances of becoming their party's candidate.  And if it can happen at the presidential level, why not in the Congress?  Imagine the absolute disruption to the status quo.


So I'm forecasting a bi-partisan effort to do whatever it takes to see that he not only loses, but is humiliated in the process, as a warning to any other interlopers who may be thinking about getting between them and the trough they have spent their whole careers clamoring for.


His only real hope is that we, the people see through them.


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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:


I agree.  And Trump fans are so dumb, they think if their guy wins, testimonials of Trump's perversions will magically end forever on November 9th.



Something like Hillary's numerous crimes and deciepts. Wiki leaks is going to ruin that plan.:smile:

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I don't know if these women are lying or not but it seems to be a standard Democrat tactic to bring these types of unsubstantiated a couple of weeks before the election. Which is strange because if a Democrat actually does these type of thing it is no big deal to the American media. George H.W. Bush, John McCain, Bob Dole, and now Trump have been accused with no proof. In Trumps case the accusers wait 20-30 years before deciding to go public.


Women accusing Clinton's husband were treated as false accusers from the beginning, and if Monica Lewinsky had not saved the stained dress her claims would have been dismissed by the press also.


Seems like the same old tactic being used on a different day. Americans are too dumb to realize they are being played by the Democrats and the media.

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5 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:


Translation: His only real hope that we, the Teabagger people, see through them


If you mean the teabaggers who formed the country on the notion that citizens would be elected, serve for a finite time, then go back and live in the world they created, absolutely.  Big fan here.


If you are referring to the recent teabaggers, you'd be hard pressed to get it more wrong.  Not so much a fan here.


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51 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

New York Post: Eyewitness Challenges Sexual Assault Claims Against Trump


“I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her. Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious,” Anthony Gilberthorpe said in a note provided to The Post by the Trump campaign. "



Just another phony.  They must be desperate to put these easily refutable stories out there.  :saai:


Donald Trump Finds Worst Possible Character Witness To Dispute Assault Allegations

Now, as the New York Post’s Daniel Halper reports, a British man named Anthony Gilberthorpe has stepped forward to serve as an exculpatory witness...

“Gilberthorpe has no evidence to back up his claim — just his self-described excellent memory,” Halper reports...


Turns  out Gilberthorpe seems to always be at the right place at the righ time:


Senior Tory cabinet ministers were supplied with underage boys for sex parties, it is sensationally claimed.

Former Conservative activist Anthony Gilberthorpe said he told Margaret Thatcher 25 years ago about what he had witnessed and gave her names of those involved.

His allegations that he saw top Tories having sex with boys comes after David Cameron launched a Government inquiry into claims of a cover-up.



Just another phony. They must be desperate to put these easily refutable stories out there.


You see - we can regurgitate media reports to counter your regurgitated media reports too.


Ever have an original thought in your life?


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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Something like Hillary's numerous crimes and deciepts. Wiki leaks is going to ruin that plan.:smile:

Wiki Leaks is having a Field Day with everything connected to the Clinton Crime Syndicate 


On Topic:  ‘Apprentice’ Contestant Accusing Trump of Sexual Abuse Contacted Him this Year for Business Help




Another day, another sexual harassment smear on GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump by the mainstream media.
Except this one just fell apart.

The latest woman, Summer Zervos who was a contestant on ‘The Apprentice,’ claimed today that Trump sexually harassed her.

But, as it turns out, it was Zervos who continued to stay in contact with Trump.


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43 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Nice to get the other side for a change. No surprise that so many of these wenches are phoneys.


"These wenches are phoneys"


Another wonderful campaign slogan for the Trump campaign. 


I don't think I've ever used the word "wenches" to refer to women. It is consistent for how the trumpeteers think of women. :thumbsup:


It's a little hard to believe just what a pathetic candidate Trump has become. Completely in keeping with how I thought things would play out, but to see the game plan come together like this...I'm so pleased. Hooray for the good guys!


Just keep doing what you're doing Trump. Holding steady at 14% vs 85% for chances of winning at 538. Another great week for Democrats chances of taking the House and Senate. :clap2:

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Too bad all these phony women's stories are not being held credible, eh? :sleep:


"At the close of a week that began with him trailing by seven points, Donald Trump still holds a slight lead over Hillary Clinton in today’s White House Watch survey despite a flurry of news reports alleging a history of sexual harassment on his part."



