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Thai man who carried out brutal sex attack on American tourist has sentence slashed


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2 hours ago, Farang99 said:

I guess you have never  heard of irony.


Ah, is that what you were doing...


Yeah, that really wasn't clear at all.


Or necessary in the case of this story.


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13 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

Did he rape her after she fell off the cliff and was half paralized with broken bones? 


Yes..... that's exactly when the main portion of the rape occurred.... while she was lying broken like a rag doll...hearing the guide descend to find her, and was then groped, defiled and masturbated over


thailand should make a gift to the poor woman, of this scumbags nuts, in a jar of formaldehyde.

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23 hours ago, jamesbrock said:


It does not indicate that at all.


It indicates that there was an extenuating circumstance—such as information given to the Court for the benefit of the trial (i.e. a confession)—and as per Section 78 of the Thailand Criminal Code, the court found it suitable to reduce the punishment by one half.


The story does not indicate that said confession was made after the initial sentence, or, indeed, the trial itself. To believe that suggests a gross lack of understanding.




You are then suggesting that the initial sentance was given prior to the end of the trial, or that the initial sentance was erroneous yet still announced? Quoting numbers at me doesn't help.


I am familiar that the defendant can change his plea, or accept (plead guilty) to a lesser charge and the prosecution may accept that. Does that not happen prior to sentancing?


There doesn't appear to have been any efforts made by the offender to minimize the injurious consequence of the offence , he molested her after causing the injury!!

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24 minutes ago, farcanell said:


Yes..... that's exactly when the main portion of the rape occurred.... while she was lying broken like a rag doll...hearing the guide descend to find her, and was then groped, defiled and masturbated over


thailand should make a gift to the poor woman, of this scumbags nuts, in a jar of formaldehyde.

crushed before removal ...

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59 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

You are then suggesting that the initial sentance was given prior to the end of the trial, or that the initial sentance was erroneous yet still announced? 


I don't understand why you're being so obtuse. This very topic is about the sentence being reduced ("slashed"); as I wrote above, for any reduction in a sentence to occur, an original sentence would have to be handed down - something that never occurred can not be reduced. This does not mean the initial sentence was erroneous.


Again, as posted earlier, the logical sequence of events would have been: 

  1. perp pleads guilty;
  2. 10 yr sentence handed down;
  3. 10yr sentence immediately reduced by half due to guilty plea.

In this scenario, the sentence was reduced after he pleaded guilty - this does not mean that he "pleaded innocent, was found guilty, sentenced and then subsequently had the sentence halved due to a confession after the case."


59 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Quoting numbers at me doesn't help.


Apologies for assuming you'd like to know the statute that the event we are discussing is based on. I guess some people are happy discussing things they don't fully understand...


59 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

I am familiar that the defendant can change his plea, or accept (plead guilty) to a lesser charge and the prosecution may accept that. Does that not happen prior to sentancing?


If quoting numbers at you did help, you'd know that this halving of the sentence has nothing to agreeing to a lesser charge, nor anything the prosecution may or may not agree to. The decision is by the court based on whether there was any extenuating circumstance—such as information given to the Court for the benefit of the trial (i.e. a confession).


59 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Does that not happen prior to sentancing?


You're the one who said that the sentence being halved "indicates he pleaded innocent, was found guilty, sentenced  and then subsequently had the sentence halved due to a confession after the case" - it's obviously wrong, but...


59 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

There doesn't appear to have been any efforts made by the offender to minimize the injurious consequence of the offence , he molested her after causing the injury!!


No, of course there doesn't. That I agree.

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Because its not his fault, it was her fault for wearing a short crop top and smiling at him... she deserved to get raped! dont you understand Thainess yet? Well go back to own countries then why stay here if you always complain about the Thai way! 

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2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

You are then suggesting that the initial sentance was given prior to the end of the trial, or that the initial sentance was erroneous yet still announced? Quoting numbers at me doesn't help.


I am familiar that the defendant can change his plea, or accept (plead guilty) to a lesser charge and the prosecution may accept that. Does that not happen prior to sentancing?


There doesn't appear to have been any efforts made by the offender to minimize the injurious consequence of the offence , he molested her after causing the injury!!


I  regret to say that you are not correct in your last paragraph.


Don't think for one minute that I am in any way defending his actions, but she fell off the cliff and was paralyzed trying to escape from him attempting to rape her. Her injuries were (relatively) minor up to this point. Then he molested and defiled her when she could not move.


But he went and alerted people to her lying there after he had committed the crimes, otherwise it is most likely that her body would still be there to this day; and presumably the court took this into account when they reduced his sentence


He appears to be more mentally deficient than an outright wicked bastard.


Also, the ways of Thai courts should not be confused with US/European courts.



