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Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 2m votes


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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

'Liberal Snowflakes', as you call them, ACCEPTED THE ELECTION RESULTS.


Right :thumbsup::thumbsup:


It is Trump supporters ( Who are labelled are right wing and far right wing ) who are causing havoc, threatening all sorts, stamping their feet and generally just being all round pains in the @rse. :whistling::whistling:


Despite the overwhelming odds that Trump has came through, from the very start of this campaign, to get to where he is today, shows me that Trump and his team have the ability and capability, to do something special for America and its people.


That is not an endorsement to say that he / they WILL do something special for America and its people. History will be the judge of that.


So rather than attack the man, how about simply give him the chance and opportunity to see what he can actually do.


You never know, he might just start getting things right, rather than accepting the norm, which only works for business and the anointed few.






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14 hours ago, Morch said:


It is not a dishonest talking point at all, no matter how many time you'll deflect it or intentionally ignore the crux.

Trump was touted as a non-politician, the same sentiment appears even on some posts in this topic. Those opposing him simply highlight that this was never the case, and that all his grand statements ought to be taken as suspect. That certain posters retroactively claim to have known that all along is amusing, considering their previous posts are still out there.


Certain posters don't give a rat's bottom if Trump does or doesn't do everything that Trump said during a vitriolic campaign. Certain posters just care that she didn't win.

Certain posters will be happy if the only thing he does is keep the constitutional makeup of the SCOTUS.

Certain posters will accept anything that makes the border more secure than it is, even if that consisted of fairy lights backed up by lots of border guards with guns.

Need I go on?


She didn't win- I'm happy about that. The rest is jam.

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7 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:



Try his record in business.


2 hours ago, Strange said:


Taxation, Healthcare, Federal Budget want me to continue?


Trump's questionable business practices may (hopefully) not be applicable to managing the affairs of the nation. Running a private company is not the same as running a country, or filling a public position. Since Trump business affairs are not transparent, confidence in his abilities might be misplaced.

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2 minutes ago, SgtRock said:


Right :thumbsup::thumbsup:


It is Trump supporters ( Who are labelled are right wing and far right wing ) who are causing havoc, threatening all sorts, stamping their feet and generally just being all round pains in the @rse. :whistling::whistling:


Despite the overwhelming odds that Trump has came through, from the very start of this campaign, to get to where he is today, shows me that Trump and his team have the ability and capability, to do something special for America and its people.


That is not an endorsement to say that he / they WILL do something special for America and its people. History will be the judge of that.


So rather than attack the man, how about simply give him the chance and opportunity to see what he can actually do.


You never know, he might just start getting things right, rather than accepting the norm, which only works for business and the anointed few.






There is no point in being rational. The reaction of the snowflakes is the equivalent of a young child throwing a wobbly and crying on Xmas day because they didn't get the pony they wanted.

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1 hour ago, JDGRUEN said:


When the hidden information was stonewalled by everyone in the State Department and the White House and even the Defense Dept. incriminating information - the smoking gun of course could not be found... but with Wikileaks and others it is seeping out... Then under the new AG for Trump and other key Executives - the truth - the smoking gun will come out... hiding information is hardly indications of innocence.


Which still doesn't make your "reign of terror" comment any less unhinged.


That you assume there's a smoking gun doesn't make it so. That you assume investigations will resume, doesn't make it so.


It's is kinda odd going on about others supposedly not accepting elections results, while at the same time not accepting the results of these investigations.

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3 minutes ago, Morch said:

Trump's questionable business practices may (hopefully) not be applicable to managing the affairs of the nation. Running a private company is not the same as running a country, or filling a public position. Since Trump business affairs are not transparent, confidence in his abilities might be misplaced.


Money is money homeboy. 


Hillary Clinton had just about zero business acumen so on the topic of money, budgets, business, Trumps got it. 


What you find questionable the majority of business people consider completely normal. You don't have to like it, but such as it is worldwide, not just the USA. 

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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Certain posters don't give a rat's bottom if Trump does or doesn't do everything that Trump said during a vitriolic campaign. Certain posters just care that she didn't win.

Certain posters will be happy if the only thing he does is keep the constitutional makeup of the SCOTUS.

Certain posters will accept anything that makes the border more secure than it is, even if that consisted of fairy lights backed up by lots of border guards with guns.

Need I go on?


She didn't win- I'm happy about that. The rest is jam.


That's your opinion, and you're welcome to it. I don't think it represents all or even most Trump supporters.


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Just now, Morch said:


That's your opinion, and you're welcome to it. I don't think it represents all or even most Trump supporters.



I would whole heartedly disagree. The only people winging about what Trump is doing is the anti-trump crowd. 

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Just now, Strange said:


Money is money homeboy. 


Hillary Clinton had just about zero business acumen so on the topic of money, budgets, business, Trumps got it. 


What you find questionable the majority of business people consider completely normal. You don't have to like it, but such as it is worldwide, not just the USA. 




Private business is not the same as public. Diplomacy and foreign affairs are not like running a private business. What one may pull off as a private business is not acceptable on a national or international level.


