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Analysis: Trump 'rigged' vote claim may leave lasting damage


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Voter fraud conspiracy ???

From 2000 through 2014 for general and primary elections there were  more than 1billion ballots cast. There were only 31 voter fraud incidents suspected. 




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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

The Democratic Party primary was certainly rigged against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), both openly and secretly so there's no doubt in anyone's mind that the vote in November will be 'rigged' with dead voters and sundry Clinton operatives "Shenanigans"...:sleep:

I am not a Hillary fan, but neither do I believe all the bull flying about. Have you been taking lessons from the Trumpet--he who fabricates; then pontificates, the unsubstantiated? Did you really think the sheep were ready for a socialist? Hmmm, maybe you did. Just think what you are saying? Is it really old thick ankles who is so omniscient and omnipotent that she has the Establishment, the Media and the Judiciary in her pocket and can rig anything in her favor?  Did she just gain this hegemony in the last few years or did she inherit it from Slick Billy? And, if they had it all along, why was he impeached, why did the Shrub even happen, how did the Republican congress evolve, how did she loose to the mussie? Or, when confronted with logic does your naivety just draw upon the old worn-out religious catch-all; he works in mysterious ways?

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35 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:

Personally, I don't think he understands much of anything, really. He strikes me as a guy who at age 70 has not learned a whole lot about life.

The only positive thing I see is that his candidacy and campaign drag a deeply flawed political system from its hiding place into the spotlight.

My sorrow is that we are now stuck with Hillary Clinton as President, thank you Donald, you buffoon.


->" Personally, I don't think he understands much of anything, really"


Here is an example of  D. Trump understanding about life ( interesting comparison of Mc Cain's  / Trump's youth years ) : http://theweek.com/articles/568067/how-trump-spent-war-years


" 'I've been so lucky in terms of that whole world,' he said of sexually transmitted diseases. 'It is a dangerous world out there,' he said. 'It's scary, like Vietnam. Sort of like the Vietnam-era.' 

'It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3451452/Trump-says-sex-eighties-personal-Vietnam-Howard-Stern-interview-1997.html#ixzz4NKf9wRUQ

But anyway, D. Trump received a Purple Heart medal , from a retired lieutenant colonel and supporter: " And I said, 'Man, that’s like big stuff. I always wanted to get the Purple Heart," Trump said. "This was much easier.”




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5 hours ago, oilinki said:

Trump, the Russian spoke person, is really there to destroy the USA. He already knows that he can't win so now his agenda is to make the whole nation to pay for it. 


It's really sad to see that he has managed to fool so many Americans on his side. This whole episode Trump's neo-communism is going to have quite long lasting effects to the USA. 

I don't think he will try to destroy the US. The Dems are already doing a great job, IMO, with Obama being half way there and Clinton about to continue the project.


I hope that after he loses he starts a tv channel dedicated to exposing president Clinton's every transgression and crime. It will be a very popular tv channel.


Whether or not that happens, the US public is in for a rough ride.

She has stated she

will raise taxes

won't repeal/ replace Obamacare

will give more freebies to people which will increase the debt

is in favour of free trade which will see more jobs leaving the US

wants to shut down the coal industry, which will see thousands unemployed.


I really feel sorry for the US citizens that are going to suffer big time under her.



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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

All the stuff Trump says is largely irrelevant in itself.  What is relevant are the amount of gullible people who actually believe it.  American politics is a dirty business but rarely as dirty as this time.

I dispute that many people believe it. Most, IMO, go to his rallies for the buzz.

If you listen when people are asked why they vote for him, most say it's because she is so bad, anyone is a better choice.

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1 hour ago, dunroaming said:

All the stuff Trump says is largely irrelevant in itself.  What is relevant are the amount of gullible people who actually believe it.  American politics is a dirty business but rarely as dirty as this time.


