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Why so much criticism of Thailand?

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I don't know whether the topic of this thread is still the same as the title 'why so much criticism of Thailand?' but it's self evident that this is the obvious place for foreigners to vent and complain and it's clearly fun. As everyone is foreign, it's not as if anyone is particularly offended. 

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Just now, alex8912 said:

Aren't BM's bowel movements?


Or bar maids? 


What are BM's? Haven't been keeping up with my expat ebonics lately. 

1 hour ago, Boatman37210 said:

The OP's opinion and assessment is his.  The way the question was posed it is obvious he thinks his assessment is the correct one.  Does not mean that is how things are.  This is a question I think should not have been asked.  It is not a question that you are going to get answers that most people agree on.  Waste of time in my opinion.  Just a question to get people riled up.


Your asking this forum why so much criticism of Thailand.  When you talk of criticism, I am assuming you are referring to articles you read or conversations you heard or had.  Were these conversations or articles not self explanatory?   Did you not understand the articles or conversations, so you had to come here for help?  I personally think you are being less than honest about why you are asking this question.



Now really, that is deep man.  "Psych major"?

2 minutes ago, joeyg said:

Now really, that is deep man.  "Psych major"?


That's because you're in over your head.

20 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

You're kind of stuck on this nancy thing.  The OP is right, you are mentally unbalanced. 


Good one.... Im wounded    :saai:


I whinge about LOS on TV because there are a lot of things to whinge about and I don't have anyone to talk about it with in person. Sometimes one just has to put it out there or go crazy.


It depends on how long one has been in LOS though. When I just visited for a couple of weeks there wasn't much to whinge about, but living in it is a different proposition.


I wish the Thais did some whinging instead of putting up with the rubbish infrastructure. If they did, it might get fixed.


Plenty to whinge about back home, but I'm not there now.

4 hours ago, joeyg said:

Actually I'm simply asking a question. And it's "whining", which I'm simply not doing.  Here we go with the sad responses I guess.



The question you seem to be asking is:


"Why do contributors to ThaiVisa complain about Thailand a lot".


The answer would be that Thailand is the main focus on ThaiVisa and the contributors either live in Thailand, spend a lot of time in Thailand or feel some sort of intense connection with Thailand.


Consequently most comments, good (there are plenty) or bad, are to do with Thailand.


That's seems normal enough.


What seems a bit strange it that so many people seem to have huge problems with their places of origin.  Places of origin which, one way or another, have allowed them to acquire the means to live the highlife in Thailand.


Means which they would have had a lot less chance of acquiring if they had been born in Thailand.


Your post reads like an excuse to criticise the US rather than defend Thailand.  You sound like just another old man who can't cope with the inevitability of change which has left you high and dry.  


It seems your time, your world, has passed. 











7 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

Let's face it....


There isn't a country that exists that isn't easy to criticize.....Some are international laughing stocks; either for the running of the country or the behavior of the people in/from a particular country....


People come here to Thailand and find it to be a charming place with charming people - for awhile....Partially because they're still in tourist, on demand mode.....Because of that they can only see things as how they think it should be - like a spoiled child....

It can't be, and never will be....Everything here is about 180 off back home & the "honeymoon" phase is gone.....


Some people adapt well - some never will....They want everything to adapt to their self important selves .......They don't get that so they whine in their own incompleteness ......Usually alcohol plays a part.....


Whiners whine - it's what they do - it's their way of trying to assert their contol over something they cannot control....Most whiners are very manipulative people & whining/bitching/pissing/moaning /woe is me are their tools.....And a little thing is all they need for an opening....They grasp a hold of it - it's their (perceived) strength/ace card.....Although to most it's viewed much differently.....


The Thais are a lovely & benign people/culture - easy to accept & get along with.....The country holds a lot of beauty....This makes both an easy target for the whiney bitchers......


They actually should go back to where they came from (they're not doing any good for themselves or the Thai's by being here) - but odds are they aren't welcome there as they whined/bitched their way through everybody back home....


Thailand, like everywhere else, is not perfect.....But it is light years better than the whiney bitches would have you believe....


Unhappy bitchy people are unhappy bitchy people anywhere....


Usually LOUD too.......Even at a whisper......


They whine about the government here too. Especially those from the UK. The present government in the UK is an absolute joke. Nobody knows what others are doing, the FM is an alcoholic clown. The leader of the opposition is pathetic and two UKIP  leaders coming to blows in public and charged by the police. The GB Pound is plummeting and a whole lot of other problems. I would prefer the Thai government any day even though it's a military government.

