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Ugly US presidential campaign ‘set to get uglier’


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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


No one is applauding them, but that does not make them any less real.


The point is that WE DO NOT KNOW to what extent they may be real, and for you, or anyone else to assume they are just because they look authentic is just plain wrong. If those had been disclosures of Condi Rice would you feel the same sense of satisfaction, or would you be pissed off at the Russians and Assange and feeling differently?

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:

No one is applauding them, but that does not make them any less real.


the Repubs were, of course the party of Joe McCarthy, the black lists and witch hunts. However today with an ex KGB dude on the throne,  Republicans fall all over themselves sucking up to Tsar Vlad



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5 minutes ago, LomSak27 said:


the Repubs were, of course the party of Joe McCarthy, the black lists and witch hunts. However today with an ex KGB dude on the throne,  Republicans fall all over themselves sucking up to Tsar Vlad




It really is a historical turn of position. Repubs were always, always the anti-commie hawks, anti-Russian, anti-Soviet. Now, they actually embrace Putin's (always KGB and always will be under any other name) orchestrated actions to try to determine the democratic elections in the US. As I said, treason under normal circumstances.

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Bare in mind even IF Wikileaks was a Russian plot this has no bearing whatsoever as to the authenticity of the details they disclose.
For you Clinton haters who are US citizens, beware of strangers bearing gifts, because those gifts might be doctored, and might compromise national security. Who is going to authenticate those wikileaks?  Nobody will touch them.  
It is astounding to observe what I think are largely US citizens applauding the actions of a foreign government to undermine the US.  Sounds like treason to me.

Compromise national security ROFLMAO and what pray has Clinton done? IF the Russians were involved Clinton's criminal negligence is responsible for that. As for treason, inversion much, Clinton sold off 20% of US uranium reserves to the Russians in exchange for fortunes circuitously arriving in Clinton foundation bank accounts. Crime inc have been rumbled, if they win the election the U.S has ceased to have a functioning democracy and will head towards national extinction as safeguards such as the constitution are jettisoned en route.

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On 10/14/2016 at 4:27 AM, thaihome said:

On a personal note, this election campaign has validated my success in raising two sons (both over 40 now) ,in a part of the US  many would consider an alt right stronghold, and dispite a myriad of parenting mistakes I made,  who are in no way Trump supporters.




It's rather a shallow victory, my 9 year old daughter in the us recognizes him for what he is as well.

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1 minute ago, Steely Dan said:

Compromise national security ROFLMAO and what pray has Clinton done? IF the Russians were involved Clinton's criminal negligence is responsible for that. As for treason, inversion much, Clinton sold off 20% of US uranium reserves to the Russians in exchange for fortunes circuitously arriving in Clinton foundation bank accounts. Crime inc have been rumbled, if they win the election the U.S has ceased to have a functioning democracy and will head towards national extinction as safeguards such as the constitution are jettisoned en route.

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Yup, a massive conspiracy by the Clintons and the rest. We need Putin and his toy puppet living in the tiny closet on Hans Crescent in Knightsbridge to save the world.

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14 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

As for treason, inversion much, Clinton sold off 20% of US uranium reserves to the Russians in exchange for fortunes circuitously arriving in Clinton foundation bank accounts


What about Clinton and the Roswell Emails? Is this what the Leo Pensioners Brigade balthers about?! Sweet mother of Christ, It is not sad, it is pathetic.


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20 minutes ago, Steely Dan said:

Compromise national security ROFLMAO and what pray has Clinton done? IF the Russians were involved Clinton's criminal negligence is responsible for that. As for treason, inversion much, Clinton sold off 20% of US uranium reserves to the Russians in exchange for fortunes circuitously arriving in Clinton foundation bank accounts. Crime inc have been rumbled, if they win the election the U.S has ceased to have a functioning democracy and will head towards national extinction as safeguards such as the constitution are jettisoned en route.

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Crooked Hillary's life has been one long record of deception, lies and criminality from her participation in the Watergate hearings through Whitewater to the present day.

If this woman ever gains Big White, the Republic as we know is is over. :sleep:

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48 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


The point is that WE DO NOT KNOW to what extent they may be real, and for you, or anyone else to assume they are just because they look authentic is just plain wrong.


Sounds like wishful thinking. Have not heard of any credible source saying they are not real, including Snopes.




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4 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Have not heard of any credible source saying they are not real, including Snopes.






Why on earth would the US State Dept. or any other authentic source make any comment whatsoever on this, either to affirm or deny? They would not, so any source, snopes or otherwise is just pissing in the wind.

