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Video replays will be used for key refereeing decisions during Italy's friendly with Germany on Tuesday.


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6 hours ago, Bredbury Blue said:

Don't think cricket relates to football, do you?

Rugby union and rugby league are closer to football and the way the video ref will be used but based on your comments on these forums I'm guessing you don't watch the 'egg chasers' game I think you call it so won't be familiar with how they use the video ref.


Oh don't try being obtuse, you aren't very good at it.

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It's all about the TV money.... these people don't care about the game at all apart from what they can suck out of it.





GENEVA (AP) — FIFA president Gianni Infantino thinks the mostly unloved Club World Cup could expand to a 32-team tournament played in June.

Infantino said in interviews published on Friday in Italian and Spanish newspapers that a revamped club competition could start in 2019.

A 32-team event played in the last three weeks of June would be more balanced and more attractive to broadcasters and sponsors, Infantino said in comments reported by the Gazzetta dello Sport and El Mundo Deportivo.




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I'm still waiting for Chicogs comments on my post:

"Don't think cricket relates to football, do you?Rugby union and rugby league are closer to football and the way the video ref will be used but based on your comments on these forums I'm guessing you don't watch the 'egg chasers' game I think you call it so won't be familiar with how they use the video ref."

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55 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

I'm still waiting for Chicogs comments on my post:

"Don't think cricket relates to football, do you?Rugby union and rugby league are closer to football and the way the video ref will be used but based on your comments on these forums I'm guessing you don't watch the 'egg chasers' game I think you call it so won't be familiar with how they use the video ref."


Oh do shut up Bredders, you don't expect me to answer every pointless blather you come out with do you?

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2 hours ago, Bredbury Blue said:

Love it when you've nothing to say ;-)


If you'd be following this topic since it was raised, I've said it all already.

Unfortunately you just have this habit of gibbering along in circular conversations.


So one more time so it sinks in: It works (in its current form) in those two sports because they have frequent, natural breaks.

What is it that you don't understand about this simple concept?



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4 hours ago, mrbojangles said:


Smokes, I have an 8 year old daughter. Night clubbing days are well and truly behind me.


Why not ask on the Patters forum? There must be plenty


I was thinking more some decent evening blues stuff rather than the Hacienda lol.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So much for video refereeing.

Bein showed a decision in the World Club tin pot trophy which took FIVE AND A HALF MINUTES.

And in today's final, Sergio Ramos fouled a player on the break which was an obvious yellow. The referee was going for his Red card (Ramos had already been booked), and then he got a word in his ear to leave him on.

Just as I expected, a total bloody farce.



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14 hours ago, Chicog said:

So much for video refereeing.

Bein showed a decision in the World Club tin pot trophy which took FIVE AND A HALF MINUTES.

And in today's final, Sergio Ramos fouled a player on the break which was an obvious yellow. The referee was going for his Red card (Ramos had already been booked), and then he got a word in his ear to leave him on.

Just as I expected, a total bloody farce.




To be fair, that incident had nothing to with Video refereeing.

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35 minutes ago, alfieconn said:


To be fair, that incident had nothing to with Video refereeing.


Well this one did. What a joke. 




Not only did the penalty prove a turning point for the Club World Cup semi-final, but it was a decision made by the off-field "Video Assistant Referee" three minutes after referee Viktor Kassai did not spot Orlando Berrio tripping Daigo Nishi.

Kassai, who officiated the Champions League tie between Manchester City and Barcelona in November, was alerted to the foul by the assistant when the ball went out of play for a throw-in. He ran to the side of the pitch and watched the replay before awarding the controversial spot-kick. 



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Not only did the penalty prove a turning point for the Club World Cup semi-final, but it was a decision made by the off-field "Video Assistant Referee" three minutes after referee Viktor Kassai did not spot Orlando Berrio tripping Daigo Nishi.

Kassai, who officiated the Champions League tie between Manchester City and Barcelona in November, was alerted to the foul by the assistant when the ball went out of play for a throw-in. He ran to the side of the pitch and watched the replay before awarding the controversial spot-kick. 


Well if the Officials haven't got a clue how to work things that's a different thing.
A. Why was the ref only alerted to the foul when the ball went out of play, the assistant should have the told the ref  straight away.
B. Why did the ref have to go to the side to watch the replay, he didn't see the incident in real time and the assistant did so he should be taking his word for it.
In instances such as the Sane goal last night that no one is clear on, then play will have to continue and only if a goal is scored then the Video  be viewed and the correct decision made.
To be fair, there's times at the moment when play is held up because the ref is having a con flab with one of his assistant's.
Obviously you wouldn't look at the video on every single contentious issue, just only game changing moments and how many of then do you get in a game ?
See my earlier post : 

Like i have said before, the easy way is too have a 2nd ref watching the game in real time with a radio link to the ref on the pitch, ref on the pitch is not sure of a decision just ses to the 2nd ref foul or not, one word answer is all that is needed, video replays would be the next stage !


Edited by alfieconn
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This is the inherent problem. In the time it takes a video referee to watch different angles and decide something like that, the other team could have gone up the other end and scored.


So the ref then has to scratch off a goal and go back up the other end for a penalty.


Farcical nonsense.


Still, in your five and a half minutes you can show plenty of commercials, which is probably the real driver behind this insidious tinkering.





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  • 1 month later...
2 hours ago, wilai said:

The correct decision was made was it not Wilai?


The article is pointing that it took 3 mins 44 seconds after the foul to get to the correct decision. However, showing it's bias, what it didn't elaborate on was this part "Referee Nima Saghafi immediately blew for a foul, and after a brief tussle between the players subsided, booked the former Spain international." So those 3 mins 44 seconds also included the scuffle.


Also, in the MLS, the ref can go and look at the video himself. So he runs to the sideline and watches the replay. That is clearly going to add unnecessary time and really isn't the way to go is it?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Not long now Chicog...


...The Football Association wants to test a video assistant referee system from next season's FA Cup third round.

the aim is for video assistant referees to be used at the World Cup in Russia next year.He confirmed the technology will be used at this June's Confederations Cup and May's Under-20 World Cup.

it would be too early for the technology to be used at August's Community Shield. He added it was a question of "when, not if" the system is introduced to English football.


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