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4 hours ago, djlest said:

Because its not his fault, it was her fault for wearing a short crop top and smiling at him... she deserved to get raped! dont you understand Thainess yet? Well go back to own countries then why stay here if you always complain about the Thai way! 


I wonder.... will the moderators suspend me for saying... " you disgust me"


you are saying its the thai way to molest and masterbate over a crippled women.... after being the cause of crippling her.


actually... disgust is to light a word, but I can't be bothered checking a thesaurus to find something worse

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18 minutes ago, farcanell said:


I wonder.... will the moderators suspend me for saying... " you disgust me"


you are saying its the thai way to molest and masterbate over a crippled women.... after being the cause of crippling her.


actually... disgust is to light a word, but I can't be bothered checking a thesaurus to find something worse

I would suggest the poster is being facetious - trying to be funny - but boy,  has he got bloody poor taste in humour. 

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4 hours ago, MiKT said:
4 hours ago, MiKT said:


I  regret to say that you are not correct in your last paragraph.


Don't think for one minute that I am in any way defending his actions, but she fell off the cliff and was paralyzed trying to escape from him attempting to rape her. Her injuries were (relatively) minor up to this point. Then he molested and defiled her when she could not move.


But he went and alerted people to her lying there after he had committed the crimes, otherwise it is most likely that her body would still be there to this day; and presumably the court took this into account when they reduced his sentence


He appears to be more mentally deficient than an outright wicked bastard.


Also, the ways of Thai courts should not be confused with US/European courts.



I  regret to say that you are not correct in your last paragraph.


Don't think for one minute that I am in any way defending his actions, but she fell off the cliff and was paralyzed trying to escape from him attempting to rape her. Her injuries were (relatively) minor up to this point. Then he molested and defiled her when she could not move.


But he went and alerted people to her lying there after he had committed the crimes, otherwise it is most likely that her body would still be there to this day; and presumably the court took this into account when they reduced his sentence


He appears to be more mentally deficient than an outright wicked bastard.


Also, the ways of Thai courts should not be confused with US/European courts.



"Her injuries were (relatively) minor up to this point..... "


Minor, pleased she wasn't seriously injured , guess the news report is meaningless.


 "Ms Gavios, 23, who in trying to flee her attacker fell off a cliff face and broke her spine remains in hospital in New York and is learning to walk again using crutches and specially made leg braces."


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4 hours ago, MiKT said:


I  regret to say that you are not correct in your last paragraph.


Don't think for one minute that I am in any way defending his actions, but she fell off the cliff and was paralyzed trying to escape from him attempting to rape her. Her injuries were (relatively) minor up to this point. Then he molested and defiled her when she could not move.


But he went and alerted people to her lying there after he had committed the crimes, otherwise it is most likely that her body would still be there to this day; and presumably the court took this into account when they reduced his sentence


He appears to be more mentally deficient than an outright wicked bastard.


Also, the ways of Thai courts should not be confused with US/European courts.




Mikt.... you have so far shown some compassion.... even in this post


but buddy... your first sentence blows my mind.


girl falls 150 meters... feet... inchs... it doesn't matter... she's paralisied, or as good as, at the time


any decent individual, would have offered comfort, tried to make an accessment of her injuries ( she was conscious and able to communicate.... and her injuries at this point were far from minor) perhaps put her into a coma position, to prevent her death, if she did pass out, ( yes, dangerous... very dangerous given HE had caused her to suffer spinal injuries... this cited... and therefore not minor).... then gone for HELP.


instead HE molesting and masturbating over her (perhaps) dying body, for I don't know how long.... perhaps his prayers over her, post jism, were to ease her way to the hereafter, if there is such a place


and again.... perhaps he figured that hours later, she would be dead anyway, causing no charges against him.


there is simply no excuse that anyone can offer, in my mind, that mitigates what I deem to be an atrocity committed by one human being against another... and few penalties severe enough to correct this


someone posted that a penalty harsher than a death penalty is absurd.... but I wonder, given the heinous act, in its entirety.... if the is correct


a murder can be instant and unannounced.... this girl must have suffered pure terror, probably assuming the monstrous things being done to her, would be last moments of life... what a way to pass from this life to whatever awaits us post death... in this case... per my atheist believes... it would thankfully be nothing


let me finish by showing you the face of remorse.... REMORSE.... yer... right


and artisi... I wouldn't crush the nuts first.... I would want them recognizable for what they are... she could discard, crush, freeze dry, or whatever at a later date


and a video of the casterstion should accompany the aforementioned gift










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I don't know if we have the whole story. As I read it, he had two options. He could have run away and would likely never been caught or he could get help for her and be in big trouble. Since he opted to get help, he can't be all bad.

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6 minutes ago, Gary A said:

I don't know if we have the whole story. As I read it, he had two options. He could have run away and would likely never been caught or he could get help for her and be in big trouble. Since he opted to get help, he can't be all bad.


