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The Apsara Authority, which oversees the Angkor Archaeological Park in Siem Reap province, announced yesterday that the flying of camera-equipped drones in the park had been banned in the name of public safety and historic preservation. Spokesperson Long Kosal told Khmer Times that the actual directive had been signed on November 4, but was only now being made public.

“This is a management decision to improve the image of our Angkor temples, as this is very important,” he said, citing the banning of drones elsewhere in Cambodia. Apsara Authority director general Sum Mab wrote to all government ministries and companies and organizations involved in the tourism industry in Cambodia, notifying them of the impending ban on the use of drones by visitors.

“The ban on using drones to take pictures in the Angkor area is to ensure safety for citizens, international and national tourists, and to prevent negative effects on the temples,” he wrote. The letter noted that permission to use drones would be considered, if applications are made in advance with the authority, but that police would become involved in case of unauthorized drone usage.


read more http://www.khmertimeskh.com/news/32068/drones-banned-at-angkor-park/


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