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Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 2m votes


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40 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

right, just like that one candidate that before even one vote was cast already talked about a rigged system in case he should loose, that's the definition of a sore looser and a crybaby.


I am glad not to be an American, I would be utterly ashamed being part of a country that actually voted an idiot such as Trump into the presidency.


The only mitigating fact is that this rigged system actually helped the idiot, as the most votes he did not win.




I think the "rigged system" refers to the agendas of the RNC and the DNC favoring one candidate over another and a biased media. I don't think it refers to how the votes in the general election are counted.

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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:


I'm all for recounting votes in close races or if some anomaly seems apparent, but I'm left wondering why does some private citizen have to raise funds for a recount? Shouldn't the FEC or the relevant Secretaries of State be spearheading this if such conditions exist?


46 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:


Excellent question and issue. So recounts are now subject to whether one can find a "sponsor" to fund it? I am uncomfortable with that and suspect the results of a recount would be affected by where the money comes from. I have no tolerance for creating such conditions.


States have laws that recounts are done if the winning margin is within a certain percentage. In the instant cases Trump's winning margins are larger than those required for recount. Therefore if someone wants a recount he has to petition for it and pay for it.


FWIW it's a waste of time and money. The Democrats lost, can't believe they lost and refuse to get over it. These are the same crybabies who roundly criticized Trump just before the election when he wouldn't 100% guarantee that he would accept the results if he lost.


Learn to say "President Trump".



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27 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


I think the "rigged system" refers to the agendas of the RNC and the DNC favoring one candidate over another and a biased media. I don't think it refers to how the votes in the general election are counted.

I wasn't talking about how the votes are counted. As to the media bias, well there is something called freedom of press. Apparently the press didn't much like what Trump had to say, most normal decent people wouldn't.


As a true populist, he blames others, tries to devide a society and like others his presidency will not achieve much. Populists always overpromise and under deliver, as some of the measures aren't even possible without huge loses or disadvantages.


Some specific part of the population always buys into the dream, and of course complain the most when it becomes apparent that it is just that what Trump is selling. Until the next one comes along and they buy it again :)

Edited by sjaak327
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21 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

I wasn't talking about how the votes are counted. As to the media bias, well there is something called freedom of press. Apparently the press didn't much like what Trump had to say, most normal decent people wouldn't.


As a true populist, he blames others, tries to devide a society and like others his presidency will not achieve much. Populists always overpromise and under deliver, as some of the measures aren't even possible without huge loses or disadvantages.


Some specific part of the population always buys into the dream, and of course complain the most when it becomes apparent that it is just that what Trump is selling. Until the next one comes along and they buy it again :)


It is the predictable outcome of the "lesser evil" mentality when choosing a candidate to vote for. Each election will produce two worse "evils" than the last for the voters to choose from. Heads you lose, tails you lose. I wish the people who are so outraged now had displayed the same outrage during the primary process which was indeed "rigged".

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1 hour ago, sjaak327 said:

right, just like that one candidate that before even one vote was cast already talked about a rigged system in case he should loose, that's the definition of a sore looser and a crybaby.


I am glad not to be an American, I would be utterly ashamed being part of a country that actually voted an idiot such as Trump into the presidency.


The only mitigating fact is that this rigged system actually helped the idiot, as the most votes he did not win.




Why don't you just call the candidates by name, instead of using expletives? Is it that difficult to control your emotions here?


IMO anyone that calls Trump an "idiot" would most definitely be an idiot.

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35 minutes ago, sjaak327 said:

I wasn't talking about how the votes are counted. As to the media bias, well there is something called freedom of press. Apparently the press didn't much like what Trump had to say, most normal decent people wouldn't.


As a true populist, he blames others, tries to devide a society and like others his presidency will not achieve much. Populists always overpromise and under deliver, as some of the measures aren't even possible without huge loses or disadvantages.


Some specific part of the population always buys into the dream, and of course complain the most when it becomes apparent that it is just that what Trump is selling. Until the next one comes along and they buy it again :)


It seems that you and all the Trump haters on this forum sound exactly the same. You could just copy and paste all the hateful nonsense and save yourself the trouble of typing it out.


Any decent American would get behind the new president-elect and hope that he can do some good. Like it or not, he's every American's president for at least 4 years.

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7 minutes ago, tropo said:

It seems that you and all the Trump haters on this forum sound exactly the same. You could just copy and paste all the hateful nonsense and save yourself the trouble of typing it out.


