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For Trump and GOP, 'Obamacare' repeal is complex and risky


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The Republican Health Care Plan Is Especially Terrible for Trump Voters

 “The typical person who is going to lose the most in this scenario is a lower-income person in their 60s who lives in a rural area, where the person who gains is the affluent millennial urbanite,” Cynthia Cox, an analyst at the Kaiser Family Foundation, told me. In other words, the Republican plan doesn't just screw the poor. It screws Trump voters in particular, while giving a hand to a lot of young people who probably for Hillary.


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17 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

The Republican Health Care Plan Is Especially Terrible for Trump Voters

 “The typical person who is going to lose the most in this scenario is a lower-income person in their 60s who lives in a rural area, where the person who gains is the affluent millennial urbanite,” Cynthia Cox, an analyst at the Kaiser Family Foundation, told me. In other words, the Republican plan doesn't just screw the poor. It screws Trump voters in particular, while giving a hand to a lot of young people who probably for Hillary.


People get what they vote for. Too bad they didn't take the trouble to inform themselves first. [Ditto in Britain.]

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

The bad news for Trumpsters and Republicans will erupt like a lanced pustule when the Republicans' new version of ACA contributes to many Americans (mostly elderly and fat) start dying from lack of access to health care.    Trump and Bannon will need snow shovels to try and shovel out the 2 ft thick pile of BS befouling Oval Office.

Those are all Trump supports anyhow so they have nothing to complain about. What he should do is repeal ObamaCare, put everyone into MediCare, rename it TrumpCare and declare victory.

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