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A look at 5 Trump business ties that pose conflicts


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America has gone insane.


There are so many jobs of every type nowadays where ethical standards are an integral part of the position. From factory workers having to follow the various rules and regulations for the safety of all to members of professional bodies having to remember and navigate a large minefields of no-no's relating to client relationships and government regulation.


And then we get this.


This is really too weird.

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7 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Even the Donald would not be that stupid. If I were him I would say "Give the job to Pence I'm out of here"


His ego won't let him resign. He's a borne and bred narcissist who thrives on adulation and flattery. Give up being photographed with all those business leaders and heads of state who will be coming to meet him both before and after his inauguration? No way, baby.

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58 minutes ago, Xircal said:


His ego won't let him resign. He's a borne and bred narcissist who thrives on adulation and flattery. Give up being photographed with all those business leaders and heads of state who will be coming to meet him both before and after his inauguration? No way, baby.


From the link you shared :  

Vice President-elect Mike Pence said: “I’m very confident that the President-elect and his extraordinary talented family are going to work with the best legal minds in this country and create the proper separation from their business enterprise during his duties as President of the United States.”


I guess everyone  working for this administration will have to be totally in line.  

Or is M. Pence always so oily? "extraordinary talented family "

Too much flattery is like insult to your intelligence ...

Edited by Opl
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7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Below is a quote from this web site  re; gifts given to Obama while he is/was prez. . . . 




On Lankawi Island in Malaysia, there's a large building which displays the thousands of gifts given from over a hundred world leaders, to former prez Mahathir.  It includes solar vehicles.  Oddly, there are no gifts from the US on display.

So it is legal,  We can dig dirt on anybody, but we should suck it up and support our elected officials at least until they make a mess of things, if they do.  If Trump doesn't do the right things he will likely not get reelected. I'm tired of the two party hate each other politics and I hope Trump rises above that. If not, back to the voting booth. Remember he was not supported by either side of the isle in this election. That says a lot about what he may do to expose congress for the bunch of swindlers they are.

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6 hours ago, NeilSA1 said:


Was the Statue of Liberty given to a president, in his personal capacity, or his country?                 Therein lies the difference.

Do you really think Trump wants the club, Don't you think it would be an insult to refuse it.

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10 hours ago, DriveByTrucker said:

Can we conclude that the complete lack of any reaction from Trump supporters in this thread mean that they too expect that this might become Trumps' downfall? Or are they just completely out of BS arguments to defend the inevitable diarrhea of corruption that the presidency of the Great Orange One will bring......

No you can't conclude that.  We are all out making money, like President Trump rather than sitting around speculating on this nonsense.  We've never had a President like him before.  Let's wait and see rather than lynch him before he his inauguration.

Edited by MadDog2020
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1 hour ago, Opl said:


From the link you shared :  

Vice President-elect Mike Pence said: “I’m very confident that the President-elect and his extraordinary talented family are going to work with the best legal minds in this country and create the proper separation from their business enterprise during his duties as President of the United States.”


I guess everyone  working for this administration will have to be totally in line.  

Or is M. Pence always so oily? "extraordinary talented family "

Too much flattery is like insult to your intelligence ...


They can say lots of things, but we live in the digital age now and with apps like Signal - recommended by Edward Snowdon incidentally - communicating secretly without leaving any trace affords the Trump family ample opportunity to communicate with their father and get hold of some spicy tips on how to capitalize on forthcoming foreign or domestic policy changes which will add a few more million $$$ to the Trump kitty.


I'm sure Trump has thought of that too and being an avaricious individual he's unlikely to allow the opportunity pass him by.


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1 minute ago, Xircal said:


They can say lots of things, but we live in the digital age now and with apps like Signal - recommended by Edward Snowdon incidentally - communicating secretly without leaving any trace affords the Trump family ample opportunity to communicate with their father and get hold of some spicy tips on how to capitalize on forthcoming foreign or domestic policy changes which will add a few more million $$$ to the Trump kitty.


I'm sure Trump has thought of that too and being an avaricious individual he's unlikely to allow the opportunity pass him by.



Thanks for pointing out that only Trump will take that opportunity, and Hilary would never ever have considered that possibility.



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26 minutes ago, Xircal said:


They can say lots of things, but we live in the digital age now and with apps like Signal - recommended by Edward Snowdon incidentally - communicating secretly without leaving any trace affords the Trump family ample opportunity to communicate with their father and get hold of some spicy tips on how to capitalize on forthcoming foreign or domestic policy changes which will add a few more million $$$ to the Trump kitty.


I'm sure Trump has thought of that too and being an avaricious individual he's unlikely to allow the opportunity pass him by.



Right ... brains are not as waterproof as M. Pence seems to believe..

There will be leaks,

There will be insider trading

There will be conflict of interest

but as D. Trump says : lawsuits are part of the costs for running business ..

Because we are talking about big big big business, America. inc under Trump.inc governance  

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4 minutes ago, Opl said:


Right ... brains are not as waterproof as M. Pence seems to believe..

There will be leaks,

There will be insider trading

There will be conflict of interest

but as D. Trump says : lawsuits are part of the costs for running business ..

