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Trump sticks to attacks, insults, hoping to overtake Clinton


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Yes we've seen that before.  It's worth noting that most of the respondents who said they were less likely to vote for Clinton were Trump supporters who weren't planning to vote for her anyway.




Thirty-nine percent of voters said the additional review of emails in the Clinton case had no bearing on their vote in November, while 33 percent it made them much less likely to vote for Clinton.


But most of those voters are already aligned against Clinton. Nearly two-thirds of Trump voters, 66 percent, said it makes them much less likely to vote against Clinton.



I'm not sure what value there is in asking Trump supporters how much less likely they are to vote for Clinton.


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8 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

An excerpt from today's article in NPR.org:


"Some of the country's most prominent economists have signed a letter warning that Donald Trump is a 'dangerous, destructive' choice for president and urging voters to choose someone else."

The letter, first reported by The Wall Street Journal, was signed by 370 economists, including eight Nobel Prize winners.

The text stops short of endorsing Democrat Hillary Clinton, though, and doesn't criticize Trump on ideological grounds. Instead, it says he has made repeated statements aimed at misleading the public about jobs and growth:

"He misinforms the electorate, degrades trust in public institutions with conspiracy theories, and promotes willful delusion over engagement with reality. If elected, he poses a unique danger to the functioning of democratic and economic institutions, and to the prosperity of the country."




Check out the comments section, it's a hoot!



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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

It's not an exact science to know the exact factors. The Obamacare finance issue was already quite damaging. Hillary needs to hold on now ONE MORE WEEK to her still daunting (to trump) electoral college advantage. 


Wikileaks is releasing new stuff every day and the FBI revolation is just starting to kick in. There is a good chance Hillary is a goner.

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And since this seems to be the thread for polls, I'll add that Sam Wang's projection aligns closely with Nate Silver's, but Wang is more hopeful about a Senate takeover than Silver is.  Historically, Silver has been more accurate about the presidential race and Wang has been more accurate about the House and Senate races.


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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


Wikileaks is releasing new stuff every day and the FBI revolation is just starting to kick in. There is a good chance Hillary is a goner.


It would be extremely difficult to overcome her electoral college lead IMO. Looks likme 1-2 years of court proceedings and a Kaine presidency. That's my take.

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Comey individually personally and officially is trying all he can.


However, here are certain key state polls done over the weekend into Monday and released on Tuesday. The diversity of pollsters finding the same things in states that are like, same or similar is salient. 


Except for the Monmouth and Emerson polling, they are in-state polling organisations that know how to do it most accurately in the respective state.


New Hampshire: Clinton 46%, Trump 39%, Johnson 6% (University of New Hampshire)

NH is a Blue state.


Virginia: Clinton 46%, Trump 42%, Johnson 6% (Schar School)

Virginia: Clinton 49%, Trump 45%, Johnson 3% (Emerson)

VA is a Blue state.


Michigan: Clinton 47%, Trump 41%, Johnson 6% (Mitchell)

MI is a Blue state.*


Pennsylvania: Clinton 49%, Trump 38%, Johnson 4% (Franklin & Marshall)

PA is a Blue state largely due to the decreasing rural Republican voting population while the educated white population has increased significantly in the suburbs of metro Philadelphia and metro Pittsburgh, at either end of the state. The conservative Republican vote in between the two major cities continues to only dwindle over the past 20 years.


North Carolina: Clinton 42%, Trump 41%, Johnson 3% (Elon)

NC is a historically deep Red state. However, the 2 million population of the High-Tech and Research Triangle of Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill are now beginning to assert themselves in significant electoral ways. The Triangle is anchored by the U of NC, Duke U, and NC State. They, combined with the large black vote are now moving NC toward becoming Blue. 

Missouri: Trump 52%, Clinton 38%, Johnson 4% (Monmouth)

MO is a Red state.


Arizona: Trump 45%, Clinton 41%, Johnson 3% (Data Orbital)

AZ is a Red state.


Texas: Trump 52%, Clinton 39%, Johnson 3% (Dixie Strategies)

TX is a really Red state.



*Trump's Gordian Knot is demonstrated by his appearance in Michigan yesterday where he focused on suburbs populated by under educated displaced angry white male voters. There aren't enough of 'em in MI or anywhere period.


The bottom line concerning these very people is that we can address their real concerns in real terms during the next four more years. If they don't like it, they could consider moving to Russia where they'd have their strongman leader they adore and to live among a population of losers who take a great pride is surviving as losers.

