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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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FBI refuses to disclose documents on Trump’s call to Russia to hack Clinton

FBI decision to withhold records suggests Trump’s provocative election year comments are being seen as relevant to its own ongoing investigation (sub-title)


"The US justice department is refusing to disclose FBI documents relating to Donald Trump’s highly contentious election year call on Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s emails."


"Senior DoJ officials have declined to release the documents on grounds that such disclosure could “interfere with enforcement proceedings”.


"In a filing to a federal court in Washington DC, the DoJ states that “because of the existence of an active, ongoing investigation, the FBI anticipates that it will … withhold all records.”




Keep at it boys... :thumbsup:

Nail this traitor.

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First on CNN: Senate Russia investigators ask Treasury for Trump team financial information


"Senate Russia investigators have sent a request to the Treasury Department's criminal investigation division for any information related to President Donald Trump, his top officials and his campaign aides, the top Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee told CNN Tuesday."


"We've made a request, to FinCEN in the Treasury Department, to make sure, not just for example vis-a-vis the President, but just overall our effort to try to follow the intel no matter where it leads," Sen. Mark Warner told CNN."


"FinCEN is the federal agency that has been investigating allegations of foreign money-laundering through purchases of US real estate."




Follow the money.

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Preet Bharara, Sally Yates and James Comey: Fired while investigating Donald Trump


"After President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, questions immediately arose about the President's motivations for his dismissal -- and for the recent firings of two other then-President Barack Obama-appointees who were in the middle of conducting investigations linked to Trump."


"They fired Sally Yates. They fired Preet Bharara. And they fired James Comey, the very man leading he investigation."
"This does not seem to be a coincidence," Schumer said shortly after the announcement, calling for a special independent prosecutor into the Trump campaign's ties to the Kremlin."
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10 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

‘I Have a Certified Letter!’: Trump Reveals to Lester Holt What Will Clear Him on Russia




Too funny!

Homer Simpson tried that




So everyone in the USA, ignore what any intelligence agencies find out, Trump has a letter from a paid for service law firm. Reminds me of the Medical Certificate that Trump presented.  I think that law firm could be about to go down the plug.

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9 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Too funny!

Homer Simpson tried that




So everyone in the USA, ignore what any intelligence agencies find out, Trump has a letter from a paid for service law firm. Reminds me of the Medical Certificate that Trump presented.  I think that law firm could be about to go down the plug.

This is why Trump and Homer did it.



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Just to make sure we don't miss anything as the media have been rather busy in the last 3 days. Here is another of Trumps success stories. Betty Davos 'boo'd' like crazy at a University. Good to see some students with balls. You will find other more official news clips on the tube that show that the students also stood up and turned their backs on her.


You picked another excellent team member there Trump !!



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9 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Annapolis firm raided by FBI today has connection to Donald Trump’s money laundering Taj Mahal casino





The heat is on Donald. Watch and weep. I bet had he not carried out the disgraceful way of sacking Comey this raid may not even have happened today. This will give Trump an uneasy weekend at Mara Lago. LMAO

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A loophole allowed the Trump administration to install a Wall Street lawyer to take over one of the nation’s most powerful regulators without a hearing or confirmation. (sub-title)

"In a week in which Donald Trump fired the person investigating his campaign’s ties to Russia, it will surely come as a shock to learn that the circumstances under which financial services lawyer Keith Noreika became the head of a powerful Wall Street regulator were not totally above board."


"The story begins here: Donald Trump has promised his friends in the banking industry that he will gut financial regulations, but one thing that’s prevented him from doing so, thus far, has been the head of the Office of the Comptroller, Thomas Curry, who was appointed by Barack Obama and was thus a killjoy who made it his job—because it kind of was his job—to impose tough rules and big fines for wrongdoing in the industry."


I"t was clear, given Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchnin’spledge to unshackle Wall Street from financial-crisis-era regulations, that Curry not only had to go, but be replaced by someone with a more friendly relationship with the banks, like Noreika."




Gonna need a second swamp...