1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:


This is a common thing, the Thai's just bring it out in the open, and I am not agreeing with being charged any different because we are falangs, but hell, it happens all over the world, Greece, Italy, Australia, Germany, people rip off tourists, falangs, or whatever you want to call us, I don't hold it against them, I just avoid the places that they charge 10 x the Thai price, seriously there is an upside, the woman are cheaper by the dozen 555


Nobody rips off tourists in Western countries. I live in the Netherlands for example and tourist prices are the same as the locals pay. If other Western countries were perpetuating the kind of overcharging that takes place in Thailand it would be all over the news media in no time at all.

6 minutes ago, Xircal said:


Nobody rips off tourists in Western countries. I live in the Netherlands for example and tourist prices are the same as the locals pay. If other Western countries were perpetuating the kind of overcharging that takes place in Thailand it would be all over the news media in no time at all.


Same in my place man one price for activities. Tourist towns are more expensive for everyone not just one demographic. Locals just know what to avoid and where to go. 


Thailand? Straight up foreigner targeting. Not just tourist places but in day to day life. 

7 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Criticize where it is deserved.  The current Thai government deserves little praise as does Clinton or Trump.   Leadership world wide is not less than exciting.  The current leader of Hong Kong is gawd awful, but the women running Korea, Taiwan and Burma probably deserve some praise. 


Feel lucky to work with Thais in and outside of Thailand.  They are patient, talented, and hardworking.  Thailand has great potential, but highly placed, influential people are holding it back. 


"Hardworking?"  Mexicans and Filipinos are "hardworking."  Not Thais.

6 minutes ago, Xircal said:


Nobody rips off tourists in Western countries. I live in the Netherlands for example and tourist prices are the same as the locals pay. If other Western countries were perpetuating the kind of overcharging that takes place in Thailand it would be all over the news media in no time at all.


   Although the huge majority of tourists prices are exact;y the same as Thai prices .

A few places do charge more for foreigners , but they are so few, that its Hardy worth mentioning .

Many Western Countries do also give concessions to locals .

It is also not a "rip-off" , prices are clearly marked and its up to you whether you want to pay that price or not

8 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   Although the huge majority of tourists prices are exact;y the same as Thai prices .

A few places do charge more for foreigners , but they are so few, that its Hardy worth mentioning .

Many Western Countries do also give concessions to locals .

It is also not a "rip-off" , prices are clearly marked and its up to you whether you want to pay that price or not


So a Thai buying a t-shirt at a street stall will pay the same price as a foreigner?


A Thai buying a pair of shoes at MBK (for example) will pay the same price as a foreigner? 


Yeah sure there are exceptions but generally speaking yeah we get gouged. 

2 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   Although the huge majority of tourists prices are exact;y the same as Thai prices .

A few places do charge more for foreigners , but they are so few, that its Hardy worth mentioning .

Many Western Countries do also give concessions to locals .

It is also not a "rip-off" , prices are clearly marked and its up to you whether you want to pay that price or not


Prices are not clearly marked in Thailand. Farang prices are listed using a Western alphabet. Thai prices are written in Thai. Unless you know how to read prices written in Thai, you won't realize how you're being ripped off.


3 hours ago, joeyg said:

Again my point is Thailand's "social injustice" and crimes against humanity are nothing compared to those committed my country, the USA.  "Big Brother"  Sophomoric at best.

Jeez man, don't remember coming across anyone on the internet this full of it.  I lived as a foreigner in the US for 10 years, now 3 years in Thailand.  The US has its problems but your critique is just way out of control hyperbole.  How many millions here get by on less than 10,000 Baht a month, never having had the benefit of a decent education?  Talk to them about the social justice they're getting.  Shameful.

3 minutes ago, Strange said:


So a Thai buying a t-shirt at a street stall will pay the same price as a foreigner?


A Thai buying a pair of shoes at MBK (for example) will pay the same price as a foreigner? 


Yeah sure there are exceptions but generally speaking yeah we get gouged. 


   A market stall holder can set his price and its up to the buyer whether he decides to purchase or not .

Non market shops have clearly marked prices . Hotels, restaurants , shops have clearly marked prices and those prices are the same for everyone .


12 minutes ago, Xircal said:


Prices are not clearly marked in Thailand. Farang prices are listed using a Western alphabet. Thai prices are written in Thai. Unless you know how to read prices written in Thai, you won't realize how you're being ripped off.



  That looks quite clearly marked to me .



1 minute ago, sanemax said:


   A market stall holder can set his price and its up to the buyer whether he decides to purchase or not .

Non market shops have clearly marked prices . Hotels, restaurants , shops have clearly marked prices and those prices are the same for everyone .



Does a thai pay less than a foreigner? You are not educating anyone dude. We all know how it works when buying shit at a stall or shop. 


Do you think that you will get the same price as a Thai? 

1 minute ago, Strange said:


Does a thai pay less than a foreigner? You are not educating anyone dude. We all know how it works when buying shit at a stall or shop. 


