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Outrage and fear fuel continuing anti-Trump protests


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47 minutes ago, Diplomatico said:


  Have you considered professional counseling for dealing with your issues?  Wow.

No kidding.  Some serious emotional trauma there. I spent my first career in uniform but this kind of behavior on a public forum is something new and rather ugly. Here guys need to get a life.

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Now we have a billionaire populist demagogue partly owing his election to a white supremacist  - his supporters consider a political genius - welcome to the new era !   

Edited by Opl
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Now we have people that think they know who needs, what counseling? I'd say anybody that supported or supports the orange fascist needs counseling.


Doing what, playing golf....lol? I have a good life, thank you very much. My public behavior  is the same as here, no keyboard warrior. I know the world, know the politics, know the pigs and know the racists that populate this forum. I was raised with their ilk. Funny how I don't encounter these racist, bigoted comments from 99.9% of the expats I talk with. BTW,  aside from being an USMC Sgt Vietnam Vet, I was a cop, stick that one up where the sun doesn't shine. Yep emotional trauma, you have to be human to have just a little bit. Leaves a lot of posters out. Rage, Rage against the dying of democracy.


How in hell does a human being think that taking a fellow Vietnam USMC Veteran to the Wall is a symptom of emotional trauma? Oh I know, never been there, never done that. <deleted> right? Maybe even an officer, wow I'm impressed, NOT!


I met real military at the US Marine Corps Birthday Ball in Vientiane last week, don't think some of the posters here would qualify. I'll be going back to party with the guys, most of you are definitely not only not invited but not welcome.


The orange monster is no populist, just a con man that some fools believed. Wanna' buy some snake oil...lol.


I hope the protests against a fascist never stop until he and his cabal are driven out of not only office but into GitMo.

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3 hours ago, sgtsabai said:

Now we have people that think they know who needs, what counseling? I'd say anybody that supported or supports the orange fascist needs counseling.


Doing what, playing golf....lol? I have a good life, thank you very much. My public behavior  is the same as here, no keyboard warrior. I know the world, know the politics, know the pigs and know the racists that populate this forum. I was raised with their ilk. Funny how I don't encounter these racist, bigoted comments from 99.9% of the expats I talk with. BTW,  aside from being an USMC Sgt Vietnam Vet, I was a cop, stick that one up where the sun doesn't shine. Yep emotional trauma, you have to be human to have just a little bit. Leaves a lot of posters out. Rage, Rage against the dying of democracy.


How in hell does a human being think that taking a fellow Vietnam USMC Veteran to the Wall is a symptom of emotional trauma? Oh I know, never been there, never done that. <deleted> right? Maybe even an officer, wow I'm impressed, NOT!


I met real military at the US Marine Corps Birthday Ball in Vientiane last week, don't think some of the posters here would qualify. I'll be going back to party with the guys, most of you are definitely not only not invited but not welcome.


The orange monster is no populist, just a con man that some fools believed. Wanna' buy some snake oil...lol.


I hope the protests against a fascist never stop until he and his cabal are driven out of not only office but into GitMo.

Only fascism in sight is your encouraging of riots which are against democratic elections supporting who was elected.

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On 11/13/2016 at 8:01 AM, Pimay1 said:

Our future leaders. These are adult students?????

Administrators at the University of Pennsylvania reportedly provided students upset over the results of Tuesday’s presidential election with emotional support puppies, coloring books, and chocolate.

“There were actual cats and a puppy there,” Tancredi told The College Fix. “There were sheets of paper available with black and white printed designs on them for students to color in. Essentially they looked like pages from a coloring book that were printed from a computer. They all had positive feel-good messages on them. Students colored them in with colored pencils.”




In a followup college students are now being issued play-doh and toys to cope with their emotions.

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        Part of the reason the very rich love The Divider. His tax plan ensures the poor get poorer while the rich get to squirrel ever more money in their off-shore numbered accounts.  If Trump had any sense of decency, he would recuse himself from tax matters, because he himself will benefit from his pamper-the-rich tax policies.


. . . . .  Below are excerpts from today's article in NPR detailing how


But Trump's plan does the opposite, says Lily Batchelder, a law professor at New York University and visiting fellow at the Tax Policy Center.

"If you look at the most wealthy, the top 1 percent would get about half of the benefits of his tax cuts, and a millionaire, for example, would get an average tax cut of $317,000," she says.

But a family earning between $40,000 and $50,000 a year would get a tax cut of only $560, she says, and millions of middle-class working families will see their tax bills rise under Trump's plan — especially single-parent families.

"A single parent who's earning $75,000 and has two school-age children, they would face a tax increase of over $2,400," Batchelder says. That's if they had no child-care deductions; the increase in taxes comes partly because the Trump plan eliminates the $4,000 exemption for each person in a household.

         The poorest 40% of American taxpayers get proposed cuts of 0.6% and 0.8%

The top 1% get tax cuts of 6.5%.  The top 0.1% get cuts of 7.3%


Also: the Trump plan would eliminate the federal estate tax entirely. Only the wealthiest taxpayers — less than 1 percent — now pay that tax. Ending it would lead to an even greater concentration of wealth among the super rich.



