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Trump refuses to say he will accept election results


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Trump refuses to say he will accept election results 
JULIE PACE, Associated Press
LISA LERER, Associated Press


LAS VEGAS (AP) — Threatening to upend a basic pillar of American democracy, Donald Trump refused Wednesday night to say he would accept the results of the November election if he loses to Hillary Clinton. The Democratic nominee declared Trump's resistance "horrifying."


Trump has spent the days leading up to Wednesday night's presidential debate warning voters that the election will be "rigged." Asked whether he would accept the results, he said, "I will tell you at the time. I'll keep you in suspense."


Earlier, Clinton forcefully accused Trump of favoring Russia's leader over American military and intelligence experts Wednesday night, as the Republican nominee pointedly refused to accept the U.S. government's assertion that Moscow has sought to meddle in the presidential election.


In a combative exchange in the final presidential debate, Clinton charged that Russian President Vladimir Putin was backing Trump because "he'd rather have a puppet as president of the United States."


Trump denied any relationship with Putin and said he would condemn any foreign interference in the election. But he notably refused to accept the intelligence community's assessment that Russia was involved in the hacking of Democratic organizations. The Clinton campaign has also said the FBI is investigating Russia's involvement in the hacking of a top adviser's emails.


The third presidential debate opened with a measured, policy-focused discussion — a stark contrast to the heated and highly personal clashes that defined the earlier contests. However, Trump quickly reverted to his previous style of repeatedly bursting in to interrupt Clinton as well as moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News.


The 90-minute contest in Las Vegas came just under three weeks before Election Day and with early voting underway in more than 30 states.


The candidates outlined starkly different visions for the Supreme Court under their potential presidencies, with the Republican declaring the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion would be overturned by his judicial nominees.


Clinton vowed to appoint justices who would uphold the ruling legalizing abortion, saying, "We have come too far to have that turned back now."


Trump pressed Clinton on immigration, accusing her of wanting an "open borders" policy, a characterization she vigorously disputes. The Republican, who has called for building a wall the length of the U.S.-Mexico border, said that under a Clinton presidency, "People are going to pour into our country."


Clashing on trade, Trump said Clinton had misrepresented her position on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, noting that she had originally called it the "gold standard" of trade agreements. Clinton shot back that once the deal was finished, it didn't meet her standards. "I'll be against it when I'm president," she said.


For Trump, the debate marked one of his final chances to reshape a race that appears to be slipping away from him. Clinton's campaign is confidently expanding into traditionally Republican states, while Trump's narrow electoral path is shrinking. Already unpopular with a majority of Americans, the GOP nominee has been battered by recent revelations of his vulgar comments about women and a string of sexual assault allegations.


Clinton began the debate with a lead in most battleground states. Her challenge was to both keep up her efforts to paint Trump as unfit to be president and start moving to ease America's deep divisions, which have only been exacerbated during the campaign. The latter is no easy task for the Democratic nominee, given the public's persistent questions about her honesty and trustworthiness.


Clinton faced debate questions for the first time about revelations in her top adviser's hacked emails that show her striking a different tone in private than in public regarding Wall Street banks and trade. She quickly turned the discussion to Russia's potential role in stealing the emails.


Trump entered the final debate facing a string of sexual assault accusations from women who came forward after he denied in the previous contest that he had kissed or groped women without their consent. Trump's denial came after the release of a video of in which he's heard bragging about exactly that.


Trump denied the accusations anew, saying the women coming forward "either want fame or her campaign did it."

Clinton said Trump "thinks belittling women makes him bigger. He goes after their dignity, their self-worth."


Pace reported from Washington. AP writers Catherine Lucey, Josh Lederman and Hope Yen in Washington contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-20
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Trump won't accept the results in 20 days, when he's clearly lost.  He'll actually have his team mobilized to demand re-counts.  He may even rally his 2nd Amenders as his Trump card - to influence re-counts, similar to Republicans mobilizing baseball bat wielding mobs to stifle re-counts in FL in 2000.     Sad for US democracy.