I think a subsection of these people who will vote for Trump are latent racists but more importantly, latent devout sexists.  The blind rage and hatred they have towards Hillary just knows no bounds and defies rational explanation ...except for this.  A woman in authority and in power like this can really bring out the worst in some men.  I have personally seen some men I know (some for 30 years) who seemed normal to me totally lose their shit over this issue recently ...I feel like I have been transported back to 1950 and am in a KKK meeting but against women (based on those reactions).  I would like to write an essay just on this issue but I guess it is off topic ...



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Just to lighten the mood, while still staying on topic, some recent nifty one liners from British comedians:


How can Trump be a sexual predator? For a start, he isn't even Mexican.


He should know about locker room talk, because you don't get a body like Trump's without spending a lotta time in Gyms.


Hillary Clinton is everything Trump hates: a woman his own age. 


<rim shot>



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18 minutes ago, amykat said:


I think a subsection of these people who will vote for Trump are latent racists but more importantly, latent devout sexists.  The blind rage and hatred they have towards Hillary just knows no bounds and defies rational explanation ...except for this.  A woman in authority and in power like this can really bring out the worst in some men.  I have personally seen some men I know (some for 30 years) who seemed normal to me totally lose their shit over this issue recently ...I feel like I have been transported back to 1950 and am in a KKK meeting but against women (based on those reactions).  I would like to write an essay just on this issue but I guess it is off topic ...



They don't hate all women, just horrid ones like HRC.


By your logic every woman with blind hatred for Trump is a sexist against men.

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Hilary Clinton will become President because Donald Trump is her opponent and he is a flawed candidate that neither has the temperament or the intelligence to hold the office of President. Had there been any other candidate from the Republican side- there may have been a chance the Republican could win. 

The reason Donald Trump has even the slightest popularity is that Americans are so fed up with the political system and the economic meltdown of 2008 they would vote for anyone who promises them they will fix the broken 'system'.  These people are convinced that illegal immigrants have stolen their jobs; that  ISIS is at our doorstop and that all Muslims are to be feared as well as people of color. The truth is that Donald Trump is probably the worst choice in America to fix anything that is wrong with America.

He is a poor businessman; a narcissistic meglomaniac who believes that if he loses everyone is rigging the system against him. He refuses to look in the mirror and see what the majority of Americans see- a bigot; a person who cares little for the average American and someone who will protect his self interest and his wealthy friends above everyone else.

Hillary Clinton while ruthless and willing to do about anything to get elected is at least a choice who will provide some stability in America at home and abroad. Her ethics are not what I would normally want in a leader but compared to Trump she looks much better.

The sad things is that nothing will change much for the American people- the middle class will still be pressed; the poor will remain poor and the 1% will get richer off the backs of the remainder of the populace.

America is in dire need of a real change agent like a Bernie Sanders . What is currently happening is completely unsustainable for the future. The rise of Donald Trump should be a wake up call to everyone that the populace is very disgusted and real change must  come or we will eventually get more demagogues and God forbid they may become President one day.


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9 hours ago, webfact said:

Donald Trump keeps peddling the notion the vote may be rigged.

Same story with Obama's second term election. November 2012 three example tweets (Twitter/@realdonaldtrump) :

  • This election is a total sham and a travesty ...we are not a democracy
  • The phoney electoral college made a laughing stock out of our nation
  • We should have a revolution in this country.



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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I don't think he will try to destroy the US. The Dems are already doing a great job, IMO, with Obama being half way there and Clinton about to continue the project.

She has stated she

will raise taxes

won't repeal/ replace Obamacare

will give more freebies to people which will increase the debt

is in favour of free trade which will see more jobs leaving the US

wants to shut down the coal industry, which will see thousands unemployed.


Yet the country is doing better pretty much across the board from where it was after the financial crisis.  It appears Trump supporters either blindly buy into all the lies that Trump has been trying to say, or that all the fact checkers (which keeps proving half of what he says wrong in the debates) are in the super secret conspiracy against the loud orange man. 

