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US to accept 1,800 asylum seekers from Australia’s offshore camps, newspaper says


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15 hours ago, kowpot said:

This is not immigration. This is refugee status. I too lived most of my life in the U.S.  Refugees to the U.S. get free housing , food stamps and roughly 1700 USD per person per month.  Just think of what a family of 4 gets per month for doing absolutely nothing. Yes, they will try and find them jobs, but where? They don't have the education and they don't speak the language.  Saying I must watch too much tv is just plain ignorant on your part.  To say you came from a neighborhood that had no problems at all must be the only one in the world.  It must have been nice to live in utopia.  

I use to live in a small, rural, poor, town.  Go to Walmart and see the people using food stamps to buy gum, coke, other BS.  Standing there talking on their i-Phone and drinking Starbucks coffee.  Most were white.  Many lived in housing paid for by the government.  About $800-1000/month.  You don't have to be an illegal immigrant or refugee to be on the dole. 


I said we didn't have race related problems there.  Never said we didn't have any problems or lived in Utopia.  Please, quote me properly.

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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

A good friend's brother lives on the street.  This guy is super rich.  His brother is mentally ill.  Been trying for years to get him off the street, just can't do it. 


Not everybody living on the street is there because they can't find alternatives.  Some, for sure, others, no.

Yes a lot are there because of mental illness and a lot have genuinely fallen on hard times. Both need help before bringing in immigrants. No country should be an immigrant breadbasket like the people in Europe. All it does is make for cheap labor competing with local citizens and it also gives the granting government a lifetime voter. The loser is the taxpayer of course. Kind of reminds me of Halloween trick or treat. 

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1 minute ago, elgordo38 said:

Yes a lot are there because of mental illness and a lot have genuinely fallen on hard times. Both need help before bringing in immigrants. No country should be an immigrant breadbasket like the people in Europe. All it does is make for cheap labor competing with local citizens and it also gives the granting government a lifetime voter. The loser is the taxpayer of course. Kind of reminds me of Halloween trick or treat. 

This guy doesn't want help.  He's got all the money he needs and doesn't want it.  Nothing anybody can do anything about.


As for immigration, it's what's made America great.  Where would we be without immigration?  If done properly, it's a good thing.

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5 hours ago, daveAustin said:

What a farce. Australia should be housing these people. In fact, they should be made to accept boats from Europe, too. Look at the size of it; there's plenty of room and monies from governments around the world can help set up camps in and around those huge bush towns. The US and Europe are already crowded, pull your weight, Oz!



Yeah I agree. They should fence of a couple of hundred square kilometres in the middle of the desert and put them in there. I have heard the Aussie desert has lots of sand and a huge wild camel population. They should feel safe and at home there. I may even give a small donation so they can build a mosque there too.

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Every immigrant who came to America was following a dream, the "American Dream",  however tarnished that might be. The Moslems have their own dream. Good luck to them, I wouldn't deny anyone their dream, just don't bring it into my backyard. 



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On 11/11/2016 at 3:01 PM, kowpot said:

This is actually cruel. These people will not find a friendly atmosphere when and if they make it to the U.S. They will be tormented and shunned by  the American people.  The American people just won an election on the premise that this stuff will not happen. Obama throwing one last jab  at the United States.

Total B.S. Just send them to blue states.Thank you President Obama for this humanitarian act although it should be much much more and include many more SYRIAN refugees, the last decent president we may have for a long, long while. 

Before long, even most trumpists are going to MISS President Obama very, very much.

It can't get worse? Just you watch. 

Edited by Jingthing
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The problem with sending them to Blue states, is that the Blue states are already supported by the Red states.   It would just add to the unemployment rolls in the Blue states and  that would become an even greater burden on the Red states. Given the fact that the lazy liberals are already a tax burden on the working conservative voter, this is not going to work.  If the Blue states were willing to support their own lazy mass of people, then I would be all for it.  

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The Oz PM has now clarified a once off agreement. The US will implement it's own assessment of those identified by Oz / UNHCR as genuine refugees for resettlement to the US; no final numbers has been agreed , only "the most vulnerable".. It is possible that a Trump Administration may overrule the agreement.






