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Bash Brits But Not Yanks ?


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While having lunch today i got talking to a group of Thai people, we talked about a number of things but the one that interested me most was the way they viewed Americans who travel to Thailand. I got the impresion that they viewed them as being arrogant, insensitive, over-materialistic and ignorant about local values.

The overall concensus was that Americans are rich, dumb, and happy - and it is therefore justified that they be cheated and overcharged.

What are your thought's on the average American in Thailand?

So can the mods explain why its ok to keep the Brit-bashing topic open yet close this after just a few harmless posts ? Especially when the above conception of Americans is not a million miles away from the way they sometimes perceive themselves;

""We are broadly seen throughout the world as an arrogant people, totally self-absorbed and loud," said Keith Reinhard, chairman emeritus of DDB Worldwide Inc. who is leading the effort through a group called Business for Diplomatic Action Inc., a nonprofit organization that tries to get U.S. companies to work to improve the reputation of the U.S. in the world."

Teaching Americans how to behave.

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What's the point of bashing anybody on here? You can't judge a whole country by a few rotten apples. For instance, I'm an American (or on this forum should I say from the USA) and I am not rich. The dumb and happy part are questionable. :o My best mates are Brits, German and Finnish. I do however think that some of us are loud and obnoxious but this goes with all countries especially when we are drinking. I think that people who travel the globe behave with more respect to other cultures than people who only travel once or twice and can't handle the culture shock. To put it mildly, If you're and a-hole in your own country, you're going to be an a-hole in any country. No matter where YOU go, there YOU are. Cheers to all

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Well as we Britt’s are all drunken thugs, of low intellect we obviously unable to actually read the Britt. bashing threads and therefore nobody actually gets offended, our more advanced and intellectual cousins from the U.S.A are of course highly mortified that others may find their sensitive, caring ways and genuine concern that the rest of the world are so far below them, (gosh it is a surprise we manage all those years without them) that the slightest criticism is likely to make them invade err sorry I meant burst into tears, sensitive chaps those yanks you know, tread carefully please. :o

(only joking, honest)

(wouldn't need to add that in the Britt bash thread).

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Actually I think the Yanks would have come out of this rather well, at least in LOS. They tend not to export as many a/holes as the UK, a few child molesters here and there maybe, but they don't go in for the wholesale export of their less savoury populace.

The British on the other hand have a long tradition to uphold; long before the advent of air travel we were populating Australia with our cast-offs.

In my experience Americans abroad generally tend to be more sinned against than sinner.

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Stay in a five star hotel and you can see all the different nationalities at work.

Every morning there is a queue of Americans lined up outside the hotel managers office. Each wants to complain about something...."my three minute eggs were over cooked by 15 seconds" or "one bucket of maple syrup was not enough to drown my stack of pancakes".....etc."

The British are seated around the breakfast tables complaining about the non-existent service. The staff have disappeared and they can't get a hot cup of tea. Too difficult for them to get up and pour their own.

The Aussies are having the time of their lives. All the waitresses have flocked to them as they are so good looking, have great charm and are fun to be with. Aussies never complain, that's why we are always happy and enjoy life.

Australia is located in it's Down Under place on the globe for a very good reason. We are trying to distance ourselves from you whining Yanks and you pompous Poms. :o

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Stay in a five star hotel and you can see all the different nationalities at work.

Every morning there is a queue of Americans lined up outside the hotel managers office. Each wants to complain about something...."my three minute eggs were over cooked by 15 seconds" or "one bucket of maple syrup was not enough to drown my stack of pancakes".....etc."

The British are seated around the breakfast tables complaining about the non-existent service. The staff have disappeared and they can't get a hot cup of tea. Too difficult for them to get up and pour their own.

The Aussies are having the time of their lives. All the waitresses have flocked to them as they are so good looking, have great charm and are fun to be with. Aussies never complain, that's why we are always happy and enjoy life.

Australia is located in it's Down Under place on the globe for a very good reason. We are trying to distance ourselves from you whining Yanks and you pompous Poms. :D

Very well explained Mouse, keep up the good work. :o:D:D:D:D

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Stay in a five star hotel and you can see all the different nationalities at work.

Every morning there is a queue of Americans lined up outside the hotel managers office. Each wants to complain about something...."my three minute eggs were over cooked by 15 seconds" or "one bucket of maple syrup was not enough to drown my stack of pancakes".....etc."

The British are seated around the breakfast tables complaining about the non-existent service. The staff have disappeared and they can't get a hot cup of tea. Too difficult for them to get up and pour their own.

The Aussies are having the time of their lives. All the waitresses have flocked to them as they are so good looking, have great charm and are fun to be with. Aussies never complain, that's why we are always happy and enjoy life.

Australia is located in it's Down Under place on the globe for a very good reason. We are trying to distance ourselves from you whining Yanks and you pompous Poms. :D

:o Not bad. For a one-trick pony.

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