Taking your claims there:


- Hillary's tax plan has little or not effect on the bottom 95% of tax payers. There is an increase on the rich. Donald keeps claiming otherwise, but it simply is not true. 

- There is no reason to repeal Obamacare. She has said she will take a look to streamline it and make it work better in areas where it won't. Trump meanwhile says he'll fix it, yet he has absolutely no answers and won't even share his plans.

- What are you referencing in the freebies to more people? Sounds like a generic made up rhetoric here but maybe I'm missing something. With regards to the deficit though, analysts feel that Trump's tax cuts (which are largely on the wealthy) will dramatically increase debt and cause cut backs in spending. So I'm curious where  you are comin from here. 

- If your talking about the Trans-Pacific Partnership then no she does not favor that. She does favor NAFTA which has been successful. 

- Unfortunately for those in the coal industry it is a huge contributor to the looming environmental issues which must be addressed. Simply plugging your fingers in your ears and repeating, "global warming is a hoax invented by the Chinese" isn't going to make the problem go away. 

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The only plan Donald Trump has is to build a wall between Mexico and the US  and then deport 11 Million undocumented aliens. A plan which is estimated to cost between 500 Billion to 1 Trillion Dollars. This plan would cause a huge amount of unrest in America at a time when the economy is somewhat robust and actually needs Mexican labor. Trump has no plan for a fair Immigration policy that would legitimize the majority of the undocumented workers.

Trump would attempt to  renegotiate such things as Nafta which is already in place and working well. He risks making an enemy of Mexico and Canada. His World view is flawed. Under a Trump Presidency you will see a large deployment of US Troops to Syria and back to Iraq. He will seize Iraqi oil installations and most likely cause a war with Iran that will see conscription reinstated and  1 Million US Forces head to the Middle East. This folly could well bring in China and Russia and set the stage for a World War not to mention inflaming the whole Middle East.

He has no domestic policy and his election will cause a rapid fall in US stocks and the destruction of the Dollar Worldwide.

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for the destruction of the United States. Do not be fooled by the demagogue.




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Unique people like Trump do not scare me.

What disturbs me are the thousands of Americans (and Farage) who turn up at his rallies and lap up everything they hear.

Polls are getting tighter, and Trump may yet squeak in with the help of the Never Hillary hordes.

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

Donald Trump keeps peddling the notion the vote may be rigged.

One of Trump's top advisor Rudy Guiliani has said that dead people generally vote for Democrats rather than Republicans.

Yet another constituency being ignored by Trump!

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30 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

The only plan Donald Trump has is to build a wall between Mexico and the US  and then deport 11 Million undocumented aliens. A plan which is estimated to cost between 500 Billion to 1 Trillion Dollars. This plan would cause a huge amount of unrest in America at a time when the economy is somewhat robust and actually needs Mexican labor. Trump has no plan for a fair Immigration policy that would legitimize the majority of the undocumented workers.

Trump would attempt to  renegotiate such things as Nafta which is already in place and working well. He risks making an enemy of Mexico and Canada. His World view is flawed. Under a Trump Presidency you will see a large deployment of US Troops to Syria and back to Iraq. He will seize Iraqi oil installations and most likely cause a war with Iran that will see conscription reinstated and  1 Million US Forces head to the Middle East. This folly could well bring in China and Russia and set the stage for a World War not to mention inflaming the whole Middle East.

He has no domestic policy and his election will cause a rapid fall in US stocks and the destruction of the Dollar Worldwide.

A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for the destruction of the United States. Do not be fooled by the demagogue.


He does have a tax cutting policy which involves giving most of the cuts to the very rich and adding five trillion dollars to the debt.

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9 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

The Democratic Party primary was certainly rigged against Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), both openly and secretly so there's no doubt in anyone's mind that the vote in November will be 'rigged' with dead voters and sundry Clinton operatives "Shenanigans"...:sleep:

You should be happy Bernie wasn't nominated. Bernie would have beat him with one hand behind his back. Demos have superdelegates for various reasons, including preventing demagogue like Trump from being nominee. Republicans could learn from this. You have no evidence of dead voters, and all that BS about voter fraud, and the laws passed (and struck down) whose aim was to limit minority votes by design.

