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Exercise/walking Machines

lotus eater

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I want to buy one of these. Have seen one or two that would suit me - Proteus brand in Central Plaza. But they're expensive.

- Are there likely to be post-christmas sales for these items in the shops?

- Is there somewhere other than the big department stores, Airport & Central Plazas, Carrefour & Big C, that I could be looking in?

- Anyone owning one of these have a strong recommendation or warning about a particcular brand? (I don't need a machine with bells and whistles - just something robust, reliable and longlasting.)

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i remember a specialist fitness shop next to Suan Dork gate that had running machines, bike etc and seemed to have a permanent sale. If you pass Suan Dork gate on your left (with the moat on your right) it is in the first or second parade of shops. Looks like a gym from the outside! This was almost a year ago so not sure if its still there..

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I can't give you as good as directions as kuhan did, but there is a fitness shop jammed with equipment including on the sidwalk outside, on your left, the moat is on your right as you head for the airport on the west side of the old city very near the Fujitsu Computer Shop and a small hotel. I can't remember if it is before or after the road narrows quite alot at a gate before opening up again.

Anyway, I bought a full set of dumbells and a four station gym from them and they discounted their published prices by almost 50 percent, but I went back over a period of months to get the price to rock botom. I even was taken out to CMU gym to see a recently installed multi station gym with bicycle chain. Keep negotiating with them using the large department store prices as a guide.

My dumbells were slightly used, falang had bout them for 50K Baht from them and asked them to sell for him since he had to leave town. I paid 20K and they are world class rubber plates with large grips and very stong

rack. 10 to 45 kilo. Your right to watch quality on any machine asked to take your full weight at a trot. If the machine wiggles at all while testing it, stay away.

I do use a deep step type machine that I bought for only 4k Baht at Carrefour that wiggles like crazy but is till working four years later. I stayed away from the more expensive ones that have electronics or exercise programs and don't use treadmills in my workouts, get enough running on the tennis court.

Its called a Time Works Junior and was the only machine that provided a very deep step short of the 300K Step Master machine I prefer when I go to a club.

Do let us know if you found it and the address if you can remember to post a follof up of your impressions of this establishment.

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Good timing.

I actually have a very good quality motorized treadmill that I bought a while back and, lazy guy that I am, have used only about three times. My wife wants the unused thing out of our little house and I would part with it for likely less than half what I paid for it even though it is virtually brand new.

It has a flat or incline adjustment, timer, variable speed lots faster than I can run, keeps track of actual speed in km/hr, distance covered, calories burned, etc.. I still have the little wrenches for setup, book, and the protective plastic sheet is still on the readout panel. It runs very quietly and would last a very long time, I am sure.

It is a G-Sports model mtm-4500 if that means anything to you.

Drop me a pmail and let's talk...

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IN the old days .. people travel by walking .. and that is why in the pass .. people live to be 70 - 80s

and some more..


we work and earn money stay in office or workshop .. half our life .. and even walking we need a machine to help use do it ..

i ponder .. will we need some kinda carrier some so we can mentally feel good .

. my suggestion .. get a pair of ok shoe .. notthing fancy ..

start WALKING around your house ..

that would save you tons of money .. and have less excuse . ...

good luck ..

most of the stuff sold in shopping mall is rip off price .. waiting for some rich .. mindless old fat man to go buy it cos there will feel good .

or some .. overweight woman who feel that buying such device can be their best excuse for not doing the real workshop ..


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IN the old days .. people travel by walking .. and that is why in the pass .. people live to be 70 - 80s

and some more..


we work and earn money stay in office or workshop .. half our life .. and even walking we need a machine to help use do it ..

i ponder .. will we need some kinda carrier some so we can mentally feel good .

. my suggestion .. get a pair of ok shoe .. notthing fancy ..

start WALKING around your house ..

that would save you tons of money .. and have less excuse . ...

good luck ..

most of the stuff sold in shopping mall is rip off price .. waiting for some rich .. mindless old fat man to go buy it cos there will feel good .

or some .. overweight woman who feel that buying such device can be their best excuse for not doing the real workshop ..


Well, certainly plenty of negativity there!

While you may be right about many people, there are also those who are sensitive to strong sunlight or high heat and those who would like to have an excercise alternative during inclimate weather which isn't going to be solved with a pair of shoes.

Not to mention that a treadmill frequently fills out a personal workout room with free weights and other exercise tools that serve desires beyond simply walking around the block.

It would be way cool if you could, rather than pontificating, offer answers more in line with the intent of the original post?

Nah... :o

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i am anot aginst any one or being negative or anyone just staing my view :o

HUMAN DON"T need a 20,000 baht bath to workout .. that is not logical .

well if you have the money nobody stopping you .

but if it workout you are looking for .

DOING HOUSE WORK . cleaning the house .. walking STEP . you can alway go scroll at night .. and near evening . in Park . fresh air too .

if it cold wear an extra jacket .

what kinda excuse do we need to workout ? -

Some people can tell me thing like there are lazy to walk . 200 meter and wanna go jogging to slim down .

or buy some device to help them walk or slim down . whhhahhaahha

You will never be be fit ot lose weight this way ..

take away the sloth . and you will gain health . daily thing is the best workout .

the idea of a walking machine .. is so strange to me ... now you need a machine to help you walk .

what is next a machine to help you eat ? and have sex ?

sex is a good workout too . : )

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Well, I'm looking for a small 'riding' machine that I can move to be in front of where I'm seated (meaning, I want just the machine, nothing else like a seat). I'm left side paralyzed and balancing myself on a bike is very difficult.. My pool is getting cold, but I still need to work my legs as much as possible.. If you know of such a machine, I'd like to hear of it...

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