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Public Anger Is Growing At How Thailand’s TV Shows Glorify Rape


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5 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

Wow, now soap opera's are being censored in what they can and cannot do. Thank goodness Hollywood is part of the US and not Thailand.


So you think its o k to glorify rape, portray it as an acceptable tool for "family honor" revenge. show rapists as not being held accountable by the law, show women as really being o k with and falling in love with rapists ?


Wow - what Hollywood films have you been watching.


Produce and show a film like that in the West and see what happens. 

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1 hour ago, Beats56 said:

I hate the Thai soaps. just a waste of bandwidth. At least show reruns of the 3 stooges , Beverley hillbillies or the musters. at least I will get a laugh out of it.?

I liked the Munsters and the Addams family too. Never seen the shows on Thai TV though. What channel were they on?

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6 hours ago, Johpa said:

The Thai TV industry is dominated by Sino-Thais who rape this country, not just the women, in every way imaginable, and then asked to be embraced by all the people. This is their metaphor for not only maintaining male domination, but for social and financial domination.


Wow, really? Blame all Thai society's ills on "Sino-Thais"? Are you including the military government? Thaksin and Yingluck? The guys who own Singha beer and Sangsorm whiskey?

Who do you blame for American soldiers using Thailand as their sexual playground in the 1950s, 60s, & 70s?

What lessons do you think Thai people learnt from this experience? That it's okay for their daughters to sell their bodies so mommy & daddy don't have to work so hard? That it's okay to get your girlfriend pregnant and dump her because she can always find a foreigner to take care of your kid? Don't bother with getting a good education because you can always work in a bar? That Thai women are to be used and abused? This is all a Sino-Thai conspiracy?

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3 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

The zoom in etc is also accompanied by the ' what the character's thinking ' voice.


Sometimes the character will actually speak the words out loud, while assuming an appropriate expression.


Known in the trade as:

Soliloquy - Wikipedia

Something which Mr Shakespeare, as the article explains, and many other great "classic" playwrights made great use of.


In a modern context it can look very contrived, "theatrical" and amateurish, unless used when an actor breaks the:

Fourth wall - Wikipedia

and addresses the audience directly in a confidential and intimate way.


Then it is considered quite sophisticated, witty and "daring".








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6 hours ago, fruitman said:

Stop with all those soapseries and show them something decent so they learn something usefull.


I have never ever seen a documentary on Thai tv, always the lowclass programs only. It's time they grow up. Show them how other countries develop and improved and how nice it can be in Thailand if they all learned some manners and ways to improve it.

I quite agree, but your thoughts are very much pie in the sky and will remain so for many more years to come.

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Television in most countries, and Thailand is no exception, is a useful indicator of what might be going on (or supposed to be going on) in the minds of the "gazing" population.


Ads (of course) included. 


For that reason alone it is worth paying some attention to it.

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4 hours ago, Eligius said:

Yes - and appalling acting too. Have you noticed the mandatory 10-second fixed stare and zoom-in to the character's face at vital points in the 'plot'? The acting is like something a class of 12-year-olds might put on. The 'intellectual content' is at the same level, too.  Abysmal!

 You are being unkind to 12 year olds.

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3 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


I'm not so sure about being light-years from real life. There appear to be plenty of imitators. The only thing I'm confused about is which reflects life in Thailand, the soaps or society? Do the soaps depict life, or do the people copy what they see on tv?


Quite agree. Since I am basically optimistic I hope society overcomes soaps ... but one can never tell  555

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2 hours ago, Enoon said:


Sometimes the character will actually speak the words out loud, while assuming an appropriate expression.


Known in the trade as:

Soliloquy - Wikipedia

Something which Mr Shakespeare, as the article explains, and many other great "classic" playwrights made great use of.


In a modern context it can look very contrived, "theatrical" and amateurish, unless used when an actor breaks the:

Fourth wall - Wikipedia

and addresses the audience directly in a confidential and intimate way.


Then it is considered quite sophisticated, witty and "daring".








A soliloquy from the script of a Thai soap and one from the works of Big Bill Shakespeare or his pal Mr. F. Bacon, that really is something to conjure with.

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57 minutes ago, NongKhaiKid said:

A soliloquy from the script of a Thai soap and one from the works of Big Bill Shakespeare or his pal Mr. F. Bacon, that really is something to conjure with.

