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Thai Tourism Minister Talks Up 5-Year Visas


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5 year Retirement visa, it's never going to happen,in the last few years

they have increased regulations and rules,to the point where you don't

really feel welcome here anymore.,xenophobia is alive and well in Thailand,

regards worgeordie

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1 hour ago, gk10002000 said:

5 year visas are readily now.  Thailand elite visa:  5 years for 500kbaht, or 10 years for 800 k baht.  The visas are not the only issue.  I think you will find that the expats that live there are so tired of the constant 90 day reporting.  For somebody that has been approved to stay there long time, a one year reporting should be more than adequate.  At least the 90 day kind of can be done online or by mail, but lately you can read all the accounts of new forms, information required, etc.

You could almost get the feeling that they don't want us here?? Silly I know! :sad::wai:

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2 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Absolutely everything they have done to date has suggested an opposing strategy towards long term visitors, so very much a case of wait and see over the border for me.



Wait and see ?

 You will die first.

Do you fancy Red or yellow roses on your coffin :)

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Despite the ramblings of Kobkarn, the reality for expats is:


"...In March, an umbrella organization of trade groups called on the military government to issue a new type of five-year visa to attract highly skilled professionals. No progress was ever reported..." !!! 

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can only imagine the hoops they'll make us jump through to get one of these judging by the requirements for an METV


still sounds promising and at least floating the idea of these and dropping 90 day reports in favor of yearlies is a step in the right direction


one can hope

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2 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:

Just get rid of the 90 day reporting. 

I don't mind the 90 day reports, usually in and out in 10 min max.

 What I do mind is attitude of those in government that we are all criminals of one sort or another, the invasions into our personal lives without basis, the reports of visits by immigration to long term residents homes without reason, the leeway to demand any sort of document not on immigration requirement list by local fiefdom offices, the requirement that if you stray for one night a report must be filed or face fine. The negative attitude of the government sets the tone for the general population towards us.

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2 hours ago, Guderian said:

What next, they'll approve farangs owning up to one rai of land for residential purposes? In your dreams...


Maybe they will do what Australia does, allows foreign residents to own property up to 2 million dollars, but pay full capital gains tax, so zero gains to the foreign resident and pay 32.5% in tax from the rent earned, this includes Ozzies who depart Australia and become foreign residents because of their 183 day rule, pointless to won property in Australia, really !


Owing rai in Thailand, not in our lifetime, but got to say this, good on them, Australia has just about sold everything to the Chinese, only now through public outcry are the politicians starting to take note, bloody idiots.

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12 minutes ago, GeorgeCross said:

can only imagine the hoops they'll make us jump through to get one of these judging by the requirements for an METV


still sounds promising and at least floating the idea of these and dropping 90 day reports in favor of yearlies is a step in the right direction


one can hope

If you're a resident here, you don't need a five year visa. You can stay here as long as you can meet the requirements, which the majority of long term married stayers and retirees etc, can do.. 

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2 hours ago, JetsetBkk said:

Just get rid of the 90 day reporting. 


Once a year upon renewal of out retirement visa, if they require us for some reason, they have our address and mobile numbers, and if we change address, its up to us to advise them within 7 days or get a fine, simple really, less paperwork, less trees being cut down, less vehicles polluting Thailand for the trip to the immigration office (1 hour and 30 minutes from where I live). That or fix the online system, last time I checked, this was the 21st century, I think.

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I seriously doubt this will ever come to pass. The Tourism Ministry has no power to do anything as they do not control Visa issuance.  It is not the length of Visa that is the problem it is the way extensions of stay are processed and the seemingly constant movement of goal posts and the different requirements at different offices. Samui is a prime example of an office that makes up its own requirements and demands more than is necessary. If they really want to improve the lot of expats- they can do away with the 90 day reporting; stop all the nonsensical personal information forms and other forms such as TM 30 etc and  provide a 5 year extension of stay after a certain point for both retired expats and married to Thai people.

The digital nomad issue is a non starter because one needs to have the ascent of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Visa Issuance); the Immigration Department (extension of stay) and the Labor Department (Work Permit). there is just too much  built in bureaucracy in Thailand to think that such coordination will ever take place.