Edited by iReason
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Trump wrote a letter to Lindsey Graham about Russia investments


"President Trump said on Thursday that he has no investments in Russia and sent a "certified" letter to Sen. Lindsey Graham to prove it."


"Can you tell us whether you, your family, your businesses, your surrogates have accepted any investments, any loans from Russian individuals or institutions?" Holt asked."


"I have no investments in Russia, none whatsoever. I don't have property in Russia," he said."



Didn't answer the question.


Russian elite invested nearly $100 million in Trump buildings

A Reuters review found that at least 63 individuals with Russian passports or addresses have bought at least $98.4 million worth of property in seven Trump-branded luxury towers in southern Florida. (sub-title)


"The buyers include politically connected businessmen, such as a former executive in a Moscow-based state-run construction firm that works on military and intelligence facilities, the founder of a St. Petersburg investment bank and the co-founder of a conglomerate with interests in banking, property and electronics."


"People from the second and third tiers of Russian power have invested in the Trump buildings as well. One recently posted a photo of himself with the leader of a Russian motorcycle gang that was sanctioned by the United States for its alleged role in Moscow’s seizure of Crimea."



Trump's business network reached alleged Russian mobsters


"A member of the firm that developed the Trump SoHo Hotel in New York is a twice-convicted felon who spent a year in prison for stabbing a man and later scouted for Trump investments in Russia."


"Three owners of Trump condos in Florida and Manhattan were accused in federal indictments of belonging to a Russian-American organized crime group and working for a major international crime boss based in Russia."


"Five years earlier, Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. told Russian media while in Moscow  that “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross section of a lot of our assets" in places like Dubai and Trump SoHo and elsewhere in New York."



A certified from his lawyers.


Ok. It will all go away now... :cheesy:


Wait 'till they get to the money laundering part... :thumbsup:

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May 10, 2017 - U.S. Voters Send Trump Approval To Near Record Low; Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; No Winner In Media War, But Voters Trust Media More


American voters' opinions of several of Trump's personal qualities are down:

  • 61 - 33 percent that he is not honest, compared to 58 - 37 percent April 19;
  • 56 - 41 percent that he does not have good leadership skills, little change;
  • 59 - 38 percent that he does not care about average Americans, compared to 57 - 42 percent April 19;
  • 66 - 29 percent that he is not level-headed, compared to 63 - 33 percent last month;
  • 62 - 35 percent that he is a strong person, little change;
  • 56 - 41 percent that he is intelligent, compared to 58 - 38 percent;
  • 64 - 32 percent that he does not share their values, compared to 61 - 35 percent.






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The Mussolini wanna be is at it again with another attempt to control information:


Donald Trump issues unprecedented threat to stop his entire administration talking to the press


"Donald Trump has made an unprecedented threat to cancel all future press briefings and only issue written statements, after his administration was criticised for shifting its story about the firing of FBI Director James Comey."


"In an early morning tweet that came after a barrage of criticism for the way the White House had repeatedly changed the details of its story over the axing of Mr Comey, the president said that because of his busy schedule and with lots of things happening, it was not “possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy”.


"Just this week, the US media was angry about being kept out of a meeting between Mr Trump and the Russian foreign minister, while admitting a Russian photographer into the room where they were meeting."





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                Bunker down, White House.  Anything, (tweet or utterance or text on paper) which emanates from the white house will be assumed to be additional cover-up and lies.   .....and they all get paid taxpayer money to lie to us.    


               Unfortunately, because he's prez, we all have to take his utterances & tweets seriously.   If he was just a corrupt businessman buffoon like before, we could laugh off all his dumb-ass ridiculous statements. 


                       P.S. Intelligent services from dozens of countries now have more credibility than the US's, even tho the US probably spends much more for its 17 security agencies.   If a country like Norway, for example, wants to get reliable data on what the Russkies or Chinese or Iranians are doing.   They won't ask US services, as the US has very low credibility now.   They'd be smarter to ask the Israelis, the Poles, the South Africans, .....heck maybe even the Somalis have better intelligence right now, than the top agencies in Wash. DC.    



