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How's the time come to ditch my iPhone in favour of android?


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One of the other things I found a pain with the S4 / Android. I needed to download apps to do just about everything that you'd probably expect to be part of the OS.

Want a 'do not disturb feature' - need an app.

Want to manage the flashing notification light and set colours for different apps - need an app (oh and we forgot to mention, the app isn't compatible with the DND app you just paid for)

Battery management - need an app (oh and changing setting will override your DND notification settings).

Overall I found it too much of a PITA, too much trial and error and too much stuff that killed the battery way to quick.

The other thing is the lack of manufacturer commitment to provide Android updates such as Huawei abandoning the Honor 7 just 16 months into product life. Sure some of the Android updates may not add much. But some do. And if I'm paying anywhere near iPhone prices I wouldn't be taking a gamble on OS updates.

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I agree, especially with Sony, I have taken an injunction out so no Sony product is allowed within 3 feet of any of my PCs (for the challenged, that was a joke my bar on Sony products is just me but I'll never buy anything with Sony on it again).

But I think Apple is rapidly being forced down that route just by the shear speed of change & feedback from frustrated users...

E.g. not sure if it was this thread or another one where I explained to the OP how he could set up a fake Apple account in the US so he could try out Cortana, (rightly or wrongly) you don't get that problem with Android.

Honestly, try being an ITunes user in Singapore, last time I tried there were less than 100 albums available (Still have Credit cards in the UK so very quickly switched to the UK store so haven't checked for a Long time).

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And then you found out, to your dismay, that in contrast with the Apple store the majority of those apps were free and that in fact you were allowed to install on your phone whatever you want.


The shock, the horror.

Yup free and in many cases crap and mostly not doing at all well what they're supposed to do. I'd rather have features competently built in to the OS than have to try numerous free junkware apps, resorting to paid versions to get something useable.

So yes indeed, the shock, the horror. And WAAAY too high-maintenance.

Apple isn't perfect by a long way. Their Bluetooth I often find patchy, things like Airdrop seem to break with OS updates and of course with accessories, you only have to look at the embarrassingly botched up AirPods launch (big announcement / coming end October / then, error actually they're not, then tumbleweed blowing down the street amidst a deathly silence). Still, at least they don't burst into flames I suppose. Apple is just the better option for me, not the best, which doesn't exist yet.

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On 02/12/2016 at 10:08 AM, SooKee said:

Well. It's just horses for courses I guess. I chose the ATV from a range of options largely because I have an Apple set up at home and it's just easy. Plex on a Mac Mini server, ATV connected to a soundbar and can play music or video from other devices. The subscription to Netflix is cheap at around 350฿ pm and I can access it on my travels within Thailand and Malaysia, Airplaying it to an ATV 3 I carry around for that purpose (the ATV 4 replaced it). So it does all I need.

Always interested to see how other folks do it though, just not so interested in paying to change to another box that does the same thing (but maybe not ALL of what I specifically want), just differently. Plus I find Apple stuff more readily available here in LOS too and not suffering from much by way of luxury / scarcity price hikes. Useful to have local warranty too, just in case it's DOA or craps out in the first year.


I use an Amazon Fire TV box. Most Android apps are easily side-loaded and it runs HD Netflix. Easy to cast content from my Android phone but rarely do.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/3/2016 at 11:18 AM, SooKee said:

Yup free and in many cases crap and mostly not doing at all well what they're supposed to do. I'd rather have features competently built in to the OS than have to try numerous free junkware apps, resorting to paid versions to get something useable.

So yes indeed, the shock, the horror. And WAAAY too high-maintenance.

Apple isn't perfect by a long way. Their Bluetooth I often find patchy, things like Airdrop seem to break with OS updates and of course with accessories, you only have to look at the embarrassingly botched up AirPods launch (big announcement / coming end October / then, error actually they're not, then tumbleweed blowing down the street amidst a deathly silence). Still, at least they don't burst into flames I suppose. Apple is just the better option for me, not the best, which doesn't exist yet.

