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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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15 hours ago, aright said:

I think Brexiteers should be angry.

Yesterdays vote was unnecessary . The government had already agreed a definitive vote on the leave deal  in both  Houses.

The attitude of Remainers and the Conservative rebels,  as a result of what happened yesterday, resulted as I have already said, in a  weakened  UK negotiation position and questioned Mrs May's authority.

Can you tell us how you feel this serves the national interest. 


Readers should note that EU leaders have come out in the last 24 hours and publicly supported Theresa May. And they are right to do so. The parliamentary vote weakens the UK negotiating position if everything agreed is to be second-guessed in parliament on a procedural line-by-line basis. Cherry-picking is not an option with a trade deal.

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14 minutes ago, SheungWan said:

Readers should note that EU leaders have come out in the last 24 hours and publicly supported Theresa May. And they are right to do so. The parliamentary vote weakens the UK negotiating position if everything agreed is to be second-guessed in parliament on a procedural line-by-line basis. Cherry-picking is not an option with a trade deal.

"Readers should note that EU leaders have come out in the last 24 hours and publicly supported Theresa May.

And they are right to do so."


It's like carnivores supporting turkeys at Christmas.

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3 hours ago, nontabury said:

Where does 9 billion come from, I was under the assumption that the figure is 40 billion, with some estimates of nearer 60 billion.

Yet remainer s like you only talk about the money, disregarding the loss of our democratic sovereignty. Preferring that we remain a colony of the Brussels elite.




what part of net contribution is it you don't understand?


UK's net contribution of about 9 billion euros.


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5 hours ago, nontabury said:

Where does 9 billion come from, I was under the assumption that the figure is 40 billion, with some estimates of nearer 60 billion.

Yet remainer s like you only talk about the money, disregarding the loss of our democratic sovereignty. Preferring that we remain a colony of the Brussels elite.




 The net contribution refers to how much Britain contributes on balance yearly to the EU. You know, the one that Brexiters say the EU can't survive without.


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28 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Well here’s one sensible person from Barnsley, who sums up the treacherous actions of our elected representatives.

And if you think this guy is only speaking for himself, your living in dream world. 

Millions of British people are now feeling very angry. 



Thanks for that. The gentleman laid it on the line.....most probably better than Shakespeare could have.

"Salt of the Earth"

The Remainers were glad to have their elected representatives overturn the vote on Wednesday, under the sovereignty banner, all the time wanting to remain in a Union run by an unelected Cabal. Gross hypocrisy. 


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2 hours ago, nontabury said:

Well here’s one sensible person from Barnsley, who sums up the treacherous actions of our elected representatives.

And if you think this guy is only speaking for himself, your living in dream world. 

Millions of British people are now feeling very angry.

The man is a finger-wagging fool who doesn't even understand his last point. The terms of leaving on the referendum neither stated hard or soft Brexit but he reckons that it did because he thinks Hard Brexiteers own the process. The one thing that did slip out was that for him all about immigration. And of course the usual whingeing chip on shoulder tirade. Casting from UKIP Central.

Edited by SheungWan
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1 hour ago, aright said:

Another whingeing chip on the Remainers shoulders insulting working class values, not offering the real reasons for the prevarication of both major Party's, and trying to subtly  link a vote for control of immigration with racism.  

And here comes the finger-wagging chorus! Right on cue!

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15 hours ago, oldhippy said:

On the NHS perhaps? Or on redecorating red busses?


Nah, First thing I'd buy is a new exhaust pipe for my old car. Then go down the bar and ring the bell.                  Same as the government do.

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9 hours ago, SheungWan said:

The man is a finger-wagging fool who doesn't even understand his last point. The terms of leaving on the referendum neither stated hard or soft Brexit but he reckons that it did because he thinks Hard Brexiteers own the process. The one thing that did slip out was that for him all about immigration. And of course the usual whingeing chip on shoulder tirade. Casting from UKIP Central.

Well here’s another, us northern folk don’t talk posh, preferring to talk common sense.

If it was all about money, The U.K would have been better off in 1940 to have come to some arrangement with the Germans. Instead that fought at a very high cost in both money and blood, for what is right. Now we have the remoaners with their willingness to fly the white flag to these Bureacratic Dictators in Brussels.


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19 hours ago, nontabury said:

Where does 9 billion come from, I was under the assumption that the figure is 40 billion, with some estimates of nearer 60 billion.

Yet remainer s like you only talk about the money, disregarding the loss of our democratic sovereignty. Preferring that we remain a colony of the Brussels elite.




Because of the brave......


Are you suggesting that the German soldiers were not brave?


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32 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

Because of the brave......


Are you suggesting that the German soldiers were not brave?


Yes they were brave in fighting for the  Nazis and the establishment of concentration camps. And as intent, as the present day remoaners in making the U.K. a province of Germany.



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QUOTE: Yes they were brave in fighting for the  Nazis and the establishment of concentration camps.


No they were not!

Like all the other poor brainwashed fools they were fighting for what they were told was their country and honour.

That mass murder, organised by those in power, has been going on for many centuries, and will only end when people of all countries start to know each other through free trade and travel.


QUOTE: And as intent, as the present day remoaners in making the U.K. a province of Germany.


Oh dear, you are NOT baiting and trolling, you really mean that, don't you?


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2 hours ago, nontabury said:

Well here’s another, us northern folk don’t talk posh, preferring to talk common sense.

If it was all about money, The U.K would have been better off in 1940 to have come to some arrangement with the Germans. Instead that fought at a very high cost in both money and blood, for what is right. Now we have the remoaners with their willingness to fly the white flag to these Bureacratic Dictators in Brussels.


How embarrassing. Our education system and media must be diabolical if such views still abound ?

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