Any decent American would get behind the new president-elect and hope that he can do some good. Like it or not, he's every American's president for at least 4 years.

haha, so funny and ironic. The guy has offended whole parts of the population and now people find it shocking that the term idiot is used ? Something about casting the first stone comes to mind.


Why would we be civil to someone who has made a point to be uncivil to everyone that he takes a disliking to ?


As to the at least four years, there is something called impeachment, not saying he will be impeached, but someone with his track record does have some chance of ending up that way :)

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I'm having difficulty believing this issue has come up yet again!!


It's been done to death in another thread.   It is NOT the candidate who gains the most 'popular' votes who is President of the USA.  That is not the electoral system in place currently.


If you can't accept that Trump won, fairly and squarely, under the existing system, and continue bleating about popular votes, you are going to stress yourself out.


It's not that this hasn't happened previously.......this is the fifth time, as I understand it, and surely if the system was seen to be flawed on the previous occasions, it would have been changed?    



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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

The system is rigged. However, so many Americans rebelled against it, Trump won anyway.


We do not care what outsiders think. Kudos to our new President and his landslide electoral victory!

Landslide, seriously?


This was the lowest turnout in over 20 years. Our POTUS was elected with with just over a quarter of the eligible vote.


The real loser from all of this was our democracy, the fact that only 55% could actually get off their asses and make the effort to vote is shameful, and as Americans we should be ashamed.


There are cases to be made about the popular vote (no, stop with the conspiracy theories of Soros voting machines for God's sake), but have a Electoral College, and Trump won. Wasn't my choice, but that's democracy like it or not.


If either party takes anything away from this I hope it's the fact that whatever they are doing seems to have driven roughly half the population into thinking voting for anyone is pointless.


Thats NOT a landslide, it's actually a disaster



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5 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

Landslide, seriously?


This was the lowest turnout in over 20 years. Our POTUS was elected with with just over a quarter of the eligible vote.


The real loser from all of this was our democracy, the fact that only 55% could actually get off their asses and make the effort to vote is shameful, and as Americans we should be ashamed.


There are cases to be made about the popular vote (no, stop with the conspiracy theories of Soros voting machines for God's sake), but have a Electoral College, and Trump won. Wasn't my choice, but that's democracy like it or not.


If either party takes anything away from this I hope it's the fact that whatever they are doing seems to have driven roughly half the population into thinking voting for anyone is pointless.


Thats NOT a landslide, it's actually a disaster




It's a landslide. Trump won the Electoral College 306 to 232.


The turnout is going to wind up being about 60% which is comparable to every US presidential election for the past 100 years.  New York Times


Trump beat Hillary partly because he targeted the electoral college and she didn't. Trump held rallies in and advertised in those "swing states" that he thought he had a chance to win. Hillary didn't believe he could win them and didn't compete in them. Trump proved her wrong.


Hillary's campaign tactics were horrible when they were even evident. Much of the time she seemed to be in hiding while Trump was holding 5 rallies in different states every day as the election got closer. In the beginning he was holding 2 rallies per day in different places always targeting the electoral college votes he thought he could get. Trump went non-stop. I've never seen anyone work as hard as that man can work. His son Donald Jr. said "The way to get my father to do something is to tell him it can't be done." Seriously.


Trump outsmarted Hillary tactically and took the electoral college by a landslide.





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17 hours ago, DriveByTrucker said:


Not disputing that at all (actually she lost in more ways than one), just wonder what you think that she lost with 2 million (or 1.5%) more votes than the actual winner. What you think this means to the democracy of a country. And try to reflect it from an objective point of view, like when "your" choice was the one who lost this way....


The US is not a democracy and never was. The founders didn't want a democracy but rather formed a representative government of independent states. They were afraid of having the big states and big cities with big populations dictate to the smaller states. That would have happened this time without the electoral college.


Think of this. The US senate has 100 members. That's 2 for each of the 50 states regardless of the population of each state. That's a representative republic of the 50 states and has the same purpose as the electoral college. Each state is important and get's its say in things. No one complains when the Senate votes saying "The representatives of a popular vote majority of the people didn't get their way."


I don't know why it's easy for people to understand two votes each in the Senate but not the function of Electoral College.


The reason a democracy is bad might be explained by one of the US founders who it is claimed said "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch." - Often attributed to Benjamin Franklin.



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3 hours ago, sjaak327 said:

right, just like that one candidate that before even one vote was cast already talked about a rigged system in case he should loose, that's the definition of a sore looser and a crybaby.


I am glad not to be an American, I would be utterly ashamed being part of a country that actually voted an idiot such as Trump into the presidency.