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21 hours ago, dunroaming said:

All Trump has is accusations about Clinton.  That is all his campaign consists of.  Clinton is no better and has resorted to the same tactics.  This means that the election will be decided by who is the most successful at "dissing" the other!


Real grown up politics, don't you think?


They wouldnt be doing it if it didnt get results.

And if the voting public falls for it, what does that make them?

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There are enough active investigations of Hillary Clinton and her inner circle to merit a list of the most important ones. In short, just about everyone tied to Hillary Clinton is the subject of a serious investigation. Not all of them were are the beneficiaries of those curious preemptive immunity deals tossed around by FBI leadership, to the consternation of some agents.



Clintonworld’s Top 5 Active FBI Investigations




Say goodnight Irene...:smile:

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5 minutes ago, attrayant said:

Since when is Weiner part of Clinton's "inner circle"?


At a rough guess


Around the same time as he started receiving emails that he should not have been receiving.


Probably best to let the FBI carry out their investigation and come up with the correct answer.

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More of the exactly and uniquely American fascism...



Republicans to reveal poll-watching deal with Donald Trump campaign


A judge wants the RNC to open up about how it's working with Donald Trump to watch the polls on Election Day



A federal judge has ordered the Republican National Committee to reveal any plans it has to coordinate poll-watching schemes after Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to be on the lookout for voter fraud in heavily Democratic areas.


According to the DNC’s suit, Republicans are supporting Trump’s recruitment of so-called watchers at polling places, violating a 34-year-old court order that bars the RNC from using “voter fraud” as an excuse to suppress votes.


Federal lawsuits filed in four states Monday by Democratic officials also allege that Stone’s pro-Trump voter intimidation group Stop the Steal/Vote Protectors — which is recruiting right-wing volunteers to conduct unscientific “exit polls” outside swing-state precincts — could violate both the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which outlawed discriminatory voting practices in the South; and the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, which outlawed intimidation against African American voters.






A must-read Businessweek piece explains how Donald Trump’s campaign has “three major voter suppression operations under way” aimed at three groups: idealistic white liberals, young women, and African Americans.


Rick Hasen: “But the Trump campaign also has promoted ‘poll watching’ and other operations which many see as a sign of voter intimidation. Trump has engaged in so much of this activity [that] These brazen statements from the Trump campaign...confirm the campaign has an interest in making it harder for likely Democratic voters, including minority voters, to come out to the polls and vote.



Can't have people voting for the opposition now can we. That would be anti-Trump democracy. Only Trump armed democracy is accepted over there at the fringe extremist 21st century right. 

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9 hours ago, lannarebirth said:


These are the facts:


It was $134,000 worth of gifts intended for the White House but taken by the Clintons. They paid $86,000 to keep some of it and returned $48,000 worth to the White House.




Find the differences between the link to the fact-checking website and the clip in the post above.


In case anyone wondered:



Accusations of stealing are serious and require a high threshold of evidence, unmet by the charges in this over-the-top graphic. We rate the claim Mostly False.



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7 hours ago, Strange said:


You look at what trump supporters assert. I get it. 


You should look at what "Hill" supporters assert as well for a full view. Do we really need to debate this? Its a non-issue. Plenty of equal amounts of asinine to go around. 



You know thats just fear-mongering.


But I'm sure you, or someone else will come back with some NYT/WaPo article to prove me wrong and that "Hill" has americans best interest at heart and not herself or her party. 


"But I'm sure you, or someone else will come back with some NYT/WaPo article to prove me wrong and that "Hill" has americans best interest at heart and not herself or her party."


Probably there is such an article and probably there are some who believe it. However, I think that many do not consider either candidate to have the people's best interest in mind. The lesser of two evils thing. While there seems to be an unbridgeable gap between those who are hardcore supporter (or haters) of one candidate or another, perhaps a less pronounced difference between the majority of voters, on this point, at least.

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2 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:

Next year June 14th we may expect an event in Washington, and some lady will sing................Happy Birthday ................Mister President


Or…..you raped me 23 years ago, Mr President…but i have no proof mr president

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HRC at the end of October had 54.7% of the two-party vote divide of Republicans and Democrats combined. 


That's the total of voters in each party, combined and totaled. Republicans and Democrats -- their total vote and which candidate got the majority of 'em. (Never mind Independents because they are irrelevant and immaterial in this stat in the election result.)


