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Thai man who carried out brutal sex attack on American tourist has sentence slashed


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30 minutes ago, impulse said:

My bet is that the hang 'em high brigade that thinks 5 years in a Thai prison isn't adequate have never spent significant time in a Thai prison.


Well I found the lack of aircon quite hard to deal with myself ...so that is a good point impulse!!  But in this case what most concerns me is that he is a sex offender.  They often stay sex offenders for life so protection of the public is the main concern when considering locking them up.  I would also wager that this wasn't his first offense.

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Just now, amykat said:


Well I found the lack of aircon quite hard to deal with myself ...so that is a good point impulse!!  But in this case what most concerns me is that he is a sex offender.  They often stay sex offenders for life so protection of the public is the main concern when considering locking them up.  I would also wager that this wasn't his first offense.

He never raped her?


5 years seems an adequate punishment to me.


In my country actual rape I think is about 5 years in jail.

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4 hours ago, Anthony5 said:


But is it normal that this halving comes 2 months after the initial sentencing?


I remember he initially was saying that it was all consensual.


Perhaps he pleaded guilty after conviction and sentencing, so that's why the sentence was halved 2 months later. 

Edited by Happy Grumpy
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55 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

And that sort of attitude is how national atrocities occur.


Please try to take each person as you find them - there are good and bad in all societies.


I'm not trying to defend this clearly mentally deficient offender by any means - he clearly needs to be locked up until he is incapable of causing further harm - but hating all Thais???


I live a quiet life but even so, on a few occasions when I was 'stuck' in an unfortunate situation - was offered help by as many (in some cases more, i.e. bike had broken down and so was standing by the road waiting for the repair man to arrive) as would do so in my home country.


Yes, I've also had to deal with my share of locals that care about nothing other than money.


Which brings me back to there are good and bad in all societies.

Yeah you are right. just a selected cull then.

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8 minutes ago, Johnniey said:

He never raped her?


5 years seems an adequate punishment to me.


In my country actual rape I think is about 5 years in jail.

Well I didn't use the word rape did I?  However the term rape is being expanded to include more things than it has in the past, or less things, if you want to put that way, in some jurisdictions.  If you want to debate it, I would argue the only reason he did not "rape" her in the traditional sense, is because he could not physically get access due to her injuries and position.  I would say she has been raped though more or less.  But you seem to think that you must "rape" someone to be defined as a sex offender and that is not true.  But you should also take into account his intent, obviously, which was to fully rape her. 

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4 hours ago, Thechook said:

Disgusting.  The value they put on farangs is appalling.  You get more for kicking a soi dog.

Errrr- why is she special? The sentenced would still have been halved if he'd attacked a Thai (if it had gone to court).

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4 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:

Good point.  I thought the sentence was halved at the time of sentencing.


We need a Thai lawyer to clarify this point.

Unfortunately, most Thai lawyers are not good enough to know anything

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I cannot comprehend anyone wanting to rape someone, even when they are down (cliff fall), what kind of creature is this guy, all I can say is, at least he didn't finish her off by leaving her there to die. He went and got help for her, that is good, she is on a slow road to recovery, but still, she has to live with what happened to her for the rest of her life.


He committed an appalling act on an unsuspecting, trusting female tourist, she went down from the fall, she couldn't move, and he even still proceeded to finish off what he started out to do with her having those horrific injuries, and then what, he had remorse after raping her, few lose screws up top if you ask me, he should be put down all together or never to be released, because I am sure all will agree, he will do it again in time and this sends the wrong message out to other Thai's. Do the crime, admit it and we will halve your sentence, then further reduce the term of the sentence on relative birth dates as they do here in Thailand.  

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5 hours ago, nottocus said:

Mother doesn't understand Thainess. It was only a farang. 

She will probably be even more upset when his 5 year jail term will be cut in half again for good behaviour & making merit!
He'll probably be out in 3 years or less.

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1 hour ago, impulse said:

My bet is that the hang 'em high brigade that thinks 5 years in a Thai prison isn't adequate have never spent significant time in a Thai prison.


