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Trump assails recount push, claims millions voted illegally


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23 minutes ago, Anthony5 said:


You think the illegals would vote to get deported asap?


Can you explain to us the process of how an illegal can vote?, it's hard enough for legals to vote in some areas. Or perhaps how can a dead person vote (yes they can still be on the register until taken off - but how do they actually vote)?


I can just see illegals risking arrest at polling booths just to try and get a vote in, which really isn't possible is it? Admit it.

Edited by Andaman Al
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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:


Can you explain to us the process of how an illegal can vote?. Or perhaps how can a dead person vote (yes they can still be on the register until taken off - but how do they actually vote)?


Ever heard of bogus ID papers?

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1 hour ago, Diplomatico said:


  There is zero evidence that I've seen reported.  Nate Silver, notable and respected statistician, says that demographics (not hacking) explain the election results in those states:


  "There’s no clear evidence that the voting method used in a county — by machine or by paper — had an effect on the vote. Anyone making allegations of a possible massive electoral hack should provide proof, and we can’t find any."





Sorry, but do you understand English? How can you conclude 'zero evidence' when the author writes 'no clear evidence'?

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1 minute ago, Anthony5 said:


Ever heard of bogus ID papers?

Taking bogus ID papers, but somehow getting registered in the first place, and then risking arrest and capture to vote for a politician that doesn't give a toss for them anyway, because they are illegal. You are having a laugh aren't you. Be serious. You need aTrump inoculation before it gets too contagious. 

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3 hours ago, JAG said:

He would have won the popular vote if all the illegal votes were discounted!


The Big Lie?  (first of many).


Goebbels was rather better at it.


All"movements " need an enemy within to struggle against, it gives them an excuse for action.


The Nazis had the Jews,  Stalin had the bourgeoisie ,  Castro  had the CIA agents, perhaps Trump will have the "illegals"?

Trump is obviously wrong about millions of illegals voting...but he absolutely correct that illegal immigration is curse on the usa...they siphon resources away from the citizeny...for an illegal to contribute positively to the usa economy, they must spend about 150,000 usd in order generate enough tax income to offset the benefits they receive from the citizens who actually pay taxes...they consume public assistance at a rate that is about twice that of a legal citizen...if illegals were not there soaking up public resources, there could actually be a reasoned discusson about health care, social security, and education reform...instead, this is all scuttled by the Dems because illegals and their offspring form a large percentage of their voter base...the Dems are willing to sacrifice public welfare for power...

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14 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Sorry, but do you understand English? How can you conclude 'zero evidence' when the author writes 'no clear evidence'?


  I'm sorry.....I missed the part where you provided evidence to substantiate your claim that there was any whatsoever.  And you're just being pedantic to claim there's any significant difference between 'zero evidence' and 'no clear evidence'.  Again, if you have some credible evidence of vote tampering - by all means, post it.


  Oh wait, that's right - it doesn't exist.

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8 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:


That is not evidence, it is complete and utter crap and you should be ashamed for putting it on the forum.



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11 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

About as convincing as Winnie the Pooh's diet plan!


Mind you I thought that the story that followed, about the Swedish Chef being beaten up by muslim immigrants because he looked like Donald Trump could be turned into a credible episode of the Muppet Show...

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8 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

How's this for evidence...


Not good.   http://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/election/article116742673.html




 the report is actually a tweet, and the person who authored the tweet won’t explain how he arrived at his figure. If that isn’t reason enough to be skeptical, independent experts and historical analyses suggest it’s highly suspect.



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18 minutes ago, Diplomatico said:


  I'm sorry.....I missed the part where you provided evidence to substantiate your claim that there was any whatsoever.  And you're just being pedantic to claim there's any significant difference between 'zero evidence' and 'no clear evidence'.  Again, if you have some credible evidence of vote tampering - by all means, post it.


  Oh wait, that's right - it doesn't exist.

Looks like you missed my earlier post in which I gave a link. As I said, I think the evidence is weak and I don't think it is very credible, which is why I did not claim there to be.