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9 hours ago, Ahab said:

Outrage, fear and bus loads of paid protesters!


Prove it. Prove that the protestors are paid. It's a BS claim. There are  many millions of US citizens who are alienanted and they have  many. many different opinions. Right, left, centrist, special interest supporters, they all  will come out to protest when so motivated. No one needs to pay them, anymore than the violent anti freedom of choice  protestors are paid, or the KKK is paid, or BLM is paid etc.

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10 hours ago, sgtsabai said:

Bullshit! Nobody gets "paid" to protest the fascist orange monster. Real people and real patriots do. Just another right wingnut fantasy and lie. Every hear of COINTELPRO? The pigs pay people to cause mayhem. Shut the country down, keep it shut down until a human being is elected president.


I suspect some of the organizers of the protests are being paid.  "Real people and real patriots" are the people blocking traffic, and roaming the streets looking for Trump supports to attack them???  I think not.  


Many of these protesters are occupying their mothers basements and receiving some sort of financial support from the government rather than working for a living.  When Obama won the presidential election two times, conservatives didn't protest in the streets.  These people work for a living and have to get up early everyday to support their families and contribute to society.


Anyway, it does warm my heart to see many of the liberal, left-wing nut cases protesting and crying over Hillary losing this election.  Gee, you cry babies need to wake up and get a life.  As for the anti-Trump protesters, maybe it's time to think about working for a living and stop relying on government handouts.  :-) 

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36 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


Prove it. Prove that the protestors are paid. It's a BS claim. There are  many millions of US citizens who are alienanted and they have  many. many different opinions. Right, left, centrist, special interest supporters, they all  will come out to protest when so motivated. No one needs to pay them, anymore than the violent anti freedom of choice  protestors are paid, or the KKK is paid, or BLM is paid etc.

It is not possible to "prove" something to someone with a closed mind. There are pictures of 44 buses parked in Chicago that brought in protesters (someone paid for the buses, I have no way to prove who paid for them). There are videos of Democratic operatives with ties to the DNC and Hillary's campaign stating that they pay people to do exactly what is going on with these protests. Maybe they were lying on the videos, but that doesn't make much sense. Many are not being paid but to say that none are being paid to create anarchy you have to have zero understanding of community organizers and the ideology of Saul Alinsky.


How about you proving that some in these crowds are not being paid to create havoc? These people need to go home and start being grown ups, stop whining, and next election get a candidate that can get more votes than the celebrity apprentice host that has zero political experience.

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5 minutes ago, Ahab said:

It is not possible to "prove" something to someone with a closed mind. There are pictures of 44 buses parked in Chicago that brought in protesters (someone paid for the buses, I have no way to prove who paid for them). There are videos of Democratic operatives with ties to the DNC and Hillary's campaign stating that they pay people to do exactly what is going on with these protests. Maybe they were lying on the videos, but that doesn't make much sense. Many are not being paid but to say that none are being paid to create anarchy you have to have zero understanding of community organizers and the ideology of Saul Alinsky.


How about you proving that some in these crowds are not being paid to create havoc? These people need to go home and start being grown ups, stop whining, and next election get a candidate that can get more votes than the celebrity apprentice host that has zero political experience.


Craig's List ad for "organizers" in Seattle:



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The same type of hysteria and doom and gloom were stated about an earlier President and it all turned out to be false. That President was Ronald Reagan, we survived him and President Obama and we will also survive President Trump. At least it will be interesting and entertaining.

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1 minute ago, Ahab said:

The same type of hysteria and doom and gloom were stated about an earlier President and it all turned out to be false. That President was Ronald Reagan, we survived him and President Obama and we will also survive President Trump. At least it will be interesting and entertaining.


New Orleans also survived Hurricane Katrina.   Are you sure 'survive' is the best verb?  A wife can 'survive' a beating by her drunk husband, but that's not much to commend the husband about.

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8 minutes ago, Ahab said:

Can you prove that is a real ad!


Why don't you call the number in the ad and get back to us.


edit: The first number goes to a guy named Sol's voicemail. Might have been Sol Bay but couldn't make out the last name clearly. The second number is "temporarily unavailable" and callers are asked to call back later.

Edited by lannarebirth
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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


New Orleans also survived Hurricane Katrina.   Are you sure 'survive' is the best verb?  A wife can 'survive' a beating by her drunk husband, but that's not much to commend the husband about.


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6 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


Why don't you call the number in the ad and get back to us.


edit: The first number goes to a guy named Sol's voicemail. Might have been Sol Bay but couldn't make out the last name clearly. The second number is "temporarily unavailable" and callers are asked to call back later.

I called the number and got a voice message from someone named "Sol" (as stated in the ad). 

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If anyone has a better nickname for him than "The Divider" ....let us know.


As proof of his mega divisiveness (there are thousands of proofs), just take a look at how polarized all these threads are about him.  


HRC may have had some flaws, but she didn't build her campaign on a foundation of incessant divisiveness.


I particularly feel sorry for younger generations.  Trump's rule will be anathema to them on every level.