The only mitigating fact is that this rigged system actually helped the idiot, as the most votes he did not win.




Edit: why bother.

Edited by MajarTheLion
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1 hour ago, sjaak327 said:

haha, so funny and ironic. The guy has offended whole parts of the population and now people find it shocking that the term idiot is used ? Something about casting the first stone comes to mind.


Why would we be civil to someone who has made a point to be uncivil to everyone that he takes a disliking to ?


As to the at least four years, there is something called impeachment, not saying he will be impeached, but someone with his track record does have some chance of ending up that way :)

You'll be waiting a long time my friend if you think a Republican Congress is gonna impeach The Donald...you'd have better luck waiting for Hillary to tell the truth about anything.

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1 minute ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

You'll be waiting a long time my friend if you think a Republican Congress is gonna impeach The Donald...you'd have better luck waiting for Hillary to tell the truth about anything.


With Pence waiting in the wings I think they'd throw Trump under the bus in a heartbeat. Depends on if they think it would damage them in the midterms.

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37 minutes ago, NeverSure said:


The US is not a democracy and never was. The founders didn't want a democracy but rather formed a representative government of independent states. They were afraid of having the big states and big cities with big populations dictate to the smaller states. That would have happened this time without the electoral college.


Think of this. The US senate has 100 members. That's 2 for each of the 50 states regardless of the population of each state. That's a representative republic of the 50 states and has the same purpose as the electoral college. Each state is important and get's its say in things. No one complains when the Senate votes saying "The representatives of a popular vote majority of the people didn't get their way."


I don't know why it's easy for people to understand two votes each in the Senate but not the function of Electoral College.


The reason a democracy is bad might be explained by one of the US founders who it is claimed said "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch." - Often attributed to Benjamin Franklin.



Exactly...just look at the disaster that is Europe...an economic basketcase for the most part, no defense capability to speak of, and being over-run with foreign migrants and terrorists. Seems they could do with an Electoral College as well.

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1 hour ago, GinBoy2 said:

Landslide, seriously?


This was the lowest turnout in over 20 years. Our POTUS was elected with with just over a quarter of the eligible vote.


The real loser from all of this was our democracy, the fact that only 55% could actually get off their asses and make the effort to vote is shameful, and as Americans we should be ashamed.


There are cases to be made about the popular vote (no, stop with the conspiracy theories of Soros voting machines for God's sake), but have a Electoral College, and Trump won. Wasn't my choice, but that's democracy like it or not.


If either party takes anything away from this I hope it's the fact that whatever they are doing seems to have driven roughly half the population into thinking voting for anyone is pointless.


Thats NOT a landslide, it's actually a disaster




It's an electoral landslide. No amount of complaining can change that.

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21 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:


I'm glad you're not American as well. I find it interesting how non-Americans like to inject themselves in to US politics. I have never told foreigners who to vote for and don't intend to now- especially when I see how silly it makes a person look.

I cut them some slack as who our president is, and decisions made in Washington DC, have major effects on them. So therefore the interest in our politics. One the other hand, what they do is of little or no consequence to the US...therefore the total lack of interest in theirs...call it hegemon's privilege ?

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1 minute ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

I cut them some slack as who our president is, and decisions made in Washington DC, have major effects on them. So therefore the interest in our politics. One the other hand, what they do is of little or no consequence to the US...therefore the total lack of interest in theirs...call it hegemon's privilege ?


Good point, really. I suppose I might also care if I was from some pissant country. I think I'll follow your lead, let it slide and just smile.  ;)

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The Democrats/liberals/progressives/globalists are in the third stage of denial. (Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.) When they get through this bargaining stage of talking about a recount (which could only help Trump) they'll begin to go away.


In the meantime the majority of states are going to begin getting what they wanted starting with some immigration control. As we watch what's going on in Europe, some of us can only shake our heads and wonder why they wouldn't trade their leaders for a Donald Trump.



Edited by NeverSure
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16 hours ago, Strange said:


Yes. Yes I would.  


The night before November 9 (Thai Time) I had personally accepted a "Hill" win. It wasn't until I woke up that morning that I was so pleasantly surprised. Never crossed my mind to contest or revolt or cry like a little biatch. 



Can I ask you something? 


Whats your infatuation with US politics and the USA in general? 


Also - who gives a shiiiiit what Jill Stein wants. Nothing is gonna change. She's just digging her own grave with that nonsense. 


