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Trump wins White House in astonishing victory


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Trump wins White House in astonishing victory


WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump was elected America's 45th president Tuesday, an astonishing victory for a celebrity businessman and political novice who capitalized on voters' economic anxieties, took advantage of racial tensions and overcame a string of sexual assault allegations on his way to the White House.


His triumph over Hillary Clinton will end eight years of Democratic dominance of the White House and threatens to undo major achievements of President Barack Obama. He's pledged to act quickly to repeal Obama's landmark health care law, revoke the nuclear agreement with Iran and rewrite important trade deals with other countries, particularly Mexico and Canada.


The Republican blasted through Democrats' longstanding firewall, carrying Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, states that hadn't voted for a GOP presidential candidate since the 1980s. He needed to win nearly all of the competitive battleground states, and he did just that, claiming Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and others.


Global stock markets and U.S. stock futures plunged deeply, reflecting investor alarm over what a Trump presidency might mean for the economy and trade.


A New York real estate developer who lives in a sparking Manhattan high-rise, Trump forged a striking connection with white, working class Americans who feel left behind in a changing economy and diversifying country. He cast immigration, both from Latin America and the Middle East, as the root of the problems plaguing many Americans and taped into fears of terrorism emanating at home and abroad.


Trump will take office with Congress expected to be fully under Republican control. GOP Senate candidates fended off Democratic challengers in key states and appeared poised to maintain the majority. Republicans also maintained their grip on the House.


Senate control means Trump will have great leeway in appointing Supreme Court justices, which could mean a major change to the right that would last for decades.


Trump upended years of political convention on his way to the White House, leveling harshly personal insults on his rivals, deeming Mexican immigrants rapists and murderers, and vowing to temporarily suspend Muslim immigration to the U.S. He never released his tax returns, breaking with decades of campaign tradition, and eschewed the kind of robust data and field efforts that helped Obama win two terms in the White House, relying instead on his large, free-wheeling rallies to energize supporters. His campaign was frequently in chaos, and he cycled through three campaign managers this year.


His final campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, touted the team's accomplishments as the final results rolled in, writing on Twitter that "rally crowds matter" and "we expanded the map."


The mood at Clinton's party grew bleak as the night wore out, with some supporters leaving, others crying and hugging each other. Top campaign aides stopped returning calls and texts, as Clinton and her family hunkered down in a luxury hotel watching the returns.


At 2 a.m., Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta told the crowd to head home for the night. "We're still counting votes and every vote should count," he said.


Trump will inherit an anxious nation, deeply divided by economic and educational opportunities, race and culture.

Exit polls underscored the fractures: Women nationwide supported Clinton by a double-digit margin, while men were significantly more likely to back Trump. More than half of white voters backed the Republican, while nearly 9 in 10 blacks and two-thirds of Hispanics voted for the Democrat.


Doug Ratliff, a 67-year-old businessman from Richlands, Virginia, said Trump's election would be one of the happiest days of his life.


"This county has had no hope," said Ratliff, who owns strip malls in the area badly beaten by the collapse of the coal industry. "You have no idea what it would mean for the people if Trump won. They'll have hope again. Things will change. I know he's not going to be perfect. But he's got a heart. And he gives people hope."


Trump has pledged to usher in a series of sweeping changes to U.S. domestic and foreign policy: repealing Obama's signature health care law, though he has been vague on what he could replace it with; building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border; and suspending immigration from country's with terrorism ties. He's also praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and spoken of building a better relationship with Moscow, worrying some in his own party who fear he'll go easy on Putin's provocations.


The Republican Party's tortured relationship with its nominee was evident right up to the end. Former President George W. Bush and wife Laura Bush declined to back Trump, instead selecting "none of the above" when they voted for president, according to spokesman Freddy Ford.


House Speaker Paul Ryan, a reluctant Trump supporter, called the businessman earlier in the evening to congratulate him, according to a Ryan spokeswoman.


Democrats, as well as some Republicans, expected Trump's unconventional candidacy would damage down-ballot races and even flip some reliably red states in the presidential race. But Trump held on to Republican territory, including in Georgia and Utah, where Clinton's campaign confidently invested resources.


Clinton asked voters to keep the White House in her party's hands for a third straight term. She cast herself as heir to President Barack Obama's legacy and pledged to make good on his unfinished agenda, including passing immigration legislation, tightening restrictions on guns and tweaking his signature health care law.


But she struggled throughout the race with persistent questions about her honesty and trustworthiness. Those troubles flared anew late in the race, when FBI Director James Comey announced a review of new emails from her tenure at the State Department. On Sunday, just two days before Election Day, Comey said there was nothing in the material to warrant criminal charges against Clinton.