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11 minutes ago, Pinot said:

It's a little hard to believe just what a pathetic candidate Trump has become. Completely in keeping with how I thought things would play out, but to see the game plan come together like this...I'm so pleased. Hooray for the good guys!


Just keep doing what you're doing Trump. Holding steady at 14% vs 85% for chances of winning at 538. Another great week for Democrats chances of taking the House and Senate. 


Hard to say how anyone could hold up if they had hundreds of the most conniving people with an unlimited (special interested funded) war chest, dedicated to the sole purpose of throwing them off their game.  Working in tandem with a hostile media with the same corporate sponsored agenda.  


Same thing happened to Perot.  Same thing will happen to every outsider who tries to upset the gravy train.

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Hmm, Trump may or may not have done as accused. One thing I think worth noting is how the Establishment Media uses sexual slander as a weapon to discredit or remove people they don't like.


We had Assange with the suspect rape allegations to discredit wikileaks, we had the IMF guy with the maid rape allegations which were later dropped but old compliant leather face took over his job.


Seems this is Opponent Removal 101, tried and proven. It doesn't actually matter if the allegations are true, make enough of them and the mud sticks, the target becomes permanent damaged goods.


Then consider, we also have the sound of chirping crickets regarding Hillary's shady past. But you can always trust the media, right?

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6 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

This video sums it all right up:

Donald Trump: "A moment of reckoning."



100% spot on. :sleep:


I didn't know much about Trump beyond the name.   The thing that captured my interest initially, and maybe thousands of others, was that 1988 Oprah interview.  I'm not ashamed to say it put the hook in me.  Not 100%, I'm not that easy, but enough to be interested in what he was on about now, all these years later.  Same way I gave others like Ross Perot, Rand and Ron Paul and even Bernie Sanders, an ear.


Trump lost his rudder along the way, perhaps at life in general, but in this campaign specifically.  Only now, when the chips are down because he's been roundly beaten at the mud slinging contest HE started so foolishly, he finally acquiesces to his campaign political team, and delivers this kind of speech (attached by Boon Mee). 


Had he spoken and conducted himself like this all along and stayed away from Alex Jones' nutter talking points, I would probably still be with him and in turn, he would be wiping the floor with Hillary Clinton's arse.  


He's just far too erratic and undisciplined.  I'm not influenced by any of Hillary's moves to capitalize on Trump's gaffs.  It's unnecessary, Trump is his own worst enemy and that's not a ringing endorsement for such a smart guy.   All the titillating  stuff piling on now, as unsubstantiated as some of it might be still, establishes and reinforces the pattern.

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Seems to me the Trumpsters are falling right down the same black hole of nonstop conspiracy mongering Trump is in. This media conspiracy is just the latest, preceded by the false claims of women conspiracy, going all the way back to Islamist Kenyan fake birth certificate. 



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The accusations are a side issue.  The problem with Trump's candidacy is Trump. He has little understanding of the way government works and even less about global interactions. He has flip-floped on Immigration, on birther idea,  on a range of issues already.  He will say anything to gain votes.  He routinely makes things up that are untrue and while his base is unquestioning,  the rest of us get tired of the BS . He is not qualified.  HRC is qualified but another poor example of why America is in trouble. 

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A couple of great posts came on while this poster was writing this one. 


So, the following is the response to the letter by Trump's sex lawyers who are carrying on for Trump about suing the NYT. It's from David McCraw, NYT vice president and assistant general counsel...


The essence of a libel claim, of course, is the protection of one's reputation. Mr. Trump has bragged about his non-consensual sexual touching of women. He has bragged about intruding on beauty pageant contestants in their dressing rooms. He acquiesced to a radio host's request to discuss Mr. Trump's own daughter as a "piece of ass." Multiple women not mentioned in our article have publicly come forward to report on Mr. Trump's unwanted advances. Nothing in our article has had the slightest effect on the reputation that Mr. Trump, through his own words and actions, has already created for himself.




It's a short letter but it's a Mike Tyson punch (oops!) or definitely better to say, Muhammed Ali punch.


