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American "Moo moo" Plans More Milk

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American-owned dairy farm Moo Moo Farms is looking to markedly increase production of its raw – unpasteurized – milk and increase its current herd of 25 cows. The farm, located in Kandal province, began operations earlier this year. According to a statement from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Moo Moo Farms president William Matthews, met with Minister Veng Sakhon on Monday to announce their expansion plans. 

“After studying the feasibility of raising cows in Cambodia for milk, the company plans to import some 300 dairy cows next year,” Mr. Williams was quoted as saying in the statement from the ministry. The statement said that following testing into how dairy cows coped with Cambodian climatic conditions, the farm was confident that it could humanely scale up production.  

Mr. Sakhon said the news proved that the country was capable of producing its own dairy products, rather than relying on imports. “This is a new step [in dairy production] to reduce imports and develop local production – something that can be passed on to the next generation in the form of up-to-date technology in the agricultural sector,” he added.

read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/31519/moo-moo-plans-more-milk/


-- © Copyright Khmer Times 02/11

...real milk.....


...we should all be drinking it...not the processed poison the world has been duped into consuming...to its detriment....

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