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Trump: No transition turmoil, efforts going 'so smoothly'


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The press and the public are like dogs, easily distracted by squirrels. As a reality star, Trump knows this. This is also from Putin's playbook: you don't have to suppress the press, just deny them access while distracting them with counter "information" disseminated by the friendly outlets while keeping everyone busy chasing squirrels by announcing, doing or saying something outrageous every other day.


The Sessions announcement is an example of how to keep the Dems in Congress and Liberals in general busy fuming, throws red meat to the racists, keeps mainstream republicans happy because Sessions will support minority voter suppression laws and keeps the controversy-chasing press fapping over all the brouhaha.


People will get exhausted and tune out. 


That's when the wholesale rape begins. By that I mean Trump and his family monetizing the hell outta his presidency.


So Trump is right when he says the transition is going smoothly. Con men often tell the truth, but not in the way one expects.

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