Unless... as I have said... he expected to return to a corpse... which is why prayed over her 

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It would be nice to have gone after him in a civil lawsuit but probably would never collect and may even come out on the wrong side and be sued themselves.
Sexually assaulting someone in that state.  Sad state of society.

He has to get some points for calling it in. If he was smarter this could have been a murder investigation.

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19 minutes ago, tropo said:

He has to get some points for calling it in. If he was smarter this could have been a murder investigation.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


Maybe he saw being shackled for life in the Bangkok Hilton as a worse punishment.


smart thinking....not so dumb huh?


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2 hours ago, Artisi said:

"Her injuries were (relatively) minor up to this point..... "


Minor, pleased she wasn't seriously injured , guess the news report is meaningless.


 "Ms Gavios, 23, who in trying to flee her attacker fell off a cliff face and broke her spine remains in hospital in New York and is learning to walk again using crutches and specially made leg braces."



Oh dear, another knee jerker who can't understand and assimilate English. "Her injuries were (relatively) minor up to this point". "This point" obviously being when she fell of the cliff and was paralyzed. Her injuries before she fell down were nasty but not life threatening.


I don't want to have to answer this, because it sounds like a defence of her attacker, but your lack of understanding of plain English, who's meaning is perfectly clear makes it necessary.




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39 minutes ago, MiKT said:


Oh dear, another knee jerker who can't understand and assimilate English. "Her injuries were (relatively) minor up to this point". "This point" obviously being when she fell of the cliff and was paralyzed. Her injuries before she fell down were nasty but not life threatening.


I don't want to have to answer this, because it sounds like a defence of her attacker, but your lack of understanding of plain English, who's meaning is perfectly clear makes it necessary.





Dude.... jerk whatever you want.... assimilate the fact that TAT will downplay this as much as is Thailand possible


see attached screenshots.... minor?  Come on.... in fear, she went over a cliff, and more reputable sources than Thai media report, of this beautiful life....


you choose who to believe who ever you want.... whilst contemplating Thai justice.





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Oh.... damn... you saw the same thing.... sorry to duplicate.


from here, we then have to assume that her relatively minor injuries, were exaserbateded by the ensuring rape, whilst she was laying at the bottom of her fearful escape fueled fall.




is that really were you really want this to go?

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Sorry mikt.... I'm half cut and disgusted in Laos, at the moment.


if I misinterpreted your reply to another, it's John walkers fault.... in which case, please accept my apologies



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3 hours ago, farcanell said:


Mikt.... you have so far shown some compassion.... even in this post


but buddy... your first sentence blows my mind.


girl falls 150 meters... feet... inchs... it doesn't matter... she's paralisied, or as good as, at the time


any decent individual, would have offered comfort, tried to make an accessment of her injuries ( she was conscious and able to communicate.... and her injuries at this point were far from minor) perhaps put her into a coma position, to prevent her death, if she did pass out, ( yes, dangerous... very dangerous given HE had caused her to suffer spinal injuries... this cited... and therefore not minor).... then gone for HELP.


instead HE molesting and masturbating over her (perhaps) dying body, for I don't know how long.... perhaps his prayers over her, post jism, were to ease her way to the hereafter, if there is such a place


and again.... perhaps he figured that hours later, she would be dead anyway, causing no charges against him.


there is simply no excuse that anyone can offer, in my mind, that mitigates what I deem to be an atrocity committed by one human being against another... and few penalties severe enough to correct this


someone posted that a penalty harsher than a death penalty is absurd.... but I wonder, given the heinous act, in its entirety.... if the is correct


a murder can be instant and unannounced.... this girl must have suffered pure terror, probably assuming the monstrous things being done to her, would be last moments of life... what a way to pass from this life to whatever awaits us post death... in this case... per my atheist believes... it would thankfully be nothing


let me finish by showing you the face of remorse.... REMORSE.... yer... right


and artisi... I wouldn't crush the nuts first.... I would want them recognizable for what they are... she could discard, crush, freeze dry, or whatever at a later date


and a video of the casterstion should accompany the aforementioned gift











Yet another one. I did not say that her injuries were minor full stop. I said that the injuries he inflicted upon her whilst trying to rape her were (relatively) minor compared to a broken back and this is true.


I don’t understand how you can say “any decent individual would have offered comfort”. He was trying to rape her and went down to continue the rape; any decent sane person would not have attempted to rape her, let alone continued to assault her.


Also how can you talk about putting her in a coma position? How on earth you think that any Thai person of his standing (let alone his obviously defective mental abilities) would know about the coma position is beyond belief; and shows you have no idea whatsoever about Thailand.


However, it is probably very lucky that he did not try to put her in a coma (recovery) position, moving her like that could well have killed her.