And yes, there is a significant difference between 'zero evidence' and 'no clear evidence'.

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Just now, JAG said:

He would have won the popular vote if all the illegal votes were discounted!


What illegal votes?


Whaddya got?

Your Glorious Leader's word?


Exactly. That's all ya got.



Dunning Kruger.

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12 minutes ago, iReason said:


What illegal votes?


Whaddya got?

Your Glorious Leader's word?


Exactly. That's all ya got.



Dunning Kruger.

Umh,  I don't think you read, or perhaps did but misunderstood, my post!

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4 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Here is what is really going on...



This  blog is straight out of left field and is conjecture. Usually the easiest answer is the right one. Jill Stein is behind it all to keep herself in the headlines. 

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4 minutes ago, Rob13 said:


This  blog is straight out of left field and is conjecture. Usually the easiest answer is the right one. Jill Stein is behind it all to keep herself in the headlines. 


Hmm...maybe then Jill can get enough exposure to double her votes the next time she runs. 2% here we come!

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Just now, hdkane said:

Trump is obviously wrong about millions of illegals voting...but he absolutely correct that illegal immigration is curse on the usa...


they siphon resources away from the citizeny...for an illegal to contribute positively to the usa economy, they must spend about 150,000 usd in order generate enough tax income to offset the benefits they receive from the citizens who actually pay taxes...they consume public assistance at a rate that is about twice that of a legal citizen...


if illegals were not there soaking up public resources, there could actually be a reasoned discusson about health care, social security, and education reform...


Yee Haw!

Alot of flat out, unsubstantiated, warped outside of reality, BS in that post.

Too bad the Trumpeteers don't have the intelligence nor the inclination to research who is really on the dole in 'murica...





Lest we forget the corporate subsidies. BILLIONS.

But that's ions away from their simple minded parlor/trailer park talk...




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7 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Hmm...maybe then Jill can get enough exposure to double her votes the next time she runs. 2% here we come!


She's getting more press now than she did before the election. Plus she's tied herself with Hilary. No such thing as bad publicity. If she's trying to build a party, she's  working a pretty good angle.

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15 minutes ago, iReason said:


Yee Haw!

Alot of flat out, unsubstantiated, warped outside of reality, BS in that post.

Too bad the Trumpeteers don't have the intelligence nor the inclination to research who is really on the dole in 'murica...





Lest we forget the corporate subsidies. BILLIONS.

But that's ions away from their simple minded parlor/trailer park talk...





Nothing wrong with Americans on the dole.




Because they are AMERICAN


Illegal Immigrants should never even come into the equation 

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Just now, Strange said:


Nothing wrong with Americans on the dole.




Because they are AMERICAN


Illegal Immigrants should never even come into the equation 



Not surprised.

Over your head comprehension.

Read the secondary links.

Get angry with who has really taken you to the cleaners.

Hoo Ya!

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Just now, LivinginKata said:

Quite right ... but how do you think Jill Stein raised the 7 million dollars.


Dunno. I have no idea.


What's your take? :whistling: 

A conspiracy? (in your mind?)

Pray tell, give us your data on the subject.

Instead of spurious speculation...

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2 hours ago, Anthony5 said:


You think the illegals would vote to get deported asap?


How does an illegal immigrant vote for anyone if they aren't legally registered? And as someone else said, why would they take such a risk? It was the other illegality that Trump was surely referring to (?) that I commented on.

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3 hours ago, hdkane said:

Trump is obviously wrong about millions of illegals voting...but he absolutely correct that illegal immigration is curse on the usa...they siphon resources away from the citizeny...for an illegal to contribute positively to the usa economy, they must spend about 150,000 usd in order generate enough tax income to offset the benefits they receive from the citizens who actually pay taxes...they consume public assistance at a rate that is about twice that of a legal citizen...if illegals were not there soaking up public resources, there could actually be a reasoned discusson about health care, social security, and education reform...instead, this is all scuttled by the Dems because illegals and their offspring form a large percentage of their voter base...the Dems are willing to sacrifice public welfare for power...

As somebody else has asked,how do illegals vote.

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