 Voting machines (unless they have changed companies) were made by Bush cronies. I suggest you read "Best Democracy Money Can Buy" by Greg Pallast. He is one who broke story about Jeb having voter rolls purged prior to 2000 election.

 Trump is by any measure an awful, spoiled brat. Take a look at McCain's concession speech in 2008 as example of high class healing speech. You think maybe Trump will deliver one like that? If he can't win, nobody can. His blurts will reach his true believers, and I really do expect domestic terrorism ala Oklahoma City to make any fear of Muslims pale in comparison.

 BTW I would not be surprised to find out it was Trump backers that firebombed the Republican office in North Carolina. Demos have nothing to gain. Remember it was the Nazis who burned the Reichstag (didn't come out until years later) and then blamed communists and labor unions. Who gains from the bombing? Who immediately concluded it was "crooked Hillary" backers before the smoke was out?

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9 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

I think if he means 'rigged' as in CNN and others having double standards then yes the 'system' seeks to crush him and it will succeed but I doubt there are actual fake ballots etc.


The 'system' usually uses Trump's own words, when referring to him.   Is the system biased against him, when they use his own assertions?   Trump fans would say yes, as they smell conspiracies everywhere.


There are hundreds of thousands of good people working throughout the US - to try their best to make sure the election is fair.   With one sweeping unsubstantiated statement, Trump is shitting on all those election monitors.


Also; tens of millions of people look to the US as a bastion of free and fair elections, and for good reason.  The US is a good example of a free and fair election process - something which is rarely found outside of N.America, Europe, and Aus/NZ.   Trump, with his most recent mouth farts, is besmirching that process of trying to establish free and fair elections in as many countries as possible.   It takes 200 years to create a forest.  It takes one lit match and 1 hour to destroy it.  Trump is that lit match.


8 hours ago, stander said:

The media slams Trump's complaint about rigged elections as "dangerous rhetoric" while Republican headquarters are  being firebombed.

Yes there was a firebomb on one place.  Thankfully no one was hurt.  HRC was one of the first public figures to speak up on how it was awful. 



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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


The 'system' usually uses Trump's own words, when referring to him.   Is the system biased against him, when they use his own assertions?   Trump fans would say yes, as they smell conspiracies everywhere.


There are hundreds of thousands of good people working throughout the US - to try their best to make sure the election is fair.   With one sweeping unsubstantiated statement, Trump is shitting on all those election monitors.


Also; tens of millions of people look to the US as a bastion of free and fair elections, and for good reason.  The US is a good example of a free and fair election process - something which is rarely found outside of N.America, Europe, and Aus/NZ.   Trump, with his most recent mouth farts, is besmirching that process of trying to establish free and fair elections in as many countries as possible.   It takes 200 years to create a forest.  It takes one lit match and 1 hour to destroy it.  Trump is that lit match.


Yes there was a firebomb on one place.  Thankfully no one was hurt.  HRC was one of the first public figures to speak up on how it was awful. 







Clinton condemned the incident on Twitter Sunday evening.

"The attack on the Orange County HQ @NCGOP office is horrific and unacceptable," she said. "Very grateful that everyone is safe."



Pretty unequivocal.





The election campaign of 2016 hit a new nadir when police in Hillsborough, North Carolina announced that the local Republican party headquarters had been firebombed and vandalized. Thankfully, some US citizens are uniting to stand against such acts. David Weinberger of Brookline, Massachusetts started a campaign on Gofundme.com to raise funds to rebuild the facility. The kicker? Weinberger is a Democrat, and he called out especially to fellow Democrats.



"As Democrats, we are starting this campaign to enable the Orange County, North Carolina Republican office to re-open as soon as possible. Until an investigation is undertaken, we cannot know who did this or why. No matter the result, this is not how Americans resolve their differences. We talk, we argue, sometimes we march, and most of all we vote. We do not resort to violence by individuals or by mobs. So, let’s all pitch in, no matter what your party affiliation, and get that office open again quickly."