Well you can ask. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. I have my right to comment on world affairs just as anyone else does and it is not your right to question my right to do so.



11 hours ago, CMNightRider said:


The most disgusting event these two are responsible for is the death's of Ambassador Chris Stevens, foreign service officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.


The entire Benghazi debacle sheds light on Clinton and Obama's lack of judgement, dishonesty, and non-exsistant leadership skills.  Good riddance to both of these lying, dishonest, and incompetent political hacks.  God Bless America, and God Bless Trump. :-)


No. The most disgusting thing is that despite all the evidence there are people like you still spreading this evil untrue crap. The most disgusting thing is the previous Republican that sent 6500 sons and daughters of the USA to their deaths (resulting also in the deaths of over a million innocent civilians) in a war that was based on 100% lies. THAT was disgraceful. The 4 people you mention did not die as a result of anything to do with Clinton, in fact they died as a result of cutbacks in security forced upon the Obama administration by the Republican congress. All of which is PROVEN rather than being subjective rubbish spouted by the likes of you.



4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

You mean combining a wall with a fence and keeping two good things about Obamacare? Very few voters on the right object. It is the left that are are using them for dishonest talking points.




Chief Supporter and justifier of the King of Flip Flops.




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37 minutes ago, NeverSure said:

The Democrats/liberals/progressives/globalists are in the third stage of denial. (Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.) When they get through this bargaining stage of talking about a recount (which could only help Trump) they'll begin to go away.


In the meantime the majority of states are going to begin getting what they wanted starting with some immigration control. As we watch what's going on in Europe, some of us can only shake our heads and wonder why they wouldn't trade their leaders for a Donald Trump.




Welcome back NeverSure :thumbsup:


I think that there are many across the EU that would take Trump in a minute, and send the flotsam to the US ( You have a big desert, where they could get lost :whistling: ) Help us out here.


I agreed with you away back in Jan / Feb that Trump would be POTUS, and I agree with you again. Many, many people are shaking their heads in Europe, and not just over The Donald :thumbsup:

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Hillary, popular in the very large cities  with very large populations.

  I am  just happy  that  she was popular,  give  her  an award  and

move on  already.  Look at the maps  and see all the red.  That  shows

that Donald won the country, popular or not.

  The election was not ever a popularity contest... and it would be

nice  if the Democrats  remember that now.


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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

Well you can ask. It has absolutely nothing to do with you. I have my right to comment on world affairs just as anyone else does and it is not your right to question my right to do so.


I never questioned you right to do so. I was wondering what your infatuation was all about. You don't just 'comment' you have a bit of a complex. 


5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

No. The most disgusting thing is that despite all the evidence there are people like you still spreading this evil untrue crap. The most disgusting thing is the previous Republican that sent 6500 sons and daughters of the USA to their deaths (resulting also in the deaths of over a million innocent civilians) in a war that was based on 100% lies. THAT was disgraceful. The 4 people you mention did not die as a result of anything to do with Clinton, in fact they died as a result of cutbacks in security forced upon the Obama administration by the Republican congress. All of which is PROVEN rather than being subjective rubbish spouted by the likes of you.


Such as this off topic nonsense blaming the US for over a million innocent deaths. Lawd man you need to take it easy on the Kool-aid. Your seething hatred and rhetoric is downright false, misleading, and insulting. 


People voted for trump. Trump won the Electoral College in a landslide. Take it easy on the hater-aid. 

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Just now, Stargrazer9889 said:

Hillary, popular in the very large cities  with very large populations.

  I am  just happy  that  she was popular,  give  her  an award  and

move on  already.  Look at the maps  and see all the red.  That  shows

that Donald won the country, popular or not.

  The election was not ever a popularity contest... and it would be

nice  if the Democrats  remember that now.




Exactly Stargazer.   People need a leader, a STRONG leader, and it's something so many countries lack right now, pussyfooting around political correctness like they're walking on eggshells.


There would be any number of European countries that would be hoping for a leader like Trump to emerge as their countries are overrun by barbarians.

Edited by F4UCorsair
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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


He is the President of the United States. It is only fair to support him till we see what he can do. I even gave BRrack Obama a chance for a few months.

No, he's not the President, he is the President-elect.   There is a difference.   It is a big difference.   

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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


He is the President of the United States. It is only fair to support him till we see what he can do. I even gave BRrack Obama a chance for a few months.



Agreed Ulysses.  He's not in the chair yet, so wait until he is, and settled in.


There wouldn't have been many who would have been content with Obama after his first few months, yet he won a second term.  Unbelievable.

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