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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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5 hours ago, aright said:

Forget about the crystal ball ....leopard ...spots etc. Why don't we have a look at the reality of the SNP over the last few years as seen by the New Statesman, before your so called reality kicks in.

Reminder: Some people would regard the New Statesman as the leading progressive and cultural magazine in the UK unlike the Richard Murphy altar at which you worship.


"Scotland already has one of the most powerful devolved administrations in the entire world. The SNP has ruled in Holyrood for nine years, and had a majority for the last five. Yet the SNP’s record, particularly for the most disadvantaged in society whom it claims to speak for, is dire."



Another distorted response. Are we to take it that this confirms that you know exactly what changes will take place.

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The brexiteers think that it is all sown up. There is every probability that April 2019 will see the start of the campaign to join the European Union, after all that is democracy.

It is already in peoples minds.



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2 hours ago, sandyf said:

The brexiteers think that it is all sown up. There is every probability that April 2019 will see the start of the campaign to join the European Union, after all that is democracy.

It is already in peoples minds.



April 2019??  The campaign to not leave the EU started immediately the result was announced!  Not to mention during the run-up to the referendum...


But this is admittedly a (partly) facetious comment.  If the UK genuinely leaves the EU, I suspect that an even smaller number will be immediately looking to re-join - as they know that the terms on offer would likely be far worse than before leaving.


Edit - 20 years later is an entirely different proposition as nobody has the first idea as to how the UK/EU will have fared this far in the future.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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For the first time in 6 months, people who believe Britain was right to vote for Brexit outnumber those who think it was wrong. A tracking poll by YouGov found that 45% of people think Britons were right to vote to leave the EU, up 3% .The same poll found that44% of people think the UK is wrong to want to leave, down 2%.  

Matthew Goodwin the polling expert said it was the first time since July last year that right has been ahead of wrong.

He said "As I have argued since June 2016, we will see no major shifts in public opinion on this question because it is a vote that is far more expressive/value-driven than 'normal' policy choices.

Mike Smithson from  the Political Betting website said " Basically what this shows is that opinion is evenly divided. What has driven this latest change has been a significant shift among Tory remain voters saying that Brexit is wrong. It was averaging 23 to 24% per survey----now it is 19%..

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6 hours ago, sandyf said:

Another distorted response. Are we to take it that this confirms that you know exactly what changes will take place.

What a pathetic response....pure deflection and no constructive comment on serious issues.....where did I say I knew what changes will take place? Please, give us the evidence as to why it's distorted? Did you read the article, its based on history not future projections We can't have a debate if you are going to make unsubstantiated statements. My comment on Mrs' Sturgeons white paper was predicated by "on the basis of record", not guesswork, but of course you ignored that.

It appears you don't particularly want to hear my crystal ball  but you are happy to bang on about what your ball says about how difficult life will be when the UK leaves the EU,  and negotiations have only just started. You obviously reserve different standards for your self.

At the last General Election the SNP lost a third of its seats and 63% of the electorate didn't vote for them.

It's difficult to put a positive spin on that but I am sure you will try.

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On 1/20/2018 at 12:43 PM, dick dasterdly said:

April 2019??  The campaign to not leave the EU started immediately the result was announced!  Not to mention during the run-up to the referendum...


But this is admittedly a (partly) facetious comment.  If the UK genuinely leaves the EU, I suspect that an even smaller number will be immediately looking to re-join - as they know that the terms on offer would likely be far worse than before leaving.


Edit - 20 years later is an entirely different proposition as nobody has the first idea as to how the UK/EU will have fared this far in the future.

Yes, April 2019 was an assumption based on "The campaign to not leave the EU" having been terminated for fairly obvious reasons.

There is certainly validity in what you say but I think there is little doubt that the campaign to be part of the EU will soldier on under a different flag.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/22/2018 at 7:21 AM, aright said:

A man goes into a bar in London where there is a robot bartender. The robot says, “What will you have?  
 The guy replies, “Whiskey.” The robot brings back his drink and asks, “What’s your IQ?” 
 The guy says, “168” The robot continues to talk about physics, space exploration, and medical technology.
 After he  leaves and the more he thinks about it, the more curious he gets, so he decides to go back. 
 The robot asks, “What’s your drink?” The guy answers, “Whiskey.” The robot returns with his drink and asks, “What’s your IQ?” 
 The man replies, “100.” The robot talks about Cricket, John Smiths Bitter and the Lions Tour. The man finishes his drink, leaves,but is so interested in his “experiment” that he decides to try again. 
 He enters the bar and, as usual, the robot asks him what he wants to drink. The man replies, “Whiskey.” The robot brings the drink and asks, “What’s your IQ?”  The man answers, “50.” The robot leans in really close and asks, “So . . . are . . . you people . . .. still unhappy with the result of the referendum ?

Sorry couldn't resist it.

The giveaway is the provincial idea that any sophisticated bar in London would bother discussing John Smiths beer. The second is that a customer would just order 'whiskey', or even 'whisky' for that matter. That might go for some local place 'oop North but in London it would be brand at the very least. So what we are left with is the usual Brexiteer conceit of being too intellectually lazy to do their research. Even with the jokes.