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The problem with sending them to Blue states, is that the Blue states are already supported by the Red states.   It would just add to the unemployment rolls in the Blue states and  that would become an even greater burden on the Red states. Given the fact that the lazy liberals are already a tax burden on the working conservative voter, this is not going to work.  If the Blue states were willing to support their own lazy mass of people, then I would be all for it.  
You're joking right?
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^ Yes, he is. Here is the top 10 states for government spending per capita:

(D.C. is not a state, but it would be #1 if it were)

1. Virginia  -- $16,710

2. Maryland -- $15,684

3. Alaska -- $14,375

4. Hawaii-- $13,752

5. New Mexico -- $13,213

6. Maine -- $12,104

7. Alabama -- $11,743

8. Connecticut -- $11,527

9. West Virginia -- $11,496

10. Mississippi -- $11,469


As you can see, it's pretty evenly split, with 5 states that voted for Hillary, and 6 states that voted for Trump. 

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Regardless these people seem to want to pick there place to migrate ,only a couple have taken the Cambodian option and they want out,  notice they only want to go to those countries that have a good welfare system, they won't get into OZ their next alternative is a twenty year visa to stay where they are, if they don't take the US offer. 

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5 hours ago, chainarong said:

Regardless these people seem to want to pick there place to migrate ,only a couple have taken the Cambodian option and they want out,  notice they only want to go to those countries that have a good welfare system, they won't get into OZ their next alternative is a twenty year visa to stay where they are, if they don't take the US offer. 

Most people want to pick where they live, otherwise they would stay put.   Cambodia is not a country where one thinks of wanting to resettle.   

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13 hours ago, chainarong said:

Regardless these people seem to want to pick there place to migrate ,only a couple have taken the Cambodian option and they want out,


Cambodian Muslims were a specially targeted ethic group during the Pol Pot genocide. In addition Cambodia has never provided permanent residency for refugees, let alone citizenship. It was a complete waste of money and an act of political stupidity for Oz to put the agreement in place with Cambodia.

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1 hour ago, jimmyyy said:

Hmm, it would appear that it is now not happening. <snip>


Where did you get your info? The deal will not increase the current agreed annual refugee intake by the US. By precedence incoming US Administrations do not immediately reverse legally compliant humanitarian decisions by the prior Administration.

Edited by simple1
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Are muslims legally qualified to become US citizens?


The current naturalization oath reads as follows:

“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.”

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54 minutes ago, Gary A said:

Are muslims legally qualified to become US citizens?


The current naturalization oath reads as follows:

“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.”


Yes, of course they are. What about atheists and pacifists (of which there are many in the USA) - are they qualified to be citizens ?

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14 minutes ago, jimmyyy said:

I get my info from the USA, its a logistical issue from what I read, they don't have enough time to process them before the 20th, and by then it will be too late. 


That's based on an assumption the Trump Administration will overrule the agreement, don't agree it's a forgone conclusion.

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4 minutes ago, jimmyyy said:

Trump has said many times, no more people from Terror producing groups until we can properly vet them.  If they show up here, Trump will send them back home for reasons of national security.  Sit back and watch it happen. 


The people who have been proposed by the UNHCR have already gone through rigorous assessment by Oz security, a member of the 'five eyes' group. The negotiations with the US have been ongoing for the past 11 months & US staff will commence interviewing the selected people, mainly children, women and  families in the next few days for final authorisation to be resettled in the US.


As you say have to await the final outcome, though personally I doubt this particular group will be rejected by the Trump Administration.

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On 11/11/2016 at 5:11 PM, kowpot said:

This is not immigration. This is refugee status. I too lived most of my life in the U.S.  Refugees to the U.S. get free housing , food stamps and roughly 1700 USD per person per month.  Just think of what a family of 4 gets per month for doing absolutely nothing. Yes, they will try and find them jobs, but where? They don't have the education and they don't speak the language.  Saying I must watch too much tv is just plain ignorant on your part.  To say you came from a neighborhood that had no problems at all must be the only one in the world.  It must have been nice to live in utopia.  

Almost better to be a refugee than a pensioner. Again a perfect example of incoming and outgoing. Incoming refugee gets the presidential suite outgoing pensioner gets the shaft up the wazoo after working and contributing all his life to his country. 

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Turnbull said on Monday the first refugees to be resettled in the United States will not come before the Jan. 20 inauguration of President-elect Trump.

"The process will continue for some months. The United States won't be short-cutting their security or health checks," said Turnbull.

Analysts said the timing could prove awkward for Turnbull.

"It looks pretty clear that the resettlement deal was done as a quid pro quo after Australia agreed to resettle Central American refugees," said Peter Chen, professor of political science, University of Sydney.

"But by holding off and starting the process in the expectation that Hillary Clinton would win the U.S. presidency, it gives Trump the ability to reject the deal."

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