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The anti-Trump resistance takes shape: 'Government's supposed to fear us'


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Trump is 'out of control,' former FBI official says of the president's tweets


"President Donald Trump's firing of James Comey as FBI director threatens the independence of America's top law enforcement agency, a former FBI official told CNBC."


"This is not going to end well for this administration," the former official said."


"Trump is out of control," the former official continued, adding that what the president has done "goes against core American values." 

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Trump’s ‘frontal assault’ on US institutions

The dismissal of FBI chief James Comey has fuelled calls for a special counsel to probe Russian links (sub-title)

"A smiling Donald Trump welcomed Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and its US ambassador Sergey Kislyak to the Oval Office on Wednesday, just a day after the president had fired the man investigating Moscow’s role in helping him enter the White House."


"The extraordinary scene was just the latest sign that Mr Trump has little respect for Washington’s norms or, for that matter, the prerogatives of other government institutions."


"Americans caught their only glimpse of the friendly, albeit somewhat surreal, tableau from photographs supplied by Tass, Russia’s state-run news service."



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President Trump Attacks 'Lunatic,' 'No-Talent,' 'Dumbest Person' in TV


"I’ve been able to do something that I never thought I had the ability to do. I’ve been able not to watch or read things that aren’t pleasant," he said, maintaining that he no longer watches CNN or MSNBC."


"Washington Post, New York Times, they’re really, really dishonest," he said, before directly addressing the TIME reporters he had invited for dinner.


"You people are quite dishonest in all fairness."




What a cretin.



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Trump Administration is becoming unbelievably spiteful and destructive with reversing Obama era legislation. Really is time for him and his sycophants to go.


'What is wrong with you?' Michelle Obama savages Trump's gutting of her legacy

Former first lady attacks president’s reversal of regulations to help improve school lunches: ‘Think about why someone is OK with your kids eating like crap’



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Donald Trump's Financial Ties to Russian Oligarchs and Mobsters Detailed In Explosive New Documentary from the Netherlands


Dutch TV did what no American TV network dares, suggesting Trump's past includes illegal racketeering.



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Get your popcorn: James Comey is insisting that his final Trump-Russia testimony be in public


Call it Comey’s revenge, or Comey’s coming for ya. But either way, make sure you Comey and get some popcorn, because the fun’s about to start. Earlier today James Comey rebuffed a Congressional request to testify in a closed hearing on Tuesday about the investigation Donald Trump just fired him from. And it’s partly because he wants his testimony to be in public hearings so everyone can watch live on television.



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5 hours ago, iReason said:

President Trump Attacks 'Lunatic,' 'No-Talent,' 'Dumbest Person' in TV


"I’ve been able to do something that I never thought I had the ability to do. I’ve been able not to watch or read things that aren’t pleasant," he said, maintaining that he no longer watches CNN or MSNBC."


"Washington Post, New York Times, they’re really, really dishonest," he said, before directly addressing the TIME reporters he had invited for dinner.


"You people are quite dishonest in all fairness."




What a cretin.



Wonder if he will stop watching Fox News after this?


Fox News: Trump has lost credibility and is UNFIT TO LEAD



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Missouri Rep. Calls Pregnancy By Rape God’s ‘Silver Lining’


A Republican lawmaker in Missouri claims pregnancy by rape is a gift from God.

Speaking on proposed legislation that would grant fetuses constitutional rights, Rep. Tila Hubrecht called pregnancy that results from rape a gift from God, while arguing that abortion should be illegal, even in the case of rape and incest.




- In Trump´s America pregnancy by rape can have a "silver lining", a gift from God...Now that is a strange God!

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The Reason Comey Stayed Mum On The Russia Probe Before The Election Should Scare The Hell Out Of Trump


It’s a question we’ve been asking ever since Donald Trump won the 2016 election and we later discovered the FBI had begun investigating the Trump-Russia connection since July of 2016: Why didn’t FBI Director James Comey tell us there was an active investigation into the Trump campaign and Russian operatives?

As it turns out, the answer should scare the living shit out of the illegitimate resident of the White House.



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Yeah, it's like he's (probably unconsciously because the man isn't conscious like a normal person, he's all impulse and ego) BEGGING to be impeached. 

Could possibly be the makings of a solid obstruction of justice case.

But still enough house republicans need to realize there is no future with the mad clown president (literally for their seats) to get the ball rolling. 

The theories that he didn't expect to ever win and didn't really WANT the actual JOB are making more sense now. Imagine how much FUN he could be having now if he had lost narrowly? 

Edited by Jingthing
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1 minute ago, Skywalker69 said:

Yes, so far. But hopefully there is a line trump will cross that will turn enough of them, for self preservation alone. 

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Texas Southern University cancels speech by GOP Sen. John Cornyn amid outcry


Texas Southern University has canceled a commencement speech by Republican Sen. John Cornyn of Texas. There had been outcry among students at the historically black university. 



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Jim Bakker: “People Who Don’t Respect President Trump Are The Antichrist”



During “The Jim Baker Show” on Thursday, televangelist Jim Bakker talked about tensions and divisions, which he connected to the First Horseman of the Apocalypse.

He pointed out that a sign of this evil spirit is the hateful and mocking language people use against President Trump.



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FBI will not update the White House on Russia probe, acting FBI director says


Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe has agreed to refrain from updating the White House about any investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election. 



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38 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

Jim Bakker: “People Who Don’t Respect President Trump Are The Antichrist”



During “The Jim Baker Show” on Thursday, televangelist Jim Bakker talked about tensions and divisions, which he connected to the First Horseman of the Apocalypse.

He pointed out that a sign of this evil spirit is the hateful and mocking language people use against President Trump.




Ahh yes, ol' virtuous Jim Bakker :


Jim Bakker is indicted on federal charges


"Televangelist Jim Bakker is indicted on federal charges of mail and wire fraud and of conspiring to defraud the public. The case against the founder of Praise the Lord (PTL) Ministries and three of his aides exploded in the press when it was revealed that Bakker had sex with former church secretary Jessica Hahn."


"Although they each told different stories of what had happened, Bakker eventually paid Hahn over $350,000 to remain silent.


"When the arrangement became public, the scandal helped to bring down the entire PTL ministry."




Found "god" twice it appears... :laugh:

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FBI resistance.




"The demonstration of solidarity would seem to contradict remarks by White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who said "countless members of the FBI' had told her that the rank-and-file FBI had lost confidence in Comey and backed the firing of their director. Those comments were flatly denied by acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe during testimony Thursday before a Senate panel."



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6 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

FBI resistance.




"The demonstration of solidarity would seem to contradict remarks by White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who said "countless members of the FBI' had told her that the rank-and-file FBI had lost confidence in Comey and backed the firing of their director. Those comments were flatly denied by acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe during testimony Thursday before a Senate panel."



BREAKING: FBI Drops An ATOMIC BOMB On Trump That Could Remove Him From Office ASAP



Filling in for Press Secretary Sean Spicer at yesterday’s White House media briefing, spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders told journalists that rank-and-file agents at the FBI supported President Trump’s abrupt firing of FBI Director James Comey.

The White House’s claim is false.



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35 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:

BREAKING: FBI Drops An ATOMIC BOMB On Trump That Could Remove Him From Office ASAP



Filling in for Press Secretary Sean Spicer at yesterday’s White House media briefing, spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders told journalists that rank-and-file agents at the FBI supported President Trump’s abrupt firing of FBI Director James Comey.

The White House’s claim is false.



I don't understand the thinking behind that headline. Nothing in the article supports it. Better just to have gone with the New York Times article which it cites.

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