This is another instance of Trump's absence of any character or integrity as he always and forever blames someone else, to include foreign governments and countries. Except for Putin and WikiLeaks whom he kisses up to and quotes daily. Singularly because of Donald Trump, Putin's arse has more kisses than Hershey's & Co.

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16 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

He's just far too erratic and undisciplined.  I'm not influenced by any of Hillary's moves to capitalize on Trump's gaffs.  It's unnecessary, Trump is his own worst enemy and that's not a ringing endorsement for such a smart guy.   All the titillating  stuff piling on now, as unsubstantiated as some of it might be still, establishes and reinforces the pattern.


Because he's been such an unguarded public figure, they've got thousands of hours of the equivalent of game films they're poring over, replaying again and again, looking for his hot buttons.  They have psychologists and focus groups looking for the exact turn of phrase that will put him off his game.  They're looking at facial expressions, body language, micro expressions.


To you and me, it looks like he's erratic.  That's their goal.  That's what they get paid $$ millions to do.


Politicians at this level have decades of coaching and experience and practice to dodge their hot buttons.  And $$ millions in consultants to prevent them falling in the same trap.  That doesn't prepare them to serve- or to do anything productive.  Just to win the election.


Edit:  Basically, we're watching theater, and critiquing it as if it's real life.  It's not.  It's carefully choreographed. Some have better directors than others.  That doesn't mean squat after the election.


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Just now, Ulysses G. said:

He lost the first one big time, but the second one was pretty even and low expectations pushed him over the top.

I know there are plenty of people who will say otherwise, but there are some people who will never admit the truth no matter what.


A very convoluted example of someone who will never admit the truth no matter what...


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1 minute ago, iReason said:


A very convoluted example of someone will never admit the truth no matter what...


Well, the truth here in this thread has been well and truly exposed - those women who are accusing Trump of whatever are shown to be false witnesses vs. the legions of Clinton's rape victims Crooked Hillary has attacked. 

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3 minutes ago, impulse said:


Because he's been such an unguarded public figure, they've got thousands of hours of the equivalent of game films they're poring over, replaying again and again, looking for his hot buttons.  They have psychologists and focus groups looking for the exact turn of phrase that will put him off his game.  They're looking at facial expressions, body language, micro expressions.


To you and me, it looks like he's erratic.  That's their goal.  That's what they get paid $$ millions to do.

Yes, of course, I get that, it's a campaign, that's what happens. 


Trump has turned down the professionalism, and turned up the dirt early on.  He set the tone, made some critical strategic and tactical errors, and it's biting him in the ass.   He should of known it would.  If he didn't then he's not as smart as he says he is.  If he was told by his advisors to be careful, and ignored them because he knows better, or simply can't control himself, that's not good either. 


Gotta go push the trolley around BigC and Makro, see ya'all later.  Have fun.


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42 minutes ago, impulse said:


Because he's been such an unguarded public figure, they've got thousands of hours of the equivalent of game films they're poring over, replaying again and again, looking for his hot buttons.  They have psychologists and focus groups looking for the exact turn of phrase that will put him off his game.  They're looking at facial expressions, body language, micro expressions.


To you and me, it looks like he's erratic.  That's their goal.  That's what they get paid $$ millions to do.


Politicians at this level have decades of coaching and experience and practice to dodge their hot buttons.  And $$ millions in consultants to prevent them falling in the same trap.  That doesn't prepare them to serve- or to do anything productive.  Just to win the election.


Edit:  Basically, we're watching theater, and critiquing it as if it's real life.  It's not.  It's carefully choreographed. Some have better directors than others.  That doesn't mean squat after the election.



You are really reaching here to find excuses for Trump ....I'm sure an orangutan could throw Trump off his game given 5 minutes.

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59 minutes ago, Rancid said:

One thing I think worth noting is how the Establishment Media uses sexual slander as a weapon to discredit or remove people they don't like.

Also worth noting nonMSM is also discrediting Trump on his sexual adventures.

Christianity Today founded by Billy Graham recently published a survey showing most Evangelists are not voting Trump. http://www.christianitytoday.com/gleanings/2016/october/most-evangelicals-not-voting-trump-beliefs-identity-lifeway.html



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