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From Barack Obama to Donald Trump in eight years


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4 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:

It appears many leftists still don't understand what happened. Donald Trump was forgiven for many things by his supporters.


IMHO, he won because he didn't back down to the PC crowd. Many Americans like me, who go about their lives working to provide for our families, stood by for years as leftists called us racists, Islamophobes, xenophobes, etc because we believe the United States should control who comes into our country, how many and when. Just look at how much conversation the complicated Thai visa process generates! Of course a country should control their borders and who they let in. Even Louis Farrakhan agrees with Donald Trump's policy on vetting Muslims from the Middle East. And it should also be noted that the United States has created much of the anti-American sentiment through constant meddling into others' affairs.


Barack Obama was supposed to be the anti-Bush and "hope and change". After nearly eight years, he's been unable to end the two wars he ran on ending. Now he's dragging us into Syria- after a war for oil in Libya in his spare time. He bashed Bush for running up $4 trillion in debt, but more than DOUBLED that $4 trillion he told us was "unpatriotic". His health care scam has been a disaster. Economic growth is tepid. There isn't much confidence in the economy on Main Street America.


Political correctness has reached an all-time high. Obama's racially-infused rhetoric has resulted in more division. By the way, just what is a "typical white person"? Can you imagine a white Republican referring to his black grandmother as a "typical black person"?


But I digress. America knows it got suckered. America watched and observed as anti-Trump savages attacked people for their political beliefs. America watched and observed as savages ran wild in Ferguson, Baltimore and other cities. America is tired of hearing about slavery, which ended 150+ years ago.


The bottom line is this: Hillary Clinton is the consummate DC insider and shyster. From her influence-peddling scam masquerading as a charity to her constant lying about emails, it was going to be a tough road for her. It turns out voters care more about keeping a Washington DC insider out of the Oval Office than Trump talking about grabbing women by the pu$$y and all the other ordinance dished out by.... the very same establishment-type goons Americans were sick and tired of.


To me, there is an interesting question as to leftist tactics: now that Trump has stood up to the accusations of "racism", will fellow GOPers finally grow a pair and quit slinking away the minute they're attacked by the left with the same old tricks? In fact, will the effectiveness of playing the race card be diminished, now that it failed after one man dared to not back down?


Stay tuned...


Vox Populi.


Thank you.

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4 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


What a load of ****.


So by your reasoning it could be said Trump has been despised by liberals from Day 1 because he is a white and a male AND not because his political agenda does not appeal to all voters. 


Out of curiousity, are you British? 


If so, can you tell me if you reference your black community as African-British like we have our African-Americans? in America, we continue to treat blacks as a "Special & Unique" group seperate from whites. We even have legislation that provides them advantages simply due to their skin color. I have often wondered if that type of racial preference is practiced in Britain.


Thanks for any insight.


Yes I'm English. As far as I'm aware, and I've been in Asia 3 decades,so things may have changed,  there is no reference to ancestry when any of us Brits say what nationality we are. I don't tell people I'm Irish, French, English. That ancestry goes back a long way. I'm English plain and simple. Again, from an outsiders point of view, blacks seem to receive 'preferences' in name only.


What concerns me is that the POTUS is a position of influence that affects just about everyone in the world, unlike the British PM or The French President who do not. The job of POTUS is a massive one. Bush used it in part to make up for his father not completing the job during the Gulf war. Obama, although not perfect, who among us is?, has tried and been knocked back time an again, gun control for instance.


That's my 'insight' if you want to call it that. I prefer to think of it as opinions coming from a layman, grateful that there are people like Obama prepared to carry the weight of such a high office, where I wouldn't under any circumstances.


As I always say, one man's meat......

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4 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:


Nonsense. Obama was despised because he is a communist-mentored, America-hating leftist. Many Americans had his number from DAY ONE. The race card proved to be a massive FAIL. I would urge you to take notice.


What makes us unique as humans is that we can have differing opinions. You and I are obviously poles apart, so long drawn out faceless disagreements are not really worth anyone's time. 

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6 hours ago, Scott said:

Actually, it was MUCH busier during the primaries and early part of the election cycle.   Many members learned their lesson early on.  

.....But now you have me going off-topic!!

You'll have to agree that "off topic" is sometimes valid within the eye of the beholder.  In other words, sometimes subjective.

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3 hours ago, freebyrd said:


Yes I'm English. As far as I'm aware, and I've been in Asia 3 decades,so things may have changed,  there is no reference to ancestry when any of us Brits say what nationality we are. I don't tell people I'm Irish, French, English. That ancestry goes back a long way. I'm English plain and simple. Again, from an outsiders point of view, blacks seem to receive 'preferences' in name only.


What concerns me is that the POTUS is a position of influence that affects just about everyone in the world, unlike the British PM or The French President who do not. The job of POTUS is a massive one. Bush used it in part to make up for his father not completing the job during the Gulf war. Obama, although not perfect, who among us is?, has tried and been knocked back time an again, gun control for instance.


