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Good And Bad Things About Thailand


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1. weather

2. great food

3. pretty girls

4. cheap prices


1. too many farang, especially retired farang

2. bad image farang have from all the guys w/ bar girls

3. not enough non-bar girl venues

4. farang dont understand thai culture and make other farang who speak thai like me look bad

5. farang who dont learn thai culture and drink in public

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1. weather

2. great food

3. pretty girls

4. cheap prices


1. too many farang, especially retired farang

2. bad image farang have from all the guys w/ bar girls

3. not enough non-bar girl venues

4. farang dont understand thai culture and make other farang who speak thai like me look bad

5. farang who dont learn thai culture and drink in public

Bad: thickhead ozzie that cannot spell his home country, but at least you got the 1980 right !

Good: thickhead ozzie that makes himself look stooopid

: and there are plenty of non bar girl venues, but at 26yo whipper snapper, you just aint got the smarts to be able to find em.

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Oh, c'mon. First you start a thread about beating up some guy outside a 7-11, now it's a thread about the best & worst things in Thailand, and the only 4 that merit with you are weather, food, girls & cheap prices? Even the most uneducated sex tourist would throw something in about culture so as not to appear crass! And you're getting p1$$ed off because members are having a go? What did you expect?

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i am in thailand only 6 month and i spek more thai fluently then 99% of farang in thailand. thank you for insult me though. i guess you are mafia then.

Where do you get your stats from?

And what is your fixation with mafia??

It's his own stats .....

One thing i noticed though, this can't be a native English speaker(and if it is than "good lord"!) . He's probably coming from a Country where they have a lot of Mafia?

I don't think this thread will last for long...

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i am in thailand only 6 month and i spek more thai fluently then 99% of farang in thailand. thank you for insult me though. i guess you are mafia then.

You might want to spend a bit of your time working on your English as well...

Seconded :D I reckon he might need a lot more than 6 months study too. :o

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