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Ok....revelation. I know I was hiding this but here goes...I cannot be silent any longer. Both Trump and Hilary are aliens ! That's right....neither of them was born on earth ! In 4 years I will have garnered enough wack jobs to start my own campaign god willing. (That last part is a concession to get the Evangelical vote).

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"Set to get Uglier"?

Well, here's a bit of encouraging news:


Trump Sets GOP Record for Individual Donors

The millions of individual people who have contributed to Trump’s presidential bid throughout the election season total the largest donor pool of any other Republican candidate in history, the campaign claimed, despite the fact the total amount raised by Trump still trails the $480 million raised and spent by 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney. Most of those contributions came from small donors.



What does that tell us folks?

Those hicks in flyover country want change...:smile:

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On 10/14/2016 at 7:21 PM, Merzik said:

All of the "October Surprise" allegations are very suspect and will no doubt be disproven.

Ivana Trump:

Ivana Trump denies accusing Donald Trump of rape. By ELIZA COLLINS. 07/28/15 11:42 AM EDT

Donald Trump’s ex-wife is disputing a story published by The Daily Beast that reported that she had accused Trump of rape in a court deposition from the 1990s. “I have recently read some comments attributed to me from nearly 30 years ago at a time of very high tension during my divorce from Donald. The story is totally without merit,” Ivana said in astatement to CNN. “Donald and I are the best of friends and together have raised three children that we love and are very proud of. I have nothing but fondness for Donald and wish him the best of luck on his campaign. Incidentally, I think he would make an incredible president.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/ivana-trump-denies-accusing-donald-trump-rape-daily-beast-120721#ixzz4N3oyC9EN   Again...the 1997 charge was frivolous. Her husband was in a business dispute and she says she was " under duress " when she filed and is voting for Donald in the election. She dated him again after the suit.

Now you are whinning because he does not have enough money?  Making $600,00 in 3 speeches to Goldman Sachs is Hillary's gig. A lot easier work.


You're using Ivana saying she will vote for her ex-husband as proof her sworn court statement of years ago wasn't true?  Grasping, dude.  And Jeb Bush's mom, Barbara, would vote for him if he was the Rep candidate.  

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Well in all this ugliness, just remember how great the USA COULD have been if the republican party would not have taken a sworn policy to oppose OBAMA in everything he did within an hour of him getting elected. The Republican party if they worked for the people as a GOVERNMENT could have put the great back in America. As it was, 8 years of one of the best Presidents the USA has ever had has been wasted by a group of vindictive people set against the best interests of the USA.


Here is to the coolest President the USA ever had and could have been all that it stood for!



Just realised, click to watch direct on you tube because of the black and white.

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Trump is re-writing the playbook on many things. 


For one, he's the first prez candidate ever who says things in public which are so rude, they have to be bleeped out.

He is compelling school teachers nationwide to discuss/define sexual harassment;/assault with their students. More than a few youngsters must be wondering whether it's ok to grab the genitals of another youngster, because a presidential candidate indicated it was cool to do so.  Trump indicates it's cool to grab pussies.  Is it also cool for women to grope and grab men's genitals without prior permission/warning?    


With the numerous problems in the world which need tending to, here we are, devoting massive amounts of calories and time - to trying to deal with Trump's incessant crassness.  Meanwhile, Yemen is being bombed, and Iraq's Mosul (pop.2 million) is about to be stormed, triggering a mass exodus of an estimated 200k destitute miserable people - and there are scant few materials/food to deal with them.  But no, Americans can't deal with starving destitutes because all our focus is on Trump's pussy grabbing little hands, coupled with his desperate shouts to put HRC in jail for deleting emails.

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

"Set to get Uglier"?

Well, here's a bit of encouraging news:


Trump Sets GOP Record for Individual Donors

The millions of individual people who have contributed to Trump’s presidential bid throughout the election season total the largest donor pool of any other Republican candidate in history, the campaign claimed, despite the fact the total amount raised by Trump still trails the $480 million raised and spent by 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney. Most of those contributions came from small donors.



What does that tell us folks?

Those hicks in flyover country want change...:smile:


Yes, most contributions are coming from small donors. You sound like that is good - Classic Trump. He has hypnotised the masses of poor, uneducated and now persuades them that as soon as the get their social security cheques they should send him 10-15 USD a week. The man is a true cad of the first degree. Under normal circumstances I would back out of a hamster wheel argument like this and think 'go ahead and get what you deserve', the problem is Trump will have a global effect and WILL lead to the ruination of the USA.. I see it coming where on a grand scale, American will kill American, with the same impunity that Muslims kill Muslims in the Middle East.  Has anybody got nukes automatically aimed at Thailand? Are we kind of safe here?

