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Don't worry yourselves anymore folks, I read in the Bangkok Post this morning that Dear CEO was in charge now and he said he will be responsible for all that goes on from now on and he will fix it! Makes me feel better knowing this.....

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> I got this either from local press or from BBC On-line.

I thought the BBC World news item on this was pretty dumb.. Keep in mind that on the topic of Thailand, they're about as knowledgeable as any of us, possibly less. And the report was just corny... 'bla bla bla trouble for a country that advertises itself as the land of smiles' (with pictures of a wounded policeman or soldier) Give me a break.

Thai police and military did exactly the things that police and military are supposed to do when under attack.



Kick ass and take names!

Those Muslums in the south heard GWB was was ahead in the polls...that's why they rioted!


Actually, I could go for a nice Nasi Goring Special right about now... :D



I am not pro Moslem but I am wondering if we read the same Bangkok post yesterday. Didn't you all see that Thakin said they were all "drug takers?"

Did you miss that?

Do you all not think they have legitimate gripes?

They are thai's yet BKK wants them to be budhhists thai's. Do you all agree with that?

I can't believe the comments I have read.

Ok Moslems have some problems but I would say no more than the Nazi's did for years. Pol Pot, and Mao in China.

I can't believe you all condone the taking of over 100 life's with out even trying to negoiate. And killing inside a Mosque as well.

Are you all that hateful against them? It woudl sure seem so with the name calling.

So what do all you jews/wops and kikes really think?


If these were the people who had been killing people without reasons, I have no sympathy for them. I would do exactly the same thing if I were there.



A well planned attack on 15 different police outposts in the early morning,all at the same time.And you want to negotiate?

What planet are you from.?


A well planned attack on 15 different police outposts in the early morning,all at the same time.And you want to negotiate?

What planet are you from.?

I suppose a lot of people here are too lucky with their lives to realize what the real world is like.

I am not pro Moslem but .........

Are you all that hateful against them?

I made some similar statements,

thinking quite in the same way as you do.....

For me personally Islam = no way

One true problem is, that Islam indeed makes all and everything more difficult...

Pattani is a dangerous zone, originally not ethnic-Thai, and many Muslims there feel somehow like occupied....

My personal opinion is, to move that territory somehow back to Malaysia, from where it came originally.....

My impression is, that police must do something, but obviously they are bad trained, have insufficient equipment and missing intelligence-information to control these areas.

A strong and powerful police and military like Thailand has stationed in the South, should be easily be able to prevent such attacks or to be able to arrest most of these people alive.

No reason to *congratulate* Thailand for this *success*


A well planned attack on 15 different police outposts in the early morning,all at the same time.And you want to negotiate?

What planet are you from.?

You call this well panned? 100 young people with a knive and under drugs?

And there is no reason to negotiate.....

These people should be arrested alive easily, considering the strong military and police presence in that area since decades.....


A well planned attack on 15 different police outposts in the early morning,all at the same time.And you want to negotiate?

What planet are you from.?

You call this well panned? 100 young people with a knive and under drugs?

And there is no reason to negotiate.....

These people should be arrested alive easily, considering the strong military and police presence in that area since decades.....


Could you give us some more details? Since you were at the scene when everything occured. What did you see? How large were the knives? How friendly were those drug addicts? How seriously drugged were they? I bet they were just stumbling around like drunkards.

The police should have used knives as well. It is simple logic, isn't it?

Oh, I want to emigrate!!!! To Mars!


Just curious, Yohan, before I leave for Mars, may I ask how you would react?

If you see a mad man with a machete running at you, you have a gun, tear gases, pepper sprays, a baseball club and a knife.


So what do all you jews/wops and kikes really think?


Last time I checked, a Jew & a Kike were the same. Somewhat inflamatory post there, wouldn't you say? :o



15 police stations at the same time! I call that planning. May be by the leaders and not the followers but anyhow.

You are not the only one with experience (by visiting.)

I am living umongst Khaks for 5-6 years now in Indonesia.

Can tell you some stories, but would not help this discussion.

(Do they know AMOK in Malaysia ?)

Just curious, Yohan, before I leave for Mars, may I ask how you would react?

If you see a mad man with a machete running at you, you have a gun, tear gases, pepper sprays, a baseball club and a knife.