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2 minutes ago, Strange said:


I would whole heartedly disagree. The only people winging about what Trump is doing is the anti-trump crowd. 


Which got nothing to do with my post, talk about taking things out of context.

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11 minutes ago, Morch said:


That's your opinion, and you're welcome to it. I don't think it represents all or even most Trump supporters.



I think it does. It certainly represents my opinion. Hillary 

lost, the border will be more secure and the Supreme Court will not be pushed far to the left. That is pretty much what I was hoping for.

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16 minutes ago, Morch said:




Private business is not the same as public. Diplomacy and foreign affairs are not like running a private business. What one may pull off as a private business is not acceptable on a national or international level.



I never said anything about diplomacy and foreign affairs. Im talking about <deleted> taxes, healthcare, federal budget, etc. Thats all money. One poster says 'its not like running a business' and I disagree and show clear and very important issues that are exactly like running a business. 

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You could drive through the whole country, fact remains, Hillary got almost 2 million votes more. The EC is all about throwing away votes on requirements or concerns in 1787, now we are a few centuries further.
It's funny how people that support the EC claim it is good because candidates will campaign in state X or Y, but forget that most of the non swing states see precious little of the candidates, and those states vastly outnumber the swing states. Time to get rid of this undemocratic system. And quite frankly, since each state already has their own parliaments, the person who calls the shot at the FEDERAL government should be elected on popular vote, where a vote from Manhattan counts just the same as the one from Tallahassee or hicksville wherever.
Campaign on televison will bring down the ridiculous costs as well, a win-win.

So it is ok for perhaps 5 major US cities to have the power to pick the president. The rest of the country won't really matter and anyone running would only go to the selected few cities that can get them elected.
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1 minute ago, ttthailand said:

So it is ok for perhaps 5 major US cities to have the power to pick the president. The rest of the country won't really matter and anyone running would only go to the selected few cities that can get them elected.


Because in the Liberal mind "Hicksville" votes don't count for anything and the progressive vote is the only one that should be counted.  



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3 hours ago, Silurian said:


Okay, you got me. I actually had to go look for this item. The reviews of it on Amazon are quite entertaining to read.


Donald Trump's Christmas ornament made Amazon reviews great again




Thanks. I kind of thought when I posted it it might be a gag. I try to post fun things keep it lite sometimes I stray into dark territories. I think we all have small dark sections in our grey matter. A couple guys who cross all the t's and dot their i's have brought me to task which is OK. They enlighten me in the process. Its the real nasty guys that I dislike brimming with sarcasm. They try to cut you up and dissect you with their verbal scalpels.  

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6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


I think it does. It certainly represents my opinion. Hillary 

lost, the border will be more secure and the Supreme Court will not be pushed far to the left. That is pretty much what I was hoping for.


As you like to point out, that's your opinion. I doubt that you can demonstrate that it is representative of all or most Trump's supporters sentiments. I doubt all voted for him simply to block HRC, or that but a few, everyone saw right through his sales pitch. Even just on this forum, there are enough primaries and presidential campaigns time poststo suggest many others felt differently or bought into it.

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6 minutes ago, Morch said:


My point had nothing to do with who is complaining. That's your line.


The only people making as issue out of it and bringing anything up about what trump is doing are the anti-trump brigade up to and including the MSM. 


Repub President? Check


Repub Congress? Check


Repub House? Check


Supreme Court? Check


Upper crust blocked from going full retard? Check

Edited by Strange
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Just now, Strange said:


The only people making as issue out of it and bringing anything up about what trump is doing are the anti-trump brigade up to and including the MSM. 


Repub President? Check


Repub Congress? Check


Repub House? Check


Upper crust blocked from going full retard? Check


And again, you are missing my point. It got nothing to do with who brings it up.

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1 minute ago, Morch said:


And again, you are missing my point. It got nothing to do with who brings it up.


I think you don't have a point and are just trying to make noise. Thats cool. 


Whats the hillary vote count currently? 

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3 hours ago, Silurian said:


Okay, you got me. I actually had to go look for this item. The reviews of it on Amazon are quite entertaining to read.


Donald Trump's Christmas ornament made Amazon reviews great again




PS Yes Donald will make himself greater but America? the proof will be in the pudding so to speak. He is looking more and more like a caretaker president. His interaction with the elites the beltway the establishment seems to becoming symbiotic in nature looking at his appointments. Some are well past their best before dates. He is also looking at way to many generals to suite me. 

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6 minutes ago, Strange said:


I think you don't have a point and are just trying to make noise. Thats cool. 


Whats the hillary vote count currently? 


The point was clearly made, on several posts. If you have trouble figuring it out, try going back and reading my posts again, slowly. Don't think I had much to say about HRC vote count, and did not contest the election results.


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         So, are you saying the election was rigged to favor Trump?   I don't use the word 'rigged' to describe Trump's win of electoral votes.   Instead, I will say Trump's win was ugly.  Even right wingers admit there were shitstorms of false news from right wingers, exacerbated by Trump's incessant lying.  A big factor was Trump fans' belief (because they wanted to believe) every BS story that came down the tubes from either internet scammers or The Divider himself.  


