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Pol Gen Srivara says thousands of Thais are supportive of ISIS


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Pol Gen Srivara says thousands of Thais are supportive of ISIS




Over 100,000 Thais have regularly logged into the Islamic State (ISIS) website with several of them having travelled to Syria couple of times, Pol Gen Srivara Rangsipromnakul, the national deputy police chief, disclosed on Tuesday.


He said that the information about tens of thousands of Thai nationals having regular access to ISIS propaganda website and that some of them might have provided financial support to the Islamic extremists was provided by Australian police intelligence agency which has tracked the Facebook usernames from Thailand.


Full Story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pol-gen-srivara-says-thousands-of-thais-are-supportive-of-isis/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2016-11-22
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This is like the felon that came to Thailand after being in Cambodia with an international arrest warrant magnified 100000 times. Why do these pillocks need police services from other countries to not only do their job but explain it to them? Oh thats and still many want to praise the BIB for a job well done. Please. 

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30 minutes ago, starky said:

This is like the felon that came to Thailand after being in Cambodia with an international arrest warrant magnified 100000 times. Why do these pillocks need police services from other countries to not only do their job but explain it to them? Oh thats and still many want to praise the BIB for a job well done. Please. 

Because they are to busy monitoring social media for those that don't show total admiration for Prayuth and his little gang and those that mock the police which tarnishes thier reputation.  It has been stated before that there isn't any terrorism or a threat of terrorism in Thailand so a 100K or more ISIS supporters in the country is hardly an issue.


I can see the Ambassador being summoned to kneel before Prayuth to explain why Australia is tarnishing Thailand's reputation and threatening tourism.

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As I stated in another thread. As these ISIS grubs are getting defeated and hunted out of Iraq and Syria, they will be looking to start up new fronts in all sorts of vulnerable places around the globe. In this part of the world, Thailand, The Philippines and Indonesia are prime real estate for radical Islamic militants. More troubling times for the south me thinks. When will the army finally realise they need to put this southern insurgency issue to bed ? It seems almost like the Thai army doesn't have the stomach for it.

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So if I log into ISIS  WWW to check what the F r upto it means I am a supporter? 

Can you provide a list of those 100,000 plus supporters and challenge thrm.on their intention? pathetic.....you better combat the endemic corruption eithin your force and soul.?

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For anyone who thinks that Muslims are a peaceful people, and only a minority of believers adhere to violence as a means of expression and submission, just remember that 700,000,000 Muslims worldwide hold the view that it is entirely appropriate to kill infidel civilians, beat/kill women for adultery, commit honor killings of women and children, rape children, and impose the death penalty in the form of stoning for such crimes as minor theft and lese majeste.  This is a majority of those that admit to being  followers of Islaam. 



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4 hours ago, coma said:

As I stated in another thread. As these ISIS grubs are getting defeated and hunted out of Iraq and Syria, they will be looking to start up new fronts in all sorts of vulnerable places around the globe. In this part of the world, Thailand, The Philippines and Indonesia are prime real estate for radical Islamic militants. More troubling times for the south me thinks. When will the army finally realise they need to put this southern insurgency issue to bed ? It seems almost like the Thai army doesn't have the stomach for it.

For me, I do not see any "guts" to the Thai army at all...so I agree absolutely with your notion that Thailand is an easy place to establish a base in SE Asia...the radicals in the south are a fraction of the population, and Thailand doesn't practice the rules of engagement that most Western countries follow...the army is given free reign to wipe out the radicals, yet, the army still can't get a handle on the problem...picking up trash on the roads, and clearing food carts from the streets seems to be their real mission here...this is what happens when rank is correlated with corruption.

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For all the hot air about monitoring the social networks, the Thai clowns still have to rely on foreign intelligence to tell them what's happening under their own noses. No need for anyone else to tarnish their 'good' image. The clowns are doing a damned good job on their own.

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4 hours ago, coma said:

It seems almost like the Thai army doesn't have the stomach for it.

On the contrary the military might be indirectly sustaining the insurgency through planned military inepitude and deliberate avoidance of any meaningful peace talks to justify substantial government funds to maintain its armed forces and paramilitary in the South.

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3 hours ago, davehowden said:

Don't worry, they all have their parachute wings, we are quite safe.


Which is quite insulting to those that wear them because they are wholly entitled to and who went through weeks of physical punishment before they were even allowed to step into a balloon or plane.

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2 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

On the contrary the military might be indirectly sustaining the insurgency through planned military inepitude and deliberate avoidance of any meaningful peace talks to justify substantial government funds to maintain its armed forces and paramilitary in the South.


Its possible. But with the ex Commander of the Thai Military as the self appointed Prime Minister. I guess he and the Junta can write their own checks when it comes to military spending.

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1 hour ago, Mickmouse1 said:

So if I log into ISIS  WWW to check what the F r upto it means I am a supporter? 

Can you provide a list of those 100,000 plus supporters and challenge thrm.on their intention? pathetic.....you better combat the endemic corruption eithin your force and soul.?