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6 hours ago, talahtnut said:

Haven't we heard a similar Whitehall expert analysis before this convenient 'leak'?

Sorry folks, but this government does have a nasty habit of lying to the peasants.

The only Brexiteer impact studies we might otherwise continue holding is that slogan on the side of the battle bus. Good enough so far for the Hard Brexiteer peasantry it would appear.

Edited by SheungWan
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On 1/20/2018 at 11:16 AM, sandyf said:

No surprises here.


Theresa May has once again refused to say she would vote for Brexit if there was another referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union (EU). 


That would be the same Theresa May who is just another Enemy Of The People for some Hard Brexiteers, 'er unless she sees the error of her ways and falls into line with the swivel-eyed group of MPs.

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6 hours ago, talahtnut said:

Haven't we heard a similar Whitehall expert analysis before this convenient 'leak'?

Sorry folks, but this government does have a nasty habit of lying to the peasants.

all governments excel in lying to the peasants.

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It seems to me that while the Tories continue to squabble, the TGV has left the Hauptbahnhof. We will CERTAINLY remain in the EU in all but name for at least 3 more years. At the end of this, we can rejoin albeit on much worse terms. The UK should just formally remain and retain the option to keep all the rebates, options, and exemptions we have now.


Only morons, even if they hold three "degrees" could fail to understand this.


As for Thierry May and her pals, the game is up! They are SO lacklustre that Corbyn will prevail at the next election. WHAT a fiasco!

Edited by Grouse
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2 hours ago, Grouse said:

It seems to me that while the Tories continue to squabble, the TGV has left the Hauptbahnhof. We will CERTAINLY remain in the EU in all but name for at least 3 more years. At the end of this, we can rejoin albeit on much worse terms. The UK should just formally remain and retain the option to keep all the rebates, options, and exemptions we have now.

Only morons, even if they hold three "degrees" could fail to understand this.

As for Thierry May and her pals, the game is up! They are SO lacklustre that Corbyn will prevail at the next election. WHAT a fiasco!

A favourite stroll along the Hauptbahnhofstrasse to the lake. Not in the EU though!

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8 hours ago, SheungWan said:

A favourite stroll along the Hauptbahnhofstrasse to the lake. Not in the EU though!



A Geogga quiz at breakfast!

Edited by Grouse
Geneva has Gare not a Bahnhof
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4 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Also clowns who spout on about how great there privileged grammar education should realize that the people voted to leave not remain, in any capacity.


I would suggest it is time to grow up Grouse and if you are trying to get your point across which shown you were totally incorrect on education level and what people voted for in the referendum, you are not doing it well.

555 quod erat demonstrandum......


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16 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Also clowns who spout on about how great there privileged grammar education should realize that the people voted to leave not remain, in any capacity.


I would suggest it is time to grow up Grouse and if you are trying to get your point across which shown you were totally incorrect on education level and what people voted for in the referendum, you are not doing it well.

Yeah, the way they talk to us....well I wouldn't talk to my gamekeeper like that.

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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:
16 hours ago, Grouse said:

It seems to me that while the Tories continue to squabble, the TGV has left the Hauptbahnhof. We will CERTAINLY remain in the EU in all but name for at least 3 more years. At the end of this, we can rejoin albeit on much worse terms. The UK should just formally remain and retain the option to keep all the rebates, options, and exemptions we have now.


Only morons, even if they hold three "degrees" could fail to understand this.


As for Thierry May and her pals, the game is up! They are SO lacklustre that Corbyn will prevail at the next election. WHAT a fiasco!

Also clowns who spout on about how great there privileged grammar education should realize that the people voted to leave not remain, in any capacity.


I would suggest it is time to grow up Grouse and if you are trying to get your point across which shown you were totally incorrect on education level and what people voted for in the referendum, you are not doing it well.


Mods, can we please have a concerted effort to sort out this nonsense? Surely it's time to stop all the goading and personal insults (no matter how much they are cloaked in generalisation, no matter what the personal allegiances are). Most of us want to have intelligent discussion, but we're human beings, who react to being provoked. Help us out here.

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On 2/1/2018 at 12:41 PM, talahtnut said:

Haven't we heard a similar Whitehall expert analysis before this convenient 'leak'?

Sorry folks, but this government does have a nasty habit of lying to the peasants.


ALL governments/media outlets have "a nasty habit of lying to the peasants".


The depressing part is that v few question anything they read from 'experts' - even more so when the opinion is from favoured sources :sad:.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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1 hour ago, Khun Han said:


Mods, can we please have a concerted effort to sort out this nonsense? Surely it's time to stop all the goading and personal insults (no matter how much they are cloaked in generalisation, no matter what the personal allegiances are). Most of us want to have intelligent discussion, but we're human beings, who react to being provoked. Help us out here.

It really doesn't matter, as those posters following these threads recognise those who are very careful to only insult generally... 



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