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Thailand: 8 Killed, 13 Injured in One Day in 3 Separate Traffic Accidents


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20 hours ago, oldlakey said:

My middle name is Succinct, and to the point



20 hours ago, oldlakey said:

It really must be depressing to be so misunderstood by so many

This will be my last post on this thread as I have nothing further to add

Apart from I will look in from time to time for further updates

Nothing FURTHER to add? You haven't addressed a single issue yet.

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To highlight these 8 is just s diversion strategy from the ave 70 a day...


they pass like fools crossing single and double solid lines  so it's easy to explain why so many head ons happen....


i I don't blame the people but the gov allowing this type of driving to occur...

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On 02/12/2016 at 9:19 PM, Loeilad said:

I don't think you'll find a single "apologist" on this tread - you will find those who don't understand the arguments though. Driving and road safety are not the same - but that doesn't seem to have dawned on many on this thread.


and I think it needs reiterating the plural of anecdote is not data.

"...the plural of anecdote is not data."

Actually on some level it is, but this discussion is way too much for applying to Thai driving standards.

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20 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

To highlight these 8 is just s diversion strategy from the ave 70 a day...


they pass like fools crossing single and double solid lines  so it's easy to explain why so many head ons happen....


i I don't blame the people but the gov allowing this type of driving to occur...


Because you live in a dream world.


Given the kind of roads and the fact that the car/lorry/samlor/etc in front of you may be only doing 10kph up a mountain its an imperative that people overtake under less than perfect conditions otherwise nobody would get anywhere and the police won't stop you if you do it carefully, because they recognise the realities of the situation. This is Thailand in 2016, not Germany or the UK or the US (all of where it still happens frequently). Been up the Alps or driven in France recently?


You can't expect the government in a developing country like Thailand to suddenly flatten out all the hills and mountains, remove all the bends and introduce minimum speed limits on all roads and fully enforce loading and weight restrictions completely (they do at least try) it is totally beyond ridiculous.


But the Thai police are getting more cameras and portable radar and more drink driving test kits, and the government is spending a huge amount widening the roads and making more dual carriageways so they are certainly trying to improve things.


Learn to deal with driving here, or don't drive, or go anywhere by vehicle, easy choices, but don't blame the Thai government for stupid things that cannot be improved at the drop of a hat - there are far, far too many real things to blame them for.


NB if you don't want to drive the canal boats are not bad, but you still need to be quick getting on and off because they won't wait for you.


Still the same old stuff from those who cannot recognise that a blanket condemnation of Thai road deaths is just plain stupid and can't see the improvements being made all the time and cannot even see that fact that the vast majority of Thai drivers are much more competent than they are given credit for.







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On 12/4/2016 at 10:03 AM, MiKT said:


Because you live in a dream world.


 fact that the vast majority of Thai drivers are much more competent than they are given credit for.








Laughable and pathetic. How many more replies are you going to post trying to justify Thai drivers, ie the second worst in the world. 

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On 12/3/2016 at 8:24 PM, cardinalblue said:

To highlight these 8 is just s diversion strategy from the ave 70 a day...


they pass like fools crossing single and double solid lines  so it's easy to explain why so many head ons happen....


i I don't blame the people but the gov allowing this type of driving to occur...

Methinks this poster should review their own driving and observation skills.

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14 hours ago, brling said:


Laughable and pathetic. How many more replies are you going to post trying to justify Thai drivers, ie the second worst in the world. 


this poster shows such a lack of critical thinking that one would also have to question the driving skills too.

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On 02/12/2016 at 9:19 PM, MiKT said:


Please, please, please, before you continue to make a fool of yourself, look up the word "apologist" in a dictionary. I don't think I have seen one post here that could be called apologising for the number of road deaths in Thailand.


Thai's do complain about stupid drivers, but I never heard a Thai complain about people driving on what you might consider to be the "wrong side of the road" or on the pavement, because that is OK here if the situation warrants it.


But whilst you are looking in the dictionary, try the word "understanding" and see if you can understand the difference between road death statistics and quality of driving, because although they are related, there are many other factors to be taken into consideration, or is that too difficult for you to assimilate (check out that word as well while you are educating yourself).


However, I do know for sure that when the factors relating to the number and quality of roads, number of cars/mororcycles, policing, traffic regulations, etc. are taken into consideration and directly compared, then the number of road deaths per kilometer travelled in other countries will greatly exceed those of Thailand because the quality of driving here is actually better. You love statistics, so check out 




First you will see that according to the WHO Thailand is actually rated at number 15 in the world not number 2 and secondly it lists many of the factors relating to those deaths such as:


Half of the world’s road traffic deaths occur among motorcyclists (23%), pedestrians (22%) and cyclists (5%) with only 31% of deaths among car occupants and the remaining 19% among unspecified road users.