Ha ha! Good one. Of course we all know that the Thais taught Will Shakespeare all he knew. Where would he - or whoever wrote 'Shakespeare' - be without the great Thai literary model to follow?


I have seriously been told by some Thais that Thailand has writers who are as good as Shakespeare.


I wonder why those magnificent Thai writers have never been translated into any other known language ...?!



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3 hours ago, vivasamui said:

Who do you blame for American soldiers using Thailand as their sexual playground in the 1950s, 60s, & 70s?

What lessons do you think Thai people learnt from this experience? That it's okay for their daughters to sell their bodies so mommy & daddy don't have to work so hard? That it's okay to get your girlfriend pregnant and dump her because she can always find a foreigner to take care of your kid? Don't bother with getting a good education because you can always work in a bar? That Thai women are to be used and abused? This is all a Sino-Thai conspiracy?


You can blame the GI's (and the millions of sex tourists since the '70s), or you can blame the Hi So's who create the dire economic conditions that make selling sex look like it's better than the other options.  


In the GI's case, they didn't locate the bases to be near the women.  The women relocated to be near the bases.

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Thailand has Sunthorn Phu, Eligius. I think UNESCO honoured him as one of the World's Great Poets. Thailand even has a Sunthorn Phu Day. When teaching English, and trying to draw a comparison, I would always liken Shakespeare to Sunthorn Phu. "England has Shakespeare, you have Sunthorn Phu". Got the message across.

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7 hours ago, Grubster said:

I have always thought that Hollywood movies that have to show a 10 minute sex scene as opposed to just showing them head for the bedroom is just testimony that the producer is not capable of a good storyline. Like we don't know what happens in the bedroom. Its very hard to find a movie to watch with your young kids. We all seem to put too much value on external beauty, and not nearly enough on internal beauty. I think the fact that rape has not been romanticized in western countries hasn't slowed rape down much, makes me wonder which is worse showing the sex [ west] or implying the rape [ Thai ] without showing the nude scene.

Internal beauty? Isn't that just something that was made up by ugly people?

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I never could understand any of this. You can show stories of rape and murder on TV but can't show a naked Boo-boo or naked Bum on TV as it is considered indecent.


It is like this in many places of the world like Nigeria to for instance. In Saudi Arabia you can't see a picture of a woman in a bathing suit or a whisky bottle in the local newspaper, but on Friday you can go down and watch a Public Execution. Go Figure?

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12 hours ago, fruitman said:

Stop with all those soapseries and show them something decent so they learn something usefull.


I have never ever seen a documentary on Thai tv, always the lowclass programs only. It's time they grow up. Show them how other countries develop and improved and how nice it can be in Thailand if they all learned some manners and ways to improve it.

There are plenty of documentries on thai tv. One on Sunday showed how the farang russians and farang american planes were bombing women and children in their homes in Syria.

Another one last night was about Donald Trump winning the election despite telling lies, not paying his workers and grabbing women on the pussy.

Learning manners you reckon.

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6 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


So you think its o k to glorify rape, portray it as an acceptable tool for "family honor" revenge. show rapists as not being held accountable by the law, show women as really being o k with and falling in love with rapists ?


Wow - what Hollywood films have you been watching.


Produce and show a film like that in the West and see what happens. 

A hell of a lot of sick porn is produced in LA. Some really perverted stuff. The girls in the thai soaps dont actually really do anything.

Lets face it,there are rapists in every country . Addressing the issue may make girls be more careful and not get raped in real life.

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12 hours ago, OldPedro said:

Thai TV is the lowest of the low.....unbelievable stories, amateurish special effects....and the locals seem to believe everything they see! Until they stop showing these rapes and the violent behavior...and the multitude of ghosts on TV, Thai culture will stay rooted in the 17th century.

17th century, has it progressed so far?

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22 hours ago, Eligius said:

Yes - and appalling acting too. Have you noticed the mandatory 10-second fixed stare and zoom-in to the character's face at vital points in the 'plot'? The acting is like something a class of 12-year-olds might put on. The 'intellectual content' is at the same level, too.  Abysmal!


Absolutely.  You can almost hear the director saying "hey guys, I saw this really cool movie where a guy stared someone down for, like, 5 seconds.  So if we do it for 20 seconds that'll be even cooler - right?"

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