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4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

5 year Retirement visa, it's never going to happen,in the last few years

they have increased regulations and rules,to the point where you don't

really feel welcome here anymore.,xenophobia is alive and well in Thailand,

regards worgeordie


You should have seen the female immigration officer that I had today, ripped the passport from my hand as I handed it to her, then she looked at me and called me to give me my passport, as she was handing it to me, I said, not my passport, mine is blue, the one she was handing me was red, she then realised her <deleted> and handed me mine, not a word said, no smile, no nothing, personally I don't care about feeling welcome by the minority, a bit like others back in our country of origin, it is what it is, just weigh up the good with the bad, and when it gets too bad, just smile, silence is more deadly. 

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12 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

If you're a resident here, you don't need a five year visa. You can stay here as long as you can meet the requirements, which the majority of long term married stayers and retirees etc, can do.. 


what worries me is they bring in the 5 year visa, make it impossibly hard to get (10M baht capital etc) and do away with the retirement/marriage extensions


think it can't happen? i still remember how excited everyone got about the METV until we found out the requirements, that we could only apply in our home countries AND they were going to kill off the double entry :sad:

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Everyone who has settled in Thailand- retired or married or other has made a commitment to the country. We pay rent; purchase homes; buy cars; pay taxes in some form; provide support for children in school and also support the local merchants.

No one is being a burden on Thailand . We simply want to be treated fairly and consistently. While I understand that security is an issue for the World- this has to be tempered with the reality that 99.9% of the foreign community goes about its daily business and living without any issues for anyone. We generally obey the law and treat our hosts with respect. The criminal element is here for sure and that is what the authorities need to concentrate on. Wasting time on excess bureaucracy takes the police (including the Immigration police) away from searching out the criminal element that they advertise they want to get. 

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1 hour ago, GeorgeCross said:


what worries me is they bring in the 5 year visa, make it impossibly hard to get (10M baht capital etc) and do away with the retirement/marriage extensions


think it can't happen? i still remember how excited everyone got about the METV until we found out the requirements, that we could only apply in our home countries AND they were going to kill off the double entry :sad:

I live in BKK and have a British passport but am currently in Toronto visiting friends.  I submitted an application for an METV here at the Thai consulate here yesterday expecting it to be rejected and told to go back to the UK to obtain one because I'm not Canadian.  I just assumed I'd have to settle for an SETV. Surprisingly they accepted my METV application and didn't ask to see bank statements or anything else.  All they wanted to see was my "travel itinerary".  I only have my return ticket to BKK - as in no onward ticket for anywhere else - but they said that was not an issue.  It cost 200 Canadian dollars.  I will pick it up this afternoon.  So, now I'm quite confused.  Perhaps certain consulate have a certain amount of flexibility? 

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10 minutes ago, stephen tracy said:

I live in BKK and have a British passport but am currently in Toronto visiting friends.  I submitted an application for an METV here at the Thai consulate here yesterday expecting it to be rejected and told to go back to the UK to obtain one because I'm not Canadian.  I just assumed I'd have to settle for an SETV. Surprisingly they accepted my METV application and didn't ask to see bank statements or anything else.  All they wanted to see was my "travel itinerary".  I only have my return ticket to BKK - as in no onward ticket for anywhere else - but they said that was not an issue.  It cost 200 Canadian dollars.  I will pick it up this afternoon.  So, now I'm quite confused.  Perhaps certain consulate have a certain amount of flexibility? 

Sorry, maybe I missed something, but if you live in Bangkok, why don't you get a Non Immigrant O and get re entry permits. surely that would be cheaper and less hassle?

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I wanted to come visit friends here in Toronto anyway.  I was on an Edu-Visa for 2 years in BKK - not an abuser, I actually attended my classes - but after the last one expired - I was told I wouldn't be able to get another one as I have just completed "advanced level" Thai.  This is a bit silly as I still have major problems reading/understanding newspapers, so in my book that's not advanced. I did languages at University so I know what it means to be a so-called advanced linguist.  It seems that the immigration and MoE don't base your language abilities on how good or bad you are, just the amount of levels you complete.  Makes no sense but there you have it.  I don't think I qualify for any other kind of non-immigrant O visa. I'm still not retirement age, I'm not a journalist and I don't have a business in Thailand to qualify for a work permit.  Up until August I was working on a contract basis for a UK based company remotely from BKK... sadly, after 8 years of loyal service they ditched me with only 2 weeks notice.... panic stations!

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