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


I am no fan of Info Wars, but it is true that the MSM have demonized and lied about Trump like crazy. Good to see them being called on it.

Can you please list any (even one) example of where the press have lied about Trump. Even better list examples of how they have 'lied about Trump like crazy'. Thank you

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

"Set to get Uglier"?

Well, here's a bit of encouraging news:


Trump Sets GOP Record for Individual Donors

The millions of individual people who have contributed to Trump’s presidential bid throughout the election season total the largest donor pool of any other Republican candidate in history, the campaign claimed, despite the fact the total amount raised by Trump still trails the $480 million raised and spent by 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney. Most of those contributions came from small donors.



What does that tell us folks?

Those hicks in flyover country want change...:smile:

It tells us he has not enough money to win.

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

"Set to get Uglier"?

Well, here's a bit of encouraging news:


Trump Sets GOP Record for Individual Donors

The millions of individual people who have contributed to Trump’s presidential bid throughout the election season total the largest donor pool of any other Republican candidate in history, the campaign claimed, despite the fact the total amount raised by Trump still trails the $480 million raised and spent by 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney. Most of those contributions came from small donors.



What does that tell us folks?

Those hicks in flyover country want change...:smile:


Yeah, Trump better grab those small donors now as several major GOP donors are asking for refunds. Time to return the faulty appliance to the store, it is stuck in a crash and burn cycle.





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2 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Crooked Hillary's life has been one long record of deception, lies and criminality from her participation in the Watergate hearings through Whitewater to the present day.

If this woman ever gains Big White, the Republic as we know is is over. :sleep:

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Well boys, this revelation should end all debate! :smile:


Hillary Clinton in Leaked 2013 Speech: ‘I Would Like to See More Successful Business People Run For Office’ — Because They Can’t Be Bought.


In a speech made public by Wikileaks — which released an email from Hillary for America Research Director Tony Carrk containing three attached speeches given at private Goldman Sachs events — Clinton spoke and took audience questions at the “Builders and Innovators Summit” hosted by Goldman Sachs on October 29, 2013.



Sums that right up - The Donaldmight not be a smooth talker but he definitely successful! :smile:

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6 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Hillary Clinton in Leaked 2013 Speech: ‘I Would Like to See More Successful Business People Run For Office’ — Because They Can’t Be Bought.

Well there -in lies your failing- the word 'successful'. Trump is not successful, he has made his money by accumulating debt and then re-negotiating the debt to pay cents in the dollar back. He gets small businesses to provide goods and services and then refuses to pay them, resulting in their ruination. Is that successful? Is that the American dream? Give us a break.

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Trump says outrageus statements to get himself on the front page and it works. What he really has in mind nowbody knows. To vote for him would be a gamble but better than a vote for Hillary, in the pocket of big business .To cosy with the Saudies and other war mongers a   horrible person.

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1 hour ago, Silurian said:


Yeah, Trump better grab those small donors now as several major GOP donors are asking for refunds. Time to return the faulty appliance to the store, it is stuck in a crash and burn cycle.






 The Republican NeoCon establishment like Sheldon Adelson and Irving Kristol hate Trump. They have the big money and MSM. He is driving these NeoCon Trotskyites out of the Republican Party and bringing in blue collar workers and what is left of the middle class to replace them. Independents, blue collar democrates and non voters are joining the Republican Party as the rats exit. One can not have the support of the donor class while trying to seriously reform and save America. The FED just stated that 7 out of 10 Americans no longer have $1,000 in savings. The America I was born in is quickly dying and Trump and his people are making perhaps the last stand for our Republic. 



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42 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Well there -in lies your failing- the word 'successful'. Trump is not successful, he has made his money by accumulating debt and then re-negotiating the debt to pay cents in the dollar back. He gets small businesses to provide goods and services and then refuses to pay them, resulting in their ruination. Is that successful? Is that the American dream? Give us a break.


One day we hear he has too much money the next not enough. He graduated from one of our best 

2 hours ago, Steely Dan said:

Would you care to give any evidence that the Russians are actually behind Wikileaks? Thank you.

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The partisan liberals loved Wikileaks when they were exposing Bush....now not so much. What a surprise. They are not interested in the truth. 

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