Because we are talking about big big big business, America. inc under Trump.inc governance  


Lawsuits may well be a part of running a business and especially so in Trump's case, but he's not running a business now: he's running the most powerful country in the world and needs to be squeaky clean while he's doing it. That's going to prove the most difficult task he's ever had to accomplish I suspect and unlike one of his defunkt businesses, he won't be able to declare bankruptcy when his policies lead to mass unemployment and inflation goes ballistic.

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6 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Here's a bio of Trump.  I recommend it.  It's fun to watch. . . . . . 




Brilliant! Thanks for posting that.


Trying to move the tenants out of the building he bought by threatening them (34:34 in the video) certainly shows what  kind of a guy Trump is. I'm glad he was overruled.


Also, the part called "Making Waves in Palm Beach" which starts at 47:05 with Trump demanding that the city relocate the airport somewhere else because the noise from aircraft taking off and flying over the property was disturbing him is outrageous. City officials must have thought he was a complete nutter.


How on earth he got elected to the country's highest office is a complete mystery. But given all the furor over Trump's own accusation that the election was rigged if HRC had won, the question has to be asked whether it is possible to manipulate the result, only this time in Trump's favour: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-elections/could-hillary-clinton-appeal-us-election-results-hacking-russia-claims-wisconsin-a7433221.html



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A closer look into Donald's ties with Russia should also be considered. Russia sure went out of its way to try to get Donald into the White House. I doubt they did it just for kicks and giggles.


Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say



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19 hours ago, DriveByTrucker said:

Can we conclude that the complete lack of any reaction from Trump supporters in this thread mean that they too expect that this might become Trumps' downfall? 


More like the left have cried wolf so much that no one is listening to their nonsense anymore. That is how the Donald got elected president.

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One of tens of thousands of actions expected by Trump fans in upcoming years.


A Tibetan/Bhutanese couple who have been American citizens for 6 years.  Mr. and Mrs. Dorjee own two small restaurants and put on a popular ethnic festival annually in their small upstate NY town.


Since Trump was elected, Dorjee has been called 'a chink' twice, and his car has been vandalized, and he's been given 'the finger' - by different sets of rednecks.




A "NEW AMERICA" .....with Trump in charge.  ....or maybe it's like old times, in line with Trump's motto; 'sound bite; Make America Great Again.'    'Great', like when?  ....like Jim Crow days?  ....like the 1950's with McCarthy's witch hunts?



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Let me toss this into the hopper: Donald Trump is not yet the president. He is still a private citizen until January 20. So I assume this means he can take all the "gifts" he wants, doesn't need to turn them over to national archives, nothing. So listen up countries wanting undue influence: get your "gifts" in now while you can! Donald is a bit busy now, so will write "thank you" notes later, sometime late January.....

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20 hours ago, DriveByTrucker said:


IMO you're spot on. There are three reasons he wants to be president:

  1. It elevates his ego into the stratosphere
  2. He can enrich himself beyond anything imaginable
  3. It elevates his ego into the Mesosphere

The second one is what is going to kill him politically




What happens to the ego when he is facing impeachment? mark my words: he will be impeached or forced from office. if he doesn't start a war before then.

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A poster mentioned; "Trying to move the tenants out of the building he bought by threatening them (34:34 in the video) certainly shows what kind of a guy Trump is. I'm glad he was overruled."


Boomer responds:  That's a microcosm of the many bad things Trump will do after Jan 20th.  As easily as he bullied low-income tenants out of their rent-controlled apartments, he will bully migrants (going thru the process of trying to get green cards) out of the US.   Trump is 'a president for all the people' like I'm Mike Tyson.



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6 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:



What happens to the ego when he is facing impeachment? mark my words: he will be impeached or forced from office. if he doesn't start a war before then.


I can't see him lasting more than 2 years. Too many conflicts of interest among other things. So far he has the lowest approval rating of any incoming pres. It will be hard for him to get past that.

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28 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:



What happens to the ego when he is facing impeachment? mark my words: he will be impeached or forced from office. if he doesn't start a war before then.


You may be right, but, then again, you may not. How many on here swore that he would never win the election?

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29 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

he will bully migrants (going thru the process of trying to get green cards) out of the US.   Trump is 'a president for all the people' like I'm Mike Tyson.


You're right, he should set the doors wide open for immigrants, and make from the US the same lovely continent Europe is now.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


More like the left have cried wolf so much that no one is listening to their nonsense anymore. That is how the Donald got elected president.


You are still confusing "the left" with Clinton. There is a serious difference between what "the left" wants and what Clinton stands for. Of course it will take a tiny bit of self education to understand that difference, and I understand that some people are so convinced of their own believes that they ignore any kind of rationale.

The reason Trump got elected was because after Bernie was scammed out of a change to run for president, Trump took the idea(ls) from the left and made them part of his election program. Had Bernie ran for president, the socialist ideals would have been his program (I trust there are no arguments there as that was exactly what he preached during the primaries), and Trump would have played "the communist" card. The fact that Clinton iso Bernie got the nomination attracted the working class (left) voters to Trump and that made Trump win ao  Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania! So basically Trump got elected because of what you call "the left nonsense"! I am still wondering why you support Trump if not for "the left nonsense". The Wall? The Anti Muslim position? The support Trump gets from the Alt-right?


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