The campaign was wildly successful. Just 40 minutes after the first donation came in, Weinberger raised over $13,000 from 552 contributors—surpassing his goal of $10,000. The fundraising has now closed.









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7 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:



Yes there was a firebomb on one place.  Thankfully no one was hurt.  HRC was one of the first public figures to speak up on how it was awful. 



Liberal media's hateful rhetoric led to North Carolina GOP fire bombing

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46 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

One of Trump's top advisor Rudy Guiliani has said that dead people generally vote for Democrats rather than Republicans.

Yet another constituency being ignored by Trump!


Maybe not dead, but the nearly dead.  Trump made a speech recently which begged the terminally ill to get out and vote for him.   "Afterwards, I don't care what happens to you."  he insinuated.


1 minute ago, stander said:

Liberal media's hateful rhetoric led to North Carolina GOP fire bombing

You're dead wrong again.  Much more likely, as alluded to in a prior post, that the bombing was done by Trump fans who are trying to fan the flames of division which Trump so valiantly supports.   Republican hard-righters have experience with fire bombings.  Some of their ranks have bombed abortion clinics.

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10 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

I think if he means 'rigged' as in CNN and others having double standards then yes the 'system' seeks to crush him and it will succeed but I doubt there are actual fake ballots etc.

It doesn't matter whether you doubt it or not. There is election fraud going on. Dead people registered, multiple voting, non citizens voting and voter ID laws not mandatory.

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20 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

It doesn't matter whether you doubt it or not. There is election fraud going on. Dead people registered, multiple voting, non citizens voting and voter ID laws not mandatory.


There is nothing of any consequence taking place.

This is all a Trump smokescreen to explain why he is getting his behind kicked, when the real answer is that he is an obnoxious sex pest at best, a creepy unregistered sex offender at worst, and totally unqualified and unsuitable to be POTUS.




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Yes, its very clear to non-Americans (the US type) that the upcoming presidential elections will without a shadow of a doubt, absolutely certainly be rigged and that millions of potential Republican voters will be abducted by Aliens wearing fake Elvis Presley costumes, to try to entice them away from the booths and onto the flying saucers.


Many more will be dazzled by long lines of anti-Trump supporters doing the hokey-kokey around the polling booths to prevent the fanny snatchers supporters getting in to vote multiple times.


Its a sad reflection on the State of the Union that anybody, repeat anybody could support this Semi-Epsilon as a POTUS.


The damage being done to US credibility around the world by this moron is getting so bad it may never recover to its true role as a defender of democracy - and that will be bad for everyone.


Sad, Sad, SAD. 





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45 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

It doesn't matter whether you doubt it or not. There is election fraud going on. Dead people registered, multiple voting, non citizens voting and voter ID laws not mandatory.

Please, share the evidence with us.  The experts overwhelmingly say otherwise, but I'm sure you've got the facts to show them up.

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The Putin angle (and trump connection to  it). It's REAL.

Putin is an active enemy of the USA now ... and trump is helping him.

Some may think that a President Clinton will mean an ever hotter USA - Russia conflict.

Perhaps so, but is that worse than the USA being a PUPPET of dictator Putin with our own dictator trump?



Trump meanwhile plays his part; he could not be doing more to aid the Kremlin’s narrative if he were reading from a script. (Which in some cases, he literally is:  ...
Repeatedly warning that the election may be rigged, Trump has been enlisting his supporters as observers to watch “certain areas” he is likely to lose, such as Philadelphia.

That wouldn’t stop Clinton from taking office — any more than the Bolotnaya Square protest in Moscow prevented Putin’s presidential inauguration in May 2012. But Clinton would start her term politically wounded, both domestically and abroad. Putin will have obtained payback. And Trump will have shown himself to be a most useful idiot.



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