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Do you have a lot of Apple shares?? I can't believe you have seriously given android a go otherwise you wouldn't be praising apple so much. Apple was ok but left way behind just look at their cameras

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On 28/12/2016 at 6:59 PM, Winkburn said:

Do you have a lot of Apple shares?? I can't believe you have seriously given android a go otherwise you wouldn't be praising apple so much. Apple was ok but left way behind just look at their cameras


Yes, have a look at the iPhone 7 camera:


iPhone 7 Camera Review: The Best Smartphone for Photos



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I usually always bought the new model, not so when i7 came out

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Same here, don't see enough reason to upgrade my I6 (not even an I6S),

Hoping the I8 (though Rumours are it might be called I10 to celebrate 10 years of iPhones) has that "Must Upgrade" feature(s) (which for me would be major improvements to screen, speed, battery life + wireless charging)

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Same here, don't see enough reason to upgrade my I6 (not even an I6S),

Hoping the I8 (though Rumours are it might be called I10 to celebrate 10 years of iPhones) has that "Must Upgrade" feature(s) (which for me would be major improvements to screen, speed, battery life + wireless charging)

Screen - my eyes are getting older so they can improve the resolution all they want, won't make a difference to me.

Better camera always a benefit, but the side show, not the main show

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  • 4 weeks later...

I switched from Iphone to Android a while back and will never go back however i do have an Ipad 4 which i use every day, standby times and battery life is just brilliant, i have had this now for about 4 years and I downloaded an app the other day to tell me how much the max charge in the battery has depleted to my surprise in 4+ years its only lost 6% of its maximum charge. Thats impressive.

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 11/17/2016 at 1:03 PM, recycler said:

Haven't we all been told not to take free candies from strangers when we were young?


Why does almost everybody take these free services from companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc. These services are free for a reason, you pay with your information and it's not used in your interest.


No Android for me and I'm not talking to my phone either unless there is someone on the other end listening.

 "you pay with your information and it's not used in your interest."


What has a normal man to hide? - I am not referring to passwords, banking apps and other obvious stuff.
What can these big companies do with a normal guys information?

Isn't this just pure fear psychosis?

(just my curiosity to know)



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On 11/17/2016 at 4:09 PM, jackh said:

I bailed on Apple 3 years ago for a droid and never looked back. It runs circles around IOS. I am heavily vested in Apple products, but as I said, droid is so much better it is not worth compareing. 

Curious how you quantify your new droid 'running circles around' the apple phone.  I would assume you have a lot of specific examples to back up that statement?

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When I first switched from an iPhone to the Galaxy S4 initially I was blown away, couldn't think why I hadn't switched earlier. As time went on though things that I didn't like started to rack up. All quite minor in some ways but collectively they just became intolerable.  Ended up giving the S4 away.


Sure things may have changed now with Android vWhatever and the newer phones but at almost the same price as the iPhone (sure the price of the Samsung flagships, unlike Apple, will drop by 20-30% as the year goes on) I'm not prepared to buy another one just to find out they haven't.  This is a list I made ages back for a review:


  • Android for me a more clunky experience compared to iOS
  • Back button inconsistent (backs or closes apps)
  • Android updates not timely
  • Poor quality control in the app store - tons of crapware (Apple is bad enough but Google Play!!!)
  • Device support for updates normally just 2 years, if you get any at all. 30,000 baht for a manufacturer to ditch support for it after 2 years!!!
  • Text selection sucks
  • Copy / paste sucks and doesn't work across all apps
  • Google contact Groups (as a result of their 'Label' vs Folder approach) not visible on IOS devices and vice versa
  • Too many apps needed to manage device (e.g. lock screen manager, do not disturb and light flow)
  • Too many places to configure settings
  • No central control area for all notifications
  • Does not open to home screen 1 by default
  • Setting alarms needlessly complex
  • Too many notifications, too many useless niggling notifications about system status etc
  • Most Samsung gimmicks (Gestures etc.) only work with Samsung apps
  • Typing and editing in the search bar is absolutely atrocious
  • Keyboard switching is a NIGHTMARE! No app specific keyboards
  • SMS lock screen pop-up can’t be turned off (so much for customisation)
  • Poor inter-operability with IOS ecosystem needing different apps on different devices (e.g. Notes, Contacts, Calendars)
  • Several of the Apps I use MUCH better on IOS (Talk Thai, Fishtext) and some late to port to Android, if at all.
  • Some apps have no badge counts
  • Widgets - waste of time - never use.  Any that are used need constant re-starting or paying for full versions to stop shut downs.
  • Not interested in tinkering with phone to 'make it mine'
  • Many of the apps feel really unpolished (notes / calendar).  
  • Yet to find a DECENT all purpose quick notes app such as that on iOS.  Google Keep more style over substance.  Only OneNote is cross platform and while I use it, it's too much for general day to day use.  I use OneNote as a filing cabinet for complex / retained notes.  iOS notes for day to day.
  • Battery management aps didn't work with Kit Kat (the then 'current' version of Android!!
Edited by SooKee
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