This is exactly, what I call failure by the police and military.

You know since decades, that this region is dangerous. You are informed that something will happen any moment.

You are supposed to be inside a strong concrete building or inside an amored vehicle, together with your weapons....carrying your protection clothings.

You are supposed to do something about it, usually a water-gun will stop and sweep away such a crazy guy - and he will be full with paint and itching powder....

It must be said, that your description is not fitting the facts - maybe better it would be:

If you see mad boys with machetes running away from you into a mosque, you have a gun, tear gases, pepper sprays, an high voltage stick, an amored vehicle with a water-gun.......How would you react?

a- entering with the gun, killing everybody....

b- make the room full with smoke and teargas, and when they are coming out, put these people in chains.....

However, it just makes *peace* for a moment....

But this all is no solution for long-term....

The root of this problem with this area is, that it is not originally a part of Thailand, and the over 80 percent of the people there are not Thais.... however you as a Thai want to administrate the people in the same way as it is done for the native Thais somewhere in central Thailand.....

I think the best solution might be negotiations, between Malaysia and Thailand, to move that region (maybe by some privileges of the administration) to Muslim dominated Malaysia.....


I am not pro Moslem but .........

Are you all that hateful against them?

I made some similar statements,

thinking quite in the same way as you do.....

For me personally Islam = no way

One true problem is, that Islam indeed makes all and everything more difficult...

Pattani is a dangerous zone, originally not ethnic-Thai, and many Muslims there feel somehow like occupied....

My personal opinion is, to move that territory somehow back to Malaysia, from where it came originally.....

My impression is, that police must do something, but obviously they are bad trained, have insufficient equipment and missing intelligence-information to control these areas.

A strong and powerful police and military like Thailand has stationed in the South, should be easily be able to prevent such attacks or to be able to arrest most of these people alive.

No reason to *congratulate* Thailand for this *success*


What in the he11 are you smoking, I am aghast that you even said this and I will forget you did, are you sure you are not a Muslim???? :o:D



They shouldn't have built sky-scrappers in New York! They knew they were under threats by terrorists. They should've built basements instead. They shouldn't have allowed people in or out of the country. They shouldn't have been going to work, it is dangerous.

How stupid was I not to have understood this logic earlier! :o

I think I need to see a shrink soon. I feel a bit sick.


I've been here 16++ yrs. I was a soldier [sF] before coming to Thailand


Were you in 1st SFG(A) Okinawa.

I was there from 85 thru 87.

HHC company (63b) mech.

That is where I got my taste for Thailand.


I've been here 16++ yrs. I was a soldier [sF] before coming to Thailand


Were you in 1st SFG(A) Okinawa.

I was there from 85 thru 87.

HHC company (63b) mech.

That is where I got my taste for Thailand.

Hey Padkapow guy, I fought the battle of Okinawa too, 1958, 59, 60 and 61, Got scars to prove it. :D:D:o

A well planned attack on 15 different police outposts in the early morning,all at the same time.And you want to negotiate?

What planet are you from.?

You call this well panned? 100 young people with a knive and under drugs?

And there is no reason to negotiate.....

These people should be arrested alive easily, considering the strong military and police presence in that area since decades.....


Why should you put the soldiers at risk? They are not the one causing the problem.

Why should you put the soldiers at risk? They are not the one causing the problem.

The soldiers, the police, the teachers, the railway workers, all and everybody, who is working for the government is indeed one part out of the reason of the present violence in Southern Thailand.

All these people were sent in from Central or Northern Thailand during the last 2 or 3 years, to replace local employees in the South....

Thai Muslim do not accept them as their authority, many people feel like being occupied.

I say it again, this region is not an ethnic Thai area, and it was formerly not a part of Thailand. Over 80 percent are not Thai.

By the way,

There is no risk, for a soldier or policeman to wait outside a mosque and to fill it up with tear-gas.....

I think, it is more risky to enter and to kill all these young people....

However they had no hostages, no explosives, just knives and under drugs....Maybe you are right, it was easy to kill them all...

We will see what is next....or do you think, there will be peace now in South Thailand?


Why should you put the soldiers at risk? They are not the one causing the problem.

The soldiers, the police, the teachers, the railway workers, all and everybody, who is working for the government is indeed one part out of the reason of the present violence in Southern Thailand.

