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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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32 minutes ago, Flustered said:

Which is the same.

Just read in the London Evening Standard that DUP leader very much against 'hard brexit' and leaving the single market ... it might well be that freedom of movement is here to stay.

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2 hours ago, Khun Han said:


The Tories at best ran a non-campaign. It's as if they wanted a result like the one we have. Something stinks to high heaven about this. It was, I think, Dick Dasterdly who questioned May's motives a few weeks ago, but I preferred to stay positive. Looks to me like Dick was right.


No one explained to KH that Chang and teardrops are a powerful mixture, leading people to engage in paranoid thoughts about conspiracies ... poor chap! :sleep:

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Some seem blind to the fact that if we do not reach a deal then it's the hard Brexit.


Some FMs are ecstatic about TM having to try and work with a party that wants a soft Brexit but fail to see the most likely outcome is the one she voiced at the very beginning.....No Deal.


A soft Brexit was never on the table. It was a well negotiated deal for the UK with a strong leader or the WTO conditions because she is hamstrung. 


The student vote hamstrung her so you will all reap the rewards of a hard Brexit.


Short sightedness seems very common in the Bremoaners.

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Looking at the news several things are coming to the fore.


The EU are determined that the UK is out at the 2 year point of article 50 and they will be hard on negotiations. In other words, punitive charges for leaving so the freedom of movement is a moot point.


Second, those highly intelligent little darlings who are at or about to go to university. Without exception, all of those asked why they voted Labour said for the free tuition fees. No mention of Brexit, the economy, defence or any major topic, just what's in it for them.


Hard Brexit it will be which is what the left and the uniformed young have pushed Teresa May into. Had she had a large majority, she could have negotiated from strength but now we shall reap as we have sowed.

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2 hours ago, Flustered said:

Some seem blind to the fact that if we do not reach a deal then it's the hard Brexit.


Some FMs are ecstatic about TM having to try and work with a party that wants a soft Brexit but fail to see the most likely outcome is the one she voiced at the very beginning.....No Deal.


A soft Brexit was never on the table. It was a well negotiated deal for the UK with a strong leader or the WTO conditions because she is hamstrung. 


The student vote hamstrung her so you will all reap the rewards of a hard Brexit.


Short sightedness seems very common in the Bremoaners.


I can't see this having taken a closer look. The obvious outcome looking at the overall situation and the parties involved is the so called soft Brexit.  I know it is a point you can't grasp- just as your leader can't- but that's really what the electorate wants.  The failure to realise this is at least half the reason why the Tories find themselves in such a position.  Had they just got on with Brexit the way it was hoped, then there would have been much less rancour, and we would have avoided the economic downturn that now appears to be upon us.


You, on the other hand, would prefer to blame younger voters for voting for a party that cares about their future.

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12 minutes ago, Flustered said:

How can you have a soft Brexit when the people negotiating it on behalf of the UK are still mainly those who want a good deal or no deal?


The EU will want their pound of flesh which will be unacceptable to the negotiating team and the final offer to Parliament will be that no deal was agreed.


And finally, every pundit has accepted that the student vote was what gave Labour their increase. Labour do not care about their future, just their votes.  Labour have always promised the moon and stars and delivered nothing except debt and disaster. But the students are too young to remember what Labour have not achieved over the decades. I dare say you are one of them.


Get your head around that.

The students are not too young to remember being dragged out of the EU by older people whose only motivation for doing so appeared to be to "get rid of them immigrants" (for the most part). Revenge of the snowflakes and remoaners ... as the brexiteers are fond of calling them.


May has been told very clearly that 'no deal' is not wanted ... although I suspect she is not going to be around much longer.

Edited by AlexRich
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7 minutes ago, Flustered said:

How can you have a soft Brexit when the people negotiating it on behalf of the UK are still mainly those who want a good deal or no deal?


The EU will want their pound of flesh which will be unacceptable to the negotiating team and the final offer to Parliament will be that no deal was agreed.


And finally, every pundit has accepted that the student vote was what gave Labour their increase. Labour do not care about their future, just their votes.  Labour have always promised the moon and stars and delivered nothing except debt and disaster. But the students are too young to remember what Labour have not achieved over the decades. I dare say you are one of them.


Get your head around that.


the student vote was a small amount of the labour vote as it goes. and labour does care about their futures, hence abolishing tuition fees. amazing to find kids voting for their futures and possibilities isn't it rather than not voting and letting the miserable old people just have things their own selfish way. what an appalling thing. every pundit my arse.


the EU won't want their pound of flesh, the EU will do what's best for the EU. as they should, because only one stupid country voted to leave and make life worse for itself. so why would they not?


this labour campaign didn't promise the moon and stars, that's what conservatives do and they lie. the costed labour manifesto explained how their policies will make life better for the many rather than the minority. it clearly hit home. even in the face of the most biased media landscape in the western world. labour said we're not going to take food away from poor schoolkids and not take homes off people diagnosed with dementia and stop selling off the NHS and make really rich people start to pay their fair share in tax and stop nurses having to go to foodbanks. if you're not at home with policies like that then you're beyond redemption really. 