Associated Press writers Catherine Lucey, Bradley Klapper, Vivian Salama, Hope Yen, Jill Colvin and Lisa Lerer and AP Polling Director Emily Swanson contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-11-09


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One of the best takeaways from Trumps historic win over Crooked Hillary:


"Senate control means Trump will have great leeway in appointing Supreme Court justices, which could mean a major change to the right that would last for decades"

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27 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

One of the best takeaways from Trumps historic win over Crooked Hillary:


"Senate control means Trump will have great leeway in appointing Supreme Court justices, which could mean a major change to the right that would last for decades"


He might get 3 in 4 years

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Lets give Donald a chance. Also I am not a big fan of him but Hillary surely was the wrong person to challenge him for the presidency.


My guess he and America will be just fine.


As for the markets, they too crashed in Thailand when the General took power but things too settled a long time ago.

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Just now, MobileContent said:

Lets give Donald a chance. Also I am not a big fan of him but Hillary surely was the wrong person to challenge him for the presidency.


My guess he and America will be just fine.


As for the markets, they too crashed in Thailand when the General took power but things too settled a long time ago.


SET is turning around actually after the results..


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26 minutes ago, Mook23 said:

People get the politicians they deserve. 


That's such an overused and idiotic quote...



So do the people of the USA deserve their currently re-elected government?  Difficult question.


Take, for example, this quote translated into English from an article in the Prague newspaper Prager Zeitungon:


The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.  It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.  The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America.  Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.  The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool.   It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president.


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What a nice man.


He wrote to me again this morning:


Your support has meant the world to me and my family.
Remember when we were at 1% in the polls, and the media said we could never win the primary? You are the reason we stand here today.


.. (snip) some other stuff.. 


Thank you, Rick. I am proud of everything you've done.
-Donald J. Trump

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39 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Well boys, she just called Trump and conceded.

It's truly over :smile:

Hopefully the silver knife will have finally been shoved through the heart of the corrupt Clinton (both) political machine...never to arise again!

Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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I couldn’t care less about the President of US of A. But I’m happy this time, Trump won. And I’m happy only for one reason, the mainstream media, well, pretty much all media have said that it is only stupid, uneducated white men voting for Trump


Same as we have heard in Europe, only white stupid, uneducated white men voting for the populist and parties of discontent. And they are growing at every election.


They even say that it is the biggest threat against EU, the populist parties (right wing) and they just continue with the same politics and the populist parties are growing by the day.


Brexit, I was happy for the Brexit, now they cannot afford to continue the farce when UK is leaving. I was in UK when they voted out and nothing on BBC what was wrong with EU. Only on how it was Nazis and xenophobic people that didn’t like EU. In short, stupid British people that don’t like EU, nothing about EU having to change


And if it is 50/50 in UK it will be the same in the rest of EU, but no one dares to have a referendum.


Hand wash your car for a few quid along the roads in UK, how is this possible? They bring in truck drivers earning 3 to 400 Euros per month, impossible to live on. And the expensive drivers are unemployed and no one is paying tax for schools and health care. The whole EU is falling apart

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It's 3:21a.m. East Coast in the U.S.  Lots of people who went to bed at a decent time when Hillary was ahead and supposed to be 'a sure thing' are going to be shocked when they wake up in a few hours like my family.

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6 minutes ago, rijb said:


That's such an overused and idiotic quote...



So do the people of the USA deserve their currently re-elected government?  Difficult question.


Take, for example, this quote translated into English from an article in the Prague newspaper Prager Zeitungon:


The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.  It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president.  The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America.  Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince.  The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool.   It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president.


Not idiotic. Fact. The morons rule the world. Peopl are anxious, greedy and small-minded creatures most of the time. Trump knows who he's dealing with. Good for him. The arrogance of the establishment is what brought this ape in power...

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6 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:


of course….it's only scared political crooks who love to spread such fear….there will be dips and falls but eventually it will be fine.

It crashed because the financial community doesn't like surprises.  This was a surprise.  Plus, they like increasing global trade, not leaders who talk about instituting trade controls and renegotiating existing agreements.  Not good for business.  Which is what the markets are all about.

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2 minutes ago, Mook23 said:

Not idiotic. Fact. The morons rule the world. Peopl are anxious, greedy and small-minded creatures most of the time. Trump knows who he's dealing with. Good for him. The arrogance of the establishment is what brought this ape in power...

Your last sentence seems to be spot on.  Sadly, it may not be the best for the nation.  Look at Brexit.  Many are really suffering now.

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