All these people were sent in from Central or Northern Thailand during the last 2 or 3 years, to replace local employees in the South....

Thai Muslim do not accept them as their authority, many people feel like being occupied.

I say it again, this region is not an ethnic Thai area, and it was formerly not a part of Thailand. Over 80 percent are not Thai.

By the way,

There is no risk, for a soldier or policeman to wait outside a mosque and to fill it up with tear-gas.....

I think, it is more risky to enter and to kill all these young people....

However they had no hostages, no explosives, just knives and under drugs....Maybe you are right, it was easy to kill them all...

We will see what is next....or do you think, there will be peace now in South Thailand?


Thai's in charge of Thailand. Call the UN their being invaded.

" Thai muslims do not accept Thai authority"

Sounds like Malay muslims do not accept Thai authority in Thailand.

If the Thai gov gave them theses provinces to become an Islamic state it would only be a matter of time before they would want Phuket , Krabi, Hua hin and then on to Bangkok.

Thaksin should put all these Islamic fundamentalist in prison to be reformed and anybody that but up a fight will have his wish to die for allah.


Concerning the unrest in the south,

how will it all transpire, we await to see if an amicable agreement will be reached, :D

but honestly folks, the buck doesn't stop here, it continues further with....

I refer you to a dear friend of Thaksin's, he goes by the name of Uncle Egat, :D

both Uncle Egat and Thaksin are believed to be in the throws of settlement. :D

we wait to see how both parties sort out their indifference's. :o

my guess is there will be a majority of everything thrown soon, very soon... :D


" Thai muslims do not accept Thai authority"

Sounds like Malay muslims do not accept Thai authority in Thailand.

You got the main point of this problem.

Are the Southern provinces of Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat *Thailand*?

Formerly it was not Thailand, it became Thailand due to border-line change with the former Malay Federation under British rule.

This was never accepted by over 80 percent of the population living there, who have nothing common with the ethnic Thais. These people feel like to be occupied, and feel not to be a part of Thailand....

The Thai Government was never willing to show up with some understandings for the people living there and tried to force them into Thai-style life...

It did not work out, people resisted, but violence was limited to some radical groups only, no general support....

As it failed, they replaced all government workers there (like railway workers, teachers, general hospital staff, post office employees, judges, policemen, military and so on, even the weather station staff in Songkhla....) with ethnic Thai people from Northern or Central Thailand about 3 years ago....

For example the sister of my Moslem friend lost her job in Sathing Pra near Songkhla (public school and kindergarden, simple math teacher primary school, working there almost 20 years) and was sent 1200 km away to Ayuttaya north of Bangkok.

The new teacher in the school was a young ethnic Thai from Bangkok, a very nice man, very optimistic, I met him and he told me, he has problems to make himself understood with the children....like working in a foreign country.....

Since then, Southern Thailand corner to Malaysia became remarkable violent, with the silent support of many usually totally against violence, Thai-Muslims.

While terrorist actions cannot be tolerated, it is sad, but true, that the Thai Government failed totally to work out a solution for these areas....

To ignore wishes of over 80 percent of the population there, and to require them to report all and everything they do to ethnic Thai, is indeed something like an occupation.....

It is also true, that Thai police and Thai military were badly trained, had insufficient equipment, and had officers, unable to give the correct commands during the last attacks, which left 113 people dead.


Are the Southern provinces of Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat *Thailand*?

Formerly it was not Thailand, it became Thailand due to border-line change with the former Malay Federation under British rule.

How long ago did this border linechange take place?


Most of California and Texas used to belong to Mexico.

I admire the Mexican people because they are quietly and progressively taking back this land by working hard, reproducing like rabbits and smiling the whole time.

Although in a way I wish this conversation would go away. At the same time this thread has been an interesting forum for everyone to "show their colors."

Yohan dude, I just don't know what to say to you.


A joke to break the monotony.

President Bush, General Pervez Musharraf and Bin Laden met up for dinner one day and got talking about their favourite movie Star Trek.

Bin Laden says: One thing about Star Trek, it has whites and blacks and the odd Japanese but it doesn't have any Arabs.

General Pervez Musharraf adds: And it doesn't have any Muslims either.

George Bush points out: It's because it takes place in the future.

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