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Just now, AlexRich said:

The students are not to young to remember being dragged out of the EU by older people whose only motivation for doing so appeared to be to "get rid of them immigrants" (for the most part). Revenge of the snowflakes and remoaners ... as the brexiteers are fond of calling them.


May has been told very clearly that 'no deal' is not wanted ... although I suspect she is not going to be around much longer.

I think that is about the limit of most students memory span judging by those on the TV today. I have never heard of "the revenge of the snowflakes and remoaners, is it some fantasy film?


You still do not get the no deal scenario. By hamstringing her, the no deal is even more likely.


Why should TM go? She won the election and Corbyn lost.


The only scenario that could have been worse was labour winning.

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46 minutes ago, mommysboy said:


I can't see this having taken a closer look. The obvious outcome looking at the overall situation and the parties involved is the so called soft Brexit.  I know it is a point you can't grasp- just as your leader can't- but that's really what the electorate wants.  The failure to realise this is at least half the reason why the Tories find themselves in such a position.  Had they just got on with Brexit the way it was hoped, then there would have been much less rancour, and we would have avoided the economic downturn that now appears to be upon us.


You, on the other hand, would prefer to blame younger voters for voting for a party that cares about their future.

When Cameron ran away from the fiasco he created, I said many times that the opportunity was then, in that moment only,  to do the really hard, hard exit that would forestall any nonsense from eurocrats.  24 hours and stop paying the EU - cancel/amend all the financially more peripheral agreements like immigration, and no chance for the train-wreck that we've been living through these last long months.

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11 minutes ago, Flustered said:

I think that is about the limit of most students memory span judging by those on the TV today. I have never heard of "the revenge of the snowflakes and remoaners, is it some fantasy film?


You still do not get the no deal scenario. By hamstringing her, the no deal is even more likely.


Why should TM go? She won the election and Corbyn lost.


The only scenario that could have been worse was labour winning.


The Tories will stab her in the back, that is their way. She put her leadership on the line and failed. She has no mandate for no deal ... and I suspect that any deal will be put before the people ... might seem hard to imagine, but then so was this result. 

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31 minutes ago, Flustered said:

How can you have a soft Brexit when the people negotiating it on behalf of the UK are still mainly those who want a good deal or no deal?


The EU will want their pound of flesh which will be unacceptable to the negotiating team and the final offer to Parliament will be that no deal was agreed.


And finally, every pundit has accepted that the student vote was what gave Labour their increase. Labour do not care about their future, just their votes.  Labour have always promised the moon and stars and delivered nothing except debt and disaster. But the students are too young to remember what Labour have not achieved over the decades. I dare say you are one of them.


Get your head around that.

My own deep scars come from living through the Thatcher years in all honesty. It was pure misery for my family and me.


The EU will want to keep UK as close to EU possible.  They will be punitive- you are right about that- but only to the Con. politicians who have behaved obstructively throughout.


Where you are also right is that the people dealing on behalf of the UK want a hard Brexit, and that is why I expect a vote of no confidence quite soon, and another election.  On the other hand, they may just see good sense and do what they were mandated to do.


You have stated a soft Brexit deal never existed.  This is quite wrong imo.  Not only does it exist in Norway, but in fact the deal that does not exist is the pie in the sky one that you hard Brexiters seem fixated by.


Lastly, you question other peoples' motives in voting the way they do, yet the Tory party is the big business party and courts all business minded people with unaffordab;e corporation tax cuts.  Do you vote the way you do for altruistic motives then? 





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4 hours ago, Flustered said:

I think that is about the limit of most students memory span judging by those on the TV today. I have never heard of "the revenge of the snowflakes and remoaners, is it some fantasy film?


You still do not get the no deal scenario. By hamstringing her, the no deal is even more likely.


Why should TM go? She won the election and Corbyn lost.


The only scenario that could have been worse was labour winning.

Yes the Tories won ......and trailing dog crap all over the carpet.

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4 hours ago, Flustered said:

I think that is about the limit of most students memory span judging by those on the TV today. I have never heard of "the revenge of the snowflakes and remoaners, is it some fantasy film?


You still do not get the no deal scenario. By hamstringing her, the no deal is even more likely.


Why should TM go? She won the election and Corbyn lost.


The only scenario that could have been worse was labour winning.

If you do not understand why TM should go then you do not understand British Politics. TM had a working majority and she went to the country and asked for a mandate. That appeal failed miserably so on that basis she should go. There is no question that the Tory Party should form the government as they are the largest party and with the DUP can win any vote in Parliament but there is also no doubt that TM has now lost the confidence of the electorate to lead that government. Cameron had the decency to go its time TM did the same and allow someone else to lead a Tory Government. 

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10 minutes ago, pitrevie said:

If you do not understand why TM should go then you do not understand British Politics. TM had a working majority and she went to the country and asked for a mandate. That appeal failed miserably so on that basis she should go. There is no question that the Tory Party should form the government as they are the largest party and with the DUP can win any vote in Parliament but there is also no doubt that TM has now lost the confidence of the electorate to lead that government. Cameron had the decency to go its time TM did the same and allow someone else to lead a Tory Government. 