Also Mr castrating nut crusher, you don’t seem to understand that he eventually went and got people to rescue her when he could well have left her there in a place where she may never ever have been found. Is that remorseful enough for you?


But I don’t think remorse really comes into it. I think that in any Westernized country he would have pleaded guilty on the grounds of diminished responsibility and have been put away for a long time in an institution for the criminally insane.


You talk about compassion, but I am one of the few who has defended this poor girl from the first time we heard about her terrible ordeal on TV and many unfeeling, crass idiots were blaming her for going along with the guy at night, without taking any cognizance of the situation she found herself in.


I don’t know if 5 years in a Thai jail is sufficient punishment, or if he will even notice that he is locked-up.


I do know that I don’t want to be defending him and wish you had a better comprehension of English.

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44 minutes ago, farcanell said:

Sorry mikt.... I'm half cut and disgusted in Laos, at the moment.


if I misinterpreted your reply to another, it's John walkers fault.... in which case, please accept my apologies




MPR, off topic, but I hope you are having a good time in Laos, its a good place in places.

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Again :sorry:.... I misconstrued your answer to another posting and am glad you are not one of the blame the victim cohort ( without also being Thai bashing... as neither is relevant)


cheers dude... and I do, and will continue to follow your postings



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7 hours ago, tropo said:

He has to get some points for calling it in. If he was smarter this could have been a murder investigation.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


True.  Strangely enough he might of even saved her life.  I guess the praying is similar to Catholicisms' confessions to rid himself of any demons or conscience.


But lets think for a second what was going through her head in this whole ordeal:  She almost dies from her fall, is paralyzed, then she gets violated.   Good luck to Ms Gavios, as she'll require many years of physical and emotional rehab.   

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22 hours ago, MiKT said:



 The problem is the treatment of women by men that needs to be overcome.




    You seem to be blaming the male species for this one action

The huge majority of males would never do such a thing 

Males find his actions to be abhorrent and most of us would never do such a thing

Yes, there are some rapists and sex asaulters amongst us

What this guy done was horrendous and most guys think that

Normal guy do not do what this guy has done

Do not suggest that all the male species are the same as this guy

It simply isnt true .

You seem to be blaming the whole male population on one guys actions 

Most of us abhor what this guy did

We are not the same as him 

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6 hours ago, sanemax said:


    You seem to be blaming the male species for this one action

The huge majority of males would never do such a thing 

Males find his actions to be abhorrent and most of us would never do such a thing

Yes, there are some rapists and sex asaulters amongst us

What this guy done was horrendous and most guys think that

Normal guy do not do what this guy has done

Do not suggest that all the male species are the same as this guy

It simply isnt true .

You seem to be blaming the whole male population on one guys actions 

Most of us abhor what this guy did

We are not the same as him 


Because you said she should have known better than to go with a man when she was lost ...now you are explaining why a person would indeed go with a man when they were lost.

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15 hours ago, Gary A said:

I don't know if we have the whole story. As I read it, he had two options. He could have run away and would likely never been caught or he could get help for her and be in big trouble. Since he opted to get help, he can't be all bad.


I would like to point out that US news reports I read, that more fully reported what the victim had to say, said he tried to choke her at least twice, as if he considered killing her and made her promise no police, etc.


Also, please remember, every rapist, in theory, could KILL their victim to avoid having a witness. So could every mugger, or other types of criminals.  Rape isn't considered a very serious crime here in Thailand, certainly not in the culture and minds of many people and I believe murder is.  So, while I understand what people are saying who are thinking this, I suggest you think it all the way through.


You still might be caught, and then it will be for a rape and murder, or theft and murder, etc. And as well, people might not be mentally prepared to go so far.

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Here are some quotes from news articles today about Hannah's situation now:


Her mother Gwen and father Aaron have already spent thousands visiting Hannah at her bedside and now need to raise up to $200,000 (£164,000) to help her walk again - expenses not covered by her insurance.


"We're raising funds to pay for medical bills, medical equipment, psychotherapy, and physical therapy which will not be fully covered by our insurance company.


"Hannah's recovery period is expected to last up to two years or more, and many of the expenses, such as physical therapy will not be covered after several months.


Hannah is walking better with her custom foot braces that arrived last week," mom Gwen Gavios said in an update for supporters who've raised more than $112,000 in donations through GoFundMe.com.


Hannah's recovery period is expected to last up to two years or more," the mom wrote as she thanked friends, family and concerned strangers for their generosity and explained where the money would go.


"Many of the expenses, such as physical therapy will not be covered after several months," she said. "We may have to make changes to our home, including a remodeling of our bathroom to accommodate Hannah's disabilities."


Later Monday, Gavios family took the GFundMe page down. 


“It was quite a bit collected. We don’t know exactly what the expenses will be. We’ve collected enough for now,” her dad Aaron Gavios told the Daily News.






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