Edited by boomerangutang
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They didn't shake hands at the end.  That's never happened at the close of a prez debate, and I doubt we or our children/grandchildren will ever see that again.  Trump has so soiled himself that even an upstanding decent woman like HRC won't shake his hand.  

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2 minutes ago, DM07 said:

There will be blood!


Let's hope it's figurative.  I wouldn't want to see blood shed literally, though Trump riles up his 2nd Amenders by hinting that they might shoot people with their beloved guns ("what's the use of having guns <or nukes> if you're not going to use them, eh?").   Already, at least one Trump fan has spoken openly about the need for HRC ".....to be taken out."  ...and he's not talking about dinner and a movie.

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Well this last debate was probably the least exciting. There wasn't much conflict as in the past two debates. I think the style of the forum was a little off. Chris tried to pace the debate but even his timing felt strange. Topics went far astray and sometimes it felt like Chris was going off into the weeds with the candidates. For the most part, I felt that Hillary did at least attempt to answer the questions posted while Trump tended to veer off track into unrelated territory. I have to give the "nod" to Hillary on this debate for being a more professional, polished debater. Trump still had a tendency to wander a bit on most subjects. Hillary's final comments were concise and to the point. Trump's final comments were more of the attack the other person type. I wish Trump would lay out what he would do instead of just stating more of Hillary would just be wrong. It is easy to tear down the opponent but hard to say what to do instead. Trump didn't have an answer to ISIS, Mosul or Aleppo (the same as in past debates). Attitude wise, Hillary was smiling and energetic, Trump didn't smile much and lacked some of his usual energy.


I always look to the end of the debate to see how each candidate appears to be. Hillary was smiling and wandered off into the crowd to meet and greet (typical politician style). While Trump stood at his podium for a few moments looking sullen and tired. He refused to even try to go to Hillary to shake hands. He just stood there behind his podium. Then Trump clomped across the stage and waited for his adoring family to come to him.

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1 minute ago, KarenBravo said:

He also blew it with "she's a horrible woman".

He was supposed to try and get women voters back. That snide remark didn't help.....


it was "such a nasty woman". can't help himself.


clinton's team are fast though. they've already bought www.nastywomengetshitdone.com and redirected it to the official site.

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"Will you sir (or madam!) now hereby pledge yourself to the basic tenets of democracy the timeless granite foundation of this glorious nation the United States of America?"


He's just too stupid, too freaking childish, to even answer one very basic, simple question. Even Duhbya wouldn't be that stupid


Trump not accepting the election results will be the big water cooler conversation tomorrow. It proves he is unfit for the Presidency.


Republican strategist Steve Schmidt sees a landslide victory for Hillary Clinton and possible Democratic majorities in both the U.S. Senate and House. Schmidt told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Wednesday morning that Clinton was currently “trending over 400” electoral votes, based on recent polling, and he said Republicans are freaking out over the real possibility of losing their majorities in both houses of Congress.


Schmidt just delivered the coup de gras and plainly stated the GOP hierarchy now have a constitutional crisis on their hands and have to make a firm decision and put the country first.


Nail meet coffin.

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11 minutes ago, Pinot said:

He's just too stupid, too freaking childish, to even answer one very basic, simple question. Even Duhbya wouldn't be that stupid


The whole Trump election run is a plot by the Neocons to make Duhbya look good. 



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I thought Chris Wallace did a superb job and wish he had moderated all three debates. Trump was better prepared than in past debates, but came unglued on several occasions. Clinton put in her strongest performance by far, and for all intents and purposes put the election away. My notes from the debate by segment, uninfluenced by the post-debate commentary.


Supreme Court

A real shocker to hear Trump actually say he wants to overturn Roe v Wade. Clinton reaffirmed her commitment to Roe v Wade. She made a powerful defense of the right of women to control their reproductive rights and gave moving examples of the emotional turmoil families go through in making abortion decisions.



