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Trump votes in Manhattan as aides claim upset win in sight


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3 minutes ago, lucky11 said:


I'm a Brit - I haven't had so much fun for a long while, not sure why, could it be that I hate Clinton and everything she stands for. She is not a Democrat, she is a corrupt, money led, corporate cheer leader willing to do anything for dosh, that is why I am jubilant that Trump looks like winning. I still can't get my head around him sitting in his high priest chair in the White House!! I'm convinced that this all started as a challenge with his mates in a bar over a few drinks!!

My sentiments exactly!......i cannot stand the woman.On top of all you said,she is a treasonist...


Say what you like about trump....but at least he has business credentials and a much more

respectful attitude towards Russia......Hillary still thinks the russians are out to do a germany...<deleted>!!!



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3 minutes ago, lucky11 said:


 It's brilliant that you will have a President that will actually talk to Russia!!

Oh No.......My PM is australian......LOL......he doesn't speak to most of his cabinet............or is that the other way around!


But yes.....you're right-less tension between the big 2 is a good thing..

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58 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


If Trump wins, and it looks like he might, I expect the first question these CNN jackasses will ask is:


So, do you still think it's a rigged system?


It isn't over until the fat lady sings.


Next, we'll be hearing for weeks about how the representatives at the electoral college don't really have to vote the way the elections worked out.

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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Might be the toughest speech she's ever given….for zero fees. 555


Wonder if Jay-z and Beyonce will show up.


 Trump has just about done this on his own without a number of his own party or Bush supporting him and with the press, corporations and Wall street all batting for Clinton. Miracle worker?? At least she looks to have taken the popular vote by 1% point or so!!

Edited by lucky11
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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


Might be the toughest speech she's ever given….for zero fees. 555


Wonder if Jay-z and Beyonce will show up.

Love it!!!!.........On foxtel last night i saw Jon Bon Jovi singing on her private jet with all her glad handers posing

as mannequins......such foresight the woman has....LOL...

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I'm trying to draw consolation where I can. For one thing, I can't imagine he's going to keep the favor of the people who voted for him very long. What exactly is there in his proposed legislation to help the struggling workers?  Nothing much that I can see. Small tax cuts for them. Big ones for the rich. A new tax loophole for real estate developers. He's going to get rid of Dodd Frank which was doing a better than expected job of keeping hedge funds and banks in check. As for obamacare, while it's true that a majority of Americans disapproved of it, only a plurality wanted to abolish it. The rest wanted either to keep it as it was or improve it. Now people with preexisting conditions once again won't be able to get coverage. Oh yes, there is that promise to bring back jobs. He's going to out-negotiate the Chinese. This in't the first time I've raised these issues. And I've never gotten a reply.  The reason trump won was because he's angry and lots of white people are angry. I can't imagine that's going to be enough to sustain him even in the next 2 years.

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Interestingly enough this is pushing the value of the Australian and NZ $ up. Also the Immigrate to Canada website has collapsed from too many inquiries. Yes sure he will bring back jobs to the US for US$1.50 an hour. Hey you voted for the guy. Enjoy your night wake up tomorrow and in your hungover state realise you just chewed your own foot off

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1 hour ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Yep...Trump running the table...allot of constipated T-V members staring at their screens in disbelief   :shock1:


 i believe the word you are reaching for is disgust. 


Never have i been more proud to be ANYTHING but american.

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8 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I'm trying to draw consolation where I can. For one thing, I can't imagine he's going to keep the favor of the people who voted for him very long. What exactly is there in his proposed legislation to help the struggling workers?  Nothing much that I can see. Small tax cuts for them. Big ones for the rich. A new tax loophole for real estate developers. He's going to get rid of Dodd Frank which was doing a better than expected job of keeping hedge funds and banks in check. As for obamacare, while it's true that a majority of Americans disapproved of it, only a plurality wanted to abolish it. The rest wanted either to keep it as it was or improve it. Now people with preexisting conditions once again won't be able to get coverage. Oh yes, there is that promise to bring back jobs. He's going to out-negotiate the Chinese. This in't the first time I've raised these issues. And I've never gotten a reply.  The reason trump won was because he's angry and lots of white people are angry. I can't imagine that's going to be enough to sustain him even in the next 2 years.

