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Television digital audio out - to analog - to Bluetooth

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Trying to keep the noise down at the open-air restaurant and instead of having the television blaring loud, we want to have a distributed sound with a Bluetooth speaker on the tables. Television only has digital audio output and I have seen the digital-to-analog audio converters on lazada for around 400 baht but wondering if anyone has seen these gadgets locally in Pattaya? Also looking for the Bluetooth transmitter to hang off the output from the D2A converter.





Can a single BlueTooth host (the TV dongle) pair with (and send audio to) more than one device (the table speakers) simultaneously?

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

16 minutes ago, Crossy said:

Can a single BlueTooth host (the TV dongle) pair with (and send audio to) more than one device (the table speakers) simultaneously?


I suspect not.


The OP doesnt  say how many tables/speakers he wants in total, but I would be inclined to look at something like Chromecast Audio for this job. Or perhaps a proper multizone amp like the Yamaha Musiccast ones. I have both (and Sonos) and they all do a similar job in different ways. Finding Chromecast Audio here may not be easy or cheap though: I got mine for GBP15 in the UK on one of their occasional half-price offers.


If the system is not designed for multizone from the ground up then there may be an unpleasant lack of sync between the different speakers. No worse than being in most Thai bar zones though!


Sorry for lack of clarity; only one BT speaker is planned which can be placed on any of the 6 tables.


So, do any local shops carry the two gizmo's I need? The top two are the A2D, the third is the BT dongle. The fourth is the ultimate 3-in-1 solution.










I've gotten quite a few gadgets from lazada that came from overseas. No problems so far.


I've tried to get them locally,  but dealing with the small shops at Tukcom is too frustrating. LOL

3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

I've gotten quite a few gadgets from lazada that came from overseas. No problems so far.


I've tried to get them locally,  but dealing with the small shops at Tukcom is too frustrating. LOL

Yes, but as I mentioned earlier, the Lazada stuff would be coming from overseas. Instead of waiting 8-10 days, I have been cobbling the stuff together and it did take three different shops in Tukcom (items 1/2 and 3 in the pictures in earlier post) but the place is pretty deserted just now so it wasn't such a chore. About 1100 baht for the lot.

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