Trump called for strong borders, no amnesty, building the wall. His reference to "bad hombres" came across as a racial dog whistle comment. He made a strong point that millions of people have been deported under Obama and that America is a country of laws. He contradicted himself by promising to "speed up the process" of naturalization at the same time he is calling for "extreme vetting."


HRC made a strong response regarding not wanting to "rip families apart", and being against a "deportation force" because it was too divisive and went against American values. Her call for a path to citizenship and bringing people "out of the shadows," certainly resonated with racial minorities, women, and college educated voters.


The subject of Russian hacking of emails came up during this segment. HRC cited "17 intelligence agencies" were pointing at Russian complicity. Trump's refusal to respect the integrity of these intelligence services findings was disturbing.



Clinton argued that "when the middle class thrives, America thrives." She called for jobs, retraining programs, small-business assistance, minimum wage increases, equal pay for women, targeted education, better access to education, taxing higher income brackets and corporations. She claimed Trump's plan would add 20 trillion to the national debt, and labeled it "trickle down economics on steroids."


Trump argued in favor of forcing America's allies to pay more for defense, renegotiating free trade agreements, restoring manufacturing base, cutting personal taxes, cutting corporate taxes, and repatriating off-shore profits to stimulate the economy. He charged that Clinton would raise everybody's taxes, possibly doubling them in some cases.


Clinton vowed that she would not raise the taxes on anyone earning under $250,000. Also said that Obama's deficit spending was necessary to address the 2009 Great Recession.


Fitness to be President

On the groping allegations, Trump claimed, totally falsely, that almost all of the allegations had been "largely debunked." He attributed these reports to "fame seekers, people paid to make these charges, fiction." 


Clinton responded by saying that "Donald thinks belittling women makes him bigger. It is up to us to demonstrate who we are as a people. What we expect from our President. America is great because America is good."  I thought this was an extremely effective put down of Trump. She further added that "every time Donald gets confronted with his behavior he denies it and mocks the person criticizing him, whether it's a beauty queen, McCain, a reporter, a Federal judge."


Clinton was reminded that during her Sec of State confirmation hearings she committed to avoiding even the appearance of conflict of interest , but yet leaked emails show that contributors to the Clinton Foundation received special access to her. She answered that she was proud of the Clinton Foundation, and cited 11 mm people who had received AIDS medicine, and paid 90% of its contributions out to charity, unlike Donald Trump's charity which bought a 6' portrait, and paid a fine for one of his corporations.


When asked if he would commit to accepting the election results, Trump answered "I will look at it at the time" and refused to commit. He went on to say that HRC "shouldn't be allowed to run for President, and just based on that, the election is rigged."


Hillary Clinton in her most impassioned response of the evening said that she was "horrified" by his talking down of democracy. She pointed out that in the past Trump had made charges about the Republican primary elections being rigged, the Trump University court case being rigged against him, and that when the Apprentice failed to win an Emmy, he even claimed the Emmys were rigged.


Foreign Hot Spots

Trump was completely unable to answer the question about whether he was willing to put boots on the ground to maintain order in Mosul after it was retaken. In my opinion, you could tell when Clinton was talking about the sectarian and military complexity of the situation in Mosul, that Trump didn't have a clue about what she was talking about.


On Aleppo, Trump was also very weak in being able to show a grasp of the situation. He pivoted to keeping Muslim migrants out of the US.


HRC proposed a no-fly zone, and vowed that she was not going to "slam the door" on Syrian women and children trying to escape the war. She pointed out that the Orlando shooter was born in Queens, Trump's birthplace.


National Debt

Trump and Clinton were asked to respond to claims that the national debt would increase to 86% of GDP under Clinton's plans and 114% under Trump's plan.


Trump argued that his economic plan (see above) would stimulate the economy and tax revenues so much that the national debt would not increase. He also claimed that repeal of Obamacare would lower the national debt.


HRC called for more money into the SS fund. She also pointed out that Obamacare had extended the solvency of Medicare. During this exchange, HRC made reference to Trump not disclosing his taxes and Donald Trump interjected at this point to call HRC was "such a nasty woman."