Since the 1900 election of Potus, the winner of the election has always won the majority of the two-party vote divide. The loser of the two-party vote divide has always lost the election.


OB for instance won the two-party vote in 2012 with 52.0% of the two-party vote. In 2008 OB won 53.7% of the two party vote divide. Currently in Florida, HRC is getting 28% of the early voting Republicans -- this is what the two-party vote divide is all about.


In early September HRC had 52.7% of the two party vote. HRC is currently on course nationally to win 54.7% of the two-party vote and thus the general election. Turn out the lights over there cause the Party's over.


Since 1900 the range of the two-party vote share has been, and continues to be, 55% to 45%. It's never varied outside that ten-point range. The winner of the Potus election every time since 1900 is the winner of the two-party vote divide.


MSM don't discuss or publicise this stat because it tells us too much -- who would watch their programs. It's an inside baseball stat so you're now welcome to the clubhouse. Have a cold one.


HRC at 54.7% of the two-party vote going in to the final dayze of this election puts her knocking at the 55% highest end of the variance since the data first began being recorded in the year 1900.



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3 minutes ago, Publicus said:

HRC at the end of October had 54.7% of the two-party vote divide of Republicans and Democrats combined. 


Did you notice that end of October has passed, and there are since new headlines in the press?


Opinion poll gives Trump a one point lead

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25 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Mr Trumps made it this far with the entire media against him…I'm happy to see his numbers going up.

Come nov 8 hill will take a spill.


        Mr Trump has rec'd a heckofalot of free media for decades. From before the time he two-timed on Ivanka when dating Marla while married, with pictures splashed all over the media, to his 5 year campaign to smear the US's first black prez with the false story of being born in Kenya, ......to Trump interrupting and bullying non-stop during the Republican primary debates ...  and onward.  During all of the past 45 years, Trump has been a media darling because he sells papers and boosts ratings by his trumped up bullying.   The only people who are still amused by an overweight wussie BS artist are his fans and paid spokespeople.


         He's like the naughty fat kid at the large family gathering, who keeps grabbing gobs of cake and ice cream with his hands.  Everyone is aghast, but also amused by his rashness and crudity.  


           It's only in past weeks that Trump has been a cry-baby about the media, and that's because they quote him directly and they don't shower him with praise. 

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26 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:

Next year June 14th we may expect an event in Washington, and some lady will sing................Happy Birthday ................Mister President


Yer off a bit there.


Vlad's birthday wuz October 7th.


That's much more deep into next year.

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4 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Yer off a bit there.


Vlad's birthday wuz October 7th.


That's much more deep into next year.



Yes, may be Vlad will also get a birthday party in Washington, because after Trump's election Russia and the US will be friends instead of arch rivals.


It's one of Trump's election promises.

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9 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:


Did you notice that end of October has passed, and there are since new headlines in the press?


Opinion poll gives Trump a one point lead


HRC has 54.7% of the two party vote.


Winner of the two-party vote has won Potus election every time since 1900.


In September HRC had 52.7% of the two party vote, Republicans and Democrats combined.


OB in 2012 got 52.0% of the two party vote. In 2008 OB got 53.7% of the two party vote. Since 1900 the stat ranges only between 55% and 45%.


HRC with 54.7% of the two-party vote is currently knocking on the door of the max 55% stat. The stat is absolute to date, from 1900 to the present moment.


Two-party vote only is a stat 99% of the population doesn't know exists. Welcome to the 1% who do know what's happening and what's coming. Being on the short end of the stat however, deny deny deny. Ignore ignore ignore.


See you November 9th.

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16 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


        Mr Trump has rec'd a heckofalot of free media for decades. From before the time he two-timed on Ivanka when dating Marla while married, with pictures splashed all over the media, to his 5 year campaign to smear the US's first black prez with the false story of being born in Kenya, ......to Trump interrupting and bullying non-stop during the Republican primary debates ...  and onward.  During all of the past 45 years, Trump has been a media darling because he sells papers and boosts ratings by his trumped up bullying.   The only people who are still amused by an overweight wussie BS artist are his fans and paid spokespeople.


Trump has lived a good life with the money he's made. Warren Buffett likes diet coke…trump likes to live it up….so what?


People don't care because he doesn't hide his human-ness or imperfections like Crooked Hillary. They have had a gutfull of the clintons for 30 years…time to say goodbye.

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