WOW....you actually believe this?......I think you've lost more than your password

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7 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I'm trying to draw consolation where I can. For one thing, I can't imagine he's going to keep the favor of the people who voted for him very long. What exactly is there in his proposed legislation to help the struggling workers?  Nothing much that I can see. Small tax cuts for them. Big ones for the rich. A new tax loophole for real estate developers. He's going to get rid of Dodd Frank which was doing a better than expected job of keeping hedge funds and banks in check. As for obamacare, while it's true that a majority of Americans disapproved of it, only a plurality wanted to abolish it. The rest wanted either to keep it as it was or improve it. Now people with preexisting conditions once again won't be able to get coverage. Oh yes, there is that promise to bring back jobs. He's going to out-negotiate the Chinese. This in't the first time I've raised these issues. And I've never gotten a reply.  The reason trump won was because he's angry and lots of white people are angry. I can't imagine that's going to be enough to sustain him even in the next 2 years.


You can't win as he has with only the white male vote.

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6 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I'm trying to draw consolation where I can. For one thing, I can't imagine he's going to keep the favor of the people who voted for him very long. What exactly is there in his proposed legislation to help the struggling workers?  Nothing much that I can see. Small tax cuts for them. Big ones for the rich. A new tax loophole for real estate developers. He's going to get rid of Dodd Frank which was doing a better than expected job of keeping hedge funds and banks in check. As for obamacare, while it's true that a majority of Americans disapproved of it, only a plurality wanted to abolish it. The rest wanted either to keep it as it was or improve it. Now people with preexisting conditions once again won't be able to get coverage. Oh yes, there is that promise to bring back jobs. He's going to out-negotiate the Chinese. This in't the first time I've raised these issues. And I've never gotten a reply.  The reason trump won was because he's angry and lots of white people are angry. I can't imagine that's going to be enough to sustain him even in the next 2 years.

Don't thrown in the towel ole boy...Nate Silver has it 90% for Hillary, as you reminded us 10,000 times the last 6 months...and don't forget all those people with their "Women's Card" memberships...LMFAO :tongue:

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7 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

I'm trying to draw consolation where I can. For one thing, I can't imagine he's going to keep the favor of the people who voted for him very long. What exactly is there in his proposed legislation to help the struggling workers?  Nothing much that I can see. Small tax cuts for them. Big ones for the rich. A new tax loophole for real estate developers. He's going to get rid of Dodd Frank which was doing a better than expected job of keeping hedge funds and banks in check. As for obamacare, while it's true that a majority of Americans disapproved of it, only a plurality wanted to abolish it. The rest wanted either to keep it as it was or improve it. Now people with preexisting conditions once again won't be able to get coverage. Oh yes, there is that promise to bring back jobs. He's going to out-negotiate the Chinese. This in't the first time I've raised these issues. And I've never gotten a reply.  The reason trump won was because he's angry and lots of white people are angry. I can't imagine that's going to be enough to sustain him even in the next 2 years.


Don't be so sure. America is a crazy place. To elect Ronnie Reagan and G. Bush Jr proved that and then they both got reelected.

Things won't change too much. Trump revises his position on most things every other day. Now he is in the republican machine will take over and he will just be a front man. He will backtrack on everything remotely controversial.


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3 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Don't thrown in the towel ole boy...Nate Silver has it 90% for Hillary, as you reminded us 10,000 times the last 6 months...and don't forget all those people with their "Women's Card" memberships...LMFAO :tongue:

This is effectively the same answer that I always got to those questions: none.

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