Closing Pitches

I thought Clinton delivered a fairly heartfelt and genuine appeal for unity and support for her campaign. Trump once again painted a bleak picture of a weak America which was being taken advantage of, whose military was weak, its veterans poorly cared for, its police disrespected, and inner cities a "disaster."











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 Even Fox News is talking about how strange and unprecedented Trump’s behavior here is. "He should have said he would accept the results of the election. There is no other option unless we're in a recount again," says wingnut Trump supporter Laura Ingram.


Trump is simply aberrant and dangerous.


Keep doing what you're doing Trump. Great job. 

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1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:

I thought Trump was doing very well..............until he refused to say he will accept the result.

He snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

He was never victorious in that debate, and that really was his last chance.

Judging by his performance he has accepted he will lose, but wants to stay in the spotlight, and knows that statement will make the media go crazy.

He is playing the media, and winning there. Unfortunately he won't win the big house unless Wiki has something absolutely amazing to come.

I'm waiting for the fat lady, and dreading the effect on the rest of the world of another 4 years of Obama policies.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

He was never victorious in that debate, and that really was his last chance.

Judging by his performance he has accepted he will lose, but wants to stay in the spotlight, and knows that statement will make the media go crazy.

He is playing the media, and winning there. Unfortunately he won't win the big house unless Wiki has something absolutely amazing to come.

I'm waiting for the fat lady, and dreading the effect on the rest of the world of another 4 years of Obama policies.

So let me get this straight. According to your lights the media is anti-Trump and want Trump to lose. So by Trump giving them huge amounts of ammunition to make them lose, he is playing them and  he is winning?

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48 minutes ago, Silurian said:

Well this last debate was probably the least exciting. There wasn't much conflict as in the past two debates. I think the style of the forum was a little off. Chris tried to pace the debate but even his timing felt strange. Topics went far astray and sometimes it felt like Chris was going off into the weeds with the candidates. For the most part, I felt that Hillary did at least attempt to answer the questions posted while Trump tended to veer off track into unrelated territory. I have to give the "nod" to Hillary on this debate for being a more professional, polished debater. Trump still had a tendency to wander a bit on most subjects. Hillary's final comments were concise and to the point. Trump's final comments were more of the attack the other person type. I wish Trump would lay out what he would do instead of just stating more of Hillary would just be wrong. It is easy to tear down the opponent but hard to say what to do instead. Trump didn't have an answer to ISIS, Mosul or Aleppo (the same as in past debates). Attitude wise, Hillary was smiling and energetic, Trump didn't smile much and lacked some of his usual energy.


I always look to the end of the debate to see how each candidate appears to be. Hillary was smiling and wandered off into the crowd to meet and greet (typical politician style). While Trump stood at his podium for a few moments looking sullen and tired. He refused to even try to go to Hillary to shake hands. He just stood there behind his podium. Then Trump clomped across the stage and waited for his adoring family to come to him.

Well this last debate was probably the least exciting. There wasn't much conflict as in the past two debates. I think the style of the forum was a little off. Chris tried to pace the debate but even his timing felt strange. Topics went far astray and sometimes it felt like Chris was going off into the weeds with the candidates

I agreed with that part, and then you went into the swamp to support her. She refused to answer at least one question.


Attitude wise, Hillary was smiling and energetic, Trump didn't smile much and lacked some of his usual energy.

I thought he scored big against her on a few points, given the expression on her face


I always look to the end of the debate to see how each candidate appears to be. Hillary was smiling and wandered off into the crowd to meet and greet (typical politician style). While Trump stood at his podium for a few moments looking sullen and tired. He refused to even try to go to Hillary to shake hands. He just stood there behind his podium. Then Trump clomped across the stage and waited for his adoring family to come to him.

Agreed. I think he has realized he can't win and is just going through the motions. I'm glad he didn't do the hypocritical thing and shake her hand.


I'm thinking there won't be any partying in the Trump precincts tonight.

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