Do you think that you will get the same price as a Thai? 


  I do yes , the prices are clearly marked and thats is what both myself and Thais pay .

I dont often see Thais in KFC , 7/11 , AirAsia , hairdressers , Tesco lotus asking for and getting a discount on the clearly stated prices

5 hours ago, joeyg said:

Actually I'm simply asking a question. And it's "whining", which I'm simply not doing.  Here we go with the sad responses I guess. 


Indeed it is a sad response to claim you are "simply asking a question" when really you are a whiner, whining about "so much" - your expression, sir - criticism.


This topic is nothing but a negativity-fest, where whiners hypocritical whiners and deluded whiners can come and whine. In actual fact, the topic isn't particularly for the basic whiners (about issues), but is really for the hypocritical and deluded whiners.


So you guessed right and the glass is half full, despite your negative topic.

Just now, sanemax said:


  I do yes , the prices are clearly marked and thats is what both myself and Thais pay .

I dont often see Thais in KFC , 7/11 , AirAsia , hairdressers , Tesco lotus asking for and getting a discount on the clearly stated prices


Did I say anything about 7-11, Tesco, or KFC? 


Im talking about a street stall, market, you know, where the majority of Thai people buy stuff and wander around. 


You know, the places without price tags? And even when they do have price tags, you know that shit is negotiable and a Thai gets more of a discount than a foreigner (for the most part, if you go to the same markets all the time you don't need to fixate)

2 minutes ago, Strange said:


Did I say anything about 7-11, Tesco, or KFC? 


Im talking about a street stall, market, you know, where the majority of Thai people buy stuff and wander around. 


You know, the places without price tags? And even when they do have price tags, you know that shit is negotiable and a Thai gets more of a discount than a foreigner (for the most part, if you go to the same markets all the time you don't need to fixate)


    You didnt say anything about 7-11 Tesco or KFC, I did .

The point was that they all charge the same for Thais and non Thais.

The markets that I go to charge me the same price as Thais .

Although they usually add on 20 Baht , and I have to ask for a 20 Baht discount , which is usually given

8 hours ago, lucky11 said:

How wonderful for an American to be telling the truth as to how it is in his own country. You are spot on in all you say!! All of this freedom talk is a load of crap - you don't have any freedoms any more as corporations and the most reviled company in the world (Monsanto) run the show there.

 I can see the population of the US decreasing soon due to the death rate exceeding the birthrate. Big pharma alongside chemical poison manufacturers are helping Bill Gates to achieve his Utopian dream of depopulating the world.  All I can say, is that you people had better start standing up to them , and soon, as your destiny is nearing the point of no return, if it hasn't been reached already that is!! Thailand has a long way to go to match the appalling crimes being thrust upon it's own people, with the governments blessing unbelievably, alarmingly it seems destined not to change whoever gets into power.

You are completely off. I'm not an American but I think it is one the best countries in the world - even Hillary says it's already great!


Have no idea what the op is talking about either because Thailand almost never rates a mention in the rest of world. On the very rare occasion when "the rest of the world" even mentions Thailand, instead of being happy that they are being noticed they get angry over some imaginary slight.


Seems like Thai people just consider everything to be offensive. What's laughable is those more-Thai-than-Thai farangs act the same way. 


firstly it would seem from the Op that the poster has little understanding of corruption in Thailand and how it works.

Criticism? Of course - many people on this site have spent years in Thailand and despite the cliché'd  argument "if you don't like it go home" they are still here. Some for retirement and others for work, but this does not exclude you from having views on where you live - it is ridiculous to suggest so.


When the OP compares corruption in Thailand to that in the US, he  is making a classic misunderstanding about Thai life .....and many people who have lived here for years, decades even, also  fail to grasp the true nature of graft corruption and nepotism in Thailand - a country where 65% of the population believe that corruption is OK and a necessary tool for oiling the wheels of both the economy and government.


So - al ot of people like or love Thailand but they don't peer at it through rose-tinted specs and see the countries issues for what they really are sometime s unique to Thailand and sometimes part of a global problem but to suggest they shouldn't be criticised and using the US as a yard stick is just simplification in the extreme.

.......remember at present Thailand lgs behind even Burma in the democracy stakes.





2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

You didnt say anything about 7-11 Tesco or KFC, I did .

The point was that they all charge the same for Thais and non Thais.

The markets that I go to charge me the same price as Thais .

Although they usually add on 20 Baht , and I have to ask for a 20 Baht discount , which is usually given


Nobody cares about 7-11 and KFC dude its a non-point. 


so if the price is 100 baht for 2-3 t-shirts, they add on 20 baht, then discount it? 

27 minutes ago, sanemax said:


  That looks quite clearly marked to me .




Does it? What price do you see there written in Thai?

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