Step forward David Davis!

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48 minutes ago, Naam said:

others seem to be blind to the fact that there won't be any hard Brexit. not now and not later. the hardliner Brexiteers have lost, but not willing to accept facts. reason will prevail in UK and the EU. both parties need an acceptable agreement which is a win-win. anything else is nothing but blah-blah!

Actually the conservatives were never after a hard brexit. they wanted a fair deal. What they said was if there deal wasn't fair then they would rather have no deal, so lets get that fact straight


There are a lo of people who were wanting a second EU referendum or wanting no brexit, also  a second Scottish referendum, crying this morning into their cornflakes. Nothing has changed much. You can sugar coat it as much as you like. Labour are not going to be in power. NS has gone with her tail between her legs. TM is still the prime minister and once the EU start giving their demands and TM starts telling the UK people what they insist on, you will see a turn from the British people and see the tyranny that they are.


Business as usual.

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12 hours ago, Grouse said:

Nah, I really doubt that.


The EU are being very empathetic and understanding about the whole Brexit faux pas!

Are they? We will see Grouse. They should have from the beginning. Tusk et al are lapping it up. Hopefully the 'mud slinging' will stop and the  two sides can start behaving like adults, although I will not hold my breath.

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9 minutes ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Actually the conservatives were never after a hard brexit. they wanted a fair deal. What they said was if there deal wasn't fair then they would rather have no deal, so lets get that fact straight


There are a lo of people who were wanting a second EU referendum or wanting no brexit, also  a second Scottish referendum, crying this morning into their cornflakes. Nothing has changed much. You can sugar coat it as much as you like. Labour are not going to be in power. NS has gone with her tail between her legs. TM is still the prime minister and once the EU start giving their demands and TM starts telling the UK people what they insist on, you will see a turn from the British people and see the tyranny that they are.


Business as usual.

Only 6 months ago the Economist wrote that TM had opted for hard Brexit.

Only yesterday David Davis said, "Election disaster could cost us our mandate for a hard Brexit deal,"

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3 minutes ago, nontabury said:

Another one who is drawing the wrong conclusions from this election.

True the Conservatives have suffered a very bad election, even though they did increase their vote. But you would be very foolish to even think this result was influenced by Brexit. Far more likely to have been that stupid and arrogant Conservative manifesto.

 Look up all the expectations of a large Conservative victory prior to the publication of that manifesto, and you will surely come to realise that it was nothing other than a suicide note.


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1 hour ago, nontabury said:

Another one who is drawing the wrong conclusions from this election.

True the Conservatives have suffered a very bad election, even though they did increase their vote. But you would be very foolish to even think this result was influenced by Brexit. Far more likely to have been that stupid and arrogant Conservative manifesto.

 Look up all the expectations of a large Conservative victory prior to the publication of that manifesto, and you will surely come to realise that it was nothing other than a suicide note.

Talk about drawing wrong conclusions. Far more likely this and far more likely that. Personally I don't think it is unreasonable to assign Theresa May's drubbing to the campaign strategy of Lord Buckethead, who, older readers will know, stood against Maggie Thatcher. And look what happened to her. Being Intergalactic, LB will, far more likely, logically be an EU supporter




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13 hours ago, Flustered said:

Some seem blind to the fact that if we do not reach a deal then it's the hard Brexit.


Some FMs are ecstatic about TM having to try and work with a party that wants a soft Brexit but fail to see the most likely outcome is the one she voiced at the very beginning.....No Deal.


A soft Brexit was never on the table. It was a well negotiated deal for the UK with a strong leader or the WTO conditions because she is hamstrung. 


The student vote hamstrung her so you will all reap the rewards of a hard Brexit.


Short sightedness seems very common in the Bremoaners.

"The student vote hamstrung her" if the Tory Party cannot win Kensington & Chelsea but not only that, lose it to Labour then I think you have to dig a bit deeper than that feeble excuse.

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3 hours ago, Naam said:

others seem to be blind to the fact that there won't be any hard Brexit. not now and not later. the hardliner Brexiteers have lost, but not willing to accept facts. reason will prevail in UK and the EU. both parties need an acceptable agreement which is a win-win. anything else is nothing but blah-blah!


2 hours ago, nontabury said:

Another one who is drawing the wrong conclusions from this election.

True the Conservatives have suffered a very bad election, even though they did increase their vote. But you would be very foolish to even think this result was influenced by Brexit. Far more likely to have been that stupid and arrogant Conservative manifesto.

 Look up all the expectations of a large Conservative victory prior to the publication of that manifesto, and you will surely come to realise that it was nothing other than a suicide note.

The hard brexit to me appears  politically dead.

T.May reasons for holding  the election , after previuosly stating she wouldnt , was for the sole purpose to improve her brexit negotations as the other parties where attempting to frustrate the process.

The DUP,  Scottish Conservatives dont want an hard brexit, and it is difficult to see what leverage the hard brexiteers within the Conservatives rank now hold, the options avaiable are vote of no confidence and to bring the current government down , resulting in another election.

It was widely speculated that P. Hammond  was going to be sacked, however his re-apointment maybe an indication of what is to come.

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