That's my 'insight' if you want to call it that. I prefer to think of it as opinions coming from a layman, grateful that there are people like Obama prepared to carry the weight of such a high office, where I wouldn't under any circumstances.


As I always say, one man's meat......


I can only speak for myself but I have never heard an American say they were choosing their president so as to appease the international community.

Do the British vote a leader based on what is best for France or the EU?


As for your earlier statement that America is quite racist because of your experience in the 1980's, I had hoped you might put your experience in the context of the race wars occuring in England during those same years. Do you still consider your fellow Brits to be a racist bunch based on their actions of 30+ years ago as you base your opinion of contemporary America?


The black community in America insists on being considered unique.

There is profit for the black community to continue to refuse assimilation and equality before the Law. 


As for gun control. Obama is the President of America and he is responsible to the wishes of Americans and not Europeans. I respect your right to decide your country's position on gun laws but it is not ours.


One reason for Trump's popularity is that he respects the rights guaranteed in the US Constitution. Obama did not respect those rights and hillary has indicated she follows his lead.


I do wish obama would have put forth even a small amount of effort and influence into stopping the black-on-black gun violence in his own hometown of Chicago during his 8 years in office since it is the murder capital of the US but for some reason he had zero interest in protecting the victims of that community.

Edited by ClutchClark
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8 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:


Nonsense. Obama was despised because he is a communist-mentored, America-hating leftist. Many Americans had his number from DAY ONE. The race card proved to be a massive FAIL. I would urge you to take notice.


And yet you love Trump the man who was supported by Russian intelligence service spying and who met with the Russian representatives during the election despite denying he ever had such meetings.


What you call "communist" are those who have a social conscience, people who had seen injustice and poverty and wished to  stop it. The only one who played the race card was trump with his pandering to bigots with  his birth certificate nonsense.


All this will come back to haunt the man we call the manchurian candidate and the man who will be the first President to be impeached in his first term.

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3 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


And yet you love Trump the man who was supported by Russian intelligence service spying and who met with the Russian representatives during the election despite denying he ever had such meetings.


What you call "communist" are those who have a social conscience, people who had seen injustice and poverty and wished to  stop it. The only one who played the race card was trump with his pandering to bigots with  his birth certificate nonsense.


All this will come back to haunt the man we call the manchurian candidate and the man who will be the first President to be impeached in his first term.


I thought obama had already been named the Manchurian Candidate back in  2007?


cant the Libs use their creative energy to come up with something fresh?

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13 hours ago, Dtrump said:

It's a cop out to say they don't become Washington insiders more at home in DC than back in a home district that holds no meaning for them anymore.


So what's the point of voting or having representatives, then? How long before Trump becomes a Washington insider?

More nihilistic arguments.

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MajarThe Lion

All lives matter.The Black problem is of the Americans own making.The English ceased slavery long before the Americans did,and  the the Slaves suffered for another decade after Lincoln died.

It will never go away.Many people are under the misapprehension that the Americans were slavers,They were not.They bought the slaves from the slaves own people.Tribes trafficked their own people quite freely,for gain or revenge,or simply to steal their wives.

The generations of the slaves are in America and America now has to deal with it,They were responsible for them being in America and now they cant abide it.

The main problem is the underlying hatred that upper class Americans have an internal hatred for these people,and it is reflected in the treatment of the police upon the black populace.

The KKK,or any other name is still active,only this last 25 years,it has a more respectable,hidden,face.Although the KKK is now more underground.

Hatred for Black people is instilled in Americans from a young age,and the South is the worst.As one guy told me. "inside every white,elite American,is a nigger hater just waiting.......

America is a country of many cultures but America has no culture

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I agree on that point,But i was lucky to be in a good job,with excellent pay.I could afford,the best of apartment's,the best food,enjoy the best entertainment,and i drove the car of my dream's.I worked in a drawing office with men with college degree's and good education. My wife and i were regularly invited to eat at many of my colleagues houses.Among the questions asked,was always,"how do you treat your niggers in the Uk" my answer was always"The same as every body else"

I was out on site quite a lot,and i met and respected the guys whom actually installed the work that i had designed.They were Black people,Cherokee Indians,Mexicans and Puerto Ricans.

And yes! my holidays were spent in Disney world or Universal,or the like.

But isnt that the same for any for any ferang with money here?

Every day for us is Disney world.

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From Obama to Trump in eight years has shattered Clinton World.

To wit:


The Hill: ‘Shattered Dreams in Clintonworld’ as Longtime Aides Left Jobless



Amie Parnes writes in The Hill about the future of the “legions of politicos” who had “hitched on to the Clinton train” for decades. Donald Trump’s defeat of Hillary Clinton “shattered the dreams of thousands of longtime Clinton aides and supporters who hoped to follow her to the White House.

“They don’t know anything else. "




That's life in the real world we guess?  :post-4641-1156694606:

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