One very interesting statistic which completely bears out my contention about quality of driving may be simply determined by comparing just one statistic between highly regulated Singapore and according to you the 2nd worst place to drive Thailand.


Well Singapore has 20.2 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants and Thailand has 74.6 deaths per 100,000, but Singapore has only about 3,500 km of roads compared to @200,000 km in Thailand. That equates to 1 death per 173 km of road in Singapore, compared to 1 death for 2,680 km of road in Thailand, thus from this statistic alone one would deduce that Thailand roads are 15 times safer than Singapore roads.


Apologise your way out of that!
















"I don't think I have seen one post here that could be called apologizing..."

Until your post.

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On 21/11/2016 at 6:06 AM, cooked said:

26 000  fatalities a year = 70 per day. Sorry about the people involved but what <deleted> is this about?

I really don't know. If anything it is valid for the Chiang Mai forum but really nothing unusual. 

Still with a forum that's sadly been taken over by Thai bashers, it gives them more to criticize.

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1 hour ago, George Graham said:

"I don't think I have seen one post here that could be called apologizing..."

Until your post.

You seem to be levelling accusations - can you point to what you consider to be "apologist" but more importantly say why you think this is the case?

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9 hours ago, Johnniey said:


Still with a forum that's sadly been taken over by Thai bashers, it gives them more to criticize.


 Nonsense, wise up. This forum has sadly been taken over with thin skinned Thai apologists trying to defend Thai traffic deaths, ie the second worst in the world.

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3 minutes ago, brling said:


 Nonsense, wise up. This forum has sadly been taken over with thin skinned Thai apologists trying to defend Thai traffic deaths, ie the second worst in the world.


Pray tell where you get your traffic death figures from Mr "all things Thai are bad"?


The WHO say's Thailand is 15th. So maybe little bit of research is in order to enable you to wise up and stop blathering nonsense about Thai apologists.



Can you actually drive?

Do you drive in Thailand and if so where?

Do you drive in Bangkok during the morning and evening rush hours?

How many cliks do you drive in Thailand in an average year?

How many countries have you driven in?

Have you actually had a motor accident in Thailand that was not your fault?


And don't tell me its not relevant, because it most certainly is and if you think I am thin skinned, then you are simply incapable of assimilating my posts.




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11 hours ago, George Graham said:

"I don't think I have seen one post here that could be called apologizing..."

Until your post.


So you don't know the difference between an apology and a question. Not good really, do try to do better.

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57 minutes ago, MiKT said:




Can you actually drive?

Do you drive in Thailand and if so where?

Do you drive in Bangkok during the morning and evening rush hours?

How many cliks do you drive in Thailand in an average year?

How many countries have you driven in?

Have you actually had a motor accident in Thailand that was not your fault?








Yes - wherever I need to


Hmmm . . .   I don't log it.  Put me on the "I don't know" list.  What number would make you happy?








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22 minutes ago, bluebluewater said:



Yes - wherever I need to


Hmmm . . .   I don't log it.  Put me on the "I don't know" list.  What number would make you happy?











Well if you Must kibitz my questions to brling!


What number would make you happy?


The WHO say's Thailand is 15th, so 15th would make me happy as it is a lot better than 2nd (Actually 150th++ would make me happy, buy ykwim).


But when it comes to cliks, more than 25,000 pa average would be reasonable to give you a good view of how things actually are here on the road.


But if you drive in KT in the morning and evening rush hours, you must know that its very difficult but most Thai drivers manage it ok considering the huge numbers of cars per hour and the incredible frustrations that such long traffic queues bring despite the best efforts of the traffic police (and they work damn hard every day) to keep things moving. Far better than most other countries, as you might know if you frequent the M25 or the US beltways.


As for the second to last yes "lots" is very vague and for the last yes, one would have to say "allegedly".


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5 hours ago, bluebluewater said:



Yes - wherever I need to


Hmmm . . .   I don't log it.  Put me on the "I don't know" list.  What number would make you happy?








"Hmmm . . .   I don't log it.  Put me on the "I don't know" list.  What number would make you happy?"


Bit of a  giveaway this.......have you tried looking at the odometer?


"Yes, wherever I need to"

The repely suggests a few observations


These are the answers of someone who does drive very much.

someone who is inexperienced or unfamiliar with driving

Finds it hard to drive in any country


As a lot of this thread is actually about roadv= safety, it suggests that Bluewater Can't really tell the difference between road safety and being able to operate a car.





Edited by Loeilad
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On 12/2/2016 at 9:26 PM, oldlakey said:

Neither do the Thais

how would you know? As your knowledge of the Thai highway code is apparently limited it would be hard for you to say that others aren't following the "rules"

i think therein the real problem is that because people don't drive like you expect them to (i.e. within your own envelope of experience) then you assume they are bad drivers.

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