You didn't miss the bit where she was fleeing the attempted rapist, fell down a 150 meter cliff, partially paralyzing herself, but remaining conscious enough to hear her attacker climb down after her, (a terrifying ordeal in itself), where upon, he proceeded to finish off the RAPE he had begun ( pretty sure a partially paralyzed lass, already fleeing a perp, would not have then consented to sex, just because she had gone over a 150 meter cliff, whilst attempting her initial escape), did you?


remorse, as others have suggested, is BS.... the rapist knew admittance would half the sentence... that in itself is a travesty.


As to the Sentence reduced to five years as being ok, because Thai prisons suck.... more BS.... western prisons should remove tvs and gyms etc, to deter criminals, who now use the saying "three squares and a cot" ( or similar).... these people are pure scum and deserve not one morsel of compassion, after such a heinous crime.


early release should only be allowed following casterstion to prevent reoccurrence... if at all.


and I don't just mean here in Thailand.... it seems to me that there are to many criminals for the amount of jails.... harsher penalties are needed to reduce crime, verses more jails to contain criminals


anyone who condones a reduction in sentence, in a rape of this degree, be it legitimate because of a legal loophole or not, must be a sympathetic rapist waiting to open the closet door.


dispicable and inexcusable... and I'm not a hang em high advocate.... I'm more a cut off his goolies with a rusty blade type

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1 hour ago, amykat said:

Well I didn't use the word rape did I?  However the term rape is being expanded to include more things than it has in the past, or less things, if you want to put that way, in some jurisdictions.  If you want to debate it, I would argue the only reason he did not "rape" her in the traditional sense, is because he could not physically get access due to her injuries and position.  I would say she has been raped though more or less.  But you seem to think that you must "rape" someone to be defined as a sex offender and that is not true.  But you should also take into account his intent, obviously, which was to fully rape her. 


Amy.... you would be 100% correct to use the word RAPE.... this is not something debatable, except by apologists requiring 9mm worth of re education



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2 hours ago, recom273 said:


If it were a Thai and there was no press coverage, he would have made a deal to pay 100-200K to the parents ( less a brokering fee to the police ) and after a percentage paid would been back walking the streets - the family would at a later date claim poverty and a lower settlement monthly payment negotiated that will never be honored.


Just like the railway signalman who lured my 14 year old Thai niece into his box, raped her and left her stumbling along the train tracks trying to kill herself. The guy is still in the same job.


As wrong as it sounds, he didn't get an easy ride because the girl was a westerner, it's just a twisted system.

"still in the same job" who's fault is that - no balls in the family?

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16 minutes ago, Artisi said:

"still in the same job" who's fault is that - no balls in the family?


Pathetic comment - Big man


I was just pointing out that it's the system, the establishment, society and the law enforcement that just endorses this and doesn't give a toss - in a similar way to the system that finds it ok to slash a sentence by 50%



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1 hour ago, Deepinthailand said:

As I said before disgusting but have a look at this from a well known UK paper it happens everywhere

"But the figures show that 134 of the 268 rapists jailed last year in England and Wales were given sentences of four years or less. Only one got less than 12 months."




 Raper's Paradise....get in go out and do it again?

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6 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Yeah right. 


There is never going to be justice here until scum like this piece of crap are given sentenced that match the crime. 

With all the corruption in Thailand???? Forget about that. Talk is cheap, MONEY BUYS THE WHISKY!

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Read the story. The guy is mentally deficient. I don't usually believe in physiognomy or phrenology, but the guy's appearance and actions speak volumes here. She fell off a cliff, that's the real problem. He precipitated it, and he made it worse by assaulting her. But did he have "Mens Rea", I'm not so sure. Think "Lennie" Of Mice and Men. I don't think you can extrapolate from this to all Thai men. A psychopath would've finished her off, a normaĺ Thai guy, chancing his arm with a foreign tart (I'm sort of assuming a cultural stereotype here) would've called emergency services immediately, or run away. I'm sure this kind of stuff goes on all the time. Most Western women learn how to handle it. It was an unfortunate conflation of circumstances  - naive girl, mentally deficient man, and cliff face.

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