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On ‎11‎/‎15‎/‎2016 at 9:29 AM, Pimay1 said:

In a followup college students are now being issued play-doh and toys to cope with their emotions.

If I was American, I'd be extremely concerned that these are the future leaders of the country.


Truly pathetic.


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1 minute ago, nottocus said:

If I was American, I'd be extremely concerned that these are the future leaders of the country.


Truly pathetic.


A lot of us are concerned. Hopefully the pendulum will start swinging back in the other direction. But in the mean time we will have lost an entire generation to the feel good young adults.

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What people are missing is the real reason these protesters are angry is that they are largely a generation of middle class university students who have been politicised by Marxist/feminist lecturers on gender studies programs. They are no used to debate or argument that actually tests ones critical thinking and questions ones research as they utilise (the left) political correctness to shut down any debate. This is why the central argument against Trump became about words he used about women; the pussy grab remark. Seriously, since when did a serious consideration of policy hinge on a throwaway remark issued years ago about pussy?


We have simply been conditioned to believe that this is the pinnacle of affront and it demonstrates the character of a person who would use such words. Frankly, I don't know a man who has never used the word. I have never grabbed a woman against her wishes and I bet Trump has not either, he was just spitballing. He is wealthy, he has never needed to coax women into bed, come, on, be realistic!


Political correctness demands that men become totally divorced from their own masculinity to such an extent that even mentioning physical attraction is tantamount to assault. The reason such ridiculous claims as the gender pay gap, rape culture and islamophobia exist is because we are not allowed to debate the roles of men and women, transgender people, language and immigration in a mature way without being the subject of epithet after epithet . . . .


Stopping Syrian muslims entering Europe of America may be a good idea, temporarily while we debate the best way to be merciful, virtuous and yet remain safe.

Deporting illegals . . . .Bill Clinton did the same and Obama deported 2 million!!!


The people protesting are not stupid, they are the product of a PC insurgency led by academics and middle class liberals who are so far removed from the Arab ghettos that exist in poor neighbourhoods that it is very easy for them to shout racist to make themselves feel virtuous.


How many immigrants have any of the movie star liberals housed . . .? 

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45 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

If anyone has a better nickname for him than "The Divider" ....let us know.


As proof of his mega divisiveness (there are thousands of proofs), just take a look at how polarized all these threads are about him.  


HRC may have had some flaws, but she didn't build her campaign on a foundation of incessant divisiveness.


I particularly feel sorry for younger generations.  Trump's rule will be anathema to them on every level.

"The Orange Tornado"

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25 minutes ago, RawboneFunksta said:

What people are missing is the real reason these protesters are angry is that they are largely a generation of middle class university students who have been politicised by Marxist/feminist lecturers on gender studies programs. They are no used to debate or argument that actually tests ones critical thinking and questions ones research as they utilise (the left) political correctness to shut down any debate. This is why the central argument against Trump became about words he used about women; the pussy grab remark. Seriously, since when did a serious consideration of policy hinge on a throwaway remark issued years ago about pussy?


We have simply been conditioned to believe that this is the pinnacle of affront and it demonstrates the character of a person who would use such words. Frankly, I don't know a man who has never used the word. I have never grabbed a woman against her wishes and I bet Trump has not either, he was just spitballing. He is wealthy, he has never needed to coax women into bed, come, on, be realistic!


Political correctness demands that men become totally divorced from their own masculinity to such an extent that even mentioning physical attraction is tantamount to assault. The reason such ridiculous claims as the gender pay gap, rape culture and islamophobia exist is because we are not allowed to debate the roles of men and women, transgender people, language and immigration in a mature way without being the subject of epithet after epithet . . . .


Stopping Syrian muslims entering Europe of America may be a good idea, temporarily while we debate the best way to be merciful, virtuous and yet remain safe.

Deporting illegals . . . .Bill Clinton did the same and Obama deported 2 million!!!


The people protesting are not stupid, they are the product of a PC insurgency led by academics and middle class liberals who are so far removed from the Arab ghettos that exist in poor neighbourhoods that it is very easy for them to shout racist to make themselves feel virtuous.


How many immigrants have any of the movie star liberals housed . . .? 

One of the best posts on this thread. Thank you.

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2 hours ago, nottocus said:

If I was American, I'd be extremely concerned that these are the future leaders of the country. Truly pathetic.


      I am American, and I'm extremely concerned that rednecks outvoted sensible people, and the current leaders are dangerous morons.  Guiliani, Carson, Trump, Palin, Christie, .....those are some seriously flawed people.  I admit the younger folks demonstrating now aren't going to change policy, and certainly aren't going to get Trump to quit.  But they are venting their frustrations.  240 years ago Americans vented their frustrations against a callous ruling clique, and that sparked the Revolutionary war.   If Trump and his buddies were alive then, they would have all sided with the royalists.  I'm 100% sure of that.


       I've met lots of younger Americans in recent years and, with few exceptions, they're deep thinking, lovely folks who really care for their country and the natural environment.  They detest Trump and what he stands for, and I concur.


Some of Trump's foreign policy advisers, .....a crass and dangerous bunch of bumblers

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