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'Trump phenomenon' could be a lesson for Thailand: academics


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'Trump phenomenon' could be a lesson for Thailand: academics


BANGKOK: -- AMERICAN VOTERS might not like the presidential candidates but today they will cast their ballots for either Democrat Hillary Clinton or Republican Donald Trump to show the world that their political system still functions, academics said yesterday.


“Democracy is the US’s core. It’s a regime of the establishment and thus its stronghold,” said Siripan Nogsuan Sawasdee, a political scientist from Chulalongkorn University.

Academics suggested Thailand could learn lessons from the Western political turmoil about democratic values amid the politically limited environment domestically.


Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/politics/30299405

-- © Copyright The Nation 2016-11-08


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48 minutes ago, Somtamnication said:

Well, most non Americans have no idea about this "democracy", for example, it is not one man one vote. But it is the best there is and so please let it continue. :wink:

Citizens United decision put 'Murica firmly in the Corporatocracy category, not the Democracy category. This  bastardized version is hardly the best example of Democracy in the world today.

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2 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

Well, most non Americans have no idea about this "democracy", for example, it is not one man one vote. But it is the best there is and so please let it continue. :wink:

Well, most Europeans have a perfect understanding of how real democracy works. It starts with 1 man, one vote. In our eyes it's just a little bit better than " the best there is".

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3 hours ago, fruitman said:

Trump wants 35% importtax for every Mexican product coming to the USA.


Will that also be for all Thai products coming to the USA?


I'm about as anti-Trump as you can get ... but that's not what he said.


He said he would impose a 35% tax on any products made in Mexico (and by implication any other non-US country) by companies who had relocated their production facilities from the US

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6 minutes ago, exalll said:


I'm about as anti-Trump as you can get ... but that's not what he said.


He said he would impose a 35% tax on any products made in Mexico (and by implication any other non-US country) by companies who had relocated their production facilities from the US


So no importtax for "made in" China, Thailand, Europe or whatever except for Mexico?

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40 minutes ago, james1995 said:

I don't think western democracy is very impressive.  They voted for GW Bush and then turned around and voted for Obama.  Why not just flip a coin?  The economy there stinks and all this democracy has not improved anything for Americans.

I would disagree. Western democracy done correctly is fair. One person one vote. The whole Bush Jr situation in Florida was farcical  and was not western democracy at all. Just because the economy or social wellness doesn't improve, at least people have a choice to vote for change. the problem is at the moment is what each politician is saying for change never materializes. You of course may disagree.

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1 hour ago, iphototjes said:

You have trouble understanding, don't you? Read again, something with relocating


So if Google opens up a headquarter in Europe (for tax-reasons) they will be charged importtax 35%.


If Microsoft or Apple opens a factory in China (for cheap labour reasons) they also have to pay 35% when sold in the US.


ONLY american companies who first produced in the US but moved their factory to abroad will be charged 35%? So if you close the American factory and open a new one in China under another name it's all fine..


Ridiculous rules but they'll find out soon...this will be fun.

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8 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

Some may argue that Thaksin was the Thai version of Donald Trump, a very rich man, at odds with the elite and establishment.


Difference is ... much though I dislike Thaksin ... he was not an idiot.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

It’s a regime of the establishment

I guess that is why an anti-establishment candidate is giving the establishment candidate a run for her money. But in reality is there really such a thing as anti-establishment or just another form of establishment in disguise to take our eyes off of the ball 

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4 hours ago, Bullie said:

Well, most Europeans have a perfect understanding of how real democracy works. It starts with 1 man, one vote. In our eyes it's just a little bit better than " the best there is".

Unfortunately there are issues with one-man-one-vote democracies. They can skew electoral power in several ways. Most obvious examples seen in countries/regional areas with disproportionate urban or rural populations - the needs of the majority often drown out the needs of the minority.


There is some real merit in an electoral college system if it is fairly enacted.

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38 minutes ago, exalll said:


Difference is ... much though I dislike Thaksin ... he was not an idiot.

OK, but Trump "the idiot", has built a business empire and is running for POTUS, Thaksin OTOH is based in Dubai and a pariah or at least persona non grata in his own country. Does Trump have a criminal record?

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If Thailand was to adopt the American style of elections,there would be (if it was really like the US) Defamation suites flying around all over the place.The candidates would never reach the voting day,because by then they would have shot each other.Each party would have hundreds of 'pretty's dancing on stage,stars from the Thai soaps would be guests on everybody's electoral stage.The candidates would be publicly kneeling on stage before a well known monk,praying,waiying and being given all sorts of amulets.

It doesnt bare thinking about.Thailand will never be able to hold an non corrupted election,well,not for the next 20 years anyway.


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15 hours ago, fruitman said:

Trump wants 35% importtax for every Mexican product coming to the USA.


Will that also be for all Thai products coming to the USA?

As long as they don't put that tax on his own "out-flagged" businesses, I guess it will be ok.



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23 hours ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

well i am neither thai or american but i would say the system in america is still better than thailand although on second thought thailand is not currently bombing 7 other countries.


So bombing is always bad? No matter if when what, just bad right?

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