          He told so many lies so often, that even Trump's sheeple won't be surprised when The Divider doesn't deliver on most of his promises.   Already, Trump is backing off from. . . . . . 


>>>>  appointing a special prosecutor to put HRC in jail

>>>>  the wall.  It's become a fence, ....maybe.

>>>>  deleting DOE (Education)

>>>>  deleting EPA and IRS

>>>>  Banning all Muslims from entering the US


Trump's sheeple cheered mightily each time The Divider shouted those things (and many other lies) from the stage.  I knew they were lies, but Trump's sheeple didn't know and didn't care.  All they wanted was their blundering con man in charge.   

We know Trump's position on all the issues. If he had it his way we know what he would do. But he won't have it his way thus he has to soften in a few areas and perhaps stop in areas that are loosing battles. Trump has said that he wants to be the president for all the people. As long as he looks after the people's interests and not big business or Wall Street I am fine with that. A president in today's age needs to be able to make a change in his stance as it is a fast changing world. We can not have someone who is so fixed in his believes that he or she will bring the entire country down just to make a point or stick with a election promise.

Give the guy a chance and when he screws up get on his case. Even Bernie, who I supported, says to give him a chance.

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15 minutes ago, Strange said:

Because in the Liberal mind "Hicksville" votes don't count for anything and the progressive vote is the only one that should be counted.  


All American votes should be counted. No one, except maybe you, says differently.  Yet, many weird things happened during this election cycle.  Not least, is the fact that many Trump voters were basing their decision on false news coupled with lies from Trump.   Trump's incessant lies are well documented ("I was never in favor of the Iraq war" etc. ad nauseum).  Along with that are Trump's wrong assertions, like the article he read out loud at rallies which was pulled from a mistaken (quotes wrongly attributed) story in Russia's Sputnik newspaper.  Besides the ugly lies which emanated daily from his forked tongue, there are the many false news stories which Trump fans sucked up like a fat woman stuffing Twinkies in her face.


Just sayin'; Trump's victory was largely floated on a cesspool of lies and fake news.  


And before all Trump's sheeple start bleating about, "Well, Hillary did it too!"


Just not true.  Make a list of the things HRC said about Trump, and how often.  Now make a list about things Trump said about HRC and Bill, and how often.  Compare the lists.  One is nearly nothing.  The other is book length, small font.  Maybe Trump fans don't see it, but to reasonable people, every time we hear them crying, "HRC did it too!" or "HRC did worse!" it sounds like bratty 2nd graders.  It's got zero credence.  If their hero is an immature, name-calling, vindictive, lying man, .....how can we expect his rabid supporters to be any better?

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12 minutes ago, Morch said:


The point was clearly made, on several posts. If you have trouble figuring it out, try going back and reading my posts again, slowly. Don't think I had much to say about HRC vote count, and did not contest the election results.



You realize the topic of the thread right? Or did you think this was the "Woefully Unfit" thread? 

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16 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Just sayin'; Trump's victory was largely floated on a cesspool of lies and fake news.  


Thats certainly your opinion but there are more things at play than you thinking every trump voter is an idiot and FYI thats a big reason why Ol' Hill & Bill have "Been FIRED" 


8 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

how can we expect his rabid supporters to be any better?


You believe all his supporters are rabid and thats a problem. I don't think all Hillarys supporters are crying snowflakes but those are the ones getting exposure and trying to be heard. A vast majority on both sides are just going to work and coming home and eating dinner either happy they won or disappointed they lost. 


Ive seen your posts from weeks before the election and after and your rhetoric & blatant lies & intentional misinformation are a sight to behold. 

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16 minutes ago, Strange said:


You realize the topic of the thread right? Or did you think this was the "Woefully Unfit" thread? 


You do realize my comment was a response, right? Or did you take issue with someone bringing it up from your point of view?

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4 hours ago, Strange said:


Hillarys 2 million more votes mean nothing other than to prove that Cali, Illinois, NY shouldn't be running the country.


Hillarys 2 million more votes mean nothing as the game was played based on the EC. 


Nobody even brought up abolishing the EC until Trump won so it was only an "undemocratic system" when they lose. 


Its impossible to speculate how it would have played out of the rules were the popular vote, and its not an after the fact foot-note of a game played by different rules.  If you look at the election map by county you can clearly see a lot of red and very little blue. Its obvious that campaigning would concentrate in those areas and I'm inclined to think that Trump would have still won. More Republican voters would be out in Cali, Illinois, NY - however more Democrat voters might turn out in "Hicksville" as well so who knows. 


I don't think the EC is perfect but I think its better than the popular vote. 


You can argue till the cows come home, your first sentence already reveal you have no idea about democracy. You seem to believe a vote in California should not count equally to a vote in Florida.


the criticism towards the EC has been going on for decades, heck even Trump himself did so when he (incorrectly) believed Obama won the EC but lost the popular vote.


The EC is about throwing away votes on criteria that were written centuries ago. Time to change.

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