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Trump may have small hands, but he has big feet that he keeps sticking in his mouth.

So first he gets the backs up of the FBI by a disgraceful sacking of Comey (not telling him letting him find out on TV) and even after hearing McCabe saying 'Trump is wrong the FBI love Comey' , Trump now THREATENS Comey with something that appears to be completely illegal!!




Trump threatens ex-FBI head Comey with possible 'tapes' of conversations



Donald Trump threatened former FBI director James Comey on Twitter on Friday morning.

James Comey's firing puts Trump's vexed relationship with the media in focus


Trump tweeted: “James Comey better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!”

The tweet, which if taken at face value would suggest Trump has been secretly taping White House meetings, came after the New York Times reported that he demanded “loyalty” from Comey in a private dinner held shortly after Trump took office.

White House spokesmen did not immediately respond to requests for comment as to whether the president possesses recordings of his dinner with Comey or any conversations with him.

Isn't secretly recording dinner conversations illegal?


The FBI will take this SOB out fairly soon now I think.




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1 minute ago, tmifune said:

Get over it!! He's the POTUS!!!! Besides, he has the Golden Ticket now.....and I hear its certified too.....


Why get over it?

POTUS is not supposed to mean dictator. 

There still MIGHT be time to remove this dangerous national disgrace and embarrassment. 

It's worth a try. He's not going to get better. No chance of that. 

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                                    Cenk from TYT was part of a panel of journalists who, way back last summer, were asked who would win the prez election.  Every panelist predicted HRC.  Cenk (a progressive liberal) was the only one who predicted Trump.  


                               Yesterday, Cenk opined that the key to a sure trip to the basement for Trump, is if Ryan turns against him.  It's already known that Ryan hates Trump, but thus far he's been a good soldier and not publicly crossed the Dufus in Chief.




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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                                    Cenk from TYT was part of a panel of journalists who, way back last summer, were asked who would win the prez election.  Every panelist predicted HRC.  Cenk (a progressive liberal) was the only one who predicted Trump.  


                               Yesterday, Cenk opined that the key to a sure trip to the basement for Trump, is if Ryan turns against him.  It's already known that Ryan hates Trump, but thus far he's been a good soldier and not publicly crossed the Dufus in Chief.




Don't forget his loyal staff members. Once the FBI comes knocking on their doors, me thinks the American people will witness the true definition(s) of LOYALTY vs SYCOPHANT. :passifier:

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Former Trump Kentucky campaign chair faces 100 years in prison for sex trafficking


Tea Party leader and former Trump campaign chair Tim Nolan was arraigned on charges of rape, human trafficking of a minor, human trafficking of five adults, witness tampering and prostitution.



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7 hours ago, tmifune said:

Don't forget his loyal staff members. Once the FBI comes knocking on their doors, me thinks the American people will witness the true definition(s) of LOYALTY vs SYCOPHANT. :passifier:

                        It's beyond ironic how Trump trumpets 'loyalty' as being so important.  Ok, blind loyalty to himself, yes, but Trump being loyal to others? ....No way.  Trump promised the respected lawyer in NYC that his job was secure, then fired him weeks later (the actual reason; the lawyer was investigating Trump).   Trump indicated he loved what Comey was doing, for months, up until the moment Trump fired him.  Trump is to loyalty what a horse is to folding napkins.


                       Rule of thumb:  If you're a government employee, and Trump sees you in public and displays affection (puts his arm around you, throws you a kiss, announces you're great) ......there's a strong chance you'll be rudely fired soon.



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After first 100 days, a President Trump impeachment seems like a safe bet 


"President Trump has courted so much constitutional disaster in his first 100 days that an impeachment now seems like a safe bet, government ethics experts say."


"He does not seem to show any interest in not violating the Constitution," said Jordan Libowitz, communications director at the ethics watchdog Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics (CREW) in Washington, D.C."


"Every signal (the administration) is giving is like they've got a serious problems that they don't want people to know about," said John Dean, a former White House Counsel to President Richard Nixon who helped expose Watergate."


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