All it takes is one Thai man to think like ISIS and that person can kill 10-20 people, in two seconds.

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1 hour ago, hdkane said:

For anyone who thinks that Muslims are a peaceful people, and only a minority of believers adhere to violence as a means of expression and submission, just remember that 700,000,000 Muslims worldwide hold the view that it is entirely appropriate to kill infidel civilians, beat/kill women for adultery, commit honor killings of women and children, rape children, and impose the death penalty in the form of stoning for such crimes as minor theft and lese majeste.  This is a majority of those that admit to being  followers of Islaam. 



Can you prove your ignorant point that 700mil do that?  obviously you are very similar but on the other side of the isles?

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1 hour ago, hdkane said:

For anyone who thinks that Muslims are a peaceful people, and only a minority of believers adhere to violence as a means of expression and submission, just remember that 700,000,000 Muslims worldwide hold the view that it is entirely appropriate to kill infidel civilians, beat/kill women for adultery, commit honor killings of women and children, rape children, and impose the death penalty in the form of stoning for such crimes as minor theft and lese majeste.  This is a majority of those that admit to being  followers of Islaam. 



Am surprised you are still alive ????

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1 hour ago, hdkane said:

For anyone who thinks that Muslims are a peaceful people, and only a minority of believers adhere to violence as a means of expression and submission, just remember that 700,000,000 Muslims worldwide hold the view that it is entirely appropriate to kill infidel civilians, beat/kill women for adultery, commit honor killings of women and children, rape children, and impose the death penalty in the form of stoning for such crimes as minor theft and lese majeste.  This is a majority of those that admit to being  followers of Islaam. 





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On the contrary the military might be indirectly sustaining the insurgency through planned military inepitude and deliberate avoidance of any meaningful peace talks to justify substantial government funds to maintain its armed forces and paramilitary in the South.

I don't think that the ineptitude is planned...
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I dont think that these Thais understand what it would mean if ISIS ever got to Thailand.Their lives would change over night.No more beer or Loa khoa sold.No more ma and pa shops.No more TV only the government channel,No more bars or cinema's.All women would have to adopt the black shroud they wear.Thai women would be on offer to rape and pillage as these invader saw fit.No more sexy dresses for the girls,women will not be allowed to drive motorbikes,never mind have an education.I would like to see colonel Attawatterporn of Chonburi police being told that as a 'kaffir' he has to give his BMW 5 series to a muslim,just because he wants it.

The radicals hate every non believer and the Thais would suffer as badly as any other nation colonised by these psycho's.They think they can make friends with the invader and become a muslim,well think again.Oh yes! and no more Moo on sale.It shows the ignorance of a race when they believe that they would be better off with Islaam.
 But you cant make them believe it.Wait and see when they realise that the ferang's werent so bad.

Well thats my two cents.Now find these stupid sympathisers and burn them alive!

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3 hours ago, hdkane said:

For anyone who thinks that Muslims are a peaceful people, and only a minority of believers adhere to violence as a means of expression and submission, just remember that 700,000,000 Muslims worldwide hold the view that it is entirely appropriate to kill infidel civilians, beat/kill women for adultery, commit honor killings of women and children, rape children, and impose the death penalty in the form of stoning for such crimes as minor theft and lese majeste.  This is a majority of those that admit to being  followers of Islaam. 



I was volunteering in a Muslim school for 8 years here in Bkk. 

Those little kids are taught to behead cows once a year. 

They are shown extremely graphic videos of women having their stomach cut open. 

I have seen them walk past my class and practice throwing a bomb and walk away quickly. 

Any student that doesn't follow according to the student leader is beaten up and gets bags put over their heads. They have videos all day of Muslim clerics telling them to kill. Basically, they are brainwashed. All going on right here in good ole bkk. When the moe comes to visit, they hide it all. No hour long prayers. No videos. They paint a very pretty picture. Scariest kids I ever worked with. 

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6 hours ago, sikishrory said:

ISIS website = Not blocked? 

Pornhub = Blocked

Just saying


i get the sarcasm, but maybe, just maybe they let it go to see who was logging on?  if so,  good for them.. 


idk, ive lived and gone through a lot of these muslim communities.  no 1 smiles at me, thats for damn sure. 


i think for anyone thats lived in bkk and around it, and in thailand .. this is no surprise.. good to get the info out

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16 hours ago, starky said:

This is like the felon that came to Thailand after being in Cambodia with an international arrest warrant magnified 100000 times. Why do these pillocks need police services from other countries to not only do their job but explain it to them? Oh thats and still many want to praise the BIB for a job well done. Please. 


This aspect is not only confined to Thai Police, it happens world wide, so they're not pillocks.  it's called information sharing and it is a crime fighting tool used by most police forces.  If you knew how law enforcement operated and interacted then maybe you wouldn't be so harsh.  They really can't win can they, especially with the experts weighing in.  :wai:

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