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Thai man who carried out brutal sex attack on American tourist has sentence slashed


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Yep.... read the story.


she didn't just run into some random bloke and say " hey, let's take the dark and lonely track back to your cottage in the woods, so you can have your wicked way with me"


she went into a tourist shop, asked for help in returning to her hotel, and ended up with a guide.


and yes... the guide is quite obviously mentally deficient.... what he did beggars belief, and any person with an iota of decency would never have done such a thing.... but suggesting he hide behind a lack of culpability due to mental deficiency is a step to far.


correct... I was not there... but she was led away from safety, by a guide from a tourist shop, before being assaulted, once the guide got her into a dark and seculuded area


and yes... I acknowledge that he could have left her there to die... but just perhaps the guide was surprised and dismayed to find the woman still alive, when rescuers arrived, thinking he was returning as a rescuer and hero himself


Admittedly, there is s lot that we don't know... but there is also a lot that is known.... and what is known should disgust every reader here


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7 hours ago, jingjoke said:



Disgusting beast and disgustingly lenient sentence. Fate was not kind to  Ms Gavios to have encountered this depraved guide.




He sure looks like a Pork pie short of a picnic. Should have been castrated at birth, you would not want his type procreating.

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1 hour ago, SiSePuede419 said:

Tragic, but appalling lack of awareness.  She should have not gone alone with an unknown Thai man anywhere, for safety.  It's only common sense, you would have thought she would know that already since she lived in Vietnam and talked in English.  Duh.


Appalling lack of awareness (on her part)?


or an appalling lack of compassion on your part, blaming the victim?


i think lostinissan overrates your English comprehension, a prerequisite to teaching the language.


for safeties sake, she went to a tour guide store and got a guide to take her back to the hotel.... damn good thinking, really.... showing great common sense


unfortunately the shop provided a scumbag as a guide, which was out of her hands... but clearly, she did the right thing.... and something others would probably recommend 


as in... "go down to the tour shop, miss, they will have guides that can help you"


isn't that what the guides are all about.... taking tourists out into the jungles, or where ever, and returning them safely?





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A few comments on facebook: 30 years.

Destroy someone else's life: 5years


Nice country. But the farang apologists will be along soon for a bit of victim blaming and lecture us all about how we don't understand Thai culture and people who are all peaceful friendly people unlike those evil westerners.

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15 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Just what are the requirements to become an official tourist guide?


5000 baht?


90% discount for family members? 


And that right there is the unfortunate problem.... which applies almost universally across the country, or so  it often appears... undoubtedly you have hit the nail squarely on the head


bent coppers

bent pollies

bent army officers

bent boat operators

bent .... well... It goes on and on.


so items like this, need as much noise as possible, in an attempt to make a change for the better.... and yes... it will be slow, but we are seeing changes already, like training centers with local and international trainers (Australian trained lifeguards, is a recent example I used)


i have also also personally attended world class training centers in Bangkok...


but regardless... the girl did the logical and common sensical thing, in obtaining a guide from a tour shop... and again, how could she know they were providing her with a scumbag, and how can she be seen to be at fault  in doing so?

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8 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

Tragic, but appalling lack of awareness.  She should have not gone alone with an unknown Thai man anywhere, for safety.  It's only common sense, you would have thought she would know that already since she lived in Vietnam and talked in English.  Duh.


Oh no, no, NO, lets not have this disgusting blame the victim shit again. If you did not bother to read what happened to this poor girl you have no right to post anything derogatory about her.


There are some on TV who automatically respond to blame the woman when they are attacked. I think it must be some kind of moronic mental deficiency almost equivalent to that of the perpetrator of this exceptionally horrible crime.


Women get attacked in every country and get blamed in every country as well, but there is no excuse for attacking and raping or sexually assaulting a woman.


What the <deleted> has living in Vietnam and speaking English go to do with being attacked by someone who was recommended to guide you home along a difficult path? Duh.



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3 hours ago, MiKT said:


Oh no, no, NO, lets not have this disgusting blame the victim shit again. If you did not bother to read what happened to this poor girl you have no right to post anything derogatory about her.


There are some on TV who automatically respond to blame the woman when they are attacked. I think it must be some kind of moronic mental deficiency almost equivalent to that of the perpetrator of this exceptionally horrible crime.


Women get attacked in every country and get blamed in every country as well, but there is no excuse for attacking and raping or sexually assaulting a woman.


What the <deleted> has living in Vietnam and speaking English go to do with being attacked by someone who was recommended to guide you home along a difficult path? Duh.




   No one is blaming her for what happened .

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3 minutes ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Has he lost his Tour Guide License


I doubt he ever had one , not sure why it was reported he was a guide but by the looks of him there is not much brain storage inside his head. 


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how long have some of you been living here?
Can you not wake up and realize that it is totally her fault, her bad karma!
If she hadn't been born in the first place she would never have been here on holiday and tempting some poor Thai who was minding his own business.
Some people just don't understand reality.

Bang on
It's just that smiley Glib look on his face wants me to hang him just for the hell of it. Fetch me a rope time to end this nonsense!!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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16 hours ago, Anthony5 said:



But is it normal that this halving comes 2 months after the initial sentencing?


Yes. That's how long it took to   file and review the request. Nothing unusual in that regard.

Thailan has a prison overcrowding problem and  doesn't have anywhere to put all of the inmates.

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18 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Yeah right. 


There is never going to be justice here until scum like this piece of crap are given sentenced that match the crime. 

Sounds as if you think there might be something wrong with the Thai system of justice. Halving sentences for guilty pleas simply means reducing the workload on our overloaded police.

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18 hours ago, Thechook said:

Disgusting.  The value they put on farangs is appalling.  You get more for kicking a soi dog.

Can you reference one instance of someone beinging sentenced to 10 years in jail, or even 5, for kicking a soi dog? Didnt think so.

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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1 hour ago, Farang99 said:

Sounds as if you think there might be something wrong with the Thai system of justice. Halving sentences for guilty pleas simply means reducing the workload on our overloaded police.

5 years for what this scum did is no justice at all. 


Justice is not about reducing the workload, it is ensuring the punishment fits the crime.


Look up the word in a dictionary and tell me this sentence is justice.

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1 hour ago, Johnnyngai said:

He looks retarded,   he might be just a fall guy to use to close the case. 

Sure , the girl in question besides being injured is also blind or thinks all Thai's look the same.

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11 hours ago, nausea said:

Read the story. The guy is mentally deficient. I don't usually believe in physiognomy or phrenology, but the guy's appearance and actions speak volumes here. She fell off a cliff, that's the real problem. He precipitated it, and he made it worse by assaulting her. But did he have "Mens Rea", I'm not so sure. Think "Lennie" Of Mice and Men. I don't think you can extrapolate from this to all Thai men. A psychopath would've finished her off, a normaĺ Thai guy, chancing his arm with a foreign tart (I'm sort of assuming a cultural stereotype here) would've called emergency services immediately, or run away. I'm sure this kind of stuff goes on all the time. Most Western women learn how to handle it. It was an unfortunate conflation of circumstances  - naive girl, mentally deficient man, and cliff face.


Wow, you are really going down a lot of slippery slopes here!  I don't believe there have been any valid reports that he is mentally ill.  You are basing it on his looks and that his looks remind you of a childlike literary character, to assume that he couldn't have formed the intent element of the crime.  Almost nobody is considered legally insane and unable to form the intent element of a crime. 


(This might not exist in Thai law, but for the sake of our discussion and the law in general as we understand things.)


By the way, in my opinion, he did try to finish her off a few times.  He tried to strangle her but when she calmed down he would lay off and then she would talk him down and he would make her promise not to call police.  I think his intelligence is not very high which might be what reminds you of Lennie, but that is not the same as being unable to form intent, and I think the victim was able to negotiate with him because she is much smarter than him.  Had she dealt with him differently, she may very well be dead, and he could be walking free today.


If you are saying, on the other hand, that his intelligence is so low that he functions at the level of say a 6 year old child, but with the sexual urges of a grown man, well that would a problem wouldn't it?  Other societies deal with that.  What he is doing working as an unofficial guide and what was in the minds of the people who decided he would be a good choice to send off with this lone female tourist into an isolated dark jungle path?  Have you ever had a person that mentally retarded offered up to work for you?


I don't think his intelligence is anywhere near that low. I think he is probably pretty stupid.  I think his unfortunate looks are influencing people to think that he